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Developer communities on FB are just terrible.
EF 6 code first, how do you check if there are any model changes and you need to do a migration? I can just do Add-Migration JusCheckin and then blow it away if it's empty? Or will it say "No changes dumbass, move on" ???
Does anyone like EF ?
Not me
iDunno actually...
Does any one have experience with building C# webapps (both backend and frontend)?
I would just do the migration when you edit the model
I have to build a webapp and have no idea where to start since I've never built one before.
It's kinda cool, but in a mega solution of 130 projects it's a fu***** headache
@Wietlol This is such a huge pile of garbage I have no idea if I edited a model or not
Every EF model hack going on SO is in this monster somewhere.
Is there any good tutorial that teaches you how to build a C# webapp (as quickly as possible)?
How much c# do you know?
Very good question. I'm following this official Microsoft documentation and I am up to writing async programs, but I know Object-oriented programming already from learning Java up to OOP.
@MyWrathAcademia you could copy and paste an existing project. That would be the fastest way if the point is to make one
Open Visual Studio, File - > New project -> Expand Visual C# -> Web -> NET Core Web Application -> Click OK ...wait .. Press F5 You're welcome
if the point is to learn, then that's a whole different ballgame
Ya reading documentation is to learning what looking at a picture of a hammer is to building a shed
Thanks but I can't just copy and paste because this is not just some personal project, it is an assignment. It will be reviewed by programmers much better than me.
There's no need to understand everything. Just follow the basic guides and grasp the concepts you need.
I built a shed three weeks ago, no hammers were involved.
And learn from that point onward.
I wonder what happened to the person in Java room that wanted to understand the entirety of Java
@BlackSquirrel you did it wrong everything needs a hammer
Jesus christ
@MyWrathAcademia there some kind of time table you're on?
@Wietlol iz u?
I was the one answering the questions
You want to know it's impossible and are just checking?
we know it's you
but those questions were on a deep level tho
I just fixed a super obscure 4 year old bug in one of our programs where the actual code pre-dates us using github because it's in the initial commit
@Wietlol He is an expert now.
ye, he made fizzbuzz
I have never once been disappointed in bringing a hammer to a job.
@juanvan yeah there is a deadline.
@CaptainObvious rip dude
Hot piece of garbage
My personal project <3
time for dotes
@mr5 nice
How long should it take me to build a web app?
Well I started one in 1993 and I'm still building it
@juanvan it's going to be a receipt manager eventually
@MyWrathAcademia You don't build web apps you start them and NEVER finish.
Nice, everyone needs one of them
Need a simple Invoice system
It's fine, the fact that it predates git means it was 100% me that did it
receipts are useless
for like snow plowing
Not if you're a 1099
What about the front end?
Don't I need JavaScript and HTML for that?
You are going to use C# frontend by the end of this year
blazor is already a thing
That's true-ish
and WASM
You think it will over take angular or vue?
@MyWrathAcademia Here's an unsolicited piece of advice; just get started. Keep it simple. There's no need to understand everything that's going on. Work with best practices of your preferred architecture and use guides that show you how those work. That's how you build an actual application and learn about everything that is involved. Ignore everything else that you don't directly need.
@Hozuki Thanks @Hozuki . Is that tutorial only for the backend side of web app development or does it also cover the front end too?
I'm not sure. I'm really out dated in web development this past 3 years.
Well I've been working about 50% of my time for the last ...8 months on a web app to replace a bunch of LOB desktop apps
@MyWrathAcademia That was both for a traditional request-response website.
He's on a time table
Best bet Hire someone
what's time table?
I mean it's been in use for about 6 months, but it's getting new stuff constantly still
is it like multiplication table?
he has a schedule
The issues on that Enterprize Fizz Buzz are funny
@Hozuki Sorry, I don't understand. Can you rephrase your response?
American jargon
@juanvan when do you guys say time table instead of deadline?
I guess it's from daycare for the kids
Don't think anyone would hear it
those are some chunky bezels on that phone
Isnt' blazor still amazingly slow though?
