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06:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

6:10 AM
Folks, I know I can create my own custom validation rule. How can I attach a validation rule to a domain object (POCO object) dynamically (without using annotation)? I want to attach it in such a way that a call to Validator.TryValidateObject(...) will execute the rule.
1 hour later…
7:20 AM
good morning :)
8:02 AM
good morning
8:21 AM
sorry, sorry. left you hanging.
well, we're all technically just high-fiving the air
good morning, I've a question about TPL that I'm not able to answer on my own browsing the net and SO in particular.
I'm building an application that is taking measurements from a DAQ device at a given frequency. I'm writing a method that contains an "await Task.Delay(perdiod)", and thus I've to decorate this method as async. This method's signature contains a CancellationToken, to be able to abort it when needed.
My question is: should this method return void, and be called with Task.Run(() => MethodName()), or should it return Task, and be called in the same way?
Async methods should always return Task.
The ability to write "async void" methods is there purely as a backwards-compatibility measure to allow async event handlers, but it should be used unless you really have to.
Now, there are two different things here - asynchronous methods and multithreading. Using Task.Run will (usually) launch a new thread for your method to run on, which isn't necessarily what you want.
Marking a method as async Task doesn't mean that anything multithreaded is going on. It simply means that the execution is wrapped in a Task.
public async Task DoSync()

var t = DoSync();
Here, t.IsCompleted will return true, because DoSync will run synchronously and return after 500ms with a completed task.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Not always, but assuming you cared about when the task was done, which is pretty much always :P
@Neil And assuming you want an exception inside that task to be able to be handled.
replace Thread.Sleep with Task.Delay, and the output will be false - because the method will return with an incomplete task the moment it hits an await call.
8:35 AM
thank you Avner. While running the measurement method, the application will be busy in logging data to files and updating the GUI, so I guess multithreading is needed.
There is still something not clear to me: if the Task object used to manage exceptions is the Task returned by Task.Run(), who is using the Task returned by the async method?
the caller
When you call an async method, it returns immediately before task is finished
@Neil Not necessarily - it returns the moment it hits an await statement.
well also
But yeah.
@grandangelo When using async/await, the expectation is that your entire call stack will be async/TPL-aware, all the way up.
If you're writing a console application, it's the void Main method that needs to handle those tasks. In C# 7.2 (7.1?) you can have void Main be async as well, meaning the underlying framework deals with it for you, but even before it, you would usually just have a root Task that the Main waits on.
Thank you Neil. So: as far as my method contains an await Task.Delay(), it must be decorated with async and should (must) return a Task object. This Task object is returned as soon as await Task.Delay row is hit.
As far as I want to run my method in a background thread, I should start it with Task.Run(() => MyMethod()), so that the Task object returned by Task.Run can be used later to wait for task completion.
Am I getting it right?
8:41 AM
yeah, if you call an async method and attempt to resolve the value of that call immediately, you're basically just calling it like a synchronous method
which isn't bad per se, but it defeats the purpose of being async
the idea is that you do something else in the meantime and therefore perform work in parallel to that asynchronous task
you should resolve it at the point when you can no longer wait
and not sooner
@grandangelo You don't need Task.Run for that. Task.Run means, explicitly, "run this code in a different thread, regardless of whether is uses async/await or uses async constructs inside".
Let's take this code:
async Task AsyncWork()
     await Task.Delay(500);
     var data = await DiskIO.ReadLargeFile();
This is a heavy method that does a lot of things, but most of them aren't CPU bound - meaning they don't need a regular thread. Task.Delay uses underlying OS timers, and I/O methods offload themselves to OS I/O Completion Ports, which are an OS construct that waits for the I/O drivers to finish and then raises notifications.
So if I call this method and get a Task, my calling code doesn't need Task.Run, it doesn't need to dedicate a thread to this method - you can simply call var ioTask = AsyncWork() to immediately yield back an incomplete task and continue on your original thread.
Most of the time, this method doesn't need any CPU time or an active thread.
Avner, I get your point.
My measurement task is started when starting measurement, and stopped when stopping (no pun intended). I want to perform my measure, then wait for some seconds, then measure again until the used stops the acquisition setting the cancellation token.
It's not something "one shot", but is continuously run. Isn't it right to run it via Task.Run()?
If you want a continuously running flow, then you don't really need to await that task - it simply runs in the background, and you will never await it - it isn't designed to complete.
