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Supposed a class that holds a semaphore is registered as singleton. Should the semaphore be marked as static?
err, should the semaphore still needs to be marked as static?
That is very personal, for example, you will argue with that person whoever answer you
There many of approach, just choose you like
For me, I will go static field for sure.
class Foo{static bool Bar;}
Most people build a singleton that is technically not a singleton , we build a singleton in C# with its architecture act like singleton by using it with instruction
C# aims highly customizable language, design own pattern in fit to needs
I'm also thinking the same so to avoid unwanted behavior if ever this class is not registered as singleton
Im not sure in Xamarin.Forms, In Xamarin.Android project, it is flooded with lambdas and overrides because to interop with java
sometime I wonder is it expensive in performance or maintenance
Damn Xamarin's android support library updates are stopped almost 10 months now
What is the native Android version of their support library?
just same like the name
what that nuget package do, is bind the jar from googlemaven repo
I mean, is Xamarin.Android support library out of date compared to the native?
yes, it was out of date more than a year
maybe they are planning to drop it and make a new replacement
indeed, they stopped on updating and doing on androidx libraries
but it was damn slow?
10 months already, they now finally plan on preview1.0 but not yet on nuget
oh yeah I forgot about that AndroidX thing
it was basically refactor the namespace and reset the version
I don't get why Error and ErrorDescription is being null
When I ask my colleague to run my code, he's getting something from it
I'm not sure if it's just a debugger issue or I need to configure my deserializer
what inside AuthResponse
hmm? why not going to swagger or something
what's that?
soap, rest, or service reference
they generate working code to the web api, so developer dont need to write the api by own
something's wrong
what is that?
Web Services Description Language
if you have, you just three mouse click away from generate the working API
swagger do the same way too
I'm not the one doing our WS though
Argh, I'm still stuck in the same problem
I just noticed it became a readonly property in runtime
whereas, I can assign the other properties even if they're null
okay, so if I do something:
// breakpoint here
c.Error = "";
c.ErrorDescription = "";
the values are being field!
I think something's wrong with my compiler :/
Morning o/
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
@bradbury9 nice meme
it was a device specific bug / OS
the POCO is located from different assembly
@Neil Thats actually quite fitting
So R# got this code style fix "Fix formatting". Say there's two blank lines between two LoC, but we have a rule that there's max one blank line, R# will go "hey there's a suggestion for you: fix that" and I go alt+enter and have R# fix it.
My problem: How to fix it "in scope"? Like, for the whole file?
I don't have the usual arrow to the right.
@Squirrelintraining one of my favorites actually :P
@Neil Is it good enough to star though?
@Squirrelintraining start what?
@nyconing true
programming in javascript? No, but don't let that stop you from trying :P
I didn't post it for the stars
But the fame, THE FAAAME
I generally will star anything I think others might like
I read that that guy was like a gym teacher who aspired to be an actor, and they hired him to be an aliens expert
little did he know, he would turn into a meme
array are object, empty array become "", "" become 0
which is why in my humble opinion, in any language, "coercion" should only apply once
not that it makes sense to coerce empty array to "", but at least doing [] == "" would make sense
and then [] wouldn't be equal to 0
if I start a JS project, maybe when in future, I would first build a macro that replace == to ===
There are linters for that.
oh that was great
disable coercionable operator
Yup. Every sensible JS project uses linters like that.
Or, y'know, use TypeScript for a perfect blend of static typing and JS :-D
typescript exists because of this kind of sh..tuff
Goodmorning all,

Is there someone with Sharepoint Online knowledge?
@Squirrelkiller There is one of those weird Visual Studio key shortcuts that has to be executed with two consecutive commands: (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D)
That formats whole document.
It has a button in "XML Editor" toolbar
Works with all VS formated files, but dont aske me why it is not in the "Format" toolbar
oh shit. I'm almost kinda sorta scared to use that.
Whole document usually means "too much to have an overview" here.
So uhh I used it and...nothing happened.
Although I have it configured to use most of the refactorings.
I think if you've highlighted a subset of the text, it'll format only that text
I use it mainly to get proper indentation
for me, "reformat file" is [alt]+[shift]+[f]
its a shortcut I use pretty much every 5 minutes
on the other hand, [ctrl]+[s] is a shortcut that I never use any more
I use Rider, I dont need to save stuff
same for IntelliJ, DataGrip, Notepad++, etc
there is no file editor that I use that doesnt auto-save in one way or another
See, ctrl+s actually formats the code for me: removes unused using, sorts usings, fixes indentation across the file.
Except it doesnt fix the min/max blank lines, which is a R# fix
hmm... I suppose I could also set [ctrl]+[s] to be "reformat file"
would be interesting
but [alt]+[shift]+[f] is a muscle memory rn
But ctrl+s is 33% fewer keys!
Also as a gamer ctrl is just where the pinkie is at home anyway
I dont think fewer keys matter
with my hand placement, [alt]+[shift]+[f] is 33% faster
am I weird if I use String for PolicyNumber (which by definition may only contain a number between 9_000_000 and 9_900_000)?
ahoy mateys o/
Ahoy Captain O7
@Wietlol Yes you are. You gotta use string.
ew, no
!!votekick Wietlol
@Squirrelkiller voted to kick @Wietlol
I am infected with Kotlin now
type names are consistent
@Wietlol if it acts as an identifier and therefore you don't need to add or subtract other numbers to it, it's basically a code, and therefore should be handled as a string
String, Object, Decimal, Int32
@Neil ok
if it were a number, it would confuse anyone reading your code that it can be handled as such
am doing a suffering
I didn't even keelhaul you
'sup Captain?
U guys still alive after summer?
But what about second summer?
Guys, I don't think he knows about second summer
:( The sun can be here all it wants.. I have used my vacation for this summer ^.^ 3weeks without even turning on the computer
Well first of all
its hot as balls
Secondly, we had the our summer party last night
and i had lots of cider
and my stomach is feeling strange
ofc... Task<List<T>> is not a valid Task<IList<T>>, thank you C#
ohh poor cpt...

