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02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

7:17 PM
Why would you do that? What is wrong with you!
because someone told me to
See that cliff? Go ahead I'll wait :)
not in the mood
I would just make a html form and post the data, I mean why do you need the PDF? You can use ITextSharp to write a PDF from the posted data. But sorry , I just don't get why you need a PDF form in a web page that can be a form anyway.
I've also heard about using ITextSharp
but ok ty...I'll look further into it
7:38 PM
@hollystyles okay yeah this is much better than what I was initially told; I'm really sorry about earlier
@Freerey Hey no need to apologise ;) I was joshin' with ya
2 hours later…
9:46 PM
If an array or list (Implements IComparable<T>) is ordered, does LINQ methods such as Where still iterate over all elements? or it uses that comparer to speed up search?
beep beep
Where still has to check all the elements for whether they match the predicate.
If you want a binary search for a particular element in a sorted list, call .BinarySearch() on your list or array.
Where doesn't call .CompareTo at all, it can only invoke the predicate you give it.
> private class NoisyInt : IComparable<NoisyInt>
. {
.     public int Value { get; set; }
.     public int CompareTo(NoisyInt other)
.     {
.         Console.WriteLine($"I'm a {Value} being compared to {other.Value}.");
.         return Value.CompareTo(other.Value);
.     }
. }
> var ints = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(x => new NoisyInt { Value = x }).ToList();
> ints.BinarySearch(new NoisyInt { Value = 7 });
I'm a 49 being compared to 7.
I'm a 24 being compared to 7.
I'm a 11 being compared to 7.
02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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