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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

12:00 AM
in korean, Monday is '월'요일 and dog barks as '월월'
so everyone hates 'monday barking dog' cuz she notices it's monday.
3 hours later…
3:10 AM
@misha130 Chinese space or full-width space " "
I just used braille space, its fine I found it, thanks
I guess you worked overnight.
1 hour later…
4:21 AM
Its funny the textbook also typo with calculations between circulations.
2 hours later…
6:01 AM
good morning
6:45 AM
7:16 AM
Good morning.
Anyone use an HTTP request manager like Postman? I'm looking for an alternative that offers shared team workspaces that can be hosted on a local share/site, without having the shared files hosted on Postman's servers.
We're using postman, nice thing. "Shared" means "I put the file in your transfer folder" though.
Although not because of technical limitations, but because of people's limitations of trying new stuff.
@Squirrelkiller Yeah, we do that as well - the collection files are stored in the git repo. But it's not good enough because you need to import/export. I want a live shared workspace.
@Default I'll check it out.
@Default Ah, no. I want a place where common API requests are stored for testing.
I figured since its "command line" it could be stored in files at least (not on postmans servers). oh well :)
Something to explore the exported Swagger is nice, but I want specific calls and tests that people work with to share between people.
7:57 AM
Hello everyone
\o Hellooo Sha
Hey storing it in the repo is actually a nice idea :D
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Live-shared Workspace?
Isn't that the main selling point of VS2019? :)
I haven't had the opportunity to try it out myself yet, but all the advertisements for it seemed good!
8:09 AM
Why not just set swagger up?
So once again I have a unit testing problem.
I test a controller call.
I mock the service behind it to return mock data to the controller.
The controller takes the faked objects, reads their data, and writes it in new objects (of a different class, lets call it "ResultDTO", but same data basically).
I now manually build a list of those ResultDTO objects, with the expected data.
When I call the controller and assert that the results are equivalent to my expected results, the assert fails, because technically the objects in the resultset arent the same as the objects in the expected set. The
@CaptainObvious Does swagger have the ability to store and execute different teset calls?
@H.N Isn't that for live coding with teammates? I'll have to check it out.
@CaptainObvious We have swagger set up. It's fine. But I have several predefined calls, with test data, scripts for getting access tokens, etc, in a postman collection.
@Squirrelkiller Swagger just creates a schema for the REST endpoints, so you can explore the various endpoints or build a proxy class.
@Squirrelkiller Check the data, not the objects.
Three objects, each with 4 properties. THree asserts? 12? ...lemme try.
Don't check the data mapping. Extract it to a different class and unit test that separately.
Your controller is an orchestrator. A unit test for the controller needs to assert that A) the inner service was, indeed, called, and B) that the data returned matches the one expected. Just check that the number of ResultDTOs matches the service's Result objects, and that all IDs, match, that should do it.
Ah, no it doesn't have prefilled data as far as I'm aware
@Squirrelkiller Alternatively create a new IEqualityComparer or whatever it's called for the new class
8:36 AM
@Squirrelkiller you know... you can write a function that compares objects and contains 4 assertions, then you can call that function 3 times
I dont wanna though
why not?
it is that, or interfaces
or less assertions (as avner mentioned)
@Wietlol Fewer assertions:
Apr 12 at 8:05, by Neil
So Hitler is in his office with a fellow officer. "Sir, we are mining too many iron ores." Hitler thinks on it a moment and says, "Well mine less!" The grammar nazi, upon hearing this, barges into Hitler's office and shouts, "MINE FEWER!" To which Hitler turns to him and says, "Yes?"
I have now
Assert that service received call
Assert that results have expected length
Assert.True(results.All(r => expected.Any(e => e.ID.Equals(r.ID))));

Better ideas of checking whether or not a certain property is equivalent?
