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Kev is going to monitor tomorrow and ban if anything goes awry
But seriously, did they not realise that rooms aren't private?
Judging from the childish approach that Nadal especially takes, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.
Hey folks. I'm new to chat, just got the rep to join today. Sorry to barge in, but I'm going against a deadline. I'm working on an MVC3 project using razor. I'm looking for a way to pass a value from a UL to a jquery method. Anyone have an idea on how I should approach this?
can you show us some code?
Hi @Hiverzz
UL => unordered list?
@Hiverzz You seem polite and I want to help now :)
@ Travis J, Suppose I could. It'll take a bit to get everything into pastebin.
that should get you the text of the element
then just pass that to the function
For a useful list of markdown tags, you can click the help link
anyways, i'm out
Thanks Kyle, I'll get some code together to clear it up.
I would like to formally nominate Nadal and Steve as co-winners of Dumb Ass of the Day... any seconds?
@Hiverzz - The code can be an example. It doesn't have to be the actual code.
@Grixxly seconded
An approach that could be used would be to use data-annotations if there was a lot of code generated elements. And then just recurse through the DOM from the top UL node looking for them and collecting them.
i dont get it:
i have a class without a GUI. how to create a GUI from it? i dont have the Invoke method... nothing to invoke. lol

im sitting on that problem > 1 day. lol
`<ul class="schedule">
@foreach (var item in model)
<li>my partial view based on the model</li>
<ul class="job">
@foreach (var job in item)
<li>information about the job</li>

The top level UL uses jquery sortable, and can receive a draggable object. When a user drags a new item for the 'job' list, I want to pass a value from the parent li's model to use in a jquery call back to the controller.
Does MVVM work sort of like MVC?
@huan I was going to suggest that if you are just starting out do it in WPF NOT winform
im not sure
im new to windows and c#, dont even know what WPF is
Windows Presentation Foundation. I am new to and I'm doing an MVC app :) Find a quick tutorial and you'll probably be much happier
damn, wish me Borland C++ 6.0 back. good old times, 10 years ago ^^
that was easy programming
Well this is good UX programming
I hear you. I used to write c/c++ on an AIX platform. No need for GUI
i need GUI
i need Form1, which is always there
GUI is the Debil!
Form1 hast a List of Obejcts, and these Obejcts also having list of Objects, and this Objects should have the Form
Seriously... find a good WPF tutorial and you'll be much happier
`<ul class="schedule">
@foreach(var item in model)
<li>my partial view based on the model<li>
<ul class="job"> //this is where I want to bind a value, for example, "scheduleID"
@foreach(var job in item.jobs)
<li>information about the job<li>