Still has production bugs
Don't get me wrong, i'd love to try it out, but because its still fairly new i don't see the point
I'd probably write something and within a week it'd be wrong
lot of ppl on twitch stream it
@MyWrathAcademia There's various approaches to web development. The traditional request/response style approach is what is shown in the tutorial I've sent you. That's just where you request a page and get an answer with said page. If we're talking about an REST API with a SPA front-end we're talking about a totally different type of project.
You're hurting his head
It's the easiest way to go.
is Hozuki some kind of fictional character?
or the namesake, anyway
@Freerey Yes. Hozuki Ferrari.
hmm never ehard of this, but the first thing If ind what looks like a pic by someone I know
@Hozuki Thanks for explaining. I think the project may be a REST API with a SPA front-end. Do you know any good tutorials for that?
No. There are tutorials for a REST API, which is what you'll be doing with .NET. The SPA side is going to be tricky and complicated if you've never done anything like it. It mostly involves JavaScript with some kind of compilation pipeline (webpack?) and the framework of your choice (vue, angular, react, etc).
@Hozuki thanks a lot. Now I have a much better understanding of where to start. I have been learning JavaScript so I'm not a fish out of water. I prefer to use Angular.
Alright. I recommend that you focus your efforts on one side first. Either make a mock SPA without a back-end, or build a back-end that does whatever you need it to do. Whichever approach is more up your alley. Make the other side afterwards.
@Hozuki Great idea. I'll follow you advice. How experienced are you with building REST APIs with SPA frontends?
@MyWrathAcademia Quite. It's the majority of my job.
@MyWrathAcademia Just follow the docs for a new .net core app
I've built a couple of REST APIs with .net core, and had a go at an SPA but that was a trickier beast
In return though I need someone to tell me why my SHA512 hash doesn't match the one generated by my payment gateway
@DAustin The obvious answer is: you're doing it differently/wrong.
@Hozuki nss :P
using (SHA256 shaM = new SHA256Managed())
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToBeHashed);
// Create a new Stringbuilder to collect the bytes
// and create a string.
var sBuilder = new StringBuilder();

// Loop through each byte of the hashed data
// and format each one as a hexadecimal string.
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)

// Return the hexadecimal string.
sha512 = sBuilder.ToString();
SHA256 is actually SHA512, forgot to change it back lol
Hey Hans
Oooooo think I've found the problem
It helps if I actually COMPUTE THE DAMN HASH
I'll be over here, in the corner of shame
just occurred to me we're almost through q1 of the year already
@MyWrathAcademia Would recommend doing your firwst web app with this tut: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/razor-pages/…
My eyes was itching, so I scratched it, pulled a super-sturdy rheum and it flogged me back in the eye. Not it's itchy AF.
posted on March 10, 2020 by ericlippert

Here’s an interesting question I saw on StackOverflow recently; it was interesting because the answer seems obvious at first, but making a small change to the question makes the answer very different. The original question was: suppose we have an … Continue reading →

4-6 weeks shipping for the valve index :'(
@DAustin thank you for providing the link. What makes the tutorial you linked different from this one linked by @Hozuki ?
@MyWrathAcademia The difference is in the structure of the files, MVC is the older way of doing it, which MS replaced with Razor Pages
But don't let that stop you from using MVC if you find it easier
@DAustin I knew about Micro services and vaguely about MVC but Razor pages is new to me.
so in MVC you have 3 types of files: The view (Web Page viewed in the client), THe model (That's all your classes, methods, entities etc), and the Controller, which links the 2 together
It's a nice way of separating functionality
Razor pages decided to include the model inside the view, tbh I don't fully understand it myself, but if you're starting from scratch, as it's MS's preferred way of developing over MVC, thought it might be better to just learn that rather than learn, then try to unlearn MVC
Razor pages just seems to be an attempt at coupling the code behind a view with the view itself
so when you're building/debugging/modifying, you don't have to go hunting through the entire MVC stack for all the bits you need to change
I personally find MVC easier
But if you want to add in Identity Framework (for account/password management), that bit is all pre-built in razor pages
@DAustin thanks. If MS chose to replace MVC with Razor then it might be worth learning but when building web apps in other languages can Razor be used?