I'm awaiting it when user stops measurements
then user can run it again, if will to.
So yeah, you will probably use Task.Run to create that long-running task, or alternately, use a Timer to periodically start a new task.
8:51 AM
ok. I think is clear, at least for this case.
Thank you very much for your time guys.
You're welcome.
9:37 AM
For some reason, everything around mouseenter/mouseexit events in UWP is entirely screwed. It's so hard to just get predictable results.
9:50 AM
Hey. Someone familiar with Entity Framework?
When I add a new entity to a table and save the changes, a text property of that entity turns into null.
10:25 AM
I've worked with EF6, not with EFCore.
Can you show the definition of that entity? Is it code-first or data-first?
I am also using EF6 and DB first. Here is the generated entity (removed all the other properties that are not affected):
public partial class InsuranceCase
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")]
        public InsuranceCase()


        public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
10:49 AM
Hi again, one other question: I'm running via Task.Run a while(true) method (with cancellation token). Inside this method I've a await Task.Delay(timeVariable). This timeVariable is a property of the class containing the method.
My question is: if I protect this variable via
public double MeasurementPeriod_s { get { lock (_measurementPeriodLock) { return _measurementPeriod_ms / 1000; } }
set { lock (_measurementPeriodLock) { _measurementPeriod_ms = (int)(value * 1000); } } }
Can i safely use it in my Task?
where _measurementPeriodLock is a dedicated readonly object, and _measurementPeriod_ms is the backing property of MeasurementPeriod_s
In my understanding, it should be good, because double are not reference values, and locking should make the access atomic.
It it was a reference value, such as a dictionary, it would not be thread safe.
11:11 AM
are you a crab?
sorry I don't get it...
what animal is this in your avatar?
!!Is it a crab?
@Hans1984 By all means
ah ok, I thought it was about my question...
it is the flying spaghetti monster, about pastafarianism
ok caprica said its a crab
11:16 AM
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism. Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarianism) is a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. According to adherents, Pastafarianism is a "real, legitimate religion, as much as any other". In New Zealand, Pastafarian representatives are authorized to officiate weddings. However, in the United States, a federal judge has ruled that the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster...
Ah now i see
No sorry i can't help you with your question
im kinda new to c#
I had understood that the pastafarianism was supposed to be mocking religion
ok no problem
I'm just here to see if those squirrels are alright
now it seems there are actual followers
That sort of completely goes against the idea in the first place, doesn't it?
11:19 AM
I'm not a real follower, but I'm quite against religion, at least the kind of religion that supposes that it should be taught to school that no Darwin and big bang are true, but the only allowed theory is the creation by God
well I'm against the oppression of views in general
Spaghetti monster comes from something like that, discussions about what should be taught in university. Living in Italy, politics has been influenced by religion since ever.
admitting that there exists a theory made by Darwin is not saying that it is correct (although I believe it is)
Sure, science never says "I'm right and you're wrong". It speaks about "what is the best model we can offer about this topic?"
Good man. I think we're very much agreement on this score
science isn't a competing religion. it's someting else entirely
11:24 AM
science is about proofs and discussion, religion is about faith. From my point of view, as soon as someone's religion is not forcing me to do something, anyone can believe in anything, like Easter Bunny or a Teapot at the end of the universe
Russell's teapot is an analogy, formulated by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), to illustrate that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making unfalsifiable claims, rather than shifting the burden of disproof to others. Russell specifically applied his analogy in the context of religion. He wrote that if he were to assert, without offering proof, that a teapot, too small to be seen by telescopes, orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, he could not expect anyone to believe him solely because his assertion could not be proven wrong. Russell's teapot...
All this is true, on paper. In practice, there's a huge discrepancy between how science is defined, how scientists think of themselves, and how scientists actually behave in practice.
well in theory, theory and practice are the same thing. In practice, they're not.
There's a whole field devoted to the sociology of science that's fascinating, that looks at how science is actually done and sees a lot of the determining factors that are often invisible to those actually in it.
A classic text is Kuhn's "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" that looked at some scientific sea changes in history, and shows how the scientists holding the previously established beliefs were unable to accept a radical break from accepted beliefs, not because they were stupid or somehow misapplied science, but because of how humans work, and how ideas have momentum that takes time to shift and realign.