Hopefully that's more clear.
Okay, I'm not getting the code formatting in chat.
It's multiline, so standard Markdown won't work
Edit that message
and click the fixed font button
If you re-paste your code, then use that, your indentation will remain intact
paste your code in then hit ctrl+k
<ul class="job" data-scheduleId="@(item.ScheduleId)">
any android peep in here?
Thanks Travis. What would I do to pull it in jquery?
$(".job").click( function() { var scheduleid = $(this)[0].getAttribute("data-scheduleId"); });
Ammar - I dabble, what's up?
I wish I could give you rep Travis, that is exactly what I need.
@Hiverzz - glad to help :)
did anyone ever make an android app for facebhook
other than the official FB app
I mean .. the FB app sucks and I am thinking about making my own since the mobile site is faster than the official app
I'm not sure their API has hooks for that sort of thing @Ammar-whynotZoidberg.
yeah I never played with the API before .. but I don't see why not
Well, I know they offer oauth. I think they offer a way to publish photos. I don't know of anything that pushes data.
Because of the inaccuracies of float comparisons would if (float1 - float2 < 1) be a good comparison?
I did a bit of research @grix
er, @Grixxly, can you switch your float to a decimal for the comparison?
@Grixxly Yes.
This book has been good, but sometimes it's a little bit like WTF?
That might be the way to do it. I'm not super clear on what causes the problem, but it sounds like that's a typical workaround.
wpf is no alternative for me
Something that works better then winforms isn't an alternative?
no i read a small tutorial and its way to complex to learn something new for that project ^^
especially: my form is just 100x13px and shows 13 colorized numbers, so there is nothing what WPF offers me what the normal GUI cant do ^^
But you can use it for many projects in the future
@huanson You're wrong, WPF will help you position those elements like you couldn't imagine
@OutlawLemur i will not make any future projects in c# or windows. im a 100% web-dev :P
i mean, i find a solution, working for me. thats ok, can deal with that. not the 100% clean way, but introducing to WPF would be oversized
It's funny how a lot of people work harder then they need to. I'm all for hard work but from what I can tell winform/webform = past WPF/MVC = future but these guys don't want to invest the time to learn.
im a rails-dev, so i know a lot about efficient and agility. haha.
but this project took way too much time as it should, so im at a point where im 80% done. why start again from scratch?
Not targeting you per se, just a lot of guys come in and dismiss approaches because they have to have it NOW!
@huanson Ah
i was spending 50 minutes on reading about WPF ;)
I've heard too many complaints about the DataGridView in WinForms it's like
FFS; Use WPF - the data binding is 100 times more powerful
there you can see my "form". lol
and im not so firm with c#, so at least im happy with what i did till now
I'm out for the night, I'll be back in the morning.
So that's a webform not a winform? NVM WPF then, go MVC...
no, its a winform
Then I don't understand your question because you reference your webbrowser in it
I'm out... going to blow up some tanks in WoT's see you guys tomorrow
I'm sleeping because I feel like my eyes are going to fall out.
no, that question is a different. i want my forms overlayed on a window, but without topmost, so if they are overlayed from another one (not which they overlay) then they need to disappear. @Grixxly
2 hours later…
I just had the weird idea, that since MD5 is broken because I can calculate strings to produce identical hashes, what happens if I use it backwards?
So instead of using MD5 to hash something. I use an MD5 reverse lookup I can create strings which will produce a hash which I can interpret as a base 64 string.
Essentially using it to encrypt something...
Maybe that's just silly but I thought it was cool.
Oh. Well now I feel a bit silly. Apparently I misunderstood how MD5 was "broken". I assumed it meant it could easily find a potential reverse. I guess that's not the case.
Herp derp.
I wish I could star from my phone
Lol so I can forever remember my dumb idea?
What time does Nadal show up? I kinda want to wake up early for the fireworks
3 hours later…
WinForms 4 Life
Hie, any idea if I can get the .NET 1.1 targeting pack somewhere?
hey ppl
Is this bad code?
DoSomething(list1, list2,out list1,out list2)
it depends
@LewsTherin the out parameters are probably useless
@Baboon No, the thing is the references copied in the first 2 arguments are replaced with a new reference.
So I need the out to update the modified list.
@LewsTherin thank god I said probably :D
@Baboon Ooops, sorry xD
and any particular reason why you do both in one method?
@Baboon Why I need to.. ?
I don't quite understand what you mean :(
Oh I can return one list, and have one out param?
You can easily have a couple of functions with out-parameters, just don't overdo it
why you replace references of both lists in one method?
which you won't because you feel that it is not that nice
@LewsTherin no that's bad
@Baboon I have to orderby on the two lists
@Baboon Oh, I think some inbuilt methods do that. Advice noted anyway :)
unless they're tightly coupled, you should handle separate lists separately
They are tightly coupled..
I love VS 2012 RC. I can't wait for the real thing.
morning guys
anyone know how to get the unit testing window in this video? Time stamp = 41.34
Hows it going @DavidDV
back from Paris :(
@LewsTherin Me too. Altough I've recently had to install VS2003 and it looks a bit simullar :-)
@DavidDV Did u have a nice time there
Well yeah :p
:). Holiday or...
@HansRudel Look for those little test icons on the left. It shows up automatically
@JanKratochvil Vs 2003 sounds ancient lol. I never used it
@LewsTherin i couldnt get them to show up
@HansRudel Did you put the attributes [Test] [TestFixture] (if you are using NUnit) etc..
@HansRudel citytrip :p btw still wasting time on unittesting
@LewsTherin i changed it to TestClass and testMethod as he has in the vid + added the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestingTools.Unittesting namespace
@DavidDV nice. Do anything interesting there or just chill.
hehe yeah unfortunately so
@HansRudel Odd, maybe it isn't a class library? Although, I am not sure if that makes a difference
Is there a Test tab?
@LewsTherin i clicked the following Test->Add a test -> basic unit test -> ok
Test -> Run -> All Tests
yeah it runs them
but the window is different n still dont have those test breakpoints
isn't that from resharper?
@LewsTherin It is, thankfully we have MSDN subscriptions. It also has the grayish feel of VS2012, but doesn't feel luxorious.
@DavidDV Oh that could be why...
@DavidDV whats resharper?
@JanKratochvil Mine is a dark theme. Very sleek looking. When I leave college I'd be fucked to get one when it is eventually released.
@HansRudel Resharper can be very handy, but still annoying. A better intellisense
@DavidDV @LewsTherin ill live with the original one.
Resharper Ownz :P
take it u use it?
ow yeah
only to get warning for the "access to modified closure" sometimes its worth it
@LewsTherin I use dark only at night, it doesn't look great at sunlight when you don't have a good display. Plus, I'm looking forwart to RTM where they will fix the annoying scroll bars to be also dark.
offcourse that will be fixed in 4.5 or 5.0
Resharper rules. Btw. also in VS2012
@DavidDV Yeah, the annoying thing is when it tells me to make public properties private
@LewsTherin you can turn these things of
@JanKratochvil It doesn't affect me so much, it is always dim here anyway
@JanKratochvil Yeah and it is already cracked :O
@LewsTherin And where exactly would that be?
@JanKratochvil Ireland. We don't get as much sun.. what's RTM btw?
@DavidDV Hints?
@LewsTherin Release to Manufacturing
Ah.. alright. The scrollbars look fine to me.
@LewsTherin Even in the dark mode? They look "normal", so they look like lightsabres alongside your code :D
Ah come on... it isn't that bright/glaring..
It would be very good if there is a fast way to get all the values in a collection at debug time
I have to write the values to a file, a pain in the ass.
@LewsTherin Hover over it? :P
@LewsTherin Seriously? It is really distracting when you code on a laptop, because everything else is tuned down, event the coding colors took vampirish :D
@RoelvanUden All the values.
I fail to see the problem :)
@LewsTherin I'm not sure what you mean, but have you tried ?collectionName in the immediate window?
@JanKratochvil The colors I can understand maybe, but it is a nice blend to a dark theme I think :P
@LewsTherin I agree that it is great, but the colors which are tuned to the weird orange can be a bit creepy, I personally prefer a pastel-blue color palette
For example, I would like to compare the values between two lists. Using the debugger is slow and time consuming.
@JanKratochvil Orange? :O Mine isn't orange anywhere
@LewsTherin Ah, I think a quick unit test might be the quickest way to do it.
@LewsTherin The string values have a strange orange hue, at least give me that :D
@JanKratochvil True, why didn't I think of that lol
@JanKratochvil I thought it was brown ha ha
VS 2012 just froze :( The random freezing is annoying
@LewsTherin Doesn't happen to me too often, but that will certainly get better in the RTM version which is right around the corner :-)
Do you know how long it will take?
2012 RC only freezes for me on new solutions, but once you re-open it, problems are gone magically. :P
Lucky you xD
@LewsTherin I think the RTM should be available to MSDN subsribers within the next couple weeks (possibly the 15th when W8RTM wil hit MSDN).
That's excellent. I may be able to get it for free then :D
@LewsTherin Considering how much MSDN costs, "free" is the last thing I'd call it :D
hi all
I have a question regarding this chat application/
I have also created a chat application of similar type, I am using the java script timer to display the one browser effect to another browser.
But how can the image can be bring up and down on logging in and logging out.
Are they using wcf duplex service... how it is happening in the stackoverflow chat.
Can any one give me any idea ?
xhr long polling
anyway for C#-only ppl look into signalR/jabbr
some one please help me in this qus.
Q: how to compare 2 datatable and get unique records in 3rd datatable?