Assert.True(.All(.Any isnt very nice
8:42 AM
Zip not .zip
Whats a Zip
its actually wrong even
it should return IEnumerable<(T2, T2)>
giving away the responsibility of merging
Woah that is a nice method
8:44 AM
and removing the requirement of a merge in the first place
but I guess it existed earlier than tuples
If you want it to, it can return a (T2, T2)
ye, but then you specify the mapper (resultSelector)
zip { it }
oh, I love Kotlin :D
8:48 AM
In xpath, how can I find the node that has an id property
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 30 48">
	<path  .../>
	<path .../>
	<path id="head" fill="#e1261c" d="M15 0A15 15 0 1 1 0 15 15 15 0 0 1 15 0zm0 0"/>
	<path .../>
I've tried: xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("/svg/path[@id='head']");
svg/path[@id='head'] should also work
if one of these two doesnt work, its incorrectly implemented
> Select all 'actor' elements that have an 'id' attribute.
@Neil jeeezz...
var parent = xmlDocument.DocumentElement;
This is how I read from it btw
what does xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("/svg/path"); do?
I'm not really sure how it works
How about in XDocument
8:56 AM
@Squirrelkiller you could probably also do a select on the ids and do a CollectionAssert that they are sequentially equal
@mr5 try with either 0 leading slashes or 2, not 1
@Wietlol what would be the XDocument translation
i think
@mr5 iDunno
I prefer not to use xml
for various reasons
starting with a tedious library to use it
so I am no good with questions about said library
so something like CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(results.Select(r => r.ID), expected.Select(e => e.ID))
which to me is both more maintainable and more readable then zipping the items
Q: how to use XPath with XDocument?

jojoThere is a similar question, but it seems that the solution didn't work out in my case: Weirdness with XDocument, XPath and namespaces Here is the XML I am working with: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Report Id="ID1" Type="Demo Report" Created="2011-01-01T01:01:01+11:00" Culture="en" x...

9:24 AM
So Project is called Comp.Proj
Therefore test project is called Comp.Proj.Test
Namespace is Comp.Proj.Server.Controller
THerefore test namespace is what,
Comp.Proj.Server.Controller.Test So that you can look at the end of the namespace and see it's the test project, rather than looking at the whole thing
Comp.Proj.Test... so that you dont need a shit ton of test folders?
Hmm directories, yes it makes more sense to approach it like this
Test class goes in the equivalent folder of its tested class, of course
@anand_v.singh I remember when I was in grammar school and I was corrected for saying "can" when I meant "may"
I think the "can" speakers won the battle ultimately
9:44 AM
Yay I just got included in a meeting!
januari, februari, march, april, can, june...
@Wietlol looks correct to me
can the force be with you
now, the next challenge is to make everything "is"
I is, you is, he/she is
we is, they is
thou is
it are
9:48 AM
@anand_v.singh It's not about "sucking" at their native language. It's just that the formal rules of grammar don't match the actual language usage.
The formal grammar isn't the language. The language is the language. Occasionally people try to freeze a specific subset or register as "the real language", but that, too, changes constantly.
When the girl asked "Can I sit here", she was speaking perfectly grammatical English.
I agree, what he's talking about is a language ideal, not the language itself
Maybe once upon a time "can" used in the place of "may" was somewhat unorthodox, and it would have been wrong to use then
And even as an ideal, it's a shifting ideal that represents a very specific subset of society.
@Neil Maybe. Or, just as likely, it was common and acceptable and not wrong in some contexts and sociolects, and wrong, or at least frowned upon, in others.
There isn't just one English language. I'm not talking about British vs. American (vs. Indian vs. Australian, etc), but different regional, socio-economic, ethnic and social dialects that can coexist.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan well new language "features" never start off used idiomatically by everyone
maybe only people in a specific region use it, or perhaps of a certain class
9:53 AM
English has loads of rules which are broken all the time
the queen's english is virtually non-existent amongst english speakers these days, though it is supposed to be the de-facto standard
her accent has changed somewhat over the years as well, if you listen to her speeches
@Neil public class SpeciolPeopol perhaps?
@Wietlol English.doYouSpeakIt()?
Received Pronunciation, the so-called Queen's English, is officially spoken by only 3-10% of British people, according to estimates.
But the fact that it was the accent of upper-class London speakers meant that it had a lot more social importance.