No it's C# specific
@DAustin In that case I may stick with MVC because I don't want to be tied down to one language.
Well it's just syntax
As for building SPA front ends what did you use?
I ended up using react.js
but this was before MS released Blazor
which might be worth looking into
So you can build SPA front ends with a JavaScript framework?
though react.js is an incredibly highly demand skill in the workforce atm, so learning it would only benefit the job prospects, more so than Blazor
That's pretty much what all SPAs are
What does SPA stand for?
JS libraries
Singl Page Application
Think something like facebook
Great! So in order to build Single Page Applications all I need to do is learn a JavaScript framework?
where you don't want people to have to load new pages all the time, you just want to dynamically update the current page
Are there any examples of multi page applications?
Angular and React are the 2 big players
Vue.js is a strong 3rd place
Any website is a multi-page app
@MyWrathAcademia you should pick the language, then pick the tool
MVC also language locks you
@DAustin Good because Angular I choose you!
Well ASP.net MVC locks you to c#/VB sure
MVC is just a pattern
it can be applied to any language
but then MVC is uncomparable to Razor
then you have to compare MVC to SPA
@Wietlol I thought MVC was an architecture?
or whatever Razor was
How does an architecture lock you into a language?
@MyWrathAcademia it is, he was just compounding MVC with ASP.NET MVC
well... you cant really make a website with multiple languages on your server that easily
sure you can, use c# to generate a php file with php in it
you cant make a nodejs mvc application using C# as your controllers, Java as your models and Python as your view generators
why you would ever do that though is beyond me
@DAustin You mean comparing?
no compounding/conflating
meaning he was saying MVC === ASP.NET MVC
I was assuming that in the context, the discussion was about ASP.NET MVC
i know
keeping the generic pattern out of the picture
@DAustin Oh right. What's ASP.NET MVC and how is it different to the MVC architecture design pattern?
yeh it just confused Wrath a bit because he thought you were talking about the general p[attern
its just specific to ASP
ASP.NET MVC is the ASP.NET implementation of the MVC pattern
^^^ That
@Wietlol Thanks. Can I just use the general MVC design pattern or does C# force you to use ASP.NET MVC?
What's your preference Wiet for an SPA stack with asp on the backend?
C# wil lforce you to use ASP.NET, but you would want to do it that way anyways, IntelliSense and all that stuff etc
you could make your own implementation of MVC
Can I use micro services to build a web app instead of the MVC or ASP.NET MVC we are discussing?
but I would highly disrecommend it if you are unfamiliar with the existing frameworks
you could use microservices to build a web app
@MyWrathAcademia What do you mean by using MicroServices?
and on top of that, you still need a user interface architecture
so, you would use microservices + MVC or microservices + SPA
it is not that microservices rules out a front end architecture
surely your app would leverage microservices, but wouldn't be built by them?
@DAustin Typescript with React
just dont start with blazor and the likes
then you have to reside to something else
never bothered with TypeScript, surely its just adding a lot of weight to JS to enforce strong typing? Or have i completely misunderstood TypeScript?
half of the advantages of using Kotlin are gone because your back end is .net
Javascript/Typescript would be the major option
Javascript gets ruled out for obvious reasons /s
Typescript is left
Explain obvious reasons to me, ive never used TypeScript :(
then for the ui framework, custom/angular/vue/react, react is definitely the winner imho
@DAustin and @Wietlol I mean for my web application architecture if I can use a micro services application architecture instead of an MVC application architure?
@DAustin I just dont really love JS :D
@Wietlol lol as good a reason as any :P
@MyWrathAcademia there is no "instead"
you use both
^^^ This
I think you're getting confused between all the architectures and patterns
MVC is your way of building the app, the app can call up other microservices to compute data if you need it to, but it'll still need the whole MVC bit to do all the actual work
if you are doing microservices, I would advice against a monolithic front end application
what I use is a custom MVC implementation managed by a generic SPA
so, in my case, I use Microservices, MVC and SPA
all 3
I'm now getting really confused
you werent yet?
