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02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

anyone here good with regex?
Only regex is good with regex @Adan what are you trying to do
@mr5 no... I dont watch TV
You watch no tv
not for games not for movie not for coding
My entertainment in currently (so far 3 years) is only switch and ps4 on my monitor
I dont like TV or movie
I rather playing games
I paid a lot of games on console hehe
4 hours later…
lovely week incoming
Friday's national holiday, and so is Monday next week
4 day weekend! \o/
Once Italy was like Spain. They'd have plenty of religious holidays, and then some disciplinary tight-wad types came along and said that holidays on the basis of religion are a bad thing
though that didn't stick, they only added back the major religious-based holidays like christmas and the like
So we get really very little holiday time :(
@Neil It's somewhat correct, religious holidays are BS. But that person should have replaced them for something non-religious instead of removing them altogether.
@HéctorÁlvarez I totally agree. Though my guess is that if you stuck a lump of coal up their butts, diamonds would come out
We have one religious holiday on the 8th, but oops.. it falls on the freakin' weekend..
Meeh... Tough luck.
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
Gotta love Java stack traces
exception=java.lang.Exception: Directory creation failed for an unknown reason.
namespace java.lang{
    public class Exception:System.Exception{}
@HéctorÁlvarez because that's sort of an operating system thing :P
pretends as java
@Neil Yes but there should be some reason there lol
I think you can make reasonable assumptions about why it failed, but you can never be 100% accurate
what could look like a permissions problem could be just be windows saying, "You've already created 10 directories that look exactly the same, and now I'm saying 'N-O'!"
@Neil But then again they could add an assumption.
goood morning.
@Squirrelintraining and then if the assumption is wrong, everyone gets angry at oracle
Personally I'd prefer some sort of interpretation even if it is wrong, perhaps with some sort of indicator as such like "Directory creation failed for an unknown reason. It is probably a permission issue"
"The reason can not be determined to 100% but it might be that..."
Exactly, that's what I was aiming for.
Hello avner.
First time in ages where I've noticed you not starting a message with a capital letter.
I usually capitalize, but I value the power of deliberate subversions of typographical norms.
Used to sort out who is writing C#
guys hello
i really dont understand what this method does
private static int GenerateInteger(string input, uint max)
var crc = input.Aggregate<char, long>(-1, (current, t) => (current >> 8) ^ ShortTable[(current ^ t) & 0xFF]);
return (int)(((crc ^ (-1)) >> 0) % max);
yikes, not very clear
though the -1 means all the bits are set, I can tell you that much
input is DateTime type
What I would do is test it with some input and see what happens
no joke, it isn't very clear what this does
yeah i do try to test it i sent input "12/05/2019 00:00:00" and max=2 then crc will become -9688 and the result is 1
its a bad method
looks at >> 0
yeah i believe so hehehe.. since i dont understand it :D :D
>>0 does nothing
am not good at bitwise so i really dont understand what does it mean
!~> int.MaxValue >>31
@nyconing 0
!~> 1 << 1
@nyconing 2
!~> 2 << 2
@nyconing 8
Hope you guys are keeping up. We're on day 2!
2 = bit (10)
bit (10) <<2 = bit(1000)
bit(1000) = 8
sign in and test your metal with other programmers, see how you do!
while your method cut out the result by % max
@nyconing its not my method hehee.
mean the result will no longer be restore
I suspect this method is used to generate dummy int, or generate serial number
yes it is used to generate a dummy int
.... then what is your question actually
@nyconing go DM
kinda interesting
to avoid confusing on aggregate, I suggest you to tear down the linq first
private static int GenerateInteger(string input, uint max) {
    long crc = -1;
    foreach (var c in input) {
        crc = (crc >> 8) ^ ShortTable[(crc ^ c) & 0xFF];
    return (int) ((-1 ^ crc) % max);
@nyconing I don't watch TV either. I'm just watching it on FB live
@mr5 isnt there will be multiple sports on action?
I mean in same time
last year it was held in your country, right?
yes. but it's not properly coordinated
yes, but I dont even know
since this is our first time hosting a big event
nah, I doubt not the first time
@nyconing thx but what does this line mean please crc = (crc >> 8) ^ ShortTable[(crc ^ c) & 0xFF];
yes it is.
