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Can somebody help me with profiling ?
I have two project I need to compare their performance
do I need to take CPU sampling for this ?
2 hours later…
Goooood moorniiiing CeeeeShaaarp! Have you baked any cakes lately? Like, actual cakes. Muffins don't count.
@samnaction Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); systemUnderTest.Execute(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(sw.Elapsed);
Or execute 500000 times for better results if it's not a slow method.
@Squirrelkiller i never baked a cake :(
@Squirrelkiller Cakes aren't good for me.
@Squirrelkiller rip robin williams?
to be honest out of all his movies good morning vietnam was kind of meh
@misha130 How did you get to that topic
the whole goooood morning ceesharp
that happend at 9:16am gmt+2
honestly i am pushing a conversation cause I am having a boring morning :^)
Go work on some open source stuff, for example SpecFlow. We want it in our .net core project, but the core versino isnt done yet.
!!Is it a good morning ?
@Hans1984 Impossible
its not weekend yet
@misha130 Seriously go work on SpecFLow I want it :D
nah every time I start open sourcing I get lots of emails with issues and end up way too anxiety to do anything
1 hour later…
Can someone fact-check me here
Certificates used for encryption and signing (NOT SSL certificates): Signing authorities don't issue them, so if you want to do encryption and signing you're meant to issue your own encryption and signing certificates signed by your organisation's CA
Is your CA's own certificate supposed to be signed by a signing authority? Or is the partner you're exchanging traffic with supposed to take it on trust that your CA is who it says it is
@TomW they're supposed to be signed by an authority
The former makes more sense to me, because there would be a trust chain from (say) DigiCert > MyOrg CA > MyOrg encryption cer
though nowadays, you can get it signed by an "authority" for free online, so it doesn't have much value
So are you answering yes to option 1, or are you saying that's not how it works?
well it's option 1 and option 2 mostly
Or is it that the signing authority signs your encryption certificate directly on request?
it's supposed to be signed, and yet the other party isn't really getting anything more "certified" than he did before, so it's still very much based on trust
Sorry, signed by who?
in my limited experience, yes, you request to have your certification signed, and they sign it with an expiration date that eventually means you'll have to renew it again later
I'm being asked about the fine details and I think I understand it, but I'm trying to make sure
Well a certification by your company should be signed by some "authority" and again, this is basically just amounts to having some online site "authorize" your certificate
@TomW It's all based on the Trusted Root CAs. Each computer is preloaded with a bunch of certificates from various companies that are implicitly trusted. Those companies all have the ability to sign a Third Party CA, which in turn can sign your domain certificate. So, you create a certificate with a public key (and you protect the private key very well) and hand it to be signed by a third party CA. When you serve this certificate to a browser, it validates the certificate and path to root
It just gives your certification more weight mostly
@RoelvanUden no browser involved, this isn't an SSL cert
I know how certificate trust works, in the general case. I'm asking how it's supposed to work in this specific case
@TomW The principle remains the same regardless of the application, but now it's whatever software you need that does the cert validation :-P
Just that there's a different flag on it :/
@Neil getting your signing authority installed by default as a trusted root I would have thought would not be trivial, certificate trust is supposed to...well, work
So a signing authority should have robust enough procedures that they won't just let anyone have anything
well it's a bit more fragile than that
But to be honest in a business where people are trying to make money, who knows
it kind of all comes down to a trust chain.. one trusting another trusting another
But if you're signing certificates free online, it doesn't have a lot of weight
that said, once your certificate is signed, at least you can be sure that nobody else is going to be given that certificate until the expiration
so you can at least somewhat proof that you are you
@Neil That's not necessarily true.
@RoelvanUden well if your certificate is also unique based on who signed it, then the same issuer would have to give your exact certificate to someone else
I guess they could, but that's sort of the whole point is that they only give it to you
There are multiple trusted roots. Any of them can sign a certificate for domain x. They don't look at each other.
ok, but if the trusted root changes, so does the certificate
therefore it's no longer the same certificate, no?
Sure, but both are valid.
I never said otherwise :P
my point was that if X has certificate Y, then you can't give certificate Y to Z unless X=Z
otherwise just anyone could install google certification and pretend to have google's credentials
I imagine they take that sort of thing very seriously
What? I don't follow.