Avner that's interesting what you say, thanks for pointing it.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan granted, but that's not the ideal
11:30 AM
@Neil It's not the ideal, but it's reality.
maybe we can never hope to truly achieve that, but that's the idea at least
But that's exactly why drawing absolute boundaries between science and religion is fine on paper, but in practice, scientists carry with them a host of unproven assumptions and presuppositions that color their scientific work, and anyone who claims to be entirely objective is either lying to you or themselves.
fine, that doesn't mean the pursuit isn't admirable just the same
Science works, for the most part, and the scientific method is a much more rational outlook on life than many non-scientific points of view, but it shouldn't pretend to be wholly rational, because pretending you're already there makes you not constantly aspire to be.
Plenty of progress has been made in the name of science
11:33 AM
Yes, definitely. I don't have a problem with science. I have a problem with science fans ascribing to it perfection that it doesn't have.
Most progress is made by scientists who don't accept accepted norms
They told Max Planck that basically everything was already discovered
@Neil No, that's probably wrong. Most progress is made by scientists who take accepted norms, improve on them and expand them.
Paradigm-shifting breakthroughs are made by scientists who don't accept accepted norms.
"I have a problem with science fans ascribing to it perfection that it doesn't have"
Me too, is just another religion
They're important, but reducing the 99% of work done by the rest of the scientific community is wrong, I believe.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan fair enough, but I would consider the bigger breakthroughs to be from these paradigm-shifting ideas
though small improvements are just as beneficial in larger numbers I suppose
11:38 AM
I would say that they're the meat-and-bones of scientific knowledge.
Breakthroughs create a new brand new field of knowledge. Then you actually have to build it.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan who said anything about reducing 99% of work done by the scientific community?
@Neil "Most progress is made by scientists who don't accept accepted norms". I say that "very little but very important progress" is made by them.
Well how much progress are we talking about? 3 thousand gallons or a metric ton of progress?
What are we even talking about? You can't really measure that
Hard to measure, I agree. But I say that the fact that we have wide availability of vaccines for many diseases owes a lot to Louis Pasteur for his breakthrough work on the principles of vaccines, and even more to the scores of researchers since that improved on the vaccines, adapted them to different strains, applied the principles to different diseases, found ways to counteract their side effects, and so on.
vaccines is hot topic in Italy in these months... by the way, did you know that Pasteur produced fake evidences for his theory, very luckily for us?
11:47 AM
It wouldn't be the first time such things have happened
I've heard many claims about his professional ethics (human clinical trials without proper care or oversight, taking credit for other people's work) but none that his vaccination experiments were falsified.
problem was: they tried to vaccinate a guy, that died due to this vaccination (sure.. they were first tests...). He and the man that had to judge him decided to say that death came for other reasons
Otherwise, studies would have not continued
no critic from my side, don't get me wrong, I LOVE Pasteur, for me my son my family..
Avner, I'm surfing wikipedia, just discovered that Kuhn was "enemy" of Popper...
oh shit wait
12:07 PM
@LeeButler Barely. We'll give you a grace period.
I've been firefighting all morning
After doing server switcheroo last night which didn't go amazingly. But I did meet some of the evening crowd here which was weird
@LeeButler sounds like an IT crowd skript
@LeeButler You have a night shift comprised of oddball losers who don't fit into the 9-5 culture, man?
12:54 PM
my project doesnt stop changing databases and I am getting visibly upset
stahp it!
@misha130 As in, at runtime?
post production time
in the span of a few months this is the third database engine
IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection("mydb.mynetwork");
     connection = new OracleConnection("mydb.mynetwork"); // maybe it's Oracle today?
no but some drivers dont support all features
1:05 PM
UWP won't let you access localized string resources from a non-UI thread, because for localization it needs to know your culture, and it just will not supply information to uncultured threads.
@Avner Nah I mean the evening guys here.
They're an odd bunch. I believe they call themselves Americans, for some reason
To celebrate UWP being an ass, I went and investigated the interesting etymological reversal that "snob" underwent during its lifetime.
@LeeButler Oh, those.
It started as a disparaging term for the lower classes, then evolved into meaning "a lower class person who behaves above their station", then to "a person who insists upon their class and station", and from there to "someone who looks down on the lower classes".
So the client reports to have received an error message like "Missing telephone number, e-mail address, and telephone prefix". Turns out he didn't provide this information. Who would have thunk it?
