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@RoelvanUden: I cant get you. Can you please give me some more information on it
Its just the splashscreen loads on one monitor and the login screen on the other
its a bit annoying
@SuryaKavitha string fileName = new string((definitionDetails.Name + ".xml").Where(x => !Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().Contains(x)).ToArray());
That removes all invalid file name characters.
@E.LDunn Oh right :(
@RoelvanUden: Still I am getting the same exception
@SuryaKavitha Then it's not your file download, you're doing something screwish. :)
A name was started with an invalid character.
That pretty much says it :P
Show your new code
@RoelvanUden: Thanks for your timing response. I'll try new code and let you know
@RoelvanUden: Can you suggest me for some another way to download XML file in Asp.net with MVC
@SuryaKavitha Serve a byte array and set the Content-Disposition header manually.
@LewsTherin HTML5 + JS > Silverlight
@RoelvanUden: Can you please give me the sample code for it?
Silverlight is far superior to HTML/JS, the adoption just sucked, and now it is abandoned.
Too much boilerplate code with HTML/JS, it's really pathetic.
@SuryaKavitha No. Read up on the subject.
Silverlight is a piece of garbage
and I say that as a user
not as a "developer"
You also say EF is a piece of garbage so your opinion doesn't mean much to me.
hi,i have a dhtmlx form with textboxes and dropdowns with"Search"button.user enter the fields and click on the search button,search the specific records from database and display the records.Entering all fields are not mandatory but if user has not entered atleast one value,we have to give validation message in the form that please enter atleast one value,how to give that validation message?
LOL the conversation between Steve and Nadal is so funny ha ha
guyz anyway to create a global script which will catch all the link clicks and put them in a cookie
i mean i want to write a handler in jquery
Why would you do that? In a cookie?
EF is nice for people that can't do their own entity tracking
But they are better of doing lightswitch or sharepoint in the long run
actually creating breadcrumbs
clientside stuff
But a cookie is send to the server, that would be bad.
Use local storage.
have thot about jquery click event handler
@RoelvanUden - true
m talking about that only
$(document).ready(function(){$('a').click(function(){/*do stuff*/})});
actually i knew dat
but was worrying about that global event interfering with the local or click specific event
just created a fiddle and doubt got solved
Hmm. Is there a desktop client and/or api for this chat? I've got too many tabs going.
I wish silverlight wasn't dead
me too
It is such an inferior product
What? I said wasn't dead. I liked silverlight.
Yeah me too, because it was so bad, makes my HTML5/JS site really stand out
Wasn't there a Silverlight 5 released?
SL 5 was actually something I would use
@LewsTherin Yes. I made some software in silverlight 5.
It was the first version where small font was readable
only took 5 versions to fix bad anti-aliasing
not bad for a UI-framework
The font looked fine in chrome. For some reason it looked differently in IE.
Well yeah because it wasn't really cross-browser
anyway some people don't see the blurry text or mind it that much
HTML 5 isn't truly as well
Well it could have changed, has it?
The problem with HTML is IE
The crappiest browser of the world
I am doing ASP.NET Forms now. It feels like I have do find all kinds of hidden properties to make it do its magic in the background in a way I want it to. Not really enjoying it.
And JavaScript; the crappiest scripting language in the world.
JS is great
Javascript is the reason I hate the HTML 5 push.
because it runs everywhere
It is stupid isn't it, MS ends support for SL 5 and IE still gets worked on fecksake.
Just read JS the good parts
is that 2 pages?
That's not a reason to make it great. I really dislike JS due to scoping and so forth.
scoping is something that you can control
It shouldn't have to be something I need to take control of.
More languages need LINQ. It doesn't feel right without it now :P
If JS has functionality of scoping of, say, PHP -- I'd be fine with JS.
@Justin :P
stuff like
var renderer = (function(){
"use strict";
But it doesn't.
LINQ is underscore.js in javascript
function MyViewModel() {
var self = this;
this.clickMe = function() {
// use self to access 'class'..
No real OO; it bothers me. A lot.
@RoelvanUden Ah yes, very annoying.
So we end up with a lot of scoping for something we shouldn't have to.
Of course, then there are languages that compile to JS that take care of that.
But I wouldn't say JS, by itself, is great.
JS by itself isn't great, but the things you can do for your users IS
and that is what I'm after
just look at stuff like trello.com
its from the SO-people
I'd rather have an abstraction of C# in the browser. Then you have proper tooling and language constructs, whereas you'd have the same power (such as Script# project). JS by itself is just.. not great.
JS is the only choice to do something in the browser, and if you want to achieve high responsiveness of your site, you must use it. It doesn't make JS great, it makes it a necessity.
Its the continuing battle of Developer Convenience versus User Experience
One shouldn't kill the other. Look at ASP.NET. Great tooling, a lot of love for the developer -- and you can create a great user experience. The issue is that there is no alternative/competition for in-browser programming.
javascript, to an extent
Hello fellow C# Programmers
i have a question
hey elite
how are your projects coming?
Lets say i have a pnel with a label and a picturebox
and i want to multiply this object
how would i do so?
So, you want multiple copies of the panel?
@EliteGamer What does that mean?
Also, i would need to change the image and the label text
Then again knowing more then 1 type of programming language will make you a better programmer
Too bad that a lot of C# developers want to stick so desperately with one language
@HansZ Great
@DavidDV Wishful thinking if that's true.
@EliteGamer winforms?
@Hiverzz yess
It sounds like you want to create a class that has a label value and an image property.
@DavidDV You want to know why? Because C# is comfortable.
@HansZ winforms
@DavidDV most programmers I've talked to know many programming languages
@DavidDV In comparison, other Web languages such as PHP/JS/Ruby pale in comparison.
I think the most common 4 are c#, java, c++, javascript
c# is a single stack, you can create a complete solution using C#
you can't create a complete solution using PHP, JS, or Ruby
@HansZ what about html and CSS?
You can with JS
JS is single stack
not programming languages, markup languages
@DavidDV very unsafe
PHP/SQL is totally able to create complete solutions.
ah, ok
@HansZ explain
You are kinda mixing the beans with the bananas here
@DavidDV if you're using javascript to prevent a user from getting admin priviledges
Ok, well, how would i do that? Multiply a panel?
they can just modify the script in chrome
and give yourself admin priviledges
I mean singlestack as node.js server
JS single stack can be NodeJs/Mongo/Js
node.js != javascript
c# is a programming language, js is a scripting language - they have different properties and as such are not comparable
NodeJS == JavaScript
Javascript > NodeJS
@EliteGamer Sounds like a loop creating panel objects
NodeJS > JavaScript :P
but when I say javascript, I mean js w/o jquery
@EliteGamer the easiest way to do this is probably creating a form control
C# is comfortable but it doesn't hurt to use another non-MS technology might change your viewpoint
@DavidDV very few devs I know get started with C#
Most C# devs come from a background such as C/C++ or PHP/Ruby
well, i am adding them, because i am implementing a 'drag drop thing'
Q: What is Custom Control and User Defined Control?