If everyone has access to a certificate, then it's as if nobody had it
I don't understand your "install" bit.
If I make a certificate called "Google Root CA" and you install it on your computer..
Well, I'll be able to sign whatever the fuck I please and convince you it's a google cert.
it doesn't have any weight
it wasn't signed by an authority
Sure it does, you installed it as a root.
just naming it "Google Root CA" doesn't make it official
It's effectively a root.
It is if you install it, Roel is right
You shouldn't
But if you do, it's no different to the ones that come preinstalled with Windows
if you create a certificate and you give it weight, that doesn't mean you hold any weight with that certificate elsewhere
It's like renaming yourself King Roel
Anything with a trust chain that goes up to that root CA will be trusted
That doesn't make you a king
I'll have you know I'm the King of my home.
My subordinate listens to my every command.
do others in your home sign this authority?
My subordinate does not know how to read or write.
Then that's disputable
We need a piece of paper with paw print on it then
That she can do.
So in an enterprise, machines that join the domain will usually have an additional CA installed, being the organisation's CA
so you trust certificates issued by your own org
yeah, in general
that only demonstrates that a given computer is certified to be part of the organisation
in some circumstances you may want more specific certifications
I just checked mine. My own org's intermediate CA is not signed by anything, it is its own root
Which is fine, because it would only have gotten into that store by way of active directory, when I joined the domain, which is what it's supposed to do
or by me installing it, which I didn't
then it probably means internally it can be trusted, but externally, that certification is sort of useless
or can it be trusted?
if you wanted to imitate that, you'd create an identical CA as its own root and poof, your computer is certified as part of the organisation
though probably not very likely that someone is going around creating fake certificates
Hm. After all that, it appears that their signing authority does issue certificates that can be used for encryption and signing and what they've been told is wrong
Hi, guys. I had a problem with Entity Framework. Could someone help me?
I have that piece of query inside the select part
The problem is when copaymentEnabled is true all goes perfect but when is false the query throws a SQL not supported exception. Any ideas?
Tarifa returns a double type
Howdy everyone
we got an issues with a react app. When you want to crawl it we get a 403 error even if using some external crawler, like the one from facebook. The domain is not the problem because when you go to another part of the page that is raw html that is working fine. Could this be a problem with react because it is being loaded while the page is indexed?
Wrong configuration Anti DDoS protection/CORS
I dont use React so this is m type
JS is evil, specially for front end rendering
@Pro wat
@Proxy If the crawler doesn't support executing JS, it can't crawl it. It just wouldn't see the content, but there is no reason for a 403
FB crawler can read JS
I thought so too. Google can execute JS for sure.
yeah i asked the dev ops to check headers/cors
Hello, everyone greetings
Umm, I've been discussing something with my friend, need some help to get to the conclusion
I saw a code where they, Used Interface variable as parameters in Constructor, like
IHello hello;
public Class1(IHello hello1)
_hello = hello1;
this interface is also defined in web config under unity Container as type constructor
ignore me
and it is mapped to a class there,
they are using the interface variable to call methods of the class that derive
so we are discussing that, the class object is being created , right?
i mean we cannot call a member of a class without creating its object unless static class
Unity is creating an instance of the implementing type
so that means all the interfaces they are using in constructor as parameter,
their class objects are being created on backend
What do you mean by backend?
i mean when they constructor is called
It depends on the lifetime registered in Unity. It may create the object once or every time the constructor is called
thanks man
Create the object once and reuse the same instance, I mean
@JavierPallarés I'm afraid your mountain of combined ternary operators isn't supported by my brain.
How do you even debug that if you're not the one who wrote it
@Squirrelkiller Thanks for your answer. I've finally managed to solve it. The problem was with the copaymentSpeciality variable. It was null when copaymentEnabled was false, and EF was evaluating the whole expression and it wasn't being able to traduce to SQL.
I've just initialized that variable to an empty list so EF is able to traduce my code to sql
Another problem that would be nil with nullable references :D
Hey everyone.
I was going to use Blazor, but I do not think it is ready for use.
Might try Glimmer.
If you're doing TS, you might want to try React instead.
Eh, never mind. Though it is a stellar product, the acceptance is horrible.
