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well its a builder, not exactly a service
like Start().AddStuff().AddMoreStuff().Generate();
kind of thing
so I want to basically Start().DoStuff().Clone() -> Branch into 2 different results
I could basically just copy all the private properties of the class to a new class but this is just so tedious and error prone
A builder ideally shouldn't mutate, so there's no need to Clone() at the end
hello ; )
@Rob u got time for a question?
@Rob so each call creates a new instance?
that makes sense
@Adan Can't promise, since I'm at work. Ask anyway.. someone else might be around :)
it's not that important, but thanks @Rob
@misha130 I misspoke a bit there... builders with a fluent interface probably shouldn't be mutable :) But yeah, creating a new instance would solve at least this situation
1 hour later…
hi nerds
lol on that @juanvan
hey man mind if i ask where youre from @juanvan
@Sinjai thanks, yeah I ran across that earlier. But I'll probably just male a stored procedure instead, seems a lot simpler.
err make, not male :/
pika pikachu!
1 hour later…
@c0dem0nkey hey. I was a little busy this past days.
@c0dem0nkey ask away your question.
Hey guys, quick question! If i had a tiled list with a fixed size that looks good on some resolutions but have huge gaps on others, what would be a good solution to make it less stupid?
@Explisam Are you working with WPF or Xamarin?
@anand_v.singh WPF
In XAML use Grid.RowDefinition property or Grid.ColumnDefinition property and use the * to define width
Should give you equally spaced blocks
I have the same behavior on a custom wrappanel but the spaces between tiles are too big on some resolutions
Even if it's a cosmetic fix that would make it look less awkward, i'd be happy with that, but i have no ideas.
Could you share an MVC, I don't have a quick Idea, but I can try
Plus what are we classifying as a high resolution?
Also are you displaying texts or Images that are distant apart
1 hour later…
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' squirrelerinos!
So on the project the build fails with this issue
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#\4.1\Framework\v4.0\Microsoft.FSharp.targets(202,9): error MSB6004: The specified task executable location "<C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\fsc.exe>" is invalid.
So from what I gather I have to update it's location in the VS
thing I am unable to figure out is where to update the locaion
good morning
@anand_v.singh it seems to me an f# problem
A simple f# project works
And the same compiles in my system but is not compiling in a colleagues system
I am thinking the problem might be with VS configuration
might be. Is Tools -> Get tools and features -> Individual components -> F# language support set properly?
Working with tuples is cumbersome if you didn't take care yourself with the tiny errors, because compiler won't tell you
@Squirrelintraining do you type all those "OoOoO"'s by hand everytime or do you copy the same text? :)
@Neil no. He/she have a boot script to put it in clip board
@ntohl that would be smarter, effectively
How the hell does a method have 2 references but is still marked unused?
well, in what way are they references?
references in code or in, say, an xml file?
in other words, reflection won't count
Code. It's actually used. Shift+F12 finds it, codelens shows it
well that's just weird
Whoa it's quiet today
Yeah that's every day though
well sometimes I'm busier than others
You mean you get times you aren't busy?
We actually kinda sovled all tickets form our current sprint. SO now it's "jsut take tickets from the backlog". Well jira is basically offline because our internet connection has serious problems right now. Therefore, not so busy at the moment.
@CaptainObvious well yeah
if you've ever had a coffee break before, you can say the same
Hello all
Can some one point me to some learning material please...
I'm building a web app. The user will see a list of links and depending on whether they are logged in or not, will see different links.
What do I do to make this work in .NET Core 2.0 ? I could have done IsAuthenticated() in .NET Framework, but I don't use IsAuthenticated() in .NET Core
@MyDaftQuestions it's pretty vague.
:46164523 there are many ways you can authenticate the client
Could you provide 1 way so I can start researching?
Oh of course.. User.Identity.IsAuthenticated
sorry :(
is that the kind of authentication + authorization you were looking for?
