Certificates used for encryption and signing (NOT SSL certificates): Signing authorities don't issue them, so if you want to do encryption and signing you're meant to issue your own encryption and signing certificates signed by your organisation's CA
Is your CA's own certificate supposed to be signed by a signing authority? Or is the partner you're exchanging traffic with supposed to take it on trust that your CA is who it says it is
it's supposed to be signed, and yet the other party isn't really getting anything more "certified" than he did before, so it's still very much based on trust
in my limited experience, yes, you request to have your certification signed, and they sign it with an expiration date that eventually means you'll have to renew it again later
Well a certification by your company should be signed by some "authority" and again, this is basically just amounts to having some online site "authorize" your certificate
@TomW It's all based on the Trusted Root CAs. Each computer is preloaded with a bunch of certificates from various companies that are implicitly trusted. Those companies all have the ability to sign a Third Party CA, which in turn can sign your domain certificate. So, you create a certificate with a public key (and you protect the private key very well) and hand it to be signed by a third party CA. When you serve this certificate to a browser, it validates the certificate and path to root
@Neil getting your signing authority installed by default as a trusted root I would have thought would not be trivial, certificate trust is supposed to...well, work
So a signing authority should have robust enough procedures that they won't just let anyone have anything
@RoelvanUden well if your certificate is also unique based on who signed it, then the same issuer would have to give your exact certificate to someone else
I guess they could, but that's sort of the whole point is that they only give it to you
I just checked mine. My own org's intermediate CA is not signed by anything, it is its own root
Which is fine, because it would only have gotten into that store by way of active directory, when I joined the domain, which is what it's supposed to do
Hm. After all that, it appears that their signing authority does issue certificates that can be used for encryption and signing and what they've been told is wrong
we got an issues with a react app. When you want to crawl it we get a 403 error even if using some external crawler, like the one from facebook. The domain is not the problem because when you go to another part of the page that is raw html that is working fine. Could this be a problem with react because it is being loaded while the page is indexed?
@Squirrