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2:11 AM
hi nerds
long time no
3 hours later…
5:36 AM
Buenos dias
@juanvan LPT: Don't work with VB
I come in and have like 20 E-Mails about failed pipelines. Wtf do people do after I leave on friday :/
5:50 AM
Morning <3
Squirrelkiller, I think I may in the category of one of those people...:P
That thought usually means you are not ;)
It's similar to people who don't want to be a bad father, or that quote about people fitting and unfitting to be in a position of power.
Those who want power are usually the most unfitting.
This shit is valid everywhere I notice
It seems in pop culture most know of Douglas Adams' "anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job"
But before that it seems was Plato
> Those who seek power are not worthy of that power
6:11 AM
07:50 and you guys talking about Plato? on monday? You crazy nerds
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
@Squirrelkiller Buenos Aires
6:26 AM
@Squirrelkiller I remember, in a game community when I was young, I used to ask the community to make me a moderator. They used to say, you don't ask for it. xD
6:44 AM
In a shooter game I sometimes play at (I rarely play nowadays) one dude asked me to request joining their clan. I failed to notice that, until a friend I was talking at discord said me "You moron, he just asked you to join them!". So... Yeah, there are sometimes the community elects its members
In a server from a different clan I was active at, some months earlier, I saw one dude insulting that clan membrs, and I reported the missbehavior on the server forum (that asshole got temp-banned), I did it only because it was fair, and I had already forgotten...

When I applied to the clan the dude that asked me to apply, which he was the same I defended from that asshole, told them what I had done
how are you @bradbury9?
Fine ;-)
cool, good deeds pay you back sometimes haha
7:31 AM
7:43 AM
Hey, breakfast is here :yummy:
Welcome back @Harry \o/
We all know about the default string comparer StringComparer, but is there something like a DateComparer for CompreByDate or do I need to implement my own?
good morning
8:05 AM
morning ntohl
Hello Everyone
Can someone help me in abp framework if anyone of you is using the same?
@Squirrelintraining No idea what a StringCompare should do that I can't do with =/<=>/.Equals - what should this DateComparer do?
@Squirrelkiller It compares upper and lowe case aswell
You mean, a datestring?
Ah the comparer, right
So what should the DateComparer do?
Like People.ToLookup(p => p.FirstName, StringComparer.IgnoreCase) and voilá you can just check it with "Finn" and "finn"
@Squirrelkiller DateComparer.CompareByDate i.g.
So date1.Date == date2.Date
8:12 AM
Like .SortBy(obj => obj.Date)?
more like var peoplByBirthdays = People.ToLookup(p => p.BirthDate, DateComparer.ByDate)
var peopleWhosBirthdayIsToday = peoplByBirthdays[DateTime.Now];
Is BirthDate a DateTime?
I like that example, and I just came up with it out of the top of my head
@Squirrelkiller No It's a banana!
No idea
Other question: What's the alternative to .ByDate?
Would dtBirthDate be better?
8:15 AM
With strings you could compre case-insensitive, case-sensitive, culture-sensitive, culture-insensitive...
@Squirrelkiller by hour? by year? Havn't got any usecases forany of them but i think ByMonth/Year might be usefull.
Ah I understand
No idea, good luck
That Ah reminds me of my daughter who had a cup of water and wanted to look at the bottom of the glass. So she tipped the cup over and poured water all over her lap. Her immediate reacitonwas ah
Just a quick ah followed by 10s silence and then crying.
8:20 AM
Is it so hot in your apartment already?
Nah she just didn't realize what would happen if you tip a half-full cup upside down
Lol fast way to learn then :D
@Squirrelintraining Two weeks ago it happened to me the same (I looked what time was it but forgot I had the mug in the hand), my reaction was different (I started laughing and said "OMG I am dumb").
i mean yeah it is a pretty dumb thing to do to pour a cup of liquid on yourself...not like ive ever done it
apart from that one time i was swinging a bucket full of water arround and slowed down too much and it all dropped on my head
8:29 AM
@bradbury9 :'D
@Harry I think we've all done that :D
9:04 AM
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaans o/
Where is @Hozuki?
Does that even ping?
Roel, I summon thou!
o \o o/
@Squirrelintraining "thou"
or "thee"
9:15 AM
I don't see your problem
me neither
I was probably blind
oh harry
long time no see
hows it going
yessss hans mate im good im good how are you
im fine
given the current world situation
not dead yet
i was on furlough so i didnt bother coming here lol
9:19 AM
oh, I see
@Harry Never ever read that word ':D
It means Holiday from the frontlines right?
pretty much
its the happy alternative to redundancy
the government paid me 80 perecnt of my salary to sit on my ass and get drunk in the day
that doesnt sound particularly productive
its not
but it was very enjoyable
9:47 AM
Roachy life, great life
9:59 AM
the showdown
@Hans1984 Hans vs. Nyan?
it was actually posted by nybot
when i used shiba command in another chat
10:21 AM
We should totally reinstate thou as the singular you
You should write a script that automatically collapses your images
Similar to how Holly built her bot
if(link.endsWith(\....) && link.startsWith(http)) Timeout(110, collapse(message));
Disclaimer: That is neither C# nor JS, nor a particular framework - merely pseudocode.
10:32 AM
I still need to do that
but for me, that is quite difficult
probably need to have some special application to control that
Collapsing your images?
A collapsing Wietbot's images
make Wietbot collapse my posts
I suppose I could make the client handle the delay actually
Just give some coordinator entity (I don't know Wietbot's architecture) a list of tasks that get executed after almost 2 minutes
considering it is a long living application and it is the trigger for it anyway
@Squirrelkiller the issue is that almost none of the applications are allowed to live that long
they must finish within 10 seconds for example
and I havent really found a nice way to delay the invoke
Ah, only the client lives longer?
10:40 AM
ye, there is one exception, which is the client, which has the web socket connection
the web socket connection needs to be kept alive, so that is why it is special
Well does AWS have a kind of...scheduler? Like, give it a bit of code and tell it "run this in 100 seconds"?
it has a scheduler as in "run this function every 15 minutes"
or "run this function every first monday of the month at 12:00 utc"
but a delayed action is not that simple with the tools I have
there is one thing I still have to look into
which is Step Functions
I read a bit about it and it should solve 3 very interesting problems
it would introduce sequential invocation rather than nested invocations
which would help a lot against timeouts
it would introduce a few additional tools (and iirc, also a delay tool)
and it would allow me to use asynchrony much better with splits and joins
so, I should try to make something using the step functions (which are also free) and then I could take a look if it would be a fine solution for the auto boxes
10:55 AM
machinegun: tetetetetetetete
lasergun: biubiubiubiubiubiu
plasmagun: xiuxiuxiuxiuxiuxiu
handgun: pewpewpew
your gun goes: pew pew pew
my gun goes: <spins up a gattling>
cannongun: goong
brrrrrrraat brrrrrrrrrrrraaaat
I see
@ntohl Soviet Womble, such a great KameraMan
Gosh i dont know
one of the best :D
what was with the fart noises a minute ago?
11:25 AM
Those were supossed to be gattling noises
@ntohl I was thinking on that video when you said "your gun goes: pew pew pew"
I found it!!
Has anybody here written their own nuget packeges?
If so, how the fuck do i update an existing package?
I seem to be to stupid to do such a thing.
11:47 AM
up the version
and upload it
I Just wanted to write that!
repush with a new version.
great minds think alike
12:08 PM
we just do a nuget pack followed by a nuget push
12:36 PM
I am getting a nuget 406 (not acceptable)
try their website maybe
i know its lame but it probably would give more info
anyone ever read object thinking by david west?
12:51 PM
@misha130 It had to do with the file system ':D
alrighty then
@cubesnyc I think you might get more response by asking "Who hasn't read it yet" :D
<--- this guy
reading it now
seems like a pretty smart dude
@Squirrelintraining why so?
Is this a reasonable thing to do in legacy code to avoid the rigmarole of having to install and configure an entire DI framework to unit test one class, or will I be shunned and reviled for all time? public IFileSystem _fileSystem = new FileSystem();
1:06 PM
you dont need DI to do unit tests
you need IoC
or... what I remember IoC meant...
in general, you should do this
poor man's DI is good (your code could be a little bit improved by using factory), if you start to bored of .CreateFileSystem, than you can go DI way
public class MyClassThatDoesX {
    public IFileSystem FileSystem { get; }

