Hey guys, I have been working with c++ and python with quite a while now, Now I need to learn c# and ASP.net, , In web development my only experience is with the Python framework Flask what would be the sources that you would recommend and what can be a reasonable expected timeframe in which I will be able to get working knowledge?
@Neil Because it's a business and it can't justify spending out for a gigabit connection if we don't need it yet. We had the option of 100mb on a 100mb line or 100mb on a gigabit line for almost the same price. It was a no-brainer to go for the 100 on 1G line
It makes sense to push for the higher potential capacity line if upgrades in the future may happen, which is why we did. But we can't see needing more than 100mb yet.
> A subsequent call to Start resumes measuring time from the current elapsed time value. Use the Reset method to clear the cumulative elapsed time in a Stopwatch instance.
I figure for employee morale, for knowing it's an eventuality anyway, for knowing the times you're effectively reducing in download by doing so, well worth an extra 20 euros per month for a business imho
@Neil There are a lot of weird cognitive biases and fallacies in economic choices that people (and companies) make. Like bikeshedding over getting a faster internet line or a better brand of coffee for the office kitchen when the benefits aren't easily expressed in numbers. 500 EUR/year is nothing compared to, say, a dev's salary. You can spend 500 EUR/year on better coffee and faster internet and it will do as much to improve morale as a higher salary.
I know it's a business, but even doubling that figure you'd get 40 euros a month
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Tell that to my boss. I asked him to buy a library which cost 50 euros, which would have fixed a serious problem we were having and he said no
And the serious problem was actually caused by not paying for support for a custom framework we had made anyway, so there's that I suppose
But I can understand the no support thing, that would have cost a bit. But pay 50 euros and we can make the serious issue go away.. and he says no deal... wtf
@Neil I've seen companies decline buying a $200 tool for a dev, but pay $2000 for bringing in a consultant for a couple of days. It's not just a matter of penny-pinching, it's about being able to realize the value of a professional consultant, but not understanding the value of a tool.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Well the opposite could be said... in general it's about not understanding the value of something you pay for
In this field, really the only people qualified to know the value of something are the people who directly use them
and as these things go, often these aren't the people who give the okay to buy them
the worst kind of issues like this are the ones that are hidden.. like not paying for something that will help eliminate technical debt, only to have a major issue later on that cost you even more to fix
@Neil I disagree. Software isn't unique in having workers and managers, and in other fields it's even more common for managers to have never actually been workers in the field.
I think this is problem with management everywhere.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan If you're a constructor at a job site and you tell your manager that it'll take you a week to get the job done with only a hammer and that if you bought a nail gun, you could get it done in half the time, it makes sense, and the idea that that tool will remain in your possession afterwards is obvious
Since the job is linear (more people on the task = less time), it's all intuitive
You can weigh the options easily.. 3.5 days faster vs cost of buying a nail gun
It isn't so straightforward in our field
And I won't say it's unique in our field, it really only applies in fields where such things aren't straightforward
If you tell your manager you need a library to get a job done faster, he's thinking, oh, a library.. you make those every day.. all you have to do is just make it, what else am I paying you for?
As if a construction worker could simultaneously hammer nails and construct a nail gun according to how he distributes his time and effort
While it's true we can write such libraries, there's a huge gap of misunderstanding here that somehow everything is possible with a computer and a keyboard in this field
That is true, but if it takes you 10 years to write your own library, that's a huge undertaking and it is obvious only to the developer
It doesn't help that we usually solve the problem by getting around it somehow, and so the manager thinks he made an intelligent decision
@Neil You're looking at £320/mo for the 100mb on 1gb leased line. Leased lines are expensive, but you're paying for the guaranteed availability and symmetrical connection.
For comparison the same service on the 100mb line (which would already be maxed out so has no future upgradability) was quoted at £270/mo
We're getting 2 lines though, one of which is a dark backup for an extra £150/mo. So if somebody decides to backhoe through our fiber a mile up the road, we'll still have a connection
Because the connections from our premises follow different routes to different exchanges
So we're going at £470/mo. It's a whole lot cheaper than BT were offering though (who virtually monopolise the market being the infrastructure owner for most of the country, but not the only ones around here), they were asking for £470, and that's only on the 100mb line. We didn't bother asking about the 1gb line after that.
well I can see why that would get expensive.. but if some business just said, "Hey, don't make a big fuss.. just give me what my auntie next door has.."
Home connections are copper connections to a box on the street, which is shared with everyone on the street to the nearest exchange. ANd if somebody outs a digger through the connection between the box and the exchange then sucks to be you, deal with it
seems a little silly to necessarily go through all that trouble.. if cost is what you're about, then you should be able to pay significantly less for the same service an individual might receive
Well yes, we currently have the cheapo "business" broadband, which is exactly the same as the residential stuff. And price wise it's not a huge amount more. Only about 2x more than a home user would pay
But we're upgrading as the current connection is not reliable enough, has no guarantees on anything, and the upload speed is too slow. We currently get around 50 down and 8 up.
There's also the fact that the UK has surprisingly outdated broadband infrastructure.
In some cases ISP's when they undertake a Contract even cover how much damages will be paid by them if there are losses in your business due to loss in connectivity, and there is a maximum wait period, in my office we have a contract that mandates that ISP engineers have to be onsight within 4 hours of being notified of a outage, or the connection should be fixed by then.
If not they are liable to pay us damages, this is what drives the cost of Internet exponentially, but in the end is a necessary term.