HemantCan any explain me what is Custom Control and UserControl?The Main difference between them.Suggest me some basic examples links. Thanks in advance

define a user form control
give it a constructor with an image location and a label string
I come from a VB6 background
@RoelvanUden,@bhuvin,@Lews,@David can u help me to solve my issue
Been a MS-consultant for 14 years now :s
@DavidDV I think if you're working for Microsoft, you're allowed to be MS-centric
@KendallFrey Not sure if it was your or Kyle that used WebAPI controllers with Razor to generate HTML/JSON depending on calling context. Was it you? If so, how did you implement it?
@steve ask your question
Not as from MS but doing MS-type technologies :p
@LewsTherin yea, i want to add these panels
@RoelvanUden Not me. I'm the desktop guy.
@KendallFrey Ok, wrong person. Thanks tho!
Feel free to ask your question! Explain your problem, where you are stuck, and what you've tried and we will try to answer to the best of our ability.
@EliteGamer, If you're looking for the structure, here's some pseudocodeish stuff.

public class myPanel extends Panel
public string lblText;
public image myPic;

label myLabel = new label;
myLabel.text = lblText;

//position the elements inside your panel.

//on some event
myPanel instancedPanel = new myPanel();
instancedPanel.myLabel = "Hello";
instancedPanel.myPic = <some picture>;
hi,i have a dhtmlx form with textboxes and dropdowns with"Search"button.user enter the fields and click on the search button,search the specific records from database and display the records.Entering all fields are not mandatory but if user has not entered atleast one value,we have to give validation message in the form that please enter atleast one value,how to give that validation message?
@Hiverzz Looks like we have a Java programmer here..
Good morning
@LewsTherin looksLikeSomeOneDoesntLikeCamelCase
@HansZ,I have sent my issue
@LewsTherin Your Holmesian deduction astonishes me. How'd you guess?
34 secs ago, by Hans Z
@LewsTherin looksLikeSomeOneDoesntLikeCamelCase
@LewsTherin How do you declare a variable? String_Text_Wtf ?
Camel case or gtfo D:
@Hiverzz cool, thanks
Less time I have to lose with camel case :D
@Hiverzz Sarcasm? lol
var list = MyList.Where(x => IsValid(x.Value));
@CasperLeonNielsen Indeed :(
list is local, x is local, MyList is a passed in parameter
Value is a class property
is Value a bool?
@LewsTherin no, I honestly don't understand what it gets me. I started with camel case, and I'm not sophisticated enough to grok the difference between a local and declared.
Or rather, why I'd need a capitalized letter to point that out for me.
@Hiverzz I was referring to your use of extend really.
public MyClass
    public int UsePascalHere;
    private int useCamelHere;
    internal int _somePeopleDoThis;
if you have a lot of similarly named objects it's good to know what their scope is
Resharper can help with naming conventions, but I never pay attention to naming conventions.
@LewsTherin Aaah, yea, that'd do it.
it's a convention, not a hard rule
just like how
public void cStyleBrackets {
public void CsharpStyleBrackets
@HansZ I guess I see, I'm just not sure why you'd name your variables in a way to allow for that confusion. I should be using Pascal, it's the standard here... but I never seem to remember when it's time to declare a new variable.
if (language == c) {
else {