The weather here is sweet aswell, but I rather save my last week of vacation for the cabin when snow comes and it's time for snowboarding again :)
we have our employee party at the end of this month, so I'll brace myself for that...
var a = await service.Get();
if (a.Success)
	var b = await service.Get();
	if (b.Success)
		var c = await service.Get();
		if (c.Success)
			// more nesting to follow
any advice to elegantly refactor this other than wrapping it to methods?
flip if statements?
if (!a.Success)
or... is it recursive?
no. I think that flip-return would suffice
I'm getting old. I often forget about this patterns :/
value results = generateSequence()
	.map { service.get() }

if (results.all { it.success })
keeping in mind toList() is lazy, and async is abstracted out
Wait, Task<T> isnt covariant?!
I thougt it was
its a class
classes cannot be variant
@Wietlol checking for "success" are performed in different ways in my case though
but its the same interface, no?
must be, because its all service.get()
actual code:
var result = await socialService.RequestAuth(AuthProvider.Facebook); // 1
if (result.IsSuccess)
    var accessToken = result.Data.AccessToken;
    var response = await authService.Login(new Credential(AuthProvider.Facebook, accessToken)); // 2
    if (response.IsSuccess)
        await GoToHomePage();
    else if (response.RequiresChallenge) // 3
        var a = await authService.Register(new Credential(AuthProvider.Facebook, accessToken)); // 4
        var b = await accountService.Register(); // 5
So anyone know about IIS Manager Remote Admin? I got like 8 Severs on there, but it always prompts me for creds after I reopen IIS Manager. Some forum post said use Cred Manager, but it doesn't work. IIS just keeps prompting for creds manually.
Even checked if the Cred Manager entry is right with rdp
@mr5 is that response so bored that it requires a challenge to be returned?
@Squirrelkiller easy: screenService.When(e => e.Graphics.Contains(credPromptDialog)).Do(e => credManager.Fill(credPromptDialog));
@Wietlol haha I actually just name it like that because the process requires me to make multiple requests. I also think it's similar to Challenge-response auth
> Entity type 'MyEntity' has composite primary key defined with data annotations. To set composite primary key, use fluent API.
removes primary key from entity
> The entity type 'MyEntity' requires a primary key to be defined.
May i suggest the new and improved version of duck duck go @Wietlol?
I have never used duck duck go actually
Duck Duck goose
Also NOT TODAY @Squirrelintraining
@CaptainSquirrel Why yiou no like duckduckgo?=
May I recommend using the FLuent API to add a composite primary key?
@Squirrelintraining I don't want to be a goose!
If advice you aswell to May use Fluent API to add a composite primary key.
@CaptainSquirrel is this better?
Did you...copypaste my typo?
lemme get Einstein on the line real quick
but I need an initial create in order to use the fluent api
but I cannot create an initial migration because my models suck
on the other hand, I was silly, ofcourse the primary key must be a singular numeric private field
maek smAller migriantions
then add unique constraint on the pair that I wanted as primary key
> “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
- Einstein Oscar Wilde
public class Address
	[Key, Column]
	public String PostalCode { get; set; }

	[Key, Column]
	public String HouseNumber { get; set; }
@Squirrelintraining I consider this a small migration
(actual model is completely unrelated to addresses, but this would be a similar situation)
> I consider this a small migration

