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When I hit 'create view' there's a drop down menu to do a strongly typed view. I select my object, then it gives me a drop down for the type of scaffolding I want. I choose 'create.'

When I'm working against "ScheduleJob" or "ScheduleJobChain" VS generates inputs for all of the properties. When I'm working again "ChainsandJobs" I only get what you see.
it has been traumatizing to say the least :P
@Billdr Oh, I think I understand what you mean. Visual Studio generating the code?
@hamburger i'm the same way, but there is self control involved when you're in a professional atmosphere.
@Billdr I am not sure if it would work for nested properties. I haven't done that in a while.
You got an answer btw
Do you know a better way of doing two models in one view?
I'm pretty sure the intent of the room is to come here for help and do so in a professional manner. there are other chats out there that can help you get your mind off things, all you need is a google search.
@rogcg Grats
@Billdr ViewModel pattern? It is pretty much what you did.
but remember you're working in a professional environment as well. I would think your ethics could have gotten you dismissed already. just a heads up.
@klut NO
Q: Multiple models in a view

Lol coderI have want to have 2 models in a view. The page contains both LoginViewModel and RegisterViewModel. For eg. public class LoginViewModel { public string Email { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } } public class RegisterModel { public string Name { get; set; } publ...

what part, ace irrr @Steve?
@klut "there are other chats out there that can help you get your mind off things, all you need is a google search."
I fail to understand @Steve. I never said search from work pc.
what are you talking about
lay off the bottle
I don't see where your NO is coming from
Thanks @LewsTherin, doing reading.
oh, i just mean i'm going to come here to get my mind off of things
well that's not the point of this chat, that's all i'm saying.
i'm going to my parents house this weekend, i'm leaving when i get out of work tonight and i have NO clean undies :/
@Steve - thats a problem
@klut i know its not, but when we talk about more than just c#, more people come in, and there are more people around to help when somebody does come in and asks a question
@ScottSelby tell me about it! I'm lazy, i think i'll just throw my dirty ones out and buy new ones at the store
yea, I do that with socks a lot
and there is a difference between searching lewd photos to get your mind off things, and searching lewd photos to get your mind off things and then post it to the chat like we all wanted to see.
@klut i agree 100%
@Kendall Where do you get your name card from SO again?
@ScottSelby lol i do too, one of the things i still do from the military
yup, green shirts and socks
@OutlawLemur Uh? You mean the 'flair'?
@OutlawLemur would kinect pickup the edge of your eyelids and your eyeball? for instance, if the camera is close enough, could it tell if I was blinking?
No its depth doesn't work up to like 30 cm
okay thanks
there goes my contacts robot idea. haha
Oh I foundz it
i thought for sure i was going to get fired today
but i didnt :D one more week down
@Kendall How do I do code in blogger
Steve, are you trying to?
thats why i haven't been on here much in the past two days
i've been working my ass off haha
@OutlawLemur I used SyntaxHighlighter
Where do you work?
i work for the chinese government creating all sorts of viruses to send towards the united states
I didn't expect my latest meta post to get 2 upvotes... Wow! I expected like 5 downvotes.
what was it about?
@Steve Wow! You guys must be doing a great job... keep up the good work!
kendall.RequestModAction("Jeff Atwood", () => Ban(steve));
:) jk
everybody loves me! they can't ban me
Is nadal banned?
idk, i haven't saw him today
His new name is hamburger.
I hate my speakers
he renamed himself?
@hamburger Is your last name nadal?
guess who has a blog now?
Oh, and I saw your other discussion with him about me. Just so you know.
@KendallFrey Lol
what other discussion was that?
I didn't try to hide it
@Steve The one where you said I had an inferiority complex.
@OutlawLemur Is that your blog?
oh, lmao.
@OutlawLemur You need to move your flair. To the sidebar preferably.
Really short posts. Mine get really long.
@KendallFrey did it hurt your feelings?
@OutlawLemur You are 13 wow. Impressive
@Steve I know it isn't true.
How did you ping me twice?
@OutlawLemur - Like this
@OutlawLemur Watch this. I edit my post and you get pinged every time.
I hate you guys
@KendallFrey you just remind me a lot of my brother, and he has one, if it hurt your feelings i apologize, it was never meant to
@Outlaw - I actually liked your flair at the top of the blog
Thanks bro.
Thanks... I didn't feel like editing the CSS :)