RockyI have 2 datatable let say dtData1 and dtData2. I have records in both the datatable I want to compare both the data table and want to create a new datatable let say dtData3 with uniqe records. suppose: dtData1 has 10 records, and dtData2 has 50 records, but what ever records are there in dtData...

Hi Rocky
@Rocky Have u got the solution
@AmishKumar StackOverflow uses simple polling, making a request every x second(s), and adding new messages as they appear in the database. It's very simple to implement, and when it doesn't give issues, it doesn't require anything more complex.
Hi All ! Anybody having idea about How to download xml file in asp.net mvc?
@SuryaKavitha What are you trying to do? Serve a static XML file? Generate a XML file?
@RoelvanUden: Serve a static XML file.
@SuryaKavitha If you place it your public folder you can serve it as any file.
@RoelvanUden: Here I mentioned my actual problem. can you please have a look on this link? stackoverflow.com/questions/11860807/…
@SuryaKavitha Done. Your answer is ready.
good morning fellow 'sharpers
does anyone happen to know how to make sure an application window starts up on the primary monitor in a mutli monitor setup?
Hi every body i am getting problem in datatable view in debug mode and getting error as "could not load this custom viewer"
@E.LDunn Does it not do so by default? I think it is waste of time trying to get that working..
A name was started with an invalid character. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Users/asub/AppData/Local/Micros...


I am getting the above exception
Then change your name?
It has to be a valid file name ;)
So no crazy stunts with weird characters

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