9:54 AM
@CaptainObvious at what point does it become a rule rather than breaking a rule?
@Neil At the point where people care.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan good point
I don't understand the question if that helps
> RP is sometimes known as the Queen's English, but recordings show that even Queen Elizabeth II has changed her pronunciation over the past 50 years, no longer using an [ɛ]-like vowel in words like land.
One of the best "rules" which is even drilled into kids heads at school is "I before E except after C"
9:56 AM
@CaptainObvious I mean, supposedly using "can" in the place of "may" is breaking a rule, because "can" implies capability and "may" refers to intent
And yet people use can all the time to imply intent.. so is it wrong or is it right?
Many times, these rules are completely arbitrary, like the common one about ending sentences with prepositions.
Can and May are both highly context specific
As are a large amount of words
Ok, let me give you a specific example: "Can I use the bathroom?"
If you want to be pedantic, you're asking if you're capable of peeing
@Neil "Can you pass me the salt?" < can here implies neither capability nor intent
@Wietlol now you're just mincing definitions, you know what I mean here
9:57 AM
@Neil Not "pedantic" as much as "insisting, probably disingenously, on a specific interpretation of a word that has many accepted meanings"
That does imply intent - They're intending for you to pass the salt
@CaptainObvious he's just trolling me, I'm used to it :)
@Neil No, no, I think @Wietlol's example is excellent. It's a usage of "Can" that is clearly understood by any English speaker despite expressly not referring to capability or intent.
Can in that context is more of a filler word. Drop the "can" and the sentence is exactly the same.
it implies "Give me the salt, damnit!" but making the sentiment a bit nicer
9:59 AM
@CaptainObvious It's certainly not filler. It's part of the utterance. "Pass me the salt" and "Can you pass me the salt" are different utterances.
Can you can the can as the canner can can a can
Sentiment and politeness are part of language.
@nyconing may you not?
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo." is a grammatically correct sentence in American English, often presented as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs through lexical ambiguity. It has been discussed in literature in various forms since 1967, when it appeared in Dmitri Borgmann's Beyond Language: Adventures in Word and Thought. The sentence employs three distinct meanings of the word buffalo: as a proper noun to refer to a specific place named Buffalo, the city of Buffalo, New York being the most notable...
10:00 AM
But you can say "Pass me the salt" nicely too. Or you can always throw a please at the end, making "Pass me the salt please"
please!! please? please.
Exactly. Language is flexible.
@CaptainObvious nah, its either "damnit" or "can"
otherwise, syntax error
I'm not saying that "Can you pass me the salt" is the only way to be polite, but that it's definitely a way to express the request in a polite manner. Of course, there can certainly be other markers - from tone, to facial expressions, even to shared prior world knowledge (say, a previous incident between those two people involving passing the salt) that can change the meaning. That's language for you.
I mean, English is my primary (and only) language
10:03 AM
Java is my primary langauge
something I've noticed is that subtlety and niceness is very much part of the english language
you might now understand my quick response of a syntax error
if you say "Pass the salt", you come across as brash and tactless
even if in other languages, that's exactly how you'd ask for the salt
in other languages, we say "Eat tasty!"
in english, we say "Have a nice meal!"
(or something)
in what language do they say "Eat tasty!"
10:05 AM
@Neil Yeah, every language has their own nuance.
in my experience they just say good appetite
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan well it's not even something I would have noticed probably, except that my wife, who isn't a native speaker, initially didn't understand the subtlety there
@Neil And interestingly enough, English only has French loan-words and never bothered to translate them.
@Neil You can see the same from other languages. Lots of immigrants in Israel, speaking English and French and Russian and lots of other languages. A lot gets lost in translation.
10:07 AM
(in english, it appears to be "enjoy your meal")
you wouldn't really say "enjoy your meal" to someone like you would in other cultures
Not to say you couldn't, but it's just not done as frequently I suppose
never thought of that
@Neil depends on setting? common enough to hear it from a server at a restaurant. slightly more common, simply "Enjoy."
