Display the EmpNum,ZooName and Salary for contratcs that did not start in October are not male employees and zoos for those
contracts have animals with species that have an "a" anywhere on its name
select * from Animal_Table where Species like '%a%' and ZooName in (
select ZooName from Zoo_Table where ZooName in (
select distinct ZooName from Contract_Table where MONTH(StartDate) != 10 and EmpNum in (
select EmpNum from Employee_Table where Gender !='M')))
Does C# have extension properties?
For example, can I add an extension property to DateTimeFormatInfo called ShortDateLongTimeFormat which would return ShortDatePattern + " " + LongTimePattern?
We've been discussing communications for the last 4 days without finding middle ground, so eventually the boss was "OMG we can't leave this meeting without a decision, tell us what you discussed". So I put my JSON offering on the table, web dude put his array of strings, and boss was bamboozled as to why an array of strings. We explained, I said from a design background it doesn't make any sense, web dude said he can't paste a JSON into a work, only strings. So boss goes "WTF you idiot, parse...
...it!" and comes back "But how?". We all went OmegaLUL, I tried to explain he can convert JSON to anything he wants, after a long debate it seems this guy was afraid of having to work.
After 1.5 hours our boss says "well, I think we are not concerned about your internal issues, can we agree to send JSON like Hector said?", everyone said yes, I almost spit acid, meeting over and he now has to discuss with his boss how has he been unable to build a proper, non-static word document that can take parameters and build something readable.
Background part, these 4 days I've changed back and forth between formats, since each day this dude sent me a different format to fulfill, so I've effectively wasted enough time for 3 days
@Wietlol Well one of the complaints is that the output from a query returned a stringified JSON and I had to format this output to do what he wanted, sending only the data he needed
And I was like bitch, the query is not static, do you want me to modify the code every 10 minutes for each time the user wants to run a different one?
I made a REST API to replace it, but explaining to my boss why it whould be replaced was acomplete waste of time, so that's been gathering dust for a year now
Security is something these guys do not give 2 shits about, its embarrassing