    public MyClassThatDoesX(IFileSystem fileSystem) {
        FileSystem = fileSystem;
that way, you can unit test this class using any file system you can think of
on top of which, you can use this class using any form of file system you can think of
it also embraces actual loose coupling
@BobTway Wietlol tries to divert the problem again
the problem is that now you give the creator of the MyClassThatDoesX, the responsibility to also provide the IFileSystem as well
and if you do this 3 or 4 times, then you have an interesting problem
who said public IFileSystem _fileSystem = new FileSystem(); is inside the class Bob's testing?
1:11 PM
the result of which, is easily understandable using this example
you can see that you need a massive tree of creation of implementations to get the final result
that is what Dependency Injection solves
the above project needs to be refactored to use DI
but I keep it as example of this inversion of control
@ntohl To be fair, it is. But that class isn't used anywhere else.
public IFileSystem _fileSystem = new FileSystem();
public void TestSomething()
  var a = new MyClassThatDoesX(_fileSystem);
> Is this a reasonable thing to do in legacy code to avoid the rigmarole of having to install and configure an entire DI framework to unit test one class
the solution is IoC
@ntohl I dont see how I am diverting the problem
@BobTway ohh. I thought it's already outside the class.
@Wietlol You're not diverting the problem. But I would suggest that you're suggesting an over-engineered solution to a simple problem. Is it really that bad to solve it with a public property in a repo class that's only used by one controller in one legacy project that isn't referenced anywhere else?
@ntohl No. I'm just trying to see if I can get some unit tests around File.IO in an old class. New protocol says everything has to be unit tested which is a noble goal but when it comes to legacy code I feel shortcuts are sometimes justified
1:17 PM
how long does the _fileSystem living? I would be afraid of IIS randomly killing instances, and reviving them
if it has to be unit tested, you have to make it testable
@ntohl A single instance? Not long at all.
@BobTway I gave you an overengineered example tho...
I dont really think it is overengineering to always abstract out the responsibility of instantiating the implementations
how much "overengineering" are you afraid of?
@Wietlol Just the fuss of having to configure an IoC system in a project that doesn't have one
an IoC isnt a system, it is a principle
you apply it on a usage basis
you could apply it to one class or all of them
1:23 PM
the common pattern that rises from it is to have a constructor that initializes all properties based on its arguments
Dealing with legacy code have some sort of techniques to find the parts of the legacy system, which should be ripped out of the legacyness, and test throughout. But after finding the pinch point, there is no real reason to not constructor inject them
you could refactor just that one class that with that hardcoded file system and be happy to unit test it
@Wietlol don't dependency injection and inversion of control refer to the same concept?
I need to google :D
1:30 PM
i see
dependency injection is a subset of ioc
> IoC without using DI, for example would be the Template pattern because the implementation can only be changed through sub-classing
sorry, Dependency Inversion
at least, the idea of abstracting out the implementation choice to the usage rather than the declaration
DI is dependency injection. IoC is inversion of control
make the code that creates an instance of your class decide what dependencies it uses rather than the class itself
so, new MyClass(new FileSystem()) rather than new MyClass() // where MyClass's constructor or the field's initializer chooses to do new FileSystem()
it would enable the user of the class to decide what to work with
poor man's DI is for example have ONE location to build up all the factories, that you would use in the program throughout, where the new keyword is used. No DI framework involved.
1:37 PM
it could be a unit test that wants something special, or a browser version that needs a substitude for a file system or something serverless where you have no authority over the server it runs on
How can I look at commit history in VS?
right bottom
I wanted to create a new branch from a historical commit h1
Click on the branch name -> History
hmm looks easy
1:41 PM
if you have the commit anyway, just git checkout [commitHash] and then branch
Ah or git reset [commitHash] --hard and then branch
difference between the two?
I reckon second one will remove the commits after the h1?
I'm certain reset will work
you could probably pull them back from remote after reset
I'm not certain checkout will work the way I imagine. It's like a residual memory that I haven't actually proof-checked.
thanks nthol, squirrelKiller, misha
1:43 PM
ya rese only resets the local branch. Then you can make a new branch from that version. Then you can just pull the original local branch from remote again.
is there anyway I can check out the git commands that are made when I use the UI via team explorer?
They might be in the Output window -> source control
just what I needed <3
Which feature do you want to know? Because most Team Explorer features are single git commands.
Hey hey kids
1:46 PM
'sup dude
I might have pushed to your master again
There was some TODO stuff that just waited for the SharpExchange update, which came months ago.
@Squirrelkiller for now let me just explore
Fair enough
Medi Madelen Gwosdz on June 29, 2020
A question on Stack Overflow’s Software Engineering site caught our attention recently. It tries to come to terms with the impact of scrum on developers’ ability to do a great job. The claim is a bold one: Scrum is turning good developers into average ones. Could that be true?