@RoelvanUden I'll likely stick with Vue
Definition of "Ready for use" depends on the use case
It's okay~ish, not very tooling friendly. But that's JavaScript for ya, and why I prefer TypeScript.
I usually use Vue since I like the framework better than React, but I wanted to try web assembly, but Blazor is too experimental. Glimmer supposedly implements a portion of it, but not sure it is worth it with the low adoption.
Definitely not ready for production
But kinda ready for personal projects
@RoelvanUden You speaking about Vue?
@Greg It's okay. I don't like weak-typed views, which is my problem with Vue.
Either way, do whatever you feel is good.
Yeah, I do not mind that. The tooling is not as nice as TypeScript, but eh.
I like knowing that, if it compiles, it runs without issues. :-P
I like to live on the edge, never sure if webpack will compile correctly and destroy my templates.
Yeah.. you do that and enjoy it :D
Actually, I automated with Powershell in my Visual Studio solution so it is not too bad.
I have PowerShell handle production vs development, which will use the proper package.json, then I have webpack executed from there based on the type to compile. Plus I have some nice errors configured if it does fail to compile.
@RoelvanUden How have you been?
Okayish, you? :P
Not bad, trying to file a patent for a product I am building.
Tell us all about it :D
That's going to be hellish I imagine.
Hi again guys, my Visual Studio Community vers. 15.9.6 takes a lot of my CPU usage at deploying local project in Chrome for example (like 70-90% of my CPU). I have a MSI ge63vr 7re laptop which is more than able to handle this workload but my fan goes crazy for 5-10 seconds while VS its deploying my project.
Any clue?
All about what Kendall, the patent process or the product?
The product of course ;)
Oh, not until I have the patent.
dammit, foiled again!
How have you been Kendall?
Care to elaborate?
idk, I'm just in a good mood I guess
Steam sale so I have some new games
I just bought Anthem.
The demo was pretty fun.
>js frameworks
It was a bad day on this chat
hey guys, I want to call a console application from a process, this console application does some expensive initialization of objects so I only want to do that once, while I utilize a method in the console app to get output over and over again....is there a way to do this?
What do you mean, get output over and over again?
I want to send it input and get output back multiple times
without having to restart the process each time
What type of application is this?
I want to call python script, I need to access the machine learning stuff from python so I want to bundle my code using py2exe...then call that from my c# app
but the result form py2exe is a console app executable
I cannot help but question this approach, let me think about it. I say that because the inefficiencies of retrieving an output from the executing process.
It sounds like you'd really want to initialise the python environment once when the process starts up, and call into it like that
I don't know anything about running python in .net though
so what you end up with is basically a .net console app
sorry, py2exe bundles the interpreter along with the exe
Then it doesn't sound like the tool that is right for you
this makes it portable without requiring python to be installed on a computer
...because it has to do lots of work on each invocation that you then throw away when the application exits?
You know, the problem statement you started with
is it possible to keep the processs alive without exiting?
@erotavlas I did not think Python was portable entirely, since the environment still exists for Python to execute.
@greg, py2exe creates a dll that contains the python interpreter, the exe uses that
@erotavlas Gotcha, but you have to execute that every time you need to process.
you might be able to dynamically load the dll
and call into it that way, but god knows what those classes look like
Get a good decompiler like Jetbrains and decompile the exe, see how it loads it, you might be able to reverse engineer it
haven't used it but yeah looks like it'd work
what if I kept it alive using a while loop that terminates only when input == 'q' or something
then it could receive and output over and over without exiting until the input was 'q'
I almost think you should look into something more like this: azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/batch/…
or run the python code in a persistent container
need to know a lot more about the architecture and what it's designed to do to come up with meaningful suggestions
        static void Main(string[] args)
            while (true)
                string input = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

                if (input == "q")
                    int result = 0;

So the solution is just a console app itself that you call to get some numbers?
does it have to deploy on an end-user's machine?
