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12:59 AM
Internally, the implementation of ToQueryString uses the Newtonsoft.JsonConvert.SerializeObject. I want something the same. As long as types have the same property names, values, order, they should generate the same hash. Practically, my implementation often does the job but I think there's still more to improve @Wietlol @Grace
Oth, I have another question.
Do you guys use your mouse to reach for that build/debug/run button in your IDE or do you use shortcut keys?
1:25 AM
anyone here?
1 hour later…
2:48 AM
@mr5 Mouse. Sometime I build project using F11 because my finger slipped while I hit backspace
2:59 AM
And that build expected to be failed
3:30 AM
im here
4:09 AM
posted on September 17, 2019 by Scott Hanselman

Microsoft released a nice new ligature-friendly open source font this week called Cascadia Code. It'll eventually be shipped with the open source Windows Terminal (you can get it from the store fee) but for now you can just download and install the TTF. I've blogged about Fira Code and Monospaced Programming Fonts with Ligatures before. Just like keyboards, mice, monitors, text editors, and a

2 hours later…
6:10 AM
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
6:23 AM
It's everyone's favorite day today!
It's "don't click the chat links" day!
Today is fun friday!
@rlemon can you teach cap to post that beautiful video on friday when ever anybody writes "fun friday" in plain text? :featurerequest:
6:40 AM
is -it and -i -t are same in linux ?
7:00 AM
7:18 AM
Usually it is the same. Emphasis in usually
There are some commands that have different command line syntax
but in most commands is the same, for example "ls -lia" == "ls -l -i -a"
7:47 AM
Any1 can help me find a graph of the distribution of diffrent sql dialects?
My google-fu is letting me down.
8:06 AM
As in DDL, DML... or as pl/sql, tsql, etc...?
After 15 pain staking typing and testing I've found SO graphs showing the tags using sql, t-sql, mysql, in usages
ahoy mateys o/
Yikes! A squirrel!
today is pain!
8:20 AM
@bradbury9 what does -it mean though ? like the action or purpose. i do seem to find the purpose of other commands
@bradbury9 yeah but not the usage in % sadly
@Harry No, today is friday!
Hey Squirrrel
@Sakthivel I dont understand you. What the parameters do depends of what is that specific command. Did you miss the command name?
@mr5 [f5] = run [f6] = debug
I use the mouse when I want to switch configurations
and for C# projects, that rarely happens because unit tests arent included there
@bradbury9 What happens when you add -it?
$ docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/app -v /app/node_modules -p 3001:3000 --rm sample:dev
Check your understanding and look this up on your own.
-t for tag, -rm for remove -p for port. but i couldnt find reference for -it
8:37 AM
        var shirts = shirt_stock.Products_and_categories.(userinputhere);
        foreach (var shirt in shirts)
how do i use userinput before entering the foreach loop
made a var userinputhere = Console.ReadLine();
but then i get error
OK, so it is "docker run". Here is that command arguments
-i means "Interactive mode" and -t "Allocate a pseudo-TTY"
In linux usually you can pass an argument with --argumentName or -a for example you can either "ls --all --ignore-backups" or "ls -aB"
"--all" and "-a" are the same, and if you use the short form, you can add multiple of them @Sakthivel
@Harry why is that?
9:00 AM
WOW, this caught me off guard. skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/44964/…
Good morning peeps, just a quick question. Which is more optimal when converting to an Int. using int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); or Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); ?
@bradbury9 genuinely surprised, that that isn't friday.
9:17 AM
"Don't move fast and break things" - President of the company that moves fast and breaks things on the regular
I've always thought that guy looks a lot like JK Simmons
9:36 AM
@KerrialBeckettNewham Optimal like in executing times? Do you question about what they do different?
If the former, you can do some testing, if the later you can check this answer
@Harry that's a legit bbc link ya n00b
@Harry YEAH, DO IT N00B
@bradbury9 in terms of best practice.
9:49 AM
You can use either of them. It depends on what you expect the imput to be, always a integer (you would Parse) or it may not be an integer (you would Convert). For example "int.Parse(null)" will raise an exception but "Convert.ToInt32(null)" would return zero.
