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What Regex online editor do you use?
Regexr doesn't work, regex101 doesn't seem to have a cheatsheet
it has .net support
@HéctorÁlvarez i use the LeeButlerRegexParser.net
aka @CaptainObvious
@BenMann no offense, but looks like it's vastly inferior to the more popular options
thanks though
Wait, which ones?
@CaptainSquirrel I need availability now
@BenMann see above
@HéctorÁlvarez regexr works
I mean.. you type in regexes, and it shows you the matches
used to. Now the format selectors seem broken
wait no, it works well, just my computer went mad
@HéctorÁlvarez you dont need a cheatsheet
@Wietlol You are wrong. Again.
Yea mate, before you start calling things vastly inferior learn the syntax
but it has this
@BenMann What. xD
I tried to write a lexer in .net regex using balancing parenthesis but the regexes were getting too complicated so I wrote a some macros to substitute things in
regex101 has the cheatsheet in the bottom right
That's like saying before I call Pentium D processors vastly inferior compared to i7-8700k, I should learn assembler
Now I have switched to JS and counting brackets
You bloody should learn assembly
Makes your code more portable
I see. Do you think color: red; is a CSS attribute to tell crawlers hwat data they have to steal?
Pretty sure it makes your code the opposite of portable
I don't even see the code anymore
I too see swirls and flying letters
@BenMann lexers arent balanced
parser rules could be balanced tho
Yeah, it was kind of a combined lexer/parser
but generally speaking, a lexer shouldnt
I see
combined lexer parser is a parser
and usually the lexing part is skipped nowadays
I think lexing is useful for identifying string literals in particular, and if you are going that far, you might as well identify other constants, etc
That way sounds simpler to me than looking at escape characters during the parsing phase
I think lexing makes the parser simpler
parsing part still can go through the text multiple runs
oh yea, and optimization
Optimization doesn't matter these days
micro optimization are often irrelevant, but big optimizations still matter
The main cause for concern I have re: optimization is if I want to implement autocomplete in the javascript front-end. I haven't tried it out yet, so I don't know how fast it will be to parse the entire text file every single time the cursor moves
autocomplete/code validation/etc
most likely you don't have to reparse the entire text. Local changes in the AST
except full ctrl-a ctrl-v
wouldnt that also change the AST?
you could just track changes
I haven't got a clear idea about how to keep track of which parts have changed. Before the change is relatively easy, but after the change looks like a world of hurt to me right now
lex the file (which is super fast)
if the tokens didnt change, nothing changed
then build the AST
if the AST didnt change, nothing changed (although I do wonder what lex change could make the ast not change)
So you are basically saying, re-parse the file every time there is a change (and check after lexing before re-parsing)
changing indentation, adding/removing newlines, reformatting or even adding comments shouldnt change the lexer's result
(comments depend on how you handle them)
parsing is actually what becomes expensive
When I am thinking about it, I am comparing it in my head to graphics processing, and I am thinking, parsing a few hundred lines of text should be nothing compared to rendering a few frames of graphics
what you should also do is segmentation
ok, segmentation
for example, each function in your file tracks its own changes
changing one function in a file with 100 functions should only have to re-compile that one function
after re-compiling, you do have to do some re-linking to roll out those changes to callers or other places where it is used
re-linking? the AST is already built?
the difficult thing of an IDE is to do as little work as possible
AST is unlinked
it's a transpiler, so there are no assemblies
AST can say Int32 number = true;
but that isnt correct
also, it could say Int3 number = 0;
"Int3" is a valid identifier, but it just doesnt exist in your codebase
for any language with checking if identifiers actually exist and what they represent, you need some linking
I was thinking of doing type checking during parsing.
