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11:00 AM
holy what
Let's say a KV store, public class WebScaleDictionary<K, V> : IDictionary<K, V>
I just want to download a game, why pack that game ?
public class WebScaleQueue<T> : IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable, IReadOnlyCollection<T>, ICollection { ... }
now that packer used 4.5G of RAM and runs at incredibly unbelievable slow
it's a tradeoff between the time it takes to pack those files and the time it would take to download the difference between the packed files and the unpacked files
11:07 AM
If that game remain un compressed, 80GB, I may just playing the game right now
literally I may buy GTA5 at my plash speed router
@CaptainSquirrel I've only worked with android devices, but debugging is fairly normal. Starting debugging sessions can take a while because building the APK takes a minute or so
Profiling is a pain in the arse if you don't have a VS Enterprise subscription
I don't know what was the compression rate of TF2, but I haven't seen anything as slow as that decompression was
7zip can do some serious compression algorithms
so much so that it's not really worth the wait imho
@CaptainObvious yeah my experience with it was only on android
apparently react-native is v good for ios devices
android is better than it was, now
It's just because the Xamarin profiler is arbitrarily locked down to Enterprise subscribers only
11:20 AM
that's a bit shit
Yeah I kow
@nyconing do it
there is some code to unlock Enterprise, some where on the internet
it's a great game
11:21 AM
Yeah but we're good boys here
I'm gunna mess around with react native again this evening i think
use xamarin
React > everything!
Wiet === wrong
@CaptainObvious is too late
i already set up a test app last night and had a play
11:23 AM
plus i want to learn moar react
But it'll be replaced in about 20 minutes with the latest meme js framework
React is probably the best user interface framework I have ever seen
||learn jsframework <>https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/48630436#48630436
11:24 AM
Invalid Number of args
jsframework has been added
> Invalid Number of args
Jack, did you see that?
I don't understand mate
React runs like ass
11:24 AM
that is how you should respond
ofc, you dont understand
Jack, lean wiet
Is that even English?
@CaptainObvious it runs fine
Jack, learn wiet
....Come Again?
11:26 AM
@HéctorÁlvarez so react is GARBAGE
No, it's a very good masochist skateboard.
We've basically got a troll bot that just misunderstands everything on purpose
what you expect from a bot made by a squirrel
@CaptainObvious but does it tho?
11:28 AM
in what way
because the react apps we've got run fine
It eats up cpu like mad
And ram
granted, they are all react web but still
I want to define a new configuration with new compliation symbols in a Xamarin.Forms project, I want to use it in a .NET Statndard project (not the xamarin standard project),
where to define the new config and the symbol?
my app structure looks like:


I want to use it in MyApp.Common
It might "run fine" but it would run better without react
Because they all have about 50 versions of the DOM in ram for some retarded reasons
I blame html tho
11:30 AM
Why blame html for the stupid shit javscript frameworks are doing
I mean the clients we have that use this would definitely kick off about speed if it was an issue
thank god javascript V8 engine is a fast little beast, otherwise all these frameworks would run at a crawl
arguably, they may not even exist without it
That's not the correct way to think about performance though. That's what got us into the Electron hell that "desktop" applications have become
ahh but that's not the fault of electron tho
its the implementation
You shouldn't develop something that runs like dick but then go "ah but the runtime/hardware/whatever will get faster so it's fine"
11:33 AM
For example, the slack implementation is bad because the longer you have it open the worse it gets
discord however isn't because its still buttery smooth
But it's still really heavy for what it is
I wish web browsers expose JS AST interface to speed up JS parsing at client side, browser just need to verify and do whatever it want with the AST in binary form without scanning the JS code every time...
well no, there was a performance boost before these frameworks were a thing
But the point being is you shouldn't write your software so it runs okay on current platforms, you should write it so it runs well anyway
11:36 AM
boost:: performance()
Because as the thing you're running scales up, the performance will only get worse
@CaptainObvious that's subjective
it could be a reasonable tradeoff to write a program that just works okay but isn't at maximum efficiency if you're trying to meet deadlines
performance is not priority when current performance is acceptable
You should only worry about performance if its an obvious slow down
Yeah but my point is that poor performing frameworks shouldn't have been made in the first place
micro optimizations are also a thing, lets not forget that
11:37 AM
Just outsource your tasks to somewhere else to meet deadline
@CaptainObvious again, subjective. If there are programmers who use it, then it was worth releasing to the public
If the applicaiton is running slow and you go "oh yeah its because of (x dependency)" then you s houldn't use that dependency
if it isn't useful to anyone because it's too slow, or if you fear you're going to look bad by releasing something that slow, then no
(obviously if there's literally no way of achieveing it then sure)
Do in plain good old style programming without frameworks
Wire up things manually
11:41 AM
most of what we do is about picking the best tradeoffs
time vs money, performance vs memory, etc.
