a simple example is int division
function divide(base: Integer, divisor: Integer) -> Integer {
base / divisor
in simple terms, this is the implementation
but what happens when you divide by 0?
this example is often given about honest functions
in the example, this function is dishonest about what it can do
because it will not always work for all input, depending on the input, you might get a DivideByZeroException
so, in the case of checked exceptions, the function would be this
function divide(base: Integer, divisor: Integer) -> Integer throws DivideByZeroException {
if(divisor == 0)
throw DivideByZeroException("you doofus!")
base / divisor
or, if you use Result<T>, then it would be
function divide(base: Integer, divisor: Integer) -> Result<Integer> { ... }
these functions are honest about their behavior
the problem I have with results is that the caller immediately has to deal with the different cases
value x: Integer = divide(a, b)
doesnt work any more, because it isnt guaranteed to be an integer and you immediately have to wrap the code below it in something like a map
in the case of checked exceptions, if done nicely, the calling function just inherits the thrown exception declaration
(keeping in mind that the throws part can be implied from the context)
if you want to get it as a Result, Kodian uses a try
it doesnt have a regular try catch finally mechanism that you might be familiar to
function try(supplier: () -> T) -> Result<T>
value x: Result<Integer> = try { divide(1, 0) }
and the Result<T> type has some functions that you would use instead of catches or finally
this way, you dont have to immediately handle the exception, but the code is still aware of the exceptions happening
for the case of an OOM error, I have to credit Java
OOM is not an exception by behavior, but an error by capabilities of the runtime
Java separates both of these Throwables
into the categories Exception
and Error
Errors cannot be checked, because they do not happen at a specific place
so, Errors such as StackOverflowError, OutOfMemoryError, etc would still remain just implicit
what I am currently working on is something that would help avoid dead code tho
and I guess the divide by zero example also works as a good example for that feature
for example, the compiler would look at that implementation of the divide function
function divide(base: Integer, divisor: Integer) -> Integer throws DivideByZeroException
and it would apply a contract of "if divisor == 0, then Exception, else Integer"
in the call site, if you have code like
if(b > 0)
x = divide(a, b)
the data contract would recognize that the exception case is excluded from the possible code paths
and it would completely disregard that from the type checking
x would then definitely be an integer
and the function that contains this code would not inherit the throws DivideByZeroException