1:59 PM
jack !
your turn
what does it mean to acquire/buy out an open source project?
Here is money, make me admin. Also I will license and sell the software.
Give me money,make me admin. Also I will steal your license and sell the software.
2:12 PM
1) rebase master branch
2) Change license on the first commit
3) git push -f
4) ???
5) Profit
Microsoft style basically
But modern
so thats what microsoft did with github?
who did it pay the money to?
No that's what Bill Gates did with DOS
That is the original Microsoft Style
Get the OS, give it to everyone for free, then change the license and make all the moneyz from companies using it.
this weekend I learned bout that refund protest in 1998
and people say blm protests are dumb pfff
...refund protest?
What's your problem with refunds?
2:28 PM
but it's so mundane compared to the protests we have now
I feel very angry
I feel very odd
VS hanged/crashed
I have been drinking...
2:37 PM
@Squirrelkiller dos, or whatever it was called when the bought it, was owned by a private company
i dont think you can release source code with an open source license and then change that license once it becomes adopted
Seeing u guys
was fün todäy
i guess you can fork and then change the license on that branch
not sure how it works though
@cubesnyc That's the point. You can only change the license going forward. You can't change the license of the already existing code.
Except git rebase rewrites history
Which is the joke I was trying to make
Because using git you can rewrite history
Of couse that shit wouldn't fly in the real world
2:41 PM
But still, you would make a shitload of money if it worked
how can I become better in git?
I am scared of making mistakes
Use it a lot.
If you're afraid, make sure to try your stuff on another branch.
If you have a branch feature/my-feature, just make a new branch backup/my-feature and try whatever on that branch.
Can't destroy anything then
2:43 PM
I don't even have any personal projects currently... :/
Lol yeah I've heard of the Squirrel project before. Never got around to try it so far though.
@Squirrelkiller so the question still remains... who did microsoft pay all that money to when they acquired github
3:01 PM
> I don't have any personal projects
you can write a book :o
write yet another bot
seems like meta here
speaking of writing: I decided on following a rule that I probably should have established years ago....no r*pe
it's weird and uncomfortable and I can't write it without cringing
@Shad All my private projects came about because there is something I needed/wanted done and there wasn't anything that does it the way I want it.
yeah. The PE class. I imagine poor kids, which were unable to... climb the rope...
3:15 PM
Fuck rope climbing
see? Freerey will not write about rope climbing. It makes ppl uncomfortable and cringy
my boss stated that I have to think about options what will it be. I probably have big buck job (for the company) approx 6 months from now. They can't give me tasks...
I'm not sure I understood that message
You're gonna get a position with great responsibility?
3:19 PM
option 1> no pay "holiday"
Or you may get fired soon?
no. I'm effectively fired
Ah shit
I'm rather excited than sad
Why is that?
3:21 PM
new opportunities (if any cos of COVID), possibly higher salary, I wan't to become technical manager
tho for really becoming from coder to manager I need experience
I'm excited about the options I have, if I can choose correctly
become entrepreneur?
go to another company and climb again?
go F#?
these are different level of decisions with possible intervening.
Well, you could do all that without getting fired too.
no way... The timeline is continuous. I can't do many things once
But you can apply to other positions in other companies, then when you have a new offer quite your old job.
also I have a big loan, which is insured. I have to be fired to getting payed by the bank.
Ah I see
3:28 PM
the "pay" is just the bank paying the loan instead of me. So I don't see any cash
but the money is at my disposal atm.. I wanted to invest with it.
(low rates, because government offered the loan for ppl who are willing to have children)
@ntohl ಠ_ಠ
3:54 PM
@Squirrelkiller nice point!
@Harry Hi!
4:56 PM
posted on June 29, 2020 by ericlippert

Code for this episode is here. Today we can finish off our C# implementation of Stafford’s algorithm. Last time we turned the first pass into a table lookup; it might be a bit harder to optimize the second pass. Let’s … Continue reading →

@Feeds Quiet you!
2 hours later…
6:38 PM
posted on June 25, 2020 by Scott Hanselman

Remote work isn't normal. It's great when it's not quarantine work, to be clear. I've worked remotely with success for over 13 years and written about it extensively. I'm pro-remote work. But. Doing zoom calls all day can be super productive but they are also physically and emotionally exhausting. One of the reasons that isn't helping is that a zoom meeting isn't a natural human state - it's a

3 hours later…
9:15 PM
Hey all, On a Jenkins STandalone build server, we are getting the following error: “C:\Builds\1\GrouponSharp\CI\Sources\trunk\GrouponSharp.Web\GrouponSharp.Web.csproj (377): The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.”
I searched the internet, and we found the following posting: lucbei.wordpress.com/2011/12/04/…
But, I can't find Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Integrated) Redistributable Package . It's probably because we are using such a old technology like Visual STudio 2010
but could someone please tell me where I can find the installation file for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Integrated) Redistributable Package?
10:02 PM

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