@mr5 depends on how much it costs :P
we are 20 years late on technology and economy
but it could be useful in specific circumstances
@Kob_24 post your ShortTable
private static readonly ushort[] ShortTable = {
0x0000, 0x1189, 0x2312, 0x329B, 0x4624, 0x57AD, 0x6536, 0x74BF,
0x8C48, 0x9DC1, 0xAF5A, 0xBED3, 0xCA6C, 0xDBE5, 0xE97E, 0xF8F7,
0x1081, 0x0108, 0x3393, 0x221A, 0x56A5, 0x472C, 0x75B7, 0x643E,
0x9CC9, 0x8D40, 0xBFDB, 0xAE52, 0xDAED, 0xCB64, 0xF9FF, 0xE876,
0x2102, 0x308B, 0x0210, 0x1399, 0x6726, 0x76AF, 0x4434, 0x55BD,
0xAD4A, 0xBCC3, 0x8E58, 0x9FD1, 0xEB6E, 0xFAE7, 0xC87C, 0xD9F5,
0x3183, 0x200A, 0x1291, 0x0318, 0x77A7, 0x662E, 0x54B5, 0x453C,
0xBDCB, 0xAC42, 0x9ED9, 0x8F50, 0xFBEF, 0xEA66, 0xD8FD, 0xC974,
@mr5 a single picture :D
it came from 9gag :D
my daily source of news
@Kob_24 I think it turns out is a custom made CRC, the check sum error checking
@Kob_24 Do you know what the >>, ^ and & operators do?
& is and
^is XOR
@mr5 That crane must be german
Basically, it looks like a relatively convoluted way to compute a hash or checksum of a string. Of course, most hash functions are relatively obscure and opaque, but this seems extra.
>> shift right
@mr5 it depends on which country youre compared
@HéctorÁlvarez 19 stars, how are you dealing with the fame?
@Squirrelintraining I don't even know what a crane is
it is just a custom made check sum method
@Kob_24 Exactly. What it does is take a single character from the string (which is probably wrong - it should be a single byte - that seems a bug), shifts it 8 bits to the right (meaning, it keeps only the leftmost, highest bit). This is XORed with a value from that table, and then masked with 0xFF.
As @nyconing says, it's meant to make a checksum, which, like a hash, is a short value that corresponds relatively well to the original input and can be used to verify the input wasn't garbled in transmission.
@nyconing I'd rather write that -1 in binary form to be more in context
@mr5 I'm rather use a common checksum function instead of reinventing one, but *shrug*.
0b1111000000000000_0000000000000000 is -1?
oh no. just write -1 lol
It's like the fast inverse square root or something
It works, but god is it obtuse and hard to understand like that
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
	long i;
	float x2, y;
	const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

	x2 = number * 0.5F;
	y  = number;
	i  = * ( long * ) &y;                       // evil floating point bit level hacking
	i  = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );               // what the fuck?
	y  = * ( float * ) &i;
	y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );   // 1st iteration
//	y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );   // 2nd iteration, this can be removed

	return y;
@Squirrelintraining I'm about to release my sequel with more snide puns aimed at Wietlol. It's going to be a trilogy most likely.
This really seems like an implementation of standard CRC32: github.com/damieng/DamienGKit/blob/…
@HéctorÁlvarez Wow
Can't wait for it.
Jack, hype
Like taht is it now?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan thx for the explanation
@CaptainSquirrel, Hype!
yeah i can see it now
lol, with a const -1 seed and % to given max value
then it might collides like the ants
my bad, it was 0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 for -1
I'd rather write -1 lol
lifestealer is supposed to be picked as carry
Pick Axe carry now
somebody who has a role of support picked it
auto -25 MMR
your fault for playing DOTO
nah. I already picked Tuskar
Y R U NO playing Tetris
@mr5 but electricity goes paired with heat?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan@nyconing here is the code github.com/moedeveloper/demo/tree/master/AppendedProject
4 wins in a row
I guess this is a lose
not necessarily
maybe it can help more to get more understanding
if he maxes out the slow first you will probably win the trades
it is a demo application, and am trying to understand how it work but I believe its for generating new color pattern
but you can assume he'll start with the passive
am trying to help a friend that he got it from an old consultant that he built it for him
@mr5 upport naix best naix
@mr5 I usually win my supprot games
Maybe cuz I am a good player and keep the team together? :D
Can i Please get some help from you guys?