@ABuckau Well for instance in Italy, you'd use it pretty much in any situation before you're about to eat
You'd really only expect to hear "Enjoy" from someone at a fine dining experience in America
makes sense..Im american.
10:22 AM
well I should hope so. I'm American as well
@Neil @AvnerShahar-Kashtan wow conversation alive after the weekend, I am impressed.
not to sound obvious, but wouldmt you expect different cultures to use slightly different wordage.
@ABuckau Even very different wordage.
@ABuckau that was my point, it isn't just different wordage, as in some cultures you say it with far more regularity than in others
As most things go, there is no direct translation for most things
English is a weird bastardised combination of a few languages and shouldn't really be used as a reference for other languages
10:25 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I think I can agree with the fault being with language being used inconsistently and people adopting to it, and not people necessarily "sucking" at their language, but if a word is that commonly misused like "Can" and "May" that should be emphasized in school
that makes sense if you dont think about it.
It's primarily germanic derived, but it's been heavily influenced by basically everyobe
@anand_v.singh No, I disagree with the terms "misused". "Can" is used, in English, as a polite way to request permission or ask for a favor. Not "misused" for that purpose - used.
If your dictionary says that "can" only implies capability, your dictionary isn't complete.
would you agree with improperly used?
Because there's a value judgement there, that it's improper, or wrong, or less good. I disagree with all.
10:27 AM
if its common, by definition it is not impropper?
I might agree to "a less formal register".
English is a hard language to teach english kids in school, it's no surprise that non-native english speakers will very very rarely get a solid grasp on all the oddities of English.
nah I won't agree to that
There are words and usages which are perfectly valid, proper English that I wouldn't use, say, in an interview where I pick my words carefully. Or in a published text. But that's a difference of style and register.
english is easy enough to learn at a basic level, but very difficult to master
10:28 AM
@CaptainObvious that is not just with English, very few people know the complete grammar of the language they speak (Based on experience and no proper study so don't ask for reference)
Especially because "complete grammar" is and endless chase to define. What was grammatical 50 years ago might not be anymore, in popular usage.
I mean that a native english speaker speaking to a non-native can sometimes have difficulty (accents aside) parsing what the other person is saying because they have to "rearrange" because although the basic rules are easy to teach, they're rarely followed.
I think be able and be permitted are very closely related
@CaptainObvious English has very diverse elements, true, borrowing a lot over the years from Germanic, Scandinavian and Latin tongues. Its history has had a lot of effect on its grammar and form. Some languages are a bit more coherent, but none are completely straightforward.
10:31 AM
I read that "thou" used to be like an informal "you", which is ironic, since "thou" is retrospectively thought of as being formal (if not archaic)
@Neil That can be said for almost every language, still you should not make mistakes in your native languages that people make jokes on, "can" and "may" have been a part of lot of un-funny jokes for a long time, I am not saying have complete command on grammar, just don't always eyeball it.
omg can we stop talking about can vs may now
@Neil Yeah, English used to have the formal/informal 2nd-person address like French and German, with "You" being a formal 2nd-person singular or formal/informal 2nd-person plural, and "thou" being informal 2nd-person singular.
@anand_v.singh I think it is taught that way, but that's to err on the side of being correct
can vs may is but a drop in the ocean of conflicting words
10:33 AM
@anand_v.singh What I'm saying that a lot of criticism of language is actually criticism of socio-economic class, ethnicity or origin, which is often tied to linguistic differences.
Hmm, maybe It's been a while since I was learning basics of English, it might be taught now.
I don't think I've been corrected for using "can" instead of "may" since I was 10 years old honestly
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Possible, I haven't thought of this from this viewpoint, I mean we have different dialects in India, mostly based on socio economic class, that might very well be the case
@Neil Have you not made the mistake, or you haven't had an asshole like me in your circle?
For instance, in Hebrew there is a word, "limzog", which means, formally, "to pour", as of a liquid, for instance. For Israelis with a North African or Middle-Eastern background, however (so called "Sepharadic" Jews), it's also used to mean "to serve food" even for solid foods. So while for some speakers you can "pour" rice from the pot to the dish, in a different sociolect, for Ashkenazi Jews (from Europe), it would sound wrong.