Check the linked question for a better explanation
anyone familiar with composition of functions and DRY?
I have a few functions which are "execute-around functions"
and those few functions always need to be called on our controller functions
but having to copy and paste them everywhere feels pretty bad
My proxy blocks that one
Kind of hard to tell for me if it has already been posted, sorry
anyway, back to the composition
this is a basic example of how it looks like
the stuff functions each deal with container warmups, loggers, exception handling and monitored scopes (respectively)
we could put this all in one function and agree on using that one instead
but anyone has an alternative idea on how to do something like this?
Does anyone know if FileSystemWatcher (.net core) behaves different under windows or linux/mac? I coded a FileSystemWatcher that monitors a log file and set "NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite". Worked flawless under windows but other coder changed it into ".NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName"
I was wondering the reason...
10:09 AM
@bradbury9 no experience but that seems totally plausible lol
@bradbury9 LastAccess sounds weird, but perhaps some streaming thing could avoid the LastWrite
FileName/DirectoryName would trigger on renaming or moving (which are basically the same operation tho)
you can for example rename your config file from Config.json to Config.old.json
and then copy and paste a different file in
I assume it has a different notification than LastWrite
Yeah, but the log file is supposed to not be moved. Other process appends to it while the .net core runs, so no moving/renaming would happen
it might not be supposed to be moved... but will you accept that it wont work correctly if someone decides to move it?
Guess I will have to do some testing to check original code was fine, grab a baseball bat, and "talk nicely" to the dude that changed it.
It wont work correctly if moved indeed, but .net core exe should not run if the file does not exist
I assume in the git commit, the message explains why he did it
hint hint
10:18 AM
It is an administration bot of the exe that writes the log
The git commit says:
add LogImportance to make the console outpul cleaner
fix RconManager
fix .gitignore| from bin to bin/ etc.
Do note that RconManager is not the log parser
need some help with TFS
ask away
i'll do my best
Downloaded a latest version of a project. I never worked on it and its a fresh copy of dev branch
after downloading and opening the solution, the pending changes shows 87 files. literally all the files in the solution.
oh damn
its that
is it common ? Do i need to check-in ? or exclude the changes ?neither of them sound okay to me
10:32 AM
did you download via visual studio
or did you download from tfs directly?
Maybe your IDE changed tabs/spaces, or file encoding
You could try to forcefully re-download
this is the change. nothing.
@CaptainSquirrel i will try that
You donwload it fine, open with VS, VS says "lets change this file into UTF-8", you say "WTF I have not touched it!"
@Sakthivel do you know the setting im talking about?
Its a specific checkbox you have to hit in the team explorer
10:35 AM
@CaptainSquirrel I tried to select two check boxes that over write my local files with latest version if there are changes
damn it says i have pending edit lol
Those are the ones you need to do
this right?
@bradbury9 I will try this, but why would there be space or any crlf in fresh downloaded latest version ?
10:36 AM
I usually configure VS to ignore space-tab differences
@CaptainSquirrel yes, tried this with both checkboxes selected, cannot update files since there is pending changes
lol wat
that's fubar
lol whats workspace version ?
the version on your machine AFAIK
10:39 AM
@CaptainSquirrel It's the version of code when i checked out
TFS sucks
TFS is great
if its set up correctly
otherwise you end up in situations like this
Okay there's a work around. I believe it is like a unwritten contract or whatever
1. create a workspace, download a fresh copy of latest version
2. undo all pending changes
3. get latest version again
4. no pending changes weird
10:55 AM
Thank you @CaptainSquirrel @bradbury9 for timely help
No worries :)
11:12 AM
@Sakthivel i dont accept your thanks. I demand you build a time machine and move me into the future 2 hours. I wanna go home!
finished reading Alita yesterday yey
@AlRey It does get tedious I completed it some time ago because I had started it and first numbers were cool.
yeah this wasn't the best thing I've ever read, but it was something :P
11:38 AM
TFS sucks about the same amount as Git{provider}: Entirely dependant on how well it is set up.