@MyDaftQuestions don't be sorry :)
Well in my .NET Framework app, the user provides an email and password. I salt/hash the password and store in the database. I then match when a user tries to log in
and encrypt my FormsAuthentication ticket
Seems like .NET core doesn't want to work this way
@MyDaftQuestions do you implement csrf? (anti forgery token)
    var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
       1,                                     // ticket version
       userName,                              // authenticated username
       DateTime.Now,                          // issueDate
       DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30),           // expiryDate
       true,                          // true to persist across browser sessions
       "",                              // can be used to store additional user data
    FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);  // the path for the cookie
That is what I have today
but .NET core does not seem to work this way :(
csrf token is useful against replay attack. There is also roles based authorization (rbac)
you could implement 'session'
Yes, I was thinking session may work fine
I'm not dealing with money etc
to implement 'state'
@Rob in slightly confused actually
i thought a builder was specifically made to be mutable
i suppose it can be made immutable, but then the builder is useless in most cases
builder must be mutable because you're providing all the information relative to the creation of an object
a builder without parameters is basically a factory
i thought a builder was a class with similar properties, which were all mutable and you could set the properties to what you want and then build an actual instance of the thing it builds
I have an interesting problem; I need a threadsafe observableCollection . I did some research and found this; codeproject.com/Articles/64936/… but I wondered if there is a cheaper way to implement it
builder is just like a helper to simplify the creation of an object requiring lots of information or steps
like if one such step was to access the database and use that information in order to do steps x and y, you could just create a builder which does all these things, and you only make one call
I use builders in a code generator for my serialization lib
or rather... I generate builders
a builder builder
no a builder generator :)
or a source code generator, which makes a builder class
need a factory for that generator?
need a factory for that factory?
this is a builder it generates (for one of the example models)
@Wietlol wait, you're using kotlin?
why not?
@Wietlol what does '!!' do?
If there are no extra steps, and you have a bunch of potentially optional parameters, you can just make them named parameters
it is like Nullable<T>.Value
@Neil not really
that way you can specify the parameters you want
yes, really
that's how it works
hmm, is there a way to pass a map to a constructor or function with named parameters?
i suppose i could put it in a with and get rid of the builder. prefix everywhere
if so, then that's entirely unnecessary
there sort of is a way to use a Map<String, Any> iirc
why are you having to map indexes to values like that?
@Neil because of the serialized format
if you read meta information telling you that there will be a name field, an id field, and a phone field in that order, then you can call upon classes responsible for properly reading a name field/id field/phone field without having to worry about order or indexes
you'd need to be able to move the cursor forward is all
but what if you have gaps?
a name, id, no email but phones?
then the sender is not respecting their own protocol
email is optional
the sender is
the meta information needs to tell you what is present
or at least provide a means for you to know it is absent
or wait, the index that is read is more like the meta information
so meta information says there will be a name field followed by an id field, and so you then read the meta information for the name field and it says it is 20 characters long
if I dont place it between the members, I have to place it somewhere else
you read 20 characters, and then you expect meta information for id field and it's not there? is that what you're telling me?
i think its best explained as "there is no meta information"
I dont read "there is a name and an id coming up"
that's bad
why so?
because in circumstances like this, the only way to be able to safely read the data is to know it is a flatfile
so name field is always 20 characters, and if it is absent, it is all blank if anything
but it must be represented in some fashion
Who said flat files are safe?
they're not, but they're sure better than "lets wing it"
i think you dont really understand why I added the index values inside the "file"
when I read the object, I read properties, each property has its own index, 1, 2, 3, 4...
when you read index 3, you know there is an email coming up
then you read a string
@Wietlol What the hell is that code
ok, well I call that meta information
but that is meta information per property or per member
meta information can be purely per field
you don't have to have something describing the entirety of the record
just know that the first 2 bytes indicate how long the next field will be
@CaptainObvious code
what about it?