@Neil Probably because, as my dictionary snippet shows, "can" is correct, and anyone correcting you is doing so on basis of style, not grammar.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I tend to agree with you
@anand_v.singh I'm sure I've made the "mistake". The point is that everyone makes the "mistake"
And no, that doesn't make you an asshole :P
10:36 AM
But because of the political and cultural dominance of Ashkenazi Jews for most of Israel's existence, to "pour" solid food isn't just treated as a different usage, it's treated as wrong.
Seems Avner is correct on this one
[ctrl]+[h] "may" "can"
problem solved
git rebase
"may" never existed
Can we change the room description to the intricacies of the English Language now since Rudi's been gone for months so I don't have anyone to argue about Wirral being Liverpool or not
It has happened to me to be corrected on my english for minor things which I never would have known were incorrect if not for my wife
And surprisingly, or not surprisingly as you may see it, everyone where I grew up made the same mistake
its surprising, but logical
10:40 AM
Actually, not even sure it's wrong, but I know how to pick my battles :P
yet you battle me so often
I see a contradiction
Not married to you (yet)
I do making jokes about it sometimes, but if I sense a battle coming, I usually switch the topic
I believe we are heading towards the first StackOverflow chat room proposal
switch (topic) {
    case mine:
        return "yay";
        throw new InvalidArgumentException();
By the way, I got my first job, well job offer to be exact job begins from mid July after my present Internship ends, but hurray
10:43 AM
GZ! \o/
Why doesn't this work?
its recursive?
@anand_v.singh nice, start of a long and prestigious career as a programmer :P
10:45 AM
and DateTime is a struct so it cannot be null
@Wietlol its recursive?
you might want to use DateTime?
public DateTime CreatedUtc => CreatedUtc;
@Neil yes, that is recursive
Well what I'm really trying to do is fudge a created date into EF codefirst.
both set and get are recursive
10:46 AM
@Wietlol woosh!
you missed an opportunity there
They're not though.
That's the normal way to do it in c#
The set is, at least
I dont joke about recursion @Neil
@Wietlol Neither do you, and neither do I.. and neither do you..
@Wietlol It's hard to get out of those jokes
10:47 AM
no u (@Neil)
@Lemonade1947 "normal" is by using a backing field
A what
it appears that you use the same property
Oh right yeah
The controller I just opened has 39 using statements on top. 39!
10:48 AM
almost my whole screen full of usings
that is one smoll screen
@Squirrelkiller Time to use a smaller font or a bigger screen
I would need 78 for that to happen
Are you all actually being used, tho?
Full would be 52 for me
10:49 AM
@Lemonade1947 we are all used
Anyway uh
Yeah I want to add a "CreatedDate" and a "ModifiedDate to EF.
Doesn't seem to be a neat way of doing it.
I think I just found a competent tutorial.
@anand_v.singh Oh, congrats. A good place?
Yup a good place
Only 52 lines on a screen? That's some weak shit
Not everyone has 5 screens with two of them vertical
10:53 AM
oh no
here comes Lee le captain
Neither do I. I have 4 screens with 3 of them vertical
@CaptainObvious Define showing-off?
you changed layout?
I've had this layout for a while
10:54 AM
@anand_v.singh My screen layout/amount of screens has been common knowledge in here, I don't have to define it
Oh so a long time show-off
That's a really old layout
(X) Doubt
I haven't even been in that position since October
10:56 AM
Nice, I also think I need extra screens sometimes, but I don't think that has been a necessity, so still only two screens
We rearranged the office to celebrate new management
Yeah, I'm fine with two screens as well. It would be nice to switch them to 2k screens, but other than that, I'm fine.
I'd take higher DPI screens so I can make the text smaller but still readable
Also hold on I'll post an updated picture in a sec
Are there situations that justify the use of dynamic?
11:08 AM
nice :) followup question:

is filling an object from an unkown type with data from a cache one?