(And how much you know about it)
A few months ago I added environments to our pipeline config to keep track and have handy links, and every month or so someone else asks for some simple information that is in the environments page, and then and there learns that we have an environments page.
did you know, that given a TFS changeset number, you can find 2 different commits in a repo?
it is not the same amount suck...
if you try to find a commit by changeset number, you can browse it from "Get specific version..." or from history browse it. They are different
IIRC it's not a commit, but a changeset. Hence the name changeset number.
Also I did like the source control explorer. Shame they didnt make it work with git too.
Dec 11 '17 at 15:10, by ntohl
TFS couldn't roll back... Because insufficient space on hard drive
Delete some pr0n ;-)
Woah dude, check your priorities man!
11:51 AM
have you forgotten to download more disk space?
Nov 22 '17 at 10:26, by ntohl
Microsoft Visual Studio
Source Control Explorer

All files are up to date.

No files were updated because the requested file versions were previously downloaded.

To force an update, use the "Get Specific Version" command with the "Overwrite all..." option checked.
anyone uses TeamCity?
I can't post multiple messages
Why would I wenn gitlab is free and great?
11:57 AM
we are looking at most of them
jenkins, gitlab, AWS code pipeline, team city
they are all "free" for us
we already have full pack licenses for Jetbrains
we already have AWS big time support
and jenkins and gitlab are both free
my former company used TeamCity
did it work nicely?
it appears to have quite a bit of AWS integrated stuff... which could be a big pro for us
and kotlin scripts as pipeline definitions
Professional server license
100 build configurations 2017.2+
full access to all product features
support via forum and issue tracker
3 build agents
don't know. It took them 2 years to start to setup a build server. I quit.
I guess we will just do some prototyping
12:19 PM
OMG, some dudes are just sooo wrong. This web from a courier company smells so bad. http://[edited]/seguimientoDetalle.do?agencia_origen=[edited]&numero_albaran=[edited]&estado=3&internacional=0&externo=N&usr=null&pas=null
No https, easy to get user/passwords, most likely not encrypted nor hashed
but it works
what's up with this area 51 shit all over the socmed
we're raiding area 51 today >:3
have you seen the naruto guy?
12:38 PM
@mr5 it appears 2 million people will storm area 51 with naruto runs
yeah but are you joining them?
> It’s worth pointing out that Naruto running will not improve your chances of out-running any bullets, which is something anyone considering storming Area 51 should keep in mind.
@mr5 you ok?
maybe you should see a doctor
if those are the things that come up in your head
12:49 PM
yeah, how much of that is a joke and how much is real?
2 million people? Is that semi-realistic? Can't be
write an algorithm to determine it legitimacy...
int i=0;  while(!isNumberOfPeopleToStormArea51(i)) i++;
parse<HashSet<Person>>(scrape(randomHttpString())).where(e => e.interests.contains("area 51")).count()
To call an async method from a sync method, is .Result() safe to use? It'll just block until the task returns, right?
@RoelvanUden well the use case was that if you closed your browser and you wanted to continue where you left off you can't do that now because it's just going to open on the default splash screen and state is not saved
anyways I'll try and implement some way, most probably history api for the state persistence
1:04 PM
@Squirrelkiller I have never got it to work even the Task is a simple file read.
I mean, alternatively I could go while(!task.Finished); return task.Result();
what's wrong with awaiting it?
I'm inside a sync method, can't await here
if it's void, you can mark it async
Nope, getting a DataTable back
1:08 PM
wrap DataTable in Task
The sync method is gonna be stuffed into a Func<T> parameter somewhere
you can mark Func<T> async
OH nice
Can I jsut stuff that into a Func<T> parameter then?
I'm not sure what you mean
can you show me the syntax?
"while(!task.Finished); return task.Result();" <--- this code can lead to deadlocks
1:13 PM
my new async Method basically goes
`return await GetStuffFromDb<DataTable>()`;
Then there's a method I have to put a `Func<T>` as parameter to provide the value.
So that provider I made basically just makes my other method sync. So I can stuff that method as `Func<T>` into the parameter.
I think I should make a quick MCVE, just a sec...
You think I don't know the HA0?
@Ikari Beware that I'll be changing the screen system reasonably soon. This weekend at the latest. It'll change to a view-reconstruction system when it's done, rather than preserving the entire view in memory. This might touch upon the way history can be done.
hello everyone!