How to have a cake and eat it too?
if a framework company can't afford to make it work lightning fast because there are still some pressing open bugs, then it's understandable if they improve performance later
that said, obvious and quick performance fixes should be handled always
no excuse to do otherwise
@SunilAcharya what's up?
@Neil I was just checking
11:57 AM
he was just inviting me to a private room, so I wanted to see if he needed me for something :)
I got it too
Ahh yes
the private rooms that aren't actually private
So they're publicly private
@CaptainSquirrel Hehehehehe
@Neil & @DKDhilip : I was just checking how its work chat room etc new bee
12:20 PM
@CaptainSquirrel private Room WhereTheThingHappens { get; }
12:39 PM
the "private" public rooms
@Neil like .NET gaining some speed only with core...
Is that a thing?
because you don't load all the other bloat
they put the best algorithms in the core..
12:43 PM
only whatcha neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
pure algorithms, for your fix
IEnumerable.OrderBy uses BogoSort in .NET Framework 4.0 now
just to make people stop using 4.0
@Wietlol surely you jest
only rumors so far tho
1:00 PM
that's funny
1:06 PM
Now I just want to listen to the whole song
Thanks, Obama
i can do it for you
-_- why are C# default arguments so borked?
oh good my top comment is ogne
not good: I was an hour late to work cause my damn alarm didn't go off
and my regular boss isn't here today, so I had to tell someone else I was gonna be late @.@
1:21 PM
@Freerey Flexible work hours are apparently not a thing there?
oh they are; I just hate when that happens
I have flexible work hours too, but I find I still dislike coming in late
or at least what feels like late to me
I mean even though nobody cared in college, I still hated coming in late to lectures
Sure, sure, but nobody should complain and you shouldn't have to tell anyone :-P
1:36 PM
jack's still having problems?
Jack, kys
nah he's fine
@nyconing these Shibbes doggos make me want to buy one x)
Jack, black
1:38 PM
he's never messed that one up at least for me
Jack, engrish
Is that even English?
^ also works
2:18 PM
I just called a dealer 700 km away from my place and he said the offer I was given was better than anything he could do
wait, he can't reject the offer..
you mean another dealership other than the one where you were offered that price
what offer would that be?
Fuckin' christ
I very nearly did a Hector
Jack, hectoralvarez
Feb 23 '18 at 14:40, by Héctor Álvarez
omg I just sent a mail to my whole division, from devs to bosses, ending with a super duper 'Best retards'
2:29 PM
Hey I don't do that shit any more, now I hold down the erase back button to remove the text I've written, but because I was focused on Outlook I archived 17 mails.
> Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
2:46 PM
Who can give me the final value here?
a calculator
Such an odd language
I don't even know what operators to use
oh gdi I haven't done one of those in a few years @.@
Does anyone use GitLab?
@Neil just learned that people in our country the lived between 1920-19670 is far more intelligent than our generation.
2:50 PM
@mr5 Looks like some base convertion, no, Sir?
I'll bet they get quite intelligent through gene splicing in the year 2515
@V.7 I'm not sure lol. I only know basic arithmetic
Isn't that a basic arithmetic, Sir?
|*| means module
Why can't I understand it then
Where do you see a difficulty?
2:54 PM
(5 1)
Imagine I wrote that vertically
What operators are used there
@mr5 Only these: +, -, *, /, ^, () and []
@V.7 but there are no division operators there
Not even slash, or underscore
it looks like a matrix of 1x2
although, im not sure "number - matrix" is valid
3:01 PM
It might be a binomial coefficient
It's sicko when teachers/staff do not give their material structured, but chaotic and without reference ... hate it hate it hate it.
See? No programmers like Math
I think Niel can answer this but he's off to somewhere
(I intentionally spelt it wrong cuz users are still pinged even when no @ at it iirc)
@mr5 is that to say I'm not a programmer or that I like math? ಠ_ಠ
@mr5 I love maths, but education system currently teach it ultimately f*ing unacceptably, crummy and awfully ...
So people just do not know the basics! ...