@Wietlol Microservices is a collection of small services. Monolithic is a single service. So it is either, or
@MyWrathAcademia Baby step mate, learn MVC first
@MyWrathAcademia yes and no
Then learn Microservices OR SPA with React/Angular
React/Angular will take as much effort to learn as MVC
but you can use MVC without React/Angular, not so easy the other way around
unless you create a REST API
but then you'll want to learn MVC to make that REST API
in short, just stick with MVC first :P
just try stuff
make a website using the first technology you see
then, make it again using another
compare and move to the next
@DAustin this can't be right. Microservices is an application architecture, React/Angular are JavaScript frameworks. How can you be comparing them?
tbj I started with PHO, then discovered ASP and never looked back
if you really want to explore all the ui framework mess that is currently a thing
@MyWrathAcademia you can learn different things at a different time
I'm comparing them because they are things you should learn later
learning them now will only confuse you, as you have said :P
well... learning them at the same time ... will only confuse you
out of all the stuff we've spoken about today, I'd recommend learning MVC first
I already read a bit about microservices and like what I saw. So I wanted to do:
then I'd move on to a JS framework on top of that MVC app
Application architecture: Microservices
then build a microservice website using mvc
Front End Framework: Angular
So MVC you need to do first
Backend: REST API built with C#
and how will you host that microservice landscape?
@Wietlol On Azure or AWS?
@Wietlol sorry but I'm still confused about microservices vs MVC. MVC and Microservices are mutually exclusive since both are application architectures that you choose for your project so how can you say "then build a microservice website using mvc"
no no no, wait
MVC is a front end management architecture pattern
it is a description of how communications are done between the client and server and how the front end relates to the back end
Oh I'm only learning backend now and so far I know that on the backend MVC and Microservices are application architectures that you choose for your project.
Microservices is an application composition architecture pattern
it is a way of describing how applications talk to each other
one application could be your database, another your windows application and another your web service in between
@Wietlol How APIs talk to each other? Or how services talk to each other?
(more often, that would be the layered pattern, but microservices still apply a bit)
Microservices just have many many many many more
and they are mostly all your web services
@MyWrathAcademia APIs dont talk, services do
people just abuse the term "API" but they mean "Web service"
API is the application programming interface
Okay I'm understanding now. So a microservice can include an mvc because in this scenario mvc is only for the front end and Microservices is for the backend, or is Microservices for both the backend and front end?
for example, this is the cli API of dotnet: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools
with microservices + mvc, each microservice would have a paired service that would expose a micro user interface
with a micro controller
and a micro view
and a micro model
for example, your shopping basked could be its own service
you could add items to the basket or get all items in it through the web api
or, you could display it through the mvc paired service
@Wietlol I understand this
depending on how you host it, this might just be some simple code that delivers html/css/js
in my case, it delivers an Ugline-ui module encoded in BitBlock
which are two of my personal libraries
@Wietlol any tutorials for this specifically?
not sure
its quite new and a lot of tutorials on microservices + ui are still basing it on a monolithic ui
Seeing an example of this microservices + mvc after your excellent explanation would allow me to jump into the project.
How do you find links so quickly?
:) Of course
well... some people brute force links
just try all the options and on every result, see if it is about mvc or microservices
I find it a bit inefficient
but whatever
anyway, im off
We continue chatting another time.
Does anyone have any experience with little endian binary files?
@MyWrathAcademia No, sorry :(
@DAustin no problem. You're still an expert when it comes to MVC.