Said the dev a day before the country went offline for an hour
I consider my considerations to be more accurately specifying their scope than "the dev"'s considerations
All I heas is "yadda yadda where is my weakened?"
something something hometime?
Or something something rum
so... quick question... how do you normally define a service collection?
I feel like we have been consistently doing this wrong
Collection services = new Collection();
Dictionary<k, v> services = new Dictionary<k, v>(); // where k: interface, v: k
> new Collection()
I wonder what structure that collection has
> var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
this appears to be what we do now
internal class ServiceCollection<k, v> where k: interface, v: k
    var services = new Dictionary<k, v>();
I think we might just as well make a singleton in our project that defines the servicecollection
but... then we still have the problem of using it
if you want some sort of hub for all collections, just make it static
no point making everything a singleton
what we now have is a lambda project
when we invoke the aws lambda function, aws winds up the application, creates an instance of the handler and invokes its method (based on the lambda function, the handler and method are chosen)
but each handler has its own service collection
and the handler cannot be tested in isolation
hey guys it's me and i'm just here to tell you itttt's....
I am not sure if we just shouldnt test the handlers or if we have to find a way to extract the service collection from them
My inner voice stutters trying to pronounce itttttt's
How do you even say that
you need to be a roach to say it
Like, a normal person would come in and say "IIiiiiiiiit's fun fridaaaaayyyyy"
or something
Damn roaches with their weird stutter language
I actually saw rebecca black yesterday
well okay maybe not her exactly
but definitely some girl with black hair
But i saw like 4 people in a cabrio(?) which where way to young to own one
and a girl was driving it aswell
Dude have you seen me driving my dads car lately? I'm too young to own that too
You are in an age that, if you did the right things you are old enough
Damn I fucked up then
those plebs from yesterday looked like 17 and younger
but then it's germany
so they must have been atleast 18
So we got 3 stories in the sprint right? 1) Build new GUI component, 2) build backend dto and fill from the result dataset we get from a lib already, and 3) pass into print and show on printed documentation.

I build 1) and can't find anything that tells me where to put it (insert !!wietlol).
I build 2) and can't find the right column in the dataset, go to the team building the lib, 30min later: new ticket for #LibTeam to actually pass the data in the resultset.
Haven't even started 3) yet.
@Squirrelkiller i was buffering
@Neil this is basically what we do rn
I feel like the DI doesnt add anything at all
> serviceCollection.AddSingleton<ICalculator, Calculator>();
why!? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
why why?
You're not even passing parameters
why should I?
this one shouldnt have arguments
the name of the method is AddSingleton
I'm sure you can arrive at my conclusion on your own..
AddSingleton means that this service collection will always return the same instance
the instance will be created when it is requested for the first time
it is created by calling the constructor of Calculator
AddTransient means "create a new instance every time I request an instance"
and AddScoped means "please kill me"
hoi :)
I am starting to have an affection with everyone in this room
dont come too close to the lions tho, they might bite
I am a cat myself
no, you are ash
@Shad none of us are gonna marry you
@Shad I've been afflicted by everyone in this room for years
Oh sorry, I misread that.
shut up, mike
Listen here whippersnapper
Don't you have a pokemon to go catch or something?
im 20 now
im not a whippersnapper anymore
He said, SHUT UP MIKE!
yes, yes you are harry
@Harry I've got this whipper here that needs to be snapped, can you do me a favor?
this is beginning to sound a bit nsfw
Did somebody say nsfw?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Funfact: one can't delete audit messages (like the "moved" message) but one can edit them.
I will make it legal.
Look at him, he IS the Pokemon
@Amy Just like all those poor immagrants?
Don't confuse with YMCA
Although they might have the same effect
@Wietlol does this mean after the object reaches the end of the scope (usually, it's the { and }), the object will be deleted?
> Scoped objects are the same within a request, but different across different requests.
hol up
isn't it the same as transient?
> Transient objects are always different; a new instance is provided to every controller and every service.
define request
scope: class A { service.resolve<a>() == service.resolve<a>() }
is that what it means?
iDunno what request means
A: AddTransient, AddScoped and AddSingleton Services Differences?

akazemisTL;DR Transient objects are always different; a new instance is provided to every controller and every service. Scoped objects are the same within a request, but different across different requests. Singleton objects are the same for every object and every request. For more cl...

My assumption of request is that everytime you call the container.**resolve<T>()**
mine is too
fuck formatting
you request instances from the service provider
but scoped instances are returned based on their scope
and their scope is often a request
but not a request to the service provider, but a request to your http web service
which is out of the service provider's scope
uhm what
the service provider is then dependent on your application's framework
I hate it when libraries are trying to be smart
especially DI libraries
meanwhile inside resolve<T>():
var class = stacktrace.findCallingClass()
var type = registry[c]
if (getLifetime(type, class) == lifetime.scope) return scopes[class, type]
as far as I can tell, scope lifetime doesn't seem to be possible in managed environment.
I think it only exist for languages like C,C++
unless they copied my pseudo code
it is always possible...
but it will most probably have bugs
hence why AddScoped means "please kill me"

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