Yeah, I hadn't exactly separated the idea out
you could do type checking during parsing, but it wont make your life easier
keeping in mind
public Test Foo() => new Test();
public class Test {}
is valid code
your parser must have parsed the class before it can do type checking
C/C++ are a top-down compiled language
you have to declare before usage
there are quite a few limitations and annoyances with it tho
but it makes the compiler's job easier
Right, so check for keywords first, and then leave anything else (i.e. types) until the linking phase
in my language, I dont have reserved keywords, but the processing is quite simple
for example a function declaration
'function' name=&Identifier '(' arguments=Arguments ') '{' bodyExpressions=Expression* '}'
the parser can understand that there needs to be a name, which must be a valid identifier
in the AST, the identifier is still just a name
Right, so it knows it is an identifier from the syntax
the compiler (linker) will link that name to a type, variable or whatever
You don't have reserved keywords, but you do have these semi-regex definitions
&Identifier in this case means that the Lexer must have marked that token as Identifier
in the case of many languages, "function" is not a valid identifier
because it is a reserved keyword
so, function function() {} would be invalid
or in C#: public void public private() {}
(yes, I have a class named "public" and a function named "private")
lol, so can you do that in your language
or are you adding a list of invalid identifiers
you could... but the compiler will throw out warnings until you die :D
one could set it up that the warning is treated as compiler error, which means that the compiler will stop after finding such a case
ok, so I really like that syntax.. 'function' name=&Identifier... &Identifier represents a meta-type.. man that is awesome
But what kind of data structure do those definitions exist in?
they exist in some ruleset
this is what I based my parser on
I needed some really funky features that antlr couldnt supply me with
so, I made my own parser
if not, I would still have used antlr
I can't use antlr.. It's a really weird situation I am coding for
but you can copy it ;)
also, what situation is that?
are you programming in whitespace?
I can write in whatever language I like, but it would be nice if it was a lightweight version of either JavaScript or C#
> we have these code generation targets:
-C# (and an alternate C# target)
-Python (2 and 3)
making your own parser is not going to be easy tho
I need to compile to WWF Xaml. It looks like this:
<if Condition="[a < 5]">
<if.Then> <assign> <assign.from> [x] </assign.from> <assign.to> 12 </assign.to> </assign>
<if.else> <log message="a is bigger than 5" /> </if.else>
especially when you have recursive expressions
ew, xaml
i know
The actual situation life is considerably more painful
but yes, you could use a parser for those things
hint: do not parse the xml
use an xml library, switch cases on stuff like "if", read the value of the "Condition" attribute and parse that value
the horror of xaml is using nested languages
no need to worry about nested languages
I was just thinking of using a library of function pointers, with a few generic ones for function calls like <log />
@BenMann ew flowchart
who uses flowchart in actual work?
You do not want to know how seriously these guys take these flowcharts
They're pretty common in my experience
As to their usefulness...
However... if it's complicated enough to need a flowchart, it's too complicated to be in a flowchart.
@mr5 me
they are not actual flow charts tho :D
They are ok, but they just take a long time to interact with, it takes a really long time to write a few lines of code
@Rob agree
But I'd rather create my own format to represent a flow every damn time
Oh yeah, but there is a really interesting problem that comes out of them. It's like a pathfinding problem. I think I will probably leave this part to manual gui interaction. But think about it like this:
the flowchart lines cannot cross. And you need to be able to account for all possible logic where they don't cross.
So it's like multi-path finding, where the paths don't cross, with an added twist
You can invert certain parts of the logic (i.e. invert a flow decision's true/false nodes) so it becomes like a combinatorics / pathfinding problem
I'm also kind of jumping into the middle of this, so I'm not sure about the actual goal you have @BenMann but... if you're using regex to parse a language... I agree with @Wietlol... use a lexer/parser.
Yes, Regex was first pass, I've switched to lexer/parser now
As for it not being 'lightweight'... it's as lightweight as you make it. For sure it's better than regex
yo yo yo
@Wietlol, when you said nested languages, you meant like, Python embedded in XAML, right?
I mean like this <if Condition="[a < 5]">
its xml
but the string values in that xml ([a < 5]) are also in some language
@mr5 where do you keep getting these videos from lol
Oh right, so you are saying use a library to parse the xml instead of doing it manually
as long as it is always valid xml, use an xml library to get this string "[a < 5]"
then, use that string as input for your parser
@CaptainSquirrel 9 G A G
@mr5 V E R Y B A D
@mr5 That is Ducked up
Gonna show my age... but are those really meme songs or just nostalgia songs?