1:22 PM
In MVC, typically the view model is validated in controller. Afterwards, I am constructing a request object (from that view model) and sending it a service to perform additional business logic. Should I be validating the request object in the service method too?
@Neil why would you not expect that
Clients / Customers are retarded
@LeeButler better? :)
99% of the time they ask WHY DOESN'T [x] WORK it's because they didn't ask it to
Yes that makes more sense, it wasn't clear
I had to restrain myself.. everything I wanted to reply sounded sarcastic or condescending
what the hell am I supposed to say to that? The error is kind of self-explanatory
lol, we've all been there brother
1:34 PM
@EnterTheCode The service method receives the request from "outside". It doesn't matter that it will usually get data generated by your client-side code based on your pre-validated viewmodel. It can't assume that.
The data could have been manipulated in the browser before sending the request. It could have been intercepted, modified and re-sent. It could have just been constructed by a different client app or a malicious client.
It doesn't matter. A public API endpoint, like a service method, should validate its inputs.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I see so you're a Thread of culture as well
@SebastianL All my threads attend the opera and hob-nob with the cream of society.
Only opening Opera Tabs with high society websites doesn't count :D
Sure it does!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I got the feeling that I should be validating the request for those exact reasons. Thanks for the comments.!
1:45 PM
@Neil maybe they should have sunk it?
I wish that were possible
1 hour later…
3:06 PM
Rich Moy on February 14, 2019

After an exciting end to 2018, we kicked this year off with the first “hackathon” in Stack Overflow’s 10-year history. Unlike a traditional hackathon, it wasn’t just for our developers. Any employee working on our products or directly with the Stack Overflow community was encouraged to participate, which is why we dubbed the event a “Make-A-Thon.”

Employees from our engineering, design, and support teams spent a full week working on projects outside of their typical day-to-day responsibilities. For our inaugural Make-A-Thon, participants brainstormed improvements to our power user and moderator experience on Stack Overflow. …

1 hour later…
4:14 PM
How are you good sir?
I hate the people that basically ask a question, but expect you to answer it even though you provide a link to pretty much how they could solve it from another SO Answer.
I was doing excellently until about half an hour ago. At which point one of my servers started having a stroke and going completely retarded
@LeeButler I am choosing to interpret this as if you were a restaurant manager. It is a far more entertaining scenario.
4:32 PM
@Greg Morning
posted on February 14, 2019 by ericlippert

Last time on FAIC I implemented our first discrete distribution, the “choose an integer between min and max” distribution. I thought I might knock out a couple more of the easy discrete distributions. The easiest discrete distribution of all is … Continue reading →

@LeeButler Why did that happen?
Hey @juanvan
I do not think that Power Bi supports the visual representation my organization is asking for analysis on. Hm...
I have absolutely no idea. I think it might be something to do with Hyper V Guest integration services update
I don't think Power BI supports anything which makes a lot of sense to be honest
Power Bi is a great tool for visual representation of datasets and analysis, however the representation of more complicated data creates limitations.
Why is your Power Bi consuming so much memory, wtf?
good mornin
4:42 PM
Holy Hana
26GB of ram
It turns out that's what happens then you try to call RANKX on a column that doesn't exist
Logically instead of complaining about it not existing, it just uses all the ram until it hits OOM
So someone coded their query poorly causing the engine to explode.
I have a big ass WPF MVVM WCF application and I'm looking for a way to generate navigation diagram programmatically. In other word to generate a visual diagram of Graphic User Interface to create on the fly documentation for a given screen
@User23332 that sounds like an interesting problem
I found this the other day
@juanvan yea. I have few idea on my own but I would like to know if any of you are aware of an existing solution. Is star print tool doing what I'm looking to achieve or is it strictly to print source code?
4:47 PM
I don't know I didn't look at all the options, I was looking for printing code
I remember someone saying something about class diagrams and UI from a post
I don't remember if this was the one, or another one. I did about a 30 min search lol
lot of data in and out
ultimately, not exactly uml but a kind of uml but for navigation flow trough a screen. For example I have screens where they are right click menu, some of them bring intermediate screen, etc. GUI bring simplicity of use and complexity at the same time
5:09 PM
Umm Wireframes?
Screen shots of the real program?
With a WPF being Runtime visible
Goodnight friends
like a program flowchart diagram but oriented on the graphic user interface interactions
Does anyone know if MIT or another strong engineering school does undergraduate all online?