Yeah but what is that horrible syntaz
@Neil not even that
and keywords
this reader has no clue how long the Person record will be
it has to read through it entirely
@Wietlol not even that if the "meta data" is agreed upon a priori (hence a flatfile)
but you have to know something about how to read it
That sounds like a recipe for a buffer overrun or something
Also this is exactly why format specifications exist
If you reading a field, and the first two bytes could represent the length of the field or it could be the start of a string ending in \0, you'd have no idea how the hell to read that
you need some prior information
yes, for classes, this is mostly done by a 0 at the end
even if the prior information is "I'll give you a variable length field followed by two length-denoted fields"
hence the endOfObject -> return builder.build()
@Wietlol mostly or always?
for most simple values, like a string, the length is provided
it depends on the code generator options
I pretty much always use a trailing 0 tho
for writing purposes, it is much easier
since you dont have to know the entire length before you start writing
if it could change, then you must necessarily know what type you're dealing with
for strings, I always use length because I dont want to deal with that stuff :D
in any case, you must know enough to be able to read every field, one way or the other
it can read properly
If you ever proposed this as a standard to anybody they'd tell you to go away (except maybe not that nice)
why so?
because it sucks?
There's no consistency. Unless you're Adobe with PDF or PSD formats, nobody would ever accept formats which are completely unpredictablt
they are completely predictable
in fact, I still make one silly assumption
I expect a field to only be there once
4 mins ago, by Wietlol
they are completely predictable
mostly doesn't sound reliable to me
the idea is that you have a file which the declarations of the model, which contains how the model looks like and how it is written and read
Oh so the idea is ACE?
with that file, I now generate source files containing the models, builders and serializers
those serializers are made by specifications of the model declaration
so they must strictly follow their rules
if you use the same model declaration, you get the same serializers
independent of the language
(assuming no bugs)
im not sure what ACE is
apart from in a deck of tarot cards
Arbitrary code execution
myObject.ToString() is also arbitrary code execution then
@c0dem0nkey The states
I used to have a .bat script, then extended that by an .exe with diffrent endings everytime.
Now that I have a new job, I had to rewrite the whole god damn .exe.
To answer your question: neither, it's generated fresh each mornin', just like my coffee.
just curious :)
I keep a text file that I use to save commonly used commands
sql commands, and whatnot
putting a string like that in such a text file might seem like something I'd do
I wonder, in my application I need to control 3 different devices connected via serial ports, implemented as 3 different classes each with a SerialPort instance, whether to set the COM port on them via a property, on the SerialPort instance's property (which would mean exposing the SerialPort to public), or only make it settable via the Open() method. I guess "it depends" on how I want to use it?
@AndreasDuering I would have a common interface between all three classes with a property to implement "COM" property
and in each, I'd simply refer to SerialPort instance to set/get it
you could also have an abstract class which does this too, if you think there will be some things in common in addition to this
@Wietlol what kind of company do you work for? Do you guys create your own product or you debug existing product?
@Neil what kind of company do you work for? Do you guys create your own product or you debug existing product?
@mr5 I don't work on software to be sold
I work for a bank
But I still "create" products for the bank lets say
@Neil future b/millionaire
@mr5 right :P
this debug other's product is very exhausting
@mr5 what about you?
The truth is I can't even sneeze near the production server without someone present
@user23333 we debug existing and create products for other company
@Neil feature for the product?
@mr5 I work for Canada federal gov, we debug our own product
@user23333 is it stressful to work there?
@mr5 no, it's a bit complicated to explain though
@mr5 no, on the contrary; very good place to work and a lot of daily challenges
I create nightly processes which deduct/deposits money to/from accounts
and all the logic that goes with that
@Neil can you see other people's balance?
@mr5 we have a test environment with some "sample" data which we can get the balance from
which I think is actually actual production data without a means to identify the user
@Neil shouldn't the bank not operating at all if that functionality is not present yet?
the agency name wouldn't mean anything but I'm working on system to manage prison
@user23333 that's good to hear. I'm always stressed at work. Like what hector says, there's like a psychological gun pointing at my head.
@mr5 well there are already plenty present. but say they create a new card, and they want to deduct money once a month, and in the case in which there is no money on the card, to deduct first chance there is money
then someone needs to write a procedure which does that
@mr5 I know the feeling :/
@Neil so it's like a feature right? or adding handler for another possibilities?