if (language == java)
} else {

if (language == csharp)
Huh, I always use csharp style brackets. Just looks cleaner.
@HansZ Ugh, Java's convention sucks balls right there..
if (language == python)
  print "success"
elif (language == php)
  print ":("
  print ":( :( :("
  print "Hello, World!"
Time for some google doodle
@HansZ LOL That's funny
@HanZ heh, python.
@HansZ So python will execute both prints in the elif block?
I think that should cause a compiler error in most languages
Python will keep going until the tab count decrements.
IronPython is actually kind-of-funny.
@Hiverzz What if there is no tab?
Roel, how so?
IronPython compiles to IL for .NET, and is very, very easy to use as a scripting extension on your app.
Plus, it has all the VS-tooling we love
`while (tabs>1)`
` I'm in the while tab`
` if(tab>2)`
` I'm in the if`
` I'm in the while, but not the if`
`I'm out of the loop`
gah, this markdown will be the death of me.
Hans I didn't understand
in python, you only use whitespace to create code blocks, there are no {}
@kush Python doesn't use brackets or semicolons. The whole thing is based on whitespace (tabs and line breaks)
but I still don't...
if (condition)
  # this line is indented with whitespace
  # every line indented with whitespace is in the if block
#this is no longer indented, out of if block
I don't think I will like python.
Wait, Python doesn't ignore whitespace?
@LewsTherin Well, you never have to track down a missing }
@kush No. Python completely depends on whitespace.
if (x % 10 == 0)
   print "x is divisible by 5"
   print "x is divisible by 2"
   print "x is divisible by 10"
print "x is "+x
What if you had:
so how many spaces is one indentation?
@kush any
if (x % 10 == 0)
   print "x is divisible by 5"
   print "x is divisible by 2"
      print "x is divisible by 10"
print "x is "+x
@LewsTherin won't compile
@kush as long as you are consistant
But it's important to be consistent. Use tab always or use one space always.
I propose four spaces is one indentation.
That will work, @kush.
if (x % 10 == 0)
   print "x is divisible by 2"
   if (x % 3 == 0)
                                   print "x is divisible by 6"
                                   print "x is divisible by 30"
@Hiverzz it's 2 space standard where I work
the idea is you're supposed to be keeping track of white space and indentation already when you are doing blocks
@HanZ some days I wish I were a python dev - everything seems so effing easy there.
so this just enforces good practice
Yep, XKCD speaks truth again.
if (ModIsPresent == false) :
    print 'Star all things'
    print  'Just on my jolly way, officer'
What's that colon doing there?
I was going to ask that lol
(which is the name of my George Michael's cover band)
oh yeah you need colons in python
I haven't python'd in a while
does my if statement look right?
you need colons which allows you to write
I don't remember the colons. I haven't used python in over a year, so you could be right.
 if (ModIsPresent == false) : raise Exception("The Roof!")
The Woof!
The woof! The woof! The woof is on fire!
@Hiverzz you don't really need colons to write
@HansZ Is that Vinny's reaction in the movie?
In entity, are 'navigation properties' analogous to foreign keys/relationship tables? I'm not seeing how else these tables are created.
er, created=related
Oh yeah !
An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Are you commenting on the fun you're about to have, or that the error is the name of the site you're on?
I just got that error on my face.
Have I said today that I hate recursion ?
@AndréSilva I don't believe so, no
so, Andre, what are your feelings on recursion?
Well, I hate recursion :)
What has recursion ever done to you?!
Leave poor recursion alone!
Besides, it's called recurucer now, get with it!
wtf, I can't even pronounce that
I hope the person who invented the concept of recursion applied to programming rot in hell while being on a gangbang with osama, hitler and saddam...
Let the flags come..
incoming flags
more flags than the olympics
Anyone know if there is a metro theme for windows 7 that doesn't require installing 3rd party software?
Oh and I don't see the offensive part... unless the word recursion itself is offensive
@Grixxly it's more the combination of words that's flagworthy
a single word, who freaking cares?
err guys, keep it civil
Recursion isn't offensive, but it is retroactive and that is offensive...
let's not all get all up in a tizzy
@AndréSilva wait, what? retroactive recursion? what's that?
I don't know, recursion got my mind all weird.
Just throwing random words at the chat.
@Andre disapproving glare
recursion's not that hard. simplest case, you take a big problem, break off a piece to make it a smaller problem, and then use yourself to solve that smaller problem
recursion is
"assume I've already solved this problem for a smaller data set"
It is advised that "using yourself" is done in a private, enclosed room.
the "break off a piece" is where most people seem to go wrong with it...but it's not that hard
"from there how can I solve the problem for a larger data set"
yeah. eventually the problem's small enough that instead of calling yourself again, you can just solve the problem directly
Damn... I can't send to recursion a single DataRow as a DataTable
it keeps saying that "The row already belongs to another table"
what exactly are you trying to do?

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