I never finished my degree and my employer is willing to pay for me to obtain a doctorate so I figure might as well get my AA, BA, MS, etc.
5:26 PM
@Greg university of waterloo offer program online. You only need to go physical for exams; uwaterloo.ca/discover-graduate-studies/programs
@LeeButler dd/MM/yyyy? y tho
Oh noez he left
@User23332 Physical exams, in the United Kingdom? So have my company fly me from the United States Western Coastline all the way to the United Kingdom once a quarter?
Does not seem like they would want to do that.
JavaScript sucks the fat one: levelup.gitconnected.com/…
@Greg They have partnership with other university. As example In am near Ottawa, Canada. So if I had an exam with Waterloo I would go to University of Ottawa.
Any in the United States?
5:38 PM
I wouldn't know but I do know university of Waterloo have a pretty solid reputation in computing science
and offer online course
@Sinjai That is why I am so excited for Web Assembly.
> this is not a full replacement for JavaScript; rather, Wasm is only intended for performance-critical portions of page scripts
God damnit, I need to stop reading these articles about how to get around the shitty practices JavaScript encourages, because they themselves are shitty practices that shouldn't be necessary and it's making me upset.
I know it is not a full replacement, but it should allow a majority of functionality that JavaScript handles to be mitigated to server side language, which would condense the amount of JavaScript required for an application.
Unfortunately, if I get this new job, I'll be writing JavaScript daily.
!!giphy tears
Raw ES6? jQuery? React? Vue? Angular? TS?
!!> "false" == "true"
@Sinjai false
@Greg Are any of those less cancerous than the others?
I deal with JavaScript enough to tell you with certainty, yes!
5:47 PM
Which one(s)? I've used POJS and jQuery, and it makes me cry.
TypeScript actually dries my tears a bit.
But something tells me they don't use that.
I don't actually know, I suppose I should ask more about the technologies they use. I think the answer is that it depends. I'd be working on fixing individual clients' implementations of the platform.
After all, my lord and savior Hejlsberg is responsible for TS, eh?
such a good looking gif
Not what I was expecting for Kendall, but okay.
Yeah, you should ask those questions.
3 messages moved to Trash can
the fuck
5:51 PM
@KendallFrey .... Why does you name have the sound of music gif?
!!giphy michael scott no
@Greg because I don't give any fucks?
Damn it Bobby!
Screw it, moment passed.
@KendallFrey What up with you? Have not seen you in awhile?
5:54 PM
Really? I feel like you ask me that a lot
I am not sure if once a week or once a month qualifies for a lot.
Just enjoy it, Kendall. At least people ask how you're doing. sobs uncontrollably
!!afk not that anyone cares :',',',',',(
6:18 PM
@misha130 wot
just sad
thinkin abut lyf
Don't do that dummy!
Think as little as possible.
hi guys, I have a list of object where the object contains stat and end (an interval)...I was wondering if there is an easy linq expression to group all the objects where end and start values are consecutive integers for example 12, 14 and 15, 20...would match but 12, 14 and 16, 20 would not
You mean between objects?
6:27 PM
hmmm that would work, thanks :)
yeah between objects
actually that wouldn't work, I need to find the object that lies next to it
Yeah yeah, misunderstood.
Define group
Or where
ok looking up group
One group is (16, 17)(18, 21)(22, 23) and another is (1, 4)(5, 20) ?
yeah like that
@erotavlas you can define your soryBy function, where on each comparison it will look for next consecutive start
6:32 PM
there is no SortBy
There's a Sort
maybe he meant OrderBy
what ever it is
Well, Sort and OrderBy are similar but different.
List<T>.Sort changes the order of the elements in that instance. IEnumerable<T>.OrderBy returns an IOrderEnumerable<T> that can be lazily evaluated to a collection with the new order.
inplace vs new instance?
6:35 PM
Yeah, OrderBy is pure.
Sort is a void.
What's your end goal here? What are you gonna do with these groups?
count it as a while unit
Add up the consecutive intervals?
the ones that touch each other form a whole one
So (16, 17)(18, 21)(22, 23) = 23 - 16 = 7 and (1, 4)(5, 20) = 20 - 1 = 19?
oh no not like that, that would make a total of 2
6:37 PM
Oh okay.
they represent strings in a text
So the length of the interval doesn't matter.