@OutlawLemur Yeah, the flair is cool :) Oh and bookmarked. I hope to use Kinect in my final year project.
Cool stuff
1 message moved to recycle bin
Lol, the awkward moment when I feel utterly useless.
@Steve Lol don't say stuff like that or I won't be allowed to be on SO chat :(
okay sorry
It is fine when I am not here :)
@OutlawLemur Why won't you be allowed? You didn't write it.
So? My parents are like that
Sorry, but lol
Its fine
i feel like a huge male reproductive organ right now about
@KianMayne Why is it asking me to save whatever it is
I don't know
don't click it
mash keyboard
Friday rage
I can do any c# stuff. but don't make me do tables .. ever
Hulk, smash
HTML is not a programming language .. thank god
<asp:Table.... >
@LewsTherin It wasn't a virus just it was saved as "File"
my tables columns don't resize right. Only the first resize :(
can always do it with js
kind of overkill, but if its your only option
I just have some CSS that is killing me
@Ammar-whynotZoidberg Why are you using tables, divs...
Anyone want to recommend some good films?
because I am making a table :(
@KianMayne what genre?
Make a table using divs
tables are used for tabular data -- still used, just not for page layout
alright I will try divs then
@KianMayne Have you watched The Matrix?
@KianMayne I watched contagion yesterday. Good movie but somewhat sad. Good experience tho
@KendallFrey What kind of a question is that? Of course
number 1 is awesome, the other 2 are... alright lol
Just making sure.
@Steve Precisely.
@KianMayne if(watchedMatrix) watchAgain();
And the Animatrix ... S-U-C-K-S
@KendallFrey how dare you
it was good
i don't think i've seen that
and had a good soundtrack
that first part was worth it alone
dont think i want to
don't listen to kendall
Naw you don't. It doesn't fit in at all with the rest.
Hmmm how do I use syntax highlighter?
About 1/3 of it is slightly relevent, the rest is confusing.
@OutlawLemur You have to add links to the script in your blog header.
what else are some good movies... hm
Say wha????
Ted was awesome
I will find another way
Watching Contagion
@KianMayne Average.
@Steve My 9 year old cousin saw that :)
Fine. Use <pre>, or whatever.
@KianMayne I tried to download that but the quality was just so poor, i didn't want to ruin the movie that way
@Steve Are you kidding?
@Steve Srsly? It took me about 30 seconds to find a perfectly working link :L
really? oh no, i'm thinking of prometh..whatever
@LewsTherin I have pretty low standards for films
prometheus ? lol
@KianMayne Good
Yeah Prometheus
I haven't seen Promotheus yet :(
still didn't say what genre :/
contagion, thta was about the virus that got loose, right?
@Ammar-whynotZoidberg I don't have any preferences
yeah that wasn't bad
@LewsTherin they only have a bad quality one around the internet, no good quality ones, you should wait
Some good foregin movies are Amalie, city of god, and Kung fu hustle.
That's what I'm doing. I missed the chance to see it :(
Is Avatar any good? I never saw it.
Even The Hunger Games is in bad quality ugh
@KendallFrey Same.
@KendallFrey its over rated
I heard the movie was good only because of the 3D
its a decent movie, but people made way too much out of it
The copy I found is HD and my computer can't deal with HD
@Ammar-whynotZoidberg Kung Fu Hustle is amazing
@KendallFrey It's pretty good, especially if you like fantasy stuff
The main thing that ruined it for me was this cheese sauce I had with the nachos that I got from the refreshments stall
I like Sci-Fi and thriller/action movies.
It was all liquid and didn't taste like cheese
I don't have a refreshments stand here.
@KendallFrey Are you going to see The Bourne Legacy?
Just how bad is Total Recall?
i thought total recall was good
I never thought about it. I saw The Bourne Ultimatum, but I don't remember much, cause I watches RED the same night and I was tired.
does Total Recall have bad reviews or something?
I haven't read the reviews, just heard people talking about it negatively.
@KendallFrey You should watch the trilogy. Awesome movies (and books).
oh i thought it was good, there was one scene at the end which didn't make sense, but it was literally the last 20 seconds of the movie
sup guys
@Kendall Explain Syntax Highlight one more time
Does the last 20 seconds ever make sense?
hey @HansZ
or bourne?
Does it show a top falling down for no reason?
@KendallFrey there was this female cop who was kind of a main character, and they had to kill her off some how, and they kind of just threw it in the end or something, and had her die, but no, her death really didn't make sense
@OutlawLemur It's an external script that you can use to apply syntax highlighting to code blocks on your site.
I mean how
@Billdr of inception?
Falling Skies has to be the worst sci fi every created
inception, he's not in a dream

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