The crab song and titanic excluded
Bit of both i think
nostalgic songs have a higher tendency to become a meme just saying
Fun fact, I was born when never gonna give you up was #1. I rick rolled the world
you've got rickrolled as soon as you're born birth birthed
Hah... I prefer my interpretation though
You had it right the first time
nah, english peeps will adapt
Looks like my local supermarket when a new pallet of TP was rolled out
So I have two css selectors:
.b {}
.b:disabled {}

I changed a .b element to disabled, but it didn't change style. Did I forget something?
Just went outside earlier
It seems weird this focus on TP. I mean, why not soap?
why not tomato soup?
they shit a lot I think
i wonder if bidet sales have gone up
I've heard elsewhere that it was because Hong Kong imports all (or most) of their toilet paper from China, and since China was closing their borders... it may have been a problem just in Hong Kong
And... for some reason... us Aussies thought we were in Hong Kong and started hording TP... it made the news and now everyone is
Soap is interestingly no problem at all, but there seems to be no more desinfectant in all of Hamburg.
But yeah, it makes no sense at all. In the worst of cases, a total shutdown, you've still got a shower. And if you have no water, you've got bigger problems than not having TP
So I really... don't get it at all
Despite multiple sources telling people that washing your fucking hands after peeing with soap for 30 seconds is way more effective and important.
A person is smart. People are stupid.
It's that easy.
Luckily for me, as a person I'm still stupid. I bought two packs by accident a month or two ago. I bought a pack, put it under my medicine cabinet, forgot, couldn't find it, and bought another
> Soap is interestingly no problem at all
every stocks now are hitting hard low
Good time to buy. Either the world goes to shit from the virus, or it all blows over in a month or two
Seriously I'm currently thinking about which stocks to buy
Cloud? AI? Clean energy?
Toilet paper stocks, obv
Obviously lol
You can buy a book on TP stocks. Who'dve thought
Luckily it's only $300 rather than 2.4k
I wonder how Corona stocks are doing today
It's still not this book though
They closed at the lowest ever yesterday
in 3 year period
@Squirrelkiller Doesn't work on me, already Saturday
Corona's my go to... unfortunately the prices haven't dropped, just the stock
It's like, just after noon for normal people!
12:45 am for the people that matter
Lots of trading but seem to be hitting a low shelf
how much should one spend when planning on buying stocks?
As much as you could afford to lose entirely
I only have $5 spare
can I buy stocks with that money?
let's say I throw $400?
yeah depends where you open an account
last time I tried that (a free account) I got telesales calls for months
$400 is a small investment, but doable. Be aware that you'll typically pay fees for opening an account plus a fee per transaction
@Rob Did I ever discuss asynchronous methods with you?
$400 is enough for fun investing, but... you're not gonna make money off it
I can't remember if I did.
Er... maybe? Don't remember your username
havent you discussed asynchronous methods with pretty much everyone here?
what is there to discuss about them?
@Rob do you know a lot about async methods?
oh, I can list names of lists what can be discussed about them
@Rob so how much is it?
I usually ask @AvnerShahar-Kashtan but looks like he's offline
if you have a specific question, you can ask in general
the async, exception, throw guy
@mr5 Depends on who you go with. I've never invested in the stock market, so don't ask me. I just know there are fees, and $400 is nothing, given you're talking about 5-10% return rates if you're lucky
if Rob (or any other particular individual) feels interested in answering, they would
@MyWrathAcademia Er... not particularly. I've used them, I know about them, but if you've got a question deeper than surface level then I'm not your guy
@Rob no earnings for $400?
I mean... you could earn $20 over a year. If you're lucky
i just lost 800€ over the last week :/
corona and stuff
good good
but if you wait long enough it will go up again
I can only afford to lose $400 nothing more. Poor me
Better than most
But uh.. if you're new enough to investing as to not know about fees or minimum investments, I'd advise researching
@Rob That's a half month net avarage salary in Hungary...