I think I can do it in a for loop
For anything non-trivial, I find it easiest to use a traditional loop and introduce LINQ if it adds clarity.
There are also gasp things that LINQ can't do.
yeah your right
6:42 PM
tbqh, LINQ probably can do just about everything, but sometimes it shouldn't -- either for clarity or performance reasons.
there I did it the old fashioned way
	var remaining = intervalree.GetEntities();
	remaining.Sort((x, y) => x.Start.CompareTo(y.Start));
	for(int i = 0; i < remaining.Count; i++)
		int end = remaining[i].End;

		if(i + 1 < remaining.Count)
			if(end + 1 == remaining[i + 1].Start)
crap I forgot to group them first before incrementing
Nothing wrong with the old-fashioned way.
7:07 PM
> Since NaN is the only JavaScript value that is treated as unequal to itself, you can always test if a value is NaN by checking it for equality to itself
7:49 PM
What is this Dictionary.AsReadOnly that's referred to here? stackoverflow.com/questions/38419160/…
8:12 PM
"the designers of C# wanted it that way" :)
@KendallFrey I very much do not want an instance variable to be initialized by another instance variable.
Well I do so get stuffed
!!giphy you got me
> LOL, I posted "yes" so I would be first and then came back with the evidence. Since I can no longer be the FGTW I guess I shouldn't worry about being first anymore
What's FGTW in this instance?
That's a comment on an answer.
8:27 PM
fastest gun in the west
It's an ancient phenomenon of SO where you post an answer quickly, and then flesh it out later.
hi, why does adding fields to my partial view adds them and also shows the error message of the required even before clicking the field
Emerged because posting sooner got you better visibility
Any idea why he's saying he can "no longer be" the fastest gun?
Posting sooner no longer gets you better visibility?
void Main()
	log(Helpers.myCharsSize); // TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Helpers' threw an exception.

public static partial class Helpers
	public static Int32 myCharsSize = myChars.Length;
public static partial class Helpers
   public static Char[] myChars = new Char[] {'a', 'b'};
No idea, but they changed the way answers are ranked so time of posting isn't important anymore
Dunno why the spacing came out weird, but look at that insanity!
8:36 PM
tahtoh look at your views error stubs on the razor
what about it
I'm sure glad I'm not stuck trying to ask for help in a Spanish chat.
In your razor view, you copied and made those elements, did you fix the error segments for them.
the partial view a ValidationMessageFor
9:19 PM
@Sinjai probably because his answer would no longer be first, or at least, not the first non-single word answer.
Oh, hi Mike.
!!giphy oh hi mark
@rlemon ya shit's broke
!!giphy y u no
9:22 PM
ohh well
Shit, ya summoned The Lemon real quick.
see if it recovers
I've got the touch
if not I'll reboot it
I've got the power
!!giphy far cry blood dragon ive got the touch ive got the power
gooood mornin
we had 40 cm of snow in 12 hours yesterday
15.7 freedom units
ohh, someone else from roughly southern ontario area.
I couldn't get out of my house
9:33 PM
yes. The weather is amazing for snow amateur
we got plenty
we got over two days about 40cm of snow and 20 of ice
but today is +2
so yay?
yay, more ice
took me half a day to make my way outside my house, yay (some exageration here)
+ 3 deg tomorrow with some rain, yay
9:40 PM
the weather is fckd
Sounds like the last couple days in Boston
today is -4 lol
-4° is a person on the toilet.
lol is a person drowning
*lol* is a cheerleader drowning
i is a zombie
I think that's all I got off the top of my head
wow, took me a long time to catch it but its good
Do you not put your feet on the toilet seat?
9:51 PM
Only in India.
Jokes aside, do not attempt to squat on a non-squatting toilet. It is extremely dangerous.
Conversely, do not attempt to sit on a squatting toilet
I think that's less likely to kill you, though.
Less likely. Not un likely.
More likely to make you wish it had
if I had a bunch of money I would get myself a Japanese toilet.
You want a bidet or a toilet with big tiddy anime chicks?
9:55 PM
its a 2 in one
you can poo and get your ass cleaned one after each other
total luxury
@Sinjai don't confuse your toilet and your pillow
The sell bidet attachments for regular toilets
I guess its cultural and all but I couldn't see myself in any other way but
9:59 PM
Okay here's what I need to know
Why is leaning forward on what I would consider a normal toilet not the same as squatting?
The angle?
06:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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