@mr5 I got 9 wins in a row on warlock
With 2 hard comebacks due to excellent ulti placements :stronk:
@Kob_24 Avner and Ny are both notn here right now and it looks like you've been taking to them previously
yes thats true
no problem anyone who can provide help I will be thankful for that
@Squirrelintraining lol he switch to carry
only one support atm
which is me
@Squirrelintraining wow
Morning nerds
@CaptainObvious Hey, it's not as if I'm not here not here. I'm just not here.
Avner is like a wizard in The Lord of the Rings. He's here exactly when he needs and intends to be here.
...and also, not on weekends.
Proper weekends, yes? Fridays and Saturdays. :)
Well, a wizard needs his time off.
they need to just make fridays part of the weekends
and since it's my fantasy, I'm going to ignore all the traumas and problems that may cause for other sectors or for the economy in general
yay, I got an upvote
They've confiscated your bike!
@mr5 fatal bonds op
@mr5 lel
@Squirrelintraining losing :D
@mr5 I wouldn't be able to tell :D
Whats your rank?
better not to discuss sensitive info here :D
I guess its Crusader II in that case :P
@mr5 winning or losing
I wouldn't understand losing with naix support...
that would be like losing with rubick carry
we're losing :(
no no, earth spirit carry
@HéctorÁlvarez TBJ rubick carry is legit
He stronk
As Monkey King says "This was over before it started."
right after picking that LS as support
ahoy mateys o/
Dude mr5, I've played Drow Support (3 years ago) and we easely won lanes and games.

Naix support can work if executed properly (but admittedly it isn't stronk except he trades good)
@Squirrelintraining If you believe Rubick is a good carry, then every single hero can carry.
Lich, CM, techies
Warlock lol
I've seen quite a few warlocks going carry
I had skadi a lot of times in dota 1
with techies
@HéctorÁlvarez Everything is possible in DotA
@HéctorÁlvarez That is even more legit now with lvl 30 granting him near invincible goblins
@Squirrelintraining Say wat
what do you mean level 30
what do you mean "near invincible goblins"
Stop Icefrog, wat u doin
@Squirrelintraining What are we hyping for?
@HéctorÁlvarez you havn't heard of the patch yet?
Yes I watch all DotA WTFs
1 hour ago, by Héctor Álvarez
@Squirrelintraining I'm about to release my sequel with more snide puns aimed at Wietlol. It's going to be a trilogy most likely.
But didn't dig it
Jack, Do you live?
I am indifferent
Still play dotka
Patch is a bit to stronk on some heros IMO (like warlock, exp talent + super lvl 25 talents)
I'm still waiting for the day that warlock gets nerfed hard.
DotA changed too much from what I enjoyed
I went back to LoL
Well the bot is bork AF
Jack, votekick HéctorÁlvarez
how is Jack bork?
we cant even bork it
Yeah i've not a clue what's going on here
bork bork bork
krob krob krob
@Hans1984 you eat soup with a fork
no errors being thrown or anything
if i get chance on lunch i'll take a gander
Have you tried turning him off and back on again?
oh ffs
I figured it out
1 rep missing?
I'll do some edits on lunch, god dammit lmao
Unless Madara is about & he could add to always allow to talk
you have 0 question else I'd give you a thumbsup
@CaptainSquirrel did it drop?
@Wietlol yeah
I just edited peoples questions
IDK how its dropped
Unless someone else makes another edit maybe?
2 lose in a row ftw
@mr5 Best to farm losses (normal games) and then go play ranked games
real bois always play rank
even after weeks of rest
Your win/loss should always be tied around 50-50 (becuz if you have more wins you'll be seeded vs better opponents thus loosing more often)
So if you have a "negative" winrate you get easier ranekd games
my win rate is negative lol
!~msdn CancellationTokenSource.Cancel
[CancellationTokenSource.Cancel Method (F#)]
Aug 18, 2017 ... If you are using .NET Framework 4, use the .NET Framework 4 API with the same
name, System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource.Cancel .
@Squirrelintraining what is your rank?
do you even rank
are we talkig about a blizzard game
watch out watch out
he's afraid to say his rank
because that 50:50 rank logic goes for blizzard games
Legend 5
Ranked in Legend 4
But I'm not really active anymore
it's vavle now
@Hans1984 It goes for any game that tires to balance the strengh of the competetive players.