I don't know anything about the stock market either, and I'd definitely do a bunch of researching before investing $400
@ntohl Yeah, but it doesn't really matter, because the returns are relative
If you discount the joining and investing fees
lol feel like a kid in the sweet shop
10k of new it equipment to ubox :D
@Wietlol before you change your profile picture I might as well ask, what's going on in your avatar? Is it a radioactive lion? A lion wearing green lanterns ring? I don't get any meaningful results from google image search.
It is me
a Majestic Green Flaming Lion
You are a lion?
Is your name mufasa?
nope, it is Wietlol
@Wietlol What bad about XAML?
@Wietlol the logo for Wietlang should also be a green lion.
you should know, I can "ew" everything
Just to stay consistent
the logo for Wietlang will not be a green lion
Whhyyyy not?
What will it be?
A squirrel?
Are you undecided?
but I know a few things that it wont be :D
it would be another girl anime
Set up a poll and we can vote for wietlang logo candidates.
@mr5 haha nothing wrong with that.
@mr5 isn't your avatar also anime?
Hello All
it's cartoon
anime is for japan only
can anyone help me with this error
its probably going to be some weird svg art
c# question: anyone had weird issues with sorting on specific machines?

i have a list { A, A, A, B, B, B, C, D, D } and on a single machine the sorting in the grid view is { A, A, A, D, B, B, B, D, C, D } instead...

i have no idea what the Issue could be...
Unable to configure unity container. No 'unity' section in application configuration file and no custom configuration given via 'ContainerConfiguration' class.
Same thing
No Anime is for adults
Cartoons are for kids
@SebastianL what are your sorting rules?
so you have a list of strings?
good sirs
and bad sirs
I'll ask dumb thing I have no idea about. Anyone know if I can create job in crontab to run my console c# app on server?
they say I should've wrote grubber on php -.-
sure you just need to add the dotnet command to the crontab config
with crontab -e
@SebastianL care to share some code?
I mean is it possible at all? So I could put my app with additional txts and csv's to server and run it, for example, daily
i'll try but the application is rather complex
then I can recommend to isolate the problem
feels like stabbing myself with a brick or plastic bottle to death, since there is api I can use instead of grubbing my own sites, but I have no access to it. So I grubbing my sites to get first content and price/availibity in future
reproduce the problem in a new page
remove code and check you can still reproduce the problem
repeat until you cant reproduce the problem
problem is probably in the code you removed last
private void _Sort(string sortPath, bool ascending)
            using (AssociatedObject.Items.DeferRefresh())
                var sortDescription = new SortDescription(sortPath, ascending ? ListSortDirection.Ascending : ListSortDirection.Descending);
AssociatedObject is a ListView Behaviour
sortPath is the property path like "Object.Name"
hmm... this is all unfamiliar to me
if anyone has any idea i'd be really grateful, but it seems to be an uncommon issue
Ryan Donovan on March 13, 2020
These may be uncertain times, so we’ve all got questions. And on Stack Overflow and our exchanges, we’ve got a ton of great questions with fantastic answers. This week, we compare SSH with HTTPS, practice good document hygiene, and wonder if it would be dark inside the sun.  Why is SSH safer than HTTPS on…
Feeds trolled me when i saw the (1) in the browser header ...
1 hour later…
Jack, tumbleweed
is that the new caprica?
Jack, eval 1+1
....Come Again?
@SebastianL yes
Jack, ls /proc/
I don't understand mate
@SebastianL Jack cant really do eval
but there is another bot that can
one bot to rule them all
If we chain Jack with nyconey's robot together we could create an infinite loop
I tried that with ny, but the output has some weird prefix
Is it okay having a List of some object accessed from different timers which run different threads?
I mean, how to wait then while object in List or List by itself would be available to access from thread?
Wouldn't that cause a "memory already accessed" or such issue if both threads trying to read/write data to object inside this List?