Oh dear
3:13 PM
@Neil lol. can't answer =P
@V.7 wth is this croplord
IMHO programming ~= math, thus, programming is not possible without a proper math.
(5 1) is how many ways to choose one from 5 elements.. the answer is 5
Yeah. I remember I enjoyed writing code in physics when I was in college. It took me 2 days to transform a physics equation.
@V.7 HAH
I'm shit at maths
14 mins ago, by V.7
It might be a binomial coefficient
3:15 PM
And i'm doing just fine
Too bad, I can't understand it even our teacher is very eager to teach it.
Although, why does my code keep failing
I took an interesting class equating every programming statement to a mathematical equivalent in an attempt to prove code correct or incorrect
@CaptainSquirrel Might be not enough prints?
more logging!
all the logging!
3:17 PM
there doesn't really exist the concept of "assignment" in mathematics, but you can say that the value contained in one variable is now the value contained in another and vice versa
and you simply "swap" it with an empty variable
@Neil how about (5 2)?
@Neil thus a lot of students gets confused when they're trying to grasp "assignment" in programming
a lot of my classmates back in college can't understand this concept.
3:19 PM
students get confused when trying to grasp assignment?
was that sarcasm?
no. based from my own experience
IMHO It's teacher's fault if students do not understand.
they just froze when I try to explain to them the concept of a container
IMHO It's teacher's fault if students do not interested in fundamentals
or we just have a really really really bad overall system
3:20 PM
IMHO It's teacher's fault if he/she is retarded
that's why country is still in poverty
is there a way to decompile a .dll with Visual Studio?
@Freerey Only disassembly
@Freerey yeah. link the dll in your app and crash it
or ILSpy
ILSpy means I Love Spy
@mr5 5! / (2! 3!) btw
n! / k! * (n - k)!
3:22 PM
alright cause I gotta figure out what this custom dll is cause I'm 99% sure the original programmer doesn't work here anymore
@Neil ... telling 4th time ... it's binomial coefficient
@V.7 ok, that's just usually how you would write combinatorics
@Neil okay. stop there with your esoteric language
are you multiplying 2! and 3! ?
@Neil Also, n! / (k! * (n - k)!), isn't it?
3:24 PM
they just float AlRey
@V.7 is that not the same as what I wrote?
@Freerey just use dotpeek
I wanna find a way that doesn't involve me installing extra stuff, but I'll do it if I need to
@Neil No, it's not
@V.7 ah ok, well that's what I meant
3:27 PM
lmao that's amazing
Does anyone of you know how to operate this thing?
I do lmao
they take forever to get numbers in, though
3:36 PM
hand it to an old person
pick it up
take it to an old person
ask them to operate it
We never had that kind of phone so I have no idea
only seen it in movies
you spin the dial
it just takes forever cause after you turn it over to the stop, you have to wait for the dial to turn back to where it was
3:37 PM
put your finger in the hole of the number you want to "enter"
spin it to the stop
@JamesBot shut up >:(
rinse and repeat
I didn't just say stop.
3:37 PM
@mr5 lol
I think rotaries were phased out around the 80s...which makes sense, since circuitboard became more readily available
That's why we say "Dial a number" because you had to turn the dial with your finger.
@Freerey oh so after a rotation, it would reset its angle?
dial means rotate?
Before that it was more like Alexa ;) You just picked up the horn and there was a lady waiting at the other end and you just told her who you wanted to talk to.
3:39 PM
yep -- and you have to wait for the dial to return to its default position unless you want the numbers to mismatch
So we've gone ….
wait for it ...
Full Circle
but in the video I posted, it seems it doesn't reset itself though
I can't see your video, so idk
I gotta learn to read assembly...
voice controlled Human operator -> dial -> push-button -> touch screen -> voiced controlled robot operator
except the voice controlled robot operator gets the contact name wrong all the damn time
3:42 PM
@mr5 Looks like an apocalypse
but I'm still able to receive messages here
can't open any website though
Can you ping
yep. it's working now.
Erin Martin on February 19, 2020
We’re two weeks into collection of data for our 2020 Developer Survey. If you haven’t yet taken the survey, be sure to do so before it closes on February 25th. Read on for background on this year’s survey, what we hope to achieve this year, and how you can help. Primarily, you can take the…
3:52 PM
@mr5 Can you ping nasa.gov?
I guess their icmp is disabled cuz I can access their website
their infra probably doesn't respond to pings

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