@Ikari Thinking of it, this will also allow reasonably simple serialization of the view queue with all of its re-serialization parameters, allowing the re-creation of the entire state in a rather simplistic way. The problem will be history management in that case.
1:25 PM
Hello there :)
I know this is the wrong place to ask but the guys over on the php chat seems extraordinarily busy. Any one here have any experience with tomcat and php?
thanks man
Im just trying to get php working on this useless server but I cant
Is it possible to host my php scripts on a wamp server and then query the wamp server to run my php scripts from the tomcat server and will this create any kind of security issue I must be aware of?
what is your issue message ?
java.io.IOException: PHP not found. Please install php-cgi. PHP test command was: [E:\php\php-cgi.exe, -v]
I have installed that file
So I am now willing to give up on it and see if I can do it by hosting my php script on a wamp server if I can query these php script from the tomcat server
1:35 PM
Did you configure php.ini file
@chillinOutMaxin I've done a few Tomcat before
please tell me that is a photoshop lol
@mr5 did you ever get php working on it?
else do you know if I can just query another server to get my php scripts?
iirc, Tomcat runs Java servlets and WAMP runs PHP scripts?
which is basically the same thing but with different language
1:37 PM
prety much ya
@mr5 good point
and you're basically asking if two web APIs can communicate with each other
pretty much
eh, that's so common
what have you tried?
then do you know if there is any security issue involved I should be aware of? I have only attempted to get tomcat to run php. I have had zero luck so now I am exploring my options
1:39 PM
@chillinOutMaxin php needs a host. in XAMPP, it's called apache
it also has a built-in control panel which is the starting point
A from WAMP is apache
Windows - Apache, MySQL, PHP
so X stands for cross?
where did XAMPP come from?
1:42 PM
@chillinOutMaxin I would focus on making it run first before worrying about security issues
idk. That's what I used ever since
would love to but the tomcat server is hosting our ERP system. Once I start making Ajax calls to php script hosted on another server I need to make sure that I cover my basis
Ive made wamp server in the past without issue so Im not worried about getting it working
why not just write your web APIs on Java too?
do you know what struts 1.2.7 is?
me neither and thats what our ERP system is in
1:45 PM
judging by the name, it's seems like a library
the best I can do to edit anything on this site is javascript
isn't struts for java servlets?
struts is an MVC network written in java
you don't have server access?
it is however struts 1.2.7 is so outdated and riddled with issues that It hasn't been suported since 2008
1:47 PM
oh man
I have server access but I dont have source code either
just update it and deal with the breaking change
which makes it EVEN MORE ludicrous
cant atm. an update is planned though
reverse engineer the .class files
would you like to buy a gun?
1:48 PM
Hard to buy one in Canada
an update is planned
yes and I cry whenever I hear it
The GetData/GetDataFromDb is basically how this whole class works
@Squirrelkiller OldFrameworkClassToUse.OldMethodInUse(async () => await GetDataFromDb());
Can't put Task<DataTable> into DataTable parameter
The func<T> would return a Task<DataTable>, that doesnt work
1:53 PM
wait. lemme try it
@Squirrelkiller can't you alter the method to take a Func<Task<DataTable>>?
then you could implement mr5's solution?
Nope, CodeLens goes 99+ references.
That was my first idea too.
… Applying async and await to an existing code base is a different kind of challenge. Brownfield code can be messy, which further complicates the scenario. A few techniques I’ve found useful when applying async to brownfield code I’ll explain here ...
Can you duplicate what OldMethodInUse in use does?
If so, maybe try it with extension?
That...is actually a nice idea.
2:01 PM
you could maybe overload it ?
This is so old and deep code, I didn't even thing about inserting a completely new method
@Squirrelkiller why do you need a 3rd party for finding its references?
CodeLens is the VS feature that shows the little "# References" line above Methods
I thought it's 3rd party. my bad
2:04 PM
I never find it useful
A: How to call asynchronous method from synchronous method in C#?

