Why is model always null when I send the following JSON :
"BasicDetails": {
"DocumentName": "document name"
"LineDetails": {
"DocumentNo": "line name"
To the following model in api controller:
public class CycleCountDTOTest
public BasicDetailsDTOTest BasicDetails { get; set; }
public List<LineDetailsDTOTest> LineDetails { get; set; }
public class LineDetailsDTOTest
public string DocumentNo { get; set; }
Hey, Got a quick question. Is it possible to override the property of a derived class, Yet still have the derived class effect said property? (I tried the New keyword to "hide" the base property however it seems that the base code never effects the "new" property)
if i hide the width and height all the base functions still access the base.Width and base.Height. and I dont want to rewrite the entire class otherwise I wouldnt be deriving from it :\
need the derived class to use the overridden fields instead of using the old ones still... cant really think of a good way to deal with it...
I switched from using a foreach to find things to using linq and it actually came out faster. Although that might just be because the rewrite caused me to actually write it good
apparently foreach is 2.4x slower? (according to an article from 2017) but we talkin tiny numbers unless its Massive loops https://mdfarragher.com/2017/11/22/for-versus-foreach-in-csharp/
LINQ and foreach both use the same mechanism: An Enumerator. Not the "manual" iteration using a simple .Count with an i++. That enuemrator has some more overhead. Also the compiler can't always change it to an equivalent for, since the IEnumerable being looped may be infinite.
Or may be dynamic
Just think of the fibonacci - you could foreach a fibonacci to print it until some exit condition occurs.
A for loop always a set end from the point it starts.
It's probably something about that, because I don't get blocked only from 1 way, I can move to the second organization and still don't see messages from the other one.
This seems to treat external contacts as part of the agenda
however the other organization is handled separately
i.e. I can't see the contacts from the other organization from this one and viceversa
It also affects some features, e.g. I can't join a teams meeting without being granted explicit permission, but if I switch orgs beforehand I can join without requesting admission
@Hozuki Yes, but that's not the thick of it. So to say, I get a mail warning me that I have messages from other organizations, if I want to see these messages I am required to switch orgs. If I try to talk to someone from a different org without switching they appear as "GUEST" rather than the user itself. Lee appears as the user, not as guest, for reference.
@CaptainObvious As a matter of fact, I haven't. I could give it a try, although at the moment I am not so pressed as to try desperate measures. We've been using Telegram until recently, but yesterday the web client stopped working for me.
That's why I'm putting the extra effort in right now.
Anyone any good with Roaming Profiles? Just bought new workstations and everyone's logins are fine except mine is the only one that won't show the desktop
meaning that you allow everyone's machine to have a direct access to your database server, providing queries of which you expect they will not be malicious?