What do you do with the output, what's its purpose?
well no I'd be calling it from a.net library...we are improving our c# library with some machine learning from python...basically the input we pass is a string or text...the python script will load a model and analyze the text and output its results back as a string...or array of strings...however I like
Running where, giving data to what?
the .net library is a standalone, its used in several desktop apps, also part of a webservice (asp.net app)
OK so I guess ideally the desktop app shouldn't have to call out to anything elsewhere to do its work, or is that OK?
no, basically the desktop app or whatever is consuming the library...only interacts with the api passing in strings and getting results back..but the api method internally would be doing the interprocess communication with the python console app
I wouldn't try to wrap that up in a single library if I were designing it
It's trying to satisfy two different application architectures, the web app and the desktop app, the way they are deployed and run is fundamentally different
wrap what up?
are you saying running the console app process from asp.net will be different from desktop ?
Your ML code. Whatever it is you're doing
I wouldn't want a console app involved in an asp.net architecture ever
Hey room... I'm struggling with this: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/…. It seems that the try update method takes in an id, a model and a comparison model. I simply want to update a model given it's id. I'm not sure why a comparison model is needed? Any ideas?
posted on February 01, 2019 by Scott Hanselman

I've been using ILMerge and various hacks to merge/squish executables together for well over 12 years. The .NET community has long toyed with the idea of a single self-contained EXE that would "just work." No need to copy a folder, no need to install anything. Just a single EXE. While work and thought continues on a CoreCLR Single File EXE solution, there's a nice Rust tool called Warp that cr

Wow I actually met Scott Hanselman the day before he released that blog!
He was in Milton Keynes (UK)
We went to Las Iguanas it was great
@PrimeByDesign Doesn't answer your question, but might get some thoughts flowing. stackoverflow.com/questions/41348756/…
@Sinjai thank you I will read that now :)
Oh yeah I read that one already
It's not quite the same
but thank you for trying to help :)
Actually @Sinjai having read it again I think there's an alternative call he's using that could help me!
Alright just note that the OP is doing it wrong, as he states.
it's not that bit though :)
Just making sure. I don't have any experience with the tech you're using, so I can't really make sense of that documentation either.
we are damaging our brains getpocket.com/explore/item/…
@erotavlas I don't see a ton of substantiated claims in that article.
But I also don't think it's news. I mean I'm aware it's bad for me to fall asleep staring into my phone, but I do it every night.
does anyone have a good suggestion of a simple open source game done using monogame, so I can study the class hierarchy?
thank you :)
:o that a cool mc clone
ahh that will be much better lol. Thanks again
I want it to be known how much restraint it took not to post a lmgtfy.
but arnt you the google master ;)
Even you can Google "monogame open source game" and read the first thread that shows up.
I mean, I just heard about monogame a minute ago when you posted.
But hey, glad I could be useful.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
yay I saved a life by not googling :D
well by googling poorly xD
Sometimes an outside perspective is all you need.
That's what I come here for.
for sure. I enjoy bouncing ideas off people, however it can be difficult when you gotta keep stuff private.
also really tough if your stuck working in vb6 like i was for a while rofl
Even if you're under an NDA or something, you can change names and whatnot. Talk about cats and dogs in a list, not transactions and client IDs, w/e.
And don't even get me started if it's just a personal project.
well what im currently working on is personal project so no nda, but when i was working in vb6 it was basically nda xD (much more difficult when 90% of the code is linked, you know cause its vb6)
Thankfully, I don't know.
A personal project has to have a really good idea behind it for someone to want to steal it.
exactly, so unless im writing really good code, not much worry there. And if im asking for help im probably not writing code worth stealing lol
I've got a method like this, which throws an exception if c is not found, i.e. if charIndex is -1. What do you think is the more intuitive behavior, for it to throw if the character isn't found, or for it to return the entire string in that case?
imo throwing the error makes more sense. string should be checked for the character outside the function
if the char doesnt exist then the function wouldnt be necessary to run.
Depends how you want to use the method.
Name something exciting u can do with C#, that you can't do or cant do as well as PHP
i am going to be doing some asp.net apps and trying to wrap my head around differences
Regular ASP.NET?
Not MVC or Core MVC?
eh, mvc asp.net
mvc core maybe not sure, the mvc one anyways
and or some standalone c# stuff
I've never used PHP, so I probably can't help ya there.
LINQ looks interesting
@Sinjai I'm just saying if I saw that method as an extension built into the .net library I would guess that it throws an error if char not found (similiar to how Substring(0,-1) or Substring(0,len(string)+1) would throw an error).
