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Meanwhile, ... YouTube:
@Wietlol is a simple .invoke for(var i = 0; , doable?
the for loop is gigantic
has like 2K lines of code
my idea though, is to invoke in prallel each iteration, i = 0, 1, 2,...
keeping in mind that in parallel, you wont get the same order
also, I still have no idea what you are talking about
for loop X {thread.Sleep(50 * i)}
that still does not look like an mcve
parallel.invoke thread.sleep(50 * 0, 1, 2, 3,...
or even valid C#
it's not c# code, but more of passing on an idea
so I still cannot comment on your thought process
it uses the value of i per iteration per parallel invoke, is what i want it to do
ahhha youtube.com/watch?v=HdFdMeA2rtg why is that so fake and has 32M views?
like, for loop 10 times, i = 0, 1,2,... parallel invoke each iteration
  static void Main(string[] args)

            for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Action a = () => method1(i);


        public static void method1(int i)
            Thread.Sleep(2000 * i);
something like this, the loop continues and the action is running in any available open thread
parallel invoke on a single item should just invoke it
you should build an array of actions and do one Parallel.Invoke
i got this:
 static void Main(string[] args)
            var CCount = 10;
            Parallel.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(1, CCount).ToList(), i =>




        public static void method1(int i)
            Thread.Sleep(2000 * i);
this is exactly what i was looking for
without parallel, it would take a long time to print the last number
with parallel, the numbers came together smoothly
you could also just replace Thread.Sleep with Task.Delay and use async
yeah, thanks
4 hours later…
@V.7 top affected are rich countries
maybe that's the actual economic ranking?
1 hour later…
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
Gooood moorniiiiiiiing CeeeeShaaaaaarp! Have you been in the Home Office lately? How about from now on?
I'm finally in the Home Office today without my Laptop dying on me!
@Squirrelkiller Yeahy
    Why is model always null when I send the following JSON :

      "BasicDetails": {

      "DocumentName": "document name"
     "LineDetails": {

      "DocumentNo": "line name"
To the following model in api controller:
    public class CycleCountDTOTest
        public BasicDetailsDTOTest BasicDetails { get; set; }
        public List<LineDetailsDTOTest> LineDetails { get; set; }

    public class LineDetailsDTOTest
        public string DocumentNo { get; set; }
(see full text)
I there something wrong with the structuring ?
LineDetails is a List<>
You send a json object
You should send a json array containing an object
@Squirrelkiller yep, thats one.
It works after correction.. but...
it only works when the model classes are in the controller itself
when i move it to their own classes i get null
It should work as long as they are public
And the new classes are either in the same or in a referenced project
nope .. ignore that..
my bad
its working. Thank you!
Hey, Got a quick question. Is it possible to override the property of a derived class, Yet still have the derived class effect said property? (I tried the New keyword to "hide" the base property however it seems that the base code never effects the "new" property)
If it's virtual, you can override it.
sry its a field. eg internal float width,height;
Then no, you can't override it.
if i hide the width and height all the base functions still access the base.Width and base.Height. and I dont want to rewrite the entire class otherwise I wouldnt be deriving from it :\
need the derived class to use the overridden fields instead of using the old ones still... cant really think of a good way to deal with it...
You can't unless you change the fields to props and make them virtual.
the base code would need to access the props instead of the fields then right?
im just changing the base code to use the props instead of the fields (since there's already props for the fields I need access to)
Can't override fields.
Can override properties
well I changed it so everything accessing the field via a property... except for the Set method... not really sure how to handle it safely...
is there a way to optimize a LINQ statement?
my list has 250K objects
LINQ is just slow from what I understand.
250K items in an object list
and i have to loop ......
So you...wrote your own setter? The property does that for you, why write another java-style one?
You cna 'optimize' a LINQ statement by changing it to a for loop
less overhead
thats in the base class
and this.width is a field?
public float Width
  get => this.width;
    if(this.width != value)
      this.width = value;
bad naming and why compare
There's your property
including the smart setter
yeah only java has that GetX() SetX() bullshit
lol ya, im working with NEZ which is basically just ported libgdx
Now everyone just goes 'Width = 3;' and the setter will be called. And if your derived class overrides Width, the new setter will be called instead.
but its damn ui classes work "Exactly" as they did in libgdx... which means some sht is broken... like progressbars
Ok that makes it easier thanks squirrelkiller
No problem
didnt know the correct way to do it =)
on a forEach
would 'i' be 1?
Use PropertyChanged.Fody
And override OnPropertyChanged instead of putting the code inside the getter/setter
@Adan foreach has the same overhead as LINQ. Use for if you want performance.
afaik there is INotifyPropertyChanged as part of .NET already?
@JasonBrown That's a method, not a property.
ya I get that now, I commonly get property and methods confused.
just gotta fix 101 errors ... due to the base code using Get and Set methods
Morning children
In my experience, Linq isn't even slow
I switched from using a foreach to find things to using linq and it actually came out faster. Although that might just be because the rewrite caused me to actually write it good
a normal foreach should be pretty fast
ironically, depending on how the compiler optimizes things, a for loop might be faster
but if the compiler is smart enough, they should all be equal
A foreach should just be sugar for a for loop anyway, but I haven't checked
I was under the impression that Linq had quite a bit more overhead compared to a foreach loop
I don't think it does
And even still, the Linq iteration is probably not that much of a problem anyway
If you're having performance issues, it's more than likely what's going on inside, rather than the iteration itself
That much is true lol. Last I checked Linq was a bit slower but not enough to matter for the most part
I cant find any current performance tests of linq...
@CaptainObvious a foreach should be syntax sugar for an enumerator loop
the for loop I was referring to is a for-index loop
aka for (int i = 0....
while foreach should use for (IEnumerator enumerator = ...
apparently foreach is 2.4x slower? (according to an article from 2017) but we talkin tiny numbers unless its Massive loops
compared to a for(int i = 0... loop
I mean at the same time
There was an TECHNET article someone posted a couple of days ago which said that explicit type declaration was faster than implicit in a foreach
Except it was bollocks because the both spit out the same IL

