I tried to figure out how to convey a connection string for an aure sql db to my webapi that I'm gonna deploy to an azure appservice, without puttign it into the web.config, which is on gitlab.
@Squirrelkiller Put the connection string into a Config/ConnectionStrings.config file and link your web.config to that .config file. Don't version those Config/*.config files.
@CaptainSquirrel Just wild guessing cos I can't see what you see. It's a fucked up build error I get every few weeks due to NET Core libs I am referencing in NET Framework solutions and sometimes - for a reason I am yet to determine - VS get's all fucked up about netstandard and it's references and won't build claiming ValueTuple is not found am I missing an assembly reference.
string commands = "I know the following commands: commands";
foreach (var c in _hardCommands)
commands += $", {c}";
foreach (var c in _customCommands)
commands += $", {c.command}";
await Say(commands, ass);
@DAustin Rhinovirus is 30-80% cause of colds Coronavirus is about 15% cause. COVID-19 is the newest strain currently laying waste to the incumbent parasites apex predators