@ntohl Okay, so for example we have ConcurrentBag<List<byte[]>>
no. You have ConcurrentBag<byte[]>, because List is not thread safe
Oh, so ConcurrentBag<ConcurrentBag<byte[]>>?
so you want 2 levels of thread safe data?
@V.7 reading is allowed to be done concurrently
writing is what makes it difficult
why do you have a nested mutable collection in multithreaded context?
yeah. I would bail out of that situation too.
What if: One thread adds to ConcurrentBag and other thread checks if ConcurrentBag.Count > 0. When > 0 then it removes ConcurrentBag[0]. Wouldn't that cause something weird i.e. memory issue or first thread won't be available to add to list or just data would be corrupted?
you mean a queue?
(still XY)
it would be ConcurrentQueue, which is designed for that
Ok, I'll try with no 2^arrays. There're 2 timers which call async operations and retrieves/uploads data as soon as possible(so that's why async), but with custom timeout of timer.
First timer, retrieves data and second thread uploads data to another resource. A data is stored in a ConcurrentDictionary<int, Data> where Data is an object with (DateTime and byte[]).
Would this cause such issue if first timer won't add a value to ConcurrentDictionary or it might be corrupted, or second thread wouldn't access it?
I have no clue what you meant with any of that
@Wietlol there're two timers which work with one collection. I.e. ConcurrentDictionary. Would that cause an issue when for example, first async wouldn't be able to add data while first async writes into it or vice versa?
@V.7 if you use the correct methods on it, it will not corrupt data.
so both of them try to AddOrUpdate, the last one wins. If both of them try to TryAdd, than first one wins
Q: Can ConcurrentDictionary.TryAdd fail?

Dave LawrenceThis is more of an academic question... but can ConcurrentDictionary.TryAdd fail? And if so in what cases and why?

Oh, so no concurrency issues ...
I mean, it waits internally while collection is available and then adds value?
@Wietlol do you have any experience with building web apps or working with binary files?
@MyWrathAcademia These are two very different works, but what do you mean by work with a binary files? Just curious. Sorry :D. Hex, Disassembler, OllyDbg etc.?
@V.7 I mean reading a binary file and extract text from it.
@V.7 do you have experience building web apps?
@MyWrathAcademia Reading a binaryfile is okay, but how would you know where text is located? What are you meaning by asking that question about Web apps? Which type of it, Backend/Fronted etc.
@V.7 both the frontend and backend. If you have experience with building web apps then may be you could answer some questions.
Ben Popper on March 13, 2020
We’re 100% remote, as of Monday. And one of the critical tools that helps us work securely is our VPN. This article covers how we made our decision and best practices to follow.
@MyWrathAcademia both, yes
not at the same time tho
@Wietlol Great.
@Wietlol I want to build a web app of a payment services provider such as stripe. This web app should allow a user to enter their business, the payment methods for purchases on their website and then integrate to the business's website using a REST API.
@Wietlol Does this make sense?
@Wietlol I don't think this is a request/response website so it is more like an SPA frontend and REST API like @Hozuki mentioned:
Mar 10 at 14:53, by Hozuki
@MyWrathAcademia There's various approaches to web development. The traditional request/response style approach is what is shown in the tutorial I've sent you. That's just where you request a page and get an answer with said page. If we're talking about an REST API with a SPA front-end we're talking about a totally different type of project.
@Wietlol and @Hozuki do you know any tutorials that would teach me the skills needed to complete this project?
Why do I feel like we had this conversation
@juanvan the difference is that now I know exactly the type of app I want to emulate
I gave stripe as an example
@mr5 it was almost certainly a flag ban, not a mod ban. Please don't be antagonistic.
But a web version
@juanvan what do you think?
Look up stripe if you are not familar with it.
Hey @Hozuki
Did you read this message:
40 mins ago, by MyWrathAcademia
@Wietlol I want to build a web app of a payment services provider such as stripe. This web app should allow a user to enter their business, the payment methods for purchases on their website and then integrate to the business's website using a REST API.
@Hozuki What do you think? I can re-explain if it doesn't make sense.

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