Stephen ClearyAsynchronous programming does "grow" through the code base. It has been compared to a zombie virus. The best solution is to allow it to grow, but sometimes that's not possible. I have written a few types in my Nito.AsyncEx library for dealing with a partially-asynchronous code base. There's no s...

Yeah not really willing to add another package jsut for that
Trying to overload hte old method
Is there a Lazy<T> that works with async stuff?
Ah AsyncLazy, lol
2:22 PM
@Squirrelkiller no, this
I accidentally hit ctrl + k didnt I
I disabled the references part
my IDE is easily able to tell me if something is actually used
and if it is used, I keep it
no matter how many times it is used
If it's used like 3 times, I can easily change those If I wanna change something. If it's used 10 times, I probably dont wanna.
If I want to change something, my IDE refactors
We have both use of dynamic and reflection in our code base, so I only did that once.
2:39 PM
then references also dont help you
But they tell me if there's definitely too many of something
if it's just 3, it's probably just three
If it's 50, it's at least 50
am i the only person who hates how scott allen speaks in his pluralsight videos
3:17 PM
It seems so
On the other hand, I don't know who that is, and I never actually used pluralsight?
Still at work?!
Bowling birthday party at 1945, so going home doesnt really make sense
beep boop
im a computer
Well fuck you then, Captain O7
hon hon
im a french
3:58 PM
hello french fries
omegle du frumage
You muggle
3:59 PM
au revoir, le dickheads
Why am i not in invited?
it's actually omellete. Omegle kinda spells the same
@Squirrelintraining cuz ur a bitch
Cuz you're no Aria!
I met an Aria and he invited me to bowling for his birthday
4:01 PM
does french and italian have the same accent?
No, look at the hands!
so french are into fries and italians are into spaghetto
plural my dude
one spaghetto would be a bit sad
@CaptainSquirrel suck a goat!
4:04 PM
@Squirrelintraining I'd rather not, thanks for the invite tho
@CaptainSquirrel It wasnÄt an invite, it was a directive.
An order
An Insult
The ultimate insult
@mr5 You ever see the one where a counterterrorist is about to disarm a bomb, but his friend on the same team screams at him to stop?
@AlRey haven't seen that one yet
sounds like that man from The Office
2 hours later…
6:12 PM
having a hard time figuring out how to do validation on a radiobuttonlist
it has 2 listitems and neither are selected by default
and it's stored as a bit in SQL
I need to make sure they choose one before proceeding
if (rblRadioButtonList.SelectedIndex = -1) {
Messagebox("Please select something before proceeding");
6:30 PM
but okay bleh I'm still having trouble with those images I was talking about a couple weeks ago.....turns out writing to the directory with File.WriteAllBytes(p.Server.MapPath(sourcePath), imageBytes) is fine, but trying to copy that image to another directory at the same time is impossible without running into a "could not find a part of the path" error
this is despite the fact that I'm using the exact same variable for copying as I am for writing (sourcePath)
it needs to exist there before you can copy it, are you sure it's done writing before you start copying?
yes I'm sure it's done -- and honestly I'd rather not copy it that way, but I can't seem to get this app to store an image when it's loading from the client side
try adding a backslash to the end of your variable?
like if it's C: try changing it to C:\
actually now i'm not sure anymore.....earlier it was saving images and now it's not, but I haven't changed the code at all in the last 10 minutes -_-
the fuck is this? java/
@AlRey this would work if I was doing it from the code behind, but I have a separate class doing the validation and sending input to the database and it doesn't have access to my rblRadioButtonList and I'm confused
user input goes to an object, then my class validates and talks to the database
6:48 PM
I'm not entirely sure, then; there isn't a way to get/set a radiobutton value?
also I managed to ensure that the image does save ONLY if I'm not doing a file.copy in the meantime; this might be because the image save happens in a static void
I'd rather not copy, but there doesn't seem to be any way for me to save the file to a mapPath, but I can't use anything other than mappath because this is a static--gdi I'm just gonna make a question for this
7:22 PM
7:44 PM
I must be seriously misunderstanding how images in ASP work because there is NO REASON!!!!!!! why it should be taking me a month to figure this out
I've been trying to figure out how to validate a radiobuttonlist for 3 days
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