@user23333 how many are you working in the code base?
@mr5 well the procedures that I work on are in the same project, but they're not really related to one another
they all do different things
@mr5 a lot. I don't even know the full extend of it. The system is huge
@Neil so your system is a collection of different scripts?
@user23333 does it get full spaghetti code?
@mr5 it's a bit more complicated than that, but sure
@mr5 Surprisingly not but there a few places where ,well you know cough
how do you do code blocks 'in the chat'?
well that was self-serving, nm
paste code, but before entering, do ctrl + k
just please don't post walls of code
oh okay, and I won't, I have a specific thing that's got me confused
I have a TextBox that users can use to enter a date. The date column in the table is set to allow nulls and in the stored procedure the parameter defaults to null.
But if they click Save when the TextBox is empty, which they should be able to do, right now it says the parameter was not supplied:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDate.Text))
	cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", txtDate.Text.Trim());
	cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", null);
use cmd.Parameters.Add and predefine the SqlParameter with allownulls = true.
or something like that. I can't remember well
It works if they supply a date, but not if they don't
and I've also tried it without the else entirely so it just wouldn't send it, which should also be okay
and it should be set to DbNull.Value, not just simple null
A: Assign null to a SqlParameter

Chris TaylorThe problem is that the ?: operator cannot determine the return type because you are either returning an int value or a DBNull type value, which are not compatible. You can of course cast the instance of AgeIndex to be type object which would satisfy the ?: requirement. You can use the ?? null-...

DbNull or !DbNull.. That is the question..
okay setting it to DBNull.Value worked, I didn't have to change my Parameters.Add
Why doesn't DbNull have an implicit operator automatically converting null to DbNull.Value?
implicit operators should not throw exceptions. My wild guess is that it's hard to write an implicit operator from null, where there can be all kind of incoming types
Right, explicit operator.
public static explicit operator DbNull(object o) { o == null ? Value : Convert.ToType(o, typeof(DbNull)); }
Someone be my static analyzer please, I had to write that without intellisense.
Any idea of how much memory would take a string with 8,5 millions characters and a BigInteger of 8,5 millions of digits?
I want to calculate a few things and I want to know if I would have enough memory for that
IE is the worst for remembering where and how big you want it on your screen huh?
Every other program on my computer remembers where I put it and its window size, but not IE tho because that's really hard
/end rant
I need some collective memory.
What's an exception for "Method not found"?
@EnderLook A char in c# is 16-bit. Go ahead and calculate.
@Squirrelkiller did you steal my stash of acorns?
That's a definite maybe my dude
@Squirrelkiller 16.32 Mb for 8,559,663 characters? I was thinking about a much higher number... thanks
Was it, like, 3 acorns? I might not have not eaten them.
step 1 in killing the squirrel - starve the squirrel
@EnderLook memory wouldn't be your only caveat imo
Noone ever assumed I might kill using squirrels
@Jay Not sure what are you talking about but oxygen deprivation is far quicker
It was 3 and a half!
What if I was hungry though
Like, "could use an ice cream now - oh hey acorns"-hungry
squirrel arm wrestling, go
I'm going to create a gui to backtrace yer ip
Oh shit I hope not in VB
is defensive programming a good thing?
Define pls
Depends. At the User Api - yes definitely. within your code interacting with your other code - depends. I like to have my own code fail hard when it does so I can actually find problems quickly.
Smart programming's a good thing
what about offensive programming ?
Reported to HR
automatically taze people that do it wrong
how do i add a function to a cell column where all integers will come out with 2 decimal places when i export the excel sheet ?#
ws.Cell(row, 26).Value = Convert.ToDecimal(accountHoldersRecords[i].Account.TaxDeducted).ToString("0.00");
so far i have that.
not very good at c#
is it working? Another question. Isn't the Cell's CellFormat dictates the format?
