Hey Everyone.... quick patterns question. Are folks still using a repository pattern for their C# projects? Even those projects with Entity Framework? Just wondering if that is still a thing.
Last time I used EF, a couple of years ago, we did wrap EF with another repository, even though it's a bit of a duplicated effort, because we wanted to add shared functionality to all repositories via inheritance. In retrospect, it might have been better to simply add them as extension methods.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I'll just add to this that you can add an event delay e.g. 1 second. This way, you could prevent the previous task from actually being fired. Another use case of adding delay is through text searching where every key strokes triggers an API call. I've done the same thing but I put it in the Command logic (I'm not sure if Xamarin.Forms definition of command is the same on other platform you guys used but it's usually attached to a user's tap event in our case)
you prepare the ingredients, you prepare the utensils/kitchenwares, you cook it for some minute, even hours. then you eat it for like 10-30mins. And you're left with more work cuz you need to clean the kitchen, the tools you used, etc...
That's about right. There are plenty dishes that a recipe reads a teaspoon of salt. This is fine if you are on a low sodium diet or like the taste of cardboard. Me, I like to taste what I am eating. My wife tends to like more blander foods while I myself like an explosion of taste. I have slowly persuaded her over to the dark side
@TomW Reminds me of a cartoon "What your grandmother calls different video game characters". Bunch of different characters, each one labeled "Mario" except for Mario himself, which is labeled "Pac-Man".
@Hypersapien Three hundred years after the advent of information technology, one company rises up to become the leading authority in the United States. Split between the submission and opposition, the country breaks apart -- but only for the inevitable growth of the technologically-advanced Autorise Domain to take shape. Among those who live under the Domain's grip is Naomi: a girl about to enter adulthood as her father is taken away from her for what may be the last time.
@Skullomania I don't know of any restaurants that do it, it's kind of a family thing, but I understand they do it also in Mississippi, Louisiana, and in the south in general
@Wietlol There are only 2 genders... the problem is people trying to hijack the word to mean "the psychological reflection of one's desire to be something else"
Yesterday I was a manager whose gender I couldn't tell, and I was confused about whether I should have said "excuse me gentlemen" or "excuse me lady" so I wen't ahead and hawked my best to attack their attention.
you're like those people who read "the sky was blue" on a book and go "OH SHIT HE MEANS HE WAS HAPPY TO HAVE ENDURED FOR YEARS AND NOW HE HAS BEEN PROMOTED AND EARNED RESPECT AND TRUST AMONG HIS FELLOWSHIP WHICH WILL GRANT HIM PASSAGE TO THE ETERNAL LIFE OF JOY" while the rest of us stare at you and whisper "bitch, the sky was color blue, over".
life hacks: (type in address bar) http://gist.new -> to easily create a code snippet in gist.github.com http://repo.new -> shortcut for creating GitHub repo