Implicit vs Explicit type declaration

Mar 12 at 14:55, 41 minutes total – 57 messages, 6 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 13 secs ago by Captain Obvious

Stupid Android Studio
Ugh I hate Java applications
They are taking more RAM than necessary.
I mean, they are taking more RAM, maybe 2-3x more than native apps
You can thank Jetbrains for that
This is one of the reason why Android is lagging behind. Apps are running on VM
Actually no
They used to be but a few years ago it all changed a bit
In Lollipop (5), the Dalvik VM was dropped for ART (Android RunTime) which uses AOT compilation and a runtime which it sits on
Having done all that, it is still slow
iPhone 5 (2012) is still faster as compared to my Huawei Y9 (2019)
How do I make Teams warn me immediately about messages from all organizations I belong to?
@mr5 How are you comparing them
@HéctorÁlvarez as in you aren't getting notifications?
If someone here uses teams and belongs to more than 1 organization, you probably have had issues keeping tabs on everyone.
@CaptainObvious notifications arrive up to an hour after I get the message
I'm only in the one org
Of course, I don't get toast notifications from organizations other than my active one
Right, current organization works flawlessly
@CaptainObvious ugh debugging apps? navigating between pages? observing the response time of touches?
Hold on I've got an idea
I have another "organisation" I can test withj
LINQ and foreach both use the same mechanism: An Enumerator. Not the "manual" iteration using a simple .Count with an i++. That enuemrator has some more overhead. Also the compiler can't always change it to an equivalent for, since the IEnumerable being looped may be infinite.
Or may be dynamic
Just think of the fibonacci - you could foreach a fibonacci to print it until some exit condition occurs.
A for loop always a set end from the point it starts.
@HéctorÁlvarez mine works fine
That's an external organisation message
morning all
@CaptainObvious I think it's an issue with company Teams policy
apparently the administrator can set those notifications as blocked somehow
Possibly. We haven't set up any policies regarding external messaging so it's all default
Test it with me if you like, send a message to that and I can send one back and you can see if it's their end or yours
did you get it?
test successful, that is working
So it must be something their end
Because it all seems to work both ways for you
erm... I think it's some configuration regarding secondary orgs rather than external messages
Ohh I didn't know there was a difference
It's probably something about that, because I don't get blocked only from 1 way, I can move to the second organization and still don't see messages from the other one.
This seems to treat external contacts as part of the agenda
however the other organization is handled separately
i.e. I can't see the contacts from the other organization from this one and viceversa
It also affects some features, e.g. I can't join a teams meeting without being granted explicit permission, but if I switch orgs beforehand I can join without requesting admission
stay safe guys :-)
@HéctorÁlvarez In Settings you can configure what to send notifications for.
@Hozuki Yes, but that's not the thick of it. So to say, I get a mail warning me that I have messages from other organizations, if I want to see these messages I am required to switch orgs. If I try to talk to someone from a different org without switching they appear as "GUEST" rather than the user itself. Lee appears as the user, not as guest, for reference.
jesus, just came across something worse than a plaintext password in the system :'(
people are thick I swear
These contacts seem to be handled differently, perhaps their local configuration forces this behavior to enforce a privacy policy? I don't know
@DAustin what is worse than plaintext passwords?
Broadcasting them to all users every time someone types it?