EU server?\
It's not fun playing with somebody who is 10x stronger than you.
do you always play with friends?
So unless i'm smurfin i'll never play with Archon players.
@Squirrelintraining its not fun but you can learn a lot
yeah. and you'll be matched against pros
so it can be helpfull at times
although I agree that usually your opponents should be your level
or slightly below/above
@Hans1984 IF you are open for it. Allot of plebs i know would rather quit and say "uh uh uh, that fucking ricky is op as fuck, fuck this fucking shit game"
And never know about dust/wards/forcestaff
I know this very well from starcraft 2 ladder
which is competitive af
and hard as hell
it's very risky to play ranked games solo
Nothin is as hard as my di.. life
losing have a higher chance
@mr5 No it's not.
since most of the time, there are no proper coordination
I win more solo ranked and party ranked.
@mr5 If you don't enforce it, there is none.
there are two approaches to differences between high levels and low levels: one is to simply have low levels play only with other low level players, and the other is to make level somewhat irrelevant to overall ability
Honestly I tend to prefer the latter
!~msdn cancellationtoken c#
I've become very verbal in my games, always talking and animating plebs to talk aswell.
[How do I cancel non-cancelable async operations? | Parallel ...]
Oct 5, 2012 ... The developer typically isn't asking how to cancel the operation itself (if ... In .NET
, #1 is enabled by passing a CancellationToken to the async ...
welp, I think EU community has better team coordination compared to our servers
@nyconing I think that's the best you could hope to get from MSDN
@Squirrelintraining so do you talk to them while playing?
@Neil wat?
@mr5 Of course, my side mouse button is bound to alltalk
If you don't talk you can't win.
Reading is way to ressource intensive in the lng run
when somebody started talking I immediately mute them. I get annoyed with their voices easily
@Squirrelintraining did I stutter? o_o
so there's that
Anything important (i.e. missing) > Voice+Ping
@Neil yi
@mr5 So taht's the reason why you have problems in solo games :D
DotA can't be played (well) without communication.
Although if you have a toxic team mate it's best to mute them.
yeah and since I'm bad at communication and gets annoyed with their voices, I'll forever be stuck in this bracket
What's your bracket?
@Neil which level are you referring to? level in the game or level to type in keyboard?
Crusader 5 xD
@mr5 general gaming, I wasn't specifically referring to a game in particular
Atleast not herald :D
level being say, like the traditional player level in diablo
My last ranekd was Ancient 5
or 4..
I was in legend on previous 2 seasons
or like generally a player with lots of time under his belt vs a player with virtually no time
Don't quite remember
and gets demoted in Crusader
I guess I'm getting older
@Squirrelintraining so pro
Lel they are literelly selling dota2 smurf accounts
Or for mr5 booster accounts :P
@mr5 A friend of mine played with a former TI atendee (don't remember who)
In a solo ranked game.
That guy was "mad" raging that he will never play support in his solo games again, only mid because every sucked so hard in pub-ranked games xD
!~msdn CancellationTokenSource.Cancel Method C#
[Await HttpClient.GetStringAsync() and cancellation – Lucian's VBlog]
Dec 7, 2012 ... I'm a big fan of supporting cancellation on async methods. ... Async Function
TestAsync(uri As Uri, Optional cancel As CancellationToken = ...
I think it need to exclude the blog
imagine pinging yourself with a command and getting a response
risky to buy smurf account
so Im reading a printed manual for a motherboard
and theres a blank page and it has written"This page intentionally left blank." written all over it
I read that there's a reason why they do that
It has to do with the number of pages being odd
I don't really get the reason why they need to explicitly write that it was intentionally left blank though
but its a contradiction
its not blank anymore with that text
squirrels !
throws hazelnuts at them
because someone may return/ reject the product as defect while they think the printing isnt complete
I bet theres dumb ppl like that out there
@mr5 someones having a massive boner
@nyconing that does make sense
probably happened more back in the day though
people would get to the end page, see it blank, and insist on a refund
publishers back in the day knew the kind of idiot users the world had to offer
but ppl are actually dumber these days
@Hans1984 Same as the technical documents I've had to read these past days
3days dont connects to Wifi be like:
Update pending (31)
02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

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