LINQ makes me moist.
and yeh LINQ is fun lol
And Entity Framework's LINQ-to-Entities is powerful and intuitive, IMO.
took me a bit to get the hang of, still don't understand All its abilities either. However it has pretty heavy Overhead from what i understand
I never got around to figuring out PHP either so dont really know what you could do in asp.net that cant be done in php.
All ORMs do. EF's change tracking can cause slowdowns sometimes. EF's performance has only gotten better, so some old posts are not really valid anymore.
@JasonBrown So, this already exists as Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.AjaxMinExtensions.SubstringUpToFirst(this string, char) in WebGrease. Like I figured, they don't throw if the character isn't found, they just return the whole string.
Their implementation strikes me as a little odd, though.
return (string) null; wat?
@Andrew Definitely expression trees. There's just no such thing in any other language, including PHP.
Can anyone tell me why you'd return (string) null instead of just null?
@Sinjai - Some sort of team specific documentation approach?
Yeah, must be.
Sorry, I didn't understand that, can you cast as (string) next time so I can read it? :p
(object) "Okay"
(Action) gasp
1 hour later…
My co-ish-worker uses purple font for her emails. What year is it?
If he/she is happy because their email is in purple, let it be purple.
I'm unhappy because I need to do all kinds of mental/physical shenanigans to be able to read it.
Fuck her purple emails if it makes my job harder.
Do the Microsoft.Extension.X packages come with VisualStudio? Or, do they come through NuGet?
@NickAlexeev Can you give an example?
You could always open VS, find a reference to one of those, and press F12.
I'll give that a try.
Hey all
Oh dear, wth is PerfWatson?
It uses ~370MB
> Microsoft Visual Studio PerfWatson tracks the responsiveness of the Visual Studio process and collects diagnostic information when unresponsive.
Yeah, but 370MB and 10% CPU, cmon.
Disable, delete
I don't see such a thing, so.
If Microsoft wants people to participate then, please, remove such unbelievable requirements
I had that on "yes", still can't find this perfwatson thing anywhere.
It seems it runs randomly or when you don't have it mind
I have to wonder, though: Do you need that RAM and CPU for something else? If not, I'm inclined not to worry about it.
Visual Studio or VS Code, which one u use
and or if u were just starting/restarting today in c#, which would u use
i likes the sounds of vs code im gonna try it out but dont wanna be missing something important
Visual Studio...
Visual Studio for C# development
I save VS Code for stuff like typescript and powershell
@Grace cool you use both?
think vscode cant do everything u need it to for c# / asp.net mvc stuff
or u just used to Visual studio
Was about to ask if that was a question or a statement. xD
question marks slow me down
Uh huh.
I can almost guarantee VS can do more C# things, more easily, with less configuration. I mean, shit, you need to install a plugin just to use VS Code for C#.
yea i just installed it
In my experience, VS Code ships with almost nothing, relying on you to install a bunch of plugins to customize your experience.
thought that was interesting
Visual Studio takes the classic Windows approach, and with a couple of clicks you have more installed than you probably need.
Depends which you find less frustrating, I suppose. I couldn't tell you if VS Code can do things like scaffold ASP.NET MVC controllers/views.
looking at mvc plugins right now
seeing whats up
@Andrew VS also has Browser Link support, if that interests you. Not sure about VS Code.
Cool can see how thatd be useful. I should probably test on more browsers.
Most of my job is doing C# development and Azure, and Visual Studio has the tools I use for that
If I want to work on a Powershell script or a React project or anything with Typescript, I use VS Code
Same. I've also used VS for TypeScript, but only as part of an ASP.NET MVC app, not a fully-TS project.
@grace Sounds good, thanks for input. It appears there are various azure extensions in vs code.... Now the problem is figuring out which i'd need/want. where as visual studio it's built in.
sorting by installs might work ^^
I don't know too much about VS Code's Azure support, but I've been using Visual Studio a long time and it works for me
I use the Azure cloud debugging a lot, and I don't know if Code has that
or if VS Code supports .sln and .csproj files in the same way
Good points. . .
vs code starting to seem not so good. A lot of these extensions require manually doing extra stuff to get them to work and such. No no no... VS so integrated with asp.net framework its designed for it, better use it! Plus im pretty sure everyone else will be using visual studio, so, better stick with the team. Thank you we're in business.

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