Exactly. That's the sort of features we're looking for. In theory we probably want them to dig through our fibre - We'll have 2 connections so when one gets dug through the other goes live within a couple of seconds and we start making bank from the ISP while still hvaing internet
Yes, Speeds upto are advertised, I can't say about U.K. but in our contract, since we pay a high price, there is a clause which dictates that speeds falling below a certain threshold will also be considered as Outage and ISP's fees can be deducted under these terms
I don't think legislation will help, we will need more companies entering the field, right now we are not protected by government, but rather by our terms of Agreement, and that can Improve by increasing competition
The problem however is that it is too expensive to set up, and thus we are failing to see healthy competition in this space, and monopoly is leading to stagnation
In most countries you will see there are just one or two companies that have fibers going out of the country and all other ISP's are merely connecting to them, thus there is not much room for a fight
And I majored in communications and found that no serious research effort to address this is being undertaken, we keep on concentrating on wireless near field communication and forget where the real bottleneck is coming from
This is also one of the reason (Though a small one) that countries have started asking companies to have local data storage centers, and Open there servers to be accessed by multiple ISP's which does improve speed sometimes, but still most of the Internet traffic for sites hosted on a single server has to probably flow outside the country, or is dependent on a single line somewhere
And that is where the bottleneck occurs, Netflix solved this by creating servers with local ISP's, but not everyone can do that
And I think If I don't stop, it will soon become a rant, if it isn't one already:)
StackOverflow itself is such a huge and incoherent site that I really don't know any of the mods, even if I participate regularly. Smaller SE sites have much more meaningful elections.
@Squirrelkiller Can you create several different .yml files, each for a different pipeline, with a trigger that filters by the path of the checkin?
free speech doesn't exist on the internet. Every website you visit belongs to someone, and they have every right to remove whatever content or message you want to give it
So ten survivors of a shipwreck find themselves on a desert island. They search for food and find a bunch of coconuts and monkey. They go to sleep to divy up up the coconuts the next day. One survivor wakes up, and is hungry and decides to take his share sooner. He finds he's one short of being a multiple of 10 and finds the monkey with a coconut.
He tries to take the coconut from the monkey and the monkey kills him. The next survivor wakes up and finds the dead body and is happy knowing there is 1/9th to share amongst them. He too finds he's one short of a multiple of 9 and finds the monkey with a coconut and the monkey kills him..
Continue until the last survivor wakes up and finds all the other survivors dead and all the coconuts to himself. How many coconuts were there?
taking the multiplication part of the formula, for each number, 2 to 10, you can see it as n * (the other part), of which result, you subtract 1 so it isnt divisible by any number in the range of 2 to 10
The monkey and the coconuts is a mathematical puzzle in the field of Diophantine analysis involving five sailors and a monkey on a desert island who divide up a pile of coconuts.
== History ==
The problem became notorious when American novelist and short story writer Ben Ames Williams modified an older problem and included it in a story in the October 9, 1926 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. Here is how the problem was stated by Williams:
Five men and a monkey were shipwrecked on an island. They spent the first night gathering coconuts. During the night, one man woke up and decided to take...
Alternative answer - it doesn't matter how many coconuts there are because coconuts are not nutritionally complete, so they starve to death no matter what.
> From 1902 to 1919, Engelhardt lived on a beautiful South Pacific island, eating nothing but the fruit of Cocos nucifera, which he believed was the panacea for all mankind's woes. Except that a coconut mono-diet proved to be a terrible idea. At the end of his life, der Kokovore was reduced to a mentally ill, rheumatic, severely malnourished sack of bones with ulcers on his legs. He was only 44.
Given a 1 litre bottle of arbitrary shape, a stopper for the bottle, a marker, and an endless source of water -- How can you reach a point where you have exactly half a litre of water in the bottle?
You're trapped on a deserted island with just your CRC, how do you best re-establish the current kilogram, meter and second using as simple resources as possible.
Last time on FAIC we achieved two major results in our effort to build better probability tools. First, we demonstrated that the SelectMany implementation which applies a likelihood function to a prior probability is the bind operation of the probability … Continue reading →
I have a nested list of an object, let's call it Category, Category has a property: List<Category> SubCategory, Category also has this propertys:
long ParentId Category ParentCategory
that identify the parent category of a category
Problem: since the db is not ours, we can't make changes in it, and only ParentId is coming with values, ParentCategory has values (except on the ones that don't have parent category)
ParentCategory has NO values
and if a category is in the 2nd level of nested, i can do this:
and i get the parent category of the selected category
if the selected category is in a 3rd level of nested, my solution will not work
if the CategoryFromDb is in the 3rd (...)
because the ParentId of a 3rd level Category is a Category from 2nd level, and _categories.Where(w => w.Id == CategoryFromDb.ParentId).FirstOrDefault(); will only search on the first level
what's the best way to work with this?
i have searched and SelectedMany seemed a cool option, but i don't this it works on even deeper nested
@RicardoDiasMorais don't have access to most image site on my station but, do I understand good that your question is how to do a recursive search on your list of data?
@RicardoDiasMorais how many categories are there in total?
I'd be inclined to just pull them all from the DB and generate a lookup - dictionary<int categoryId, int rootParentId>. Do this once at startup and store it somewhere.
There must be an elegant SQL solution to this, but not very likely an EF one.
Hello guys! I have a bounty expiring here related to C# if you want to take a look! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54688302/inkedit-globally-and-not-only-inside-my-program