@A.Rahman integer with 2 decimal?
ws.Cell(row, 26).Value = accountHoldersRecords[i].Account.TaxDeducted; this is my code for exporting data from db onto excel worksheet
i am now trying to convert that value into 2 decimal place
any easy solution ?
@A.Rahman like @user23333 was implying, integers don't have decimals
for decimal places you'd need a float or a double
or decimal...
or decimal
and that word is doing that thing where it's starting to look weird because I've been looking at it for too long
@RamSingh using the proper type to hold money value ensure your code is not 'losing' money
@Squirrelkiller the first language i was taught, why would i use anything else?!?!?!
hmm... i need to make a guid based on a string
same string should result in same guid, different string in different guid
max string length is 64 chars
anyone got an idea how to nicely do this?
Dictionary<string, Guid>
no state
fill only when !ConstainsKey
from fresh start, it must be able to generate the guids
not knowing what it has already made
so you want an impossibly good hashing algorithm
pretty much
good. Continue
i basically want a hashcode, but not in an int32, but in an int128
it may be assumed uniqueness
A Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure, conceived by Burton Howard Bloom in 1970, that is used to test whether an element is a member of a set. False positive matches are possible, but false negatives are not – in other words, a query returns either "possibly in set" or "definitely not in set". Elements can be added to the set, but not removed (though this can be addressed with a "counting" filter); the more elements that are added to the set, the larger the probability of false positives. Bloom proposed the technique for applications where the amount of source data would...
it looks like a collection, which I cannot use
might be able to use MD5
it creates a 128-bit hash
You can't assume uniqueness btw, since there are more 64-char strings than guids
i know
at least... I cannot guarantee uniqueness
but I can assume
which is fine for me, i think
why can't I understand what you guys are saying...
because its a secret communication language
Assuming is a dangerous business or so I learnt from personal experience
@Wietlol Sounds dangerous
if it is not unique, i get an error, so...
1 hour later…
@Wietlol maybe something like format preserving encryption
2 hours later…
@mr5 i create products for the company I work for
which also have to be debugged
also, i was silly, the ids dont have to be generated based on the string :)
i thought they were used differently
I have a GridView that's populated by a stored procedure and one of the columns is a date column, and I have a RadioButtonList with Yes or No as options. The idea is to use the RadioButtonList to indicate, without forcing, whether that GridView date column has a date filled in or not
If it does, I'd like to make a label visible that points that out to the user, but again, doesn't force them to change it
Can I make a SqlDataReader and then use that to query my date column and if that comes back null, make the message visible?
if (rdr.Read())
    string theDate = rdr["DateColumn"].ToString();
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(theDate))
        lblInfo.Visible = true;
or something along those lines
and all of that also only if the RadioButtonList is currently set to No
Why do you need the radio button?
it's a flag in the database, we're just not forcing it at this point
it's a new system and it'll be used to indicate whether a part is involved in a particular process in the future
Why do you need a radio button to indicate whether the date is filled in or not? Why can't you just check if the date is filled in or not?
idk man this is what they want it to do
I didn't ask that question
it's so the users can change it
You should ask more questions imo
Im looking at some VPS on OVH and they claim that you can run windows server 2016 on 2gb ram and 25gb disk. How well would that run?
Or for the 4gb ram 50 gb disk? This seems like it would start to be smooth on rdp
With really bare minimum services wise
I know that I'm currently on a 2016 VM that runs like an absolute dog and I'm sure it's better provisioned than that, I can report back what that actually has if I remember
whats the specs on your vps?
The ones Im speaking of are dirt cheap thought
It's an on-premises VM but when I provision one for myself in the cloud I usually use 4 vCPUs and 14GB RAM
And it doesnt run well?
the on-premises one no it's irritatingly sluggish
At this point thats because of what you do with it
On-premise sounds like worse than regular virtualisation
the cloud one is fine and on that basis I exclude VPN/network issues because that's going to a physical site a hundred miles away
I live in the same city as the datacenter at least haha
I'm using all of these cases to develop BizTalk applications and a BizTalk dev environment is a BizTalk and SQL Server node, so that's possibly not representative
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