Plaintext something else that should be encrypted, it's an idiot user I'm gonna have to go have a word with
Just cost me my morning, thanks Dave
Welcome to IT
Not actually a Dave lol
Oh I've been here a while, just can't believe someone would do what this guy's been doing
but yes thank you, is there any biscuits?
Yes. Pain cookies.
Extra razor blades?
my favourite
Yes, that's a topping option.
You can choose between razors, rusted nails, or LEGOs
@HéctorÁlvarez Have you considered logging in to one org with Desktop teams and the other with teams in your browser?
A bit of a pain in the arse but it should do the job
@HéctorÁlvarez oh how you spoil me
@CaptainObvious As a matter of fact, I haven't. I could give it a try, although at the moment I am not so pressed as to try desperate measures. We've been using Telegram until recently, but yesterday the web client stopped working for me.
That's why I'm putting the extra effort in right now.
Makes sense I guess
Anyone any good with Roaming Profiles? Just bought new workstations and everyone's logins are fine except mine is the only one that won't show the desktop
Have you got folder redirection on?
Yeh think so just looking into it now
Desktop should be on the storage server
had issues with this in the past but never really known what was going wrong
ahhh, just found the GPO Manager, time to poke it wit ha stick
No folder redirection set to Administrator group, genius
remote sucks when you're a mobile developer and you need the camera so bad
especially when you don't have an iPhone to test against
There's your actual problem: you're developing for iOS
Is it okay to use NuGet System.Data.SqlClient for .NET Core 3 and Portable application(cross platformed)?
meaning that you allow everyone's machine to have a direct access to your database server, providing queries of which you expect they will not be malicious?
hell nah
i have a mystery
why is my object list complaining that it has reached capacity?
'index was outside the bounds of the array' wtf?
because capacity is not size
capacity is an internal property that defines when it is time to expand
while size is the elements of the collection
an index may not go out of bounds as defined by the size
our local branded alcohols are being exported to other countries and selling them at x4 of the price
if size isnt declared... is there a default size?
it only has 38 items
care to share code?
it's a lot of code, ill try not to flood
then first isolate the problem
like corona
but then with bugs instead of a virus
@V.7 is this for local storage?
@Wietlol :3
Parallel.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(1, iteratorList.Count()).ToList(), i =>

                InvokedDataStep1(i, iteratorList);

i know that the 'for' loop way
when trying to make it parallel, it keeps fkn doing this error of index out of bounds
@mr5 You mean SQLite? No, it's MySQL remote server
I'm pretty sure there's an overload for Parallel.ForEach where you put the inclusive/exlclusive start index and end index
Enumerable.Range(...).ToList() is an overkill
care to elaborate a littl emore please
@V.7 oh. why not just use HttpClient and build the API yourself?
@nyconing ??
Because this is a production and not a funny project?
Is that a reply to my HttpClient?
@Adan ?
 Parallel.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(1, iteratorList.Count()).AsParallel(), i =>

                InvokedDataStep1(i, iteratorList);

like that?
there is two options
one is Parallel.For(0, iteratorList.Count(), i => { })
iteratorList.AsParallel error: 'cannot convert ...parallel... to 'int'
another one is iteratorList.AsParallel().Linq()
@V.7 anything SqlClient can do can also do by HttpClient
Welp, I think SqlClient is cross platform
And for the record, HttpClient is not for funny projects
@mr5 Okay, but why HTTP then?
Because you are going to communicate through internet?
Why not TCPClient then? Or NetBios? Or SignalPerWire? lol.
I'm not sure why did you mentioned those.

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