Looking at my pictures I've had this setup since at least the start of the year
Ugly setup
I kinda want to have three vertical monitors instead of two horizontal ones, but a) I'll need another USB-C to HDMI converter, and b) it will wreak havoc with out UWP app.
usb-c to hdmi? why?
11:14 AM
Maybe doesn't have enough outputs
Also why do you need an UWP app, usually non-uwp apps dont really have a problem with scaling
I had to get a GPU in this so I can drive 2 screens from the dGPU and 2 from the iGPU
He said another, which implies he's already using at least one usb-c pot, and has at least 2 usb-c ports.
@CaptainObvious why? one displayport is capable of driving more than one display
My screens don't support displayport. Active dp adapters which split to multiple screens are expensive
11:24 AM
@CaptainObvious I have a laptop with a single HDMI output and two USB-C outputs, one of which currently drives the second external monitor.
It was literally cheaper to buy a GT1030 for like £30 and use that than mess about with DP adapters
And the UWP app is our main product, and it's designed for three 1920x1080 monitors, horizontal.
On that note though I don't think I even have DP outputs without this gpu
threee full horizontal monitors, one app?
I want to nkow how that looks like, can you make a picture?
ALso what does this app do?
Yeah, something like that has to be either painfully information dense or so spread out it could fit on half a screen
11:32 AM
camera monitoring
Also since R# always stands guard over how we call oru namespaces, can I tell it to apply another rule jsut for test projects? folder structure is ofcourse comp.proj.controllers, while proj name is comp.proj.tests, therefore R# says namespace should be comp.proj.test.controllers
but namespace is supposed to be comp.proj.controllers.tests of course
does the namespace matter so much?
@Squirrelkiller It's an app for operation centers, centralizing information feeds for managing security incidents. If there's a fire at one of the facilities, it pulls in the security camera feeds, a map, a list of contacts (with Skype calling integration straight from the app), relevant documents and procedures, and so on.
The current operation centers have half a dozen different apps open and have to navigate and correlate manually. This app aims to automatically pull in the relevant data from many disparate systems.
12:00 PM
@Squirrelkiller Regarding standards, I was amused to see that Nespresso started pushing a new standard for their coffee capsules here. Their previous standard was so successful that it became the, well, standard that everyone uses, and they want to lock you in to their capsules.
Printers use DRM to prevent arbitrarily unauthorized ink cartridges. I wonder how far we are from DRM-chipped espresso pods.
> Situation: There are 14 competing standards.
Nespresso: "Let's create our own so people are locked in to our capsules."
(Soon) Situation: There is 1 competing standard.
Oh how the software world differs from the real world
I need to photoshop that one actually
guess I know what I will do tonight
12:18 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I think DRM espresso pods might well be a thing. I know it definitely was with some juicer
@CaptainObvious Ah, the fantastic fiasco that was Juicero.
@InternetOfShit's twitter thread about it was amazing
Not only did it require specific "pods" sent in by the company, these pods were, in fact, pre-juiced fruit and the machine simply squeezed the juice out of the bag.
There was also a fantastic breakdown of the Juicero hardware, which, it seems, was wildly over-engineered, leading to the inflated price tag.
Oh fun. Apparently HP ink cartridges are region locked too
Do controllers get built for each call? Or each session? Or, like, every 2 minutes or something? Or on demand after one gets disposed when not used for 10 seconds?
12:27 PM
I think they hang around until they get GCd
You should keep them stateless and assume their lifetime is per-call. It might not be, but don't make that assumption.
I'm not sure when to dispose of a serilog logcontext pushed property
probably gonna have to put all methods into a using() each to set logcontext
Can I append to an already pushed property? What if I jsut push it again, does it get overwritten?
12:52 PM
It was nice with the Controller which had indeed one nicely defined job, so I oculd set the logcontext in the constructor and dispose in the Dispose(). Now this other controller has several responsibilities :/
maybe attribute the log or something?
Hey that's actually a very nice idea
Oh my, now I really want log attributes
i gotta learn how to attribute
do you even attribute, bro?
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

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