@DAustin have you ever read a binary file into a C# program?
have any of you had a gridview act like this
the upper two are receiving data, but they're not displaying it right on the initial load
the Pattern and Casting grids are both loaded into the same way, like this:
Waiver w = new Waiver(waiverID);
IList patList = w.Pattern;
gvPatterns.DataSource = patList
gvPatterns.PageIndex = 0
patterns and castings are loaded into like arrays, so really the IList is redundant, but either way doesn't make a difference here
@MyWrathAcademia Expert is a strong term, I can muddle my way through but my C# will probably awful compared to most
And no on the binary file front, but I would assume you could read it in with a StreamReadr()?
Hey o/
I just found a huuuuuge security hole in our website
can't believe someone coded this thinking it was secure -.-
@DAustin what does the method StreamReadr()do and what data type does it return. The problem with reading a binary file is that I don't know what data is read in and how to manipulate that data to convert to text or integer representations of binary numbers? If I'm making sense.
@DAustin whats the security hole?
Well parsing the binary would require you to figure out how you need to parse it, as binary is just all 0s and 1s
That'll be something thats custom to your binary
StreamReader returns a byte[] I think
oh got that wrong
Stream returns a byte array
StreamReader uses a specified encoding
for Stream() look at this: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/…
I'd love to tell you the security hole but it's too risky :P
Can I rant about work? Will someone listen? lol
That's what we all do here lol
Not a coding question but dealing with management question
doubt it
I'll just say that it checks a querystring parameter with zero validation
so in theory I could use that parameter to abuse other people's accounts
Do you all have 1 on 1s with your manager?
How do you find topics to talk about for 30 mins
I've never had that ._.
Not rly, but I work for a small business that really doesn't seem to give 2 shits
how do you tell your manager that you don't like him telling you to get someone else's help all the time if I object somthing he says
also I give up trying to load the object into the gridview
as long as don't bork the db i'm ok basically lol
e.g. I like literally just explain to him why it XYZ would take more work
not that it's hard
Use the term man-hours
and he's pings a coworker and tells him to help me with the issue I'm having
very annoying
like i know how to fix it but it's tedious and will take time
i don't need the other guy's help
like his answer to everything to throw another person on it
by using Man Hours that'll separate who is doing the work from the amount of time it will take
albeit it doesnt' need it
once he understands that throwing 2 people on the job will still cost the business the same in terms of salary he might stop doing it a bit, unless y'all got tight deadlines to meet
also remind him that time spent explaining stuff to him is adding on to the total
and to trust the people he's hired whose expertise he doesn't have
office politics is a tricky business, sometimes its best just to swallow your pride a bit and be apathetic
anyways bbl home time
It's crazy because he does this consistently. Like some tickets sure, let's backtrack and make sure I'm right on my assumptions
but it comes down to even tickets like adjust margins and padding LOL Like I don't need another engineer to fix that lol
It's a little belittling
How can I debug GetService returning null on Microsoft's dependency injection extention?
serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider().GetService<Server>(); // null but how?
yo yo yo
haven't played with one of those in ages
// Fix memory leaks
while (true)
put it on a background thread
ugh this election is making me crazier than usual, so I might end up doing my little summer internet retreat earlier than I was planning
tl;dr expect to see me less
I apologize toa nyone who saw me earlier
does anyone know how to get the diagram that shows all of the fields and methods listed in a C# windows form app project? i'm not sure what its called but it kind of looks like the inheritance diagrams where theres arrows
a class diagram?
I think that's what it's called not sure
i tried view -> class view but that didn't give me anything
yes i found it, its called a class diagram but i can't find the tab its under do you have to manually generate it? the videos I found already had it generated
@csscoder The class view in the side menu should show you, no idea why it's not
I think you have to actually generate hte clas diagram. RIght click on the project I think.
I think you need 'Class Designer' component installed too
what what what
What are you doing around here so late
it's god damn 22.07
Oh I was just lurking
literally had nothing better to do
so i went and checked all my facebook advertising settings
and holy fuck, i swear i checked it 6 months ago and the amount of shit facebook thinks im interested in is ridiculous
a lot of opt-out emails, best to keep on top of these things, particularly those mongs at experian
time to rebuild the pihole, with logging turned off this time so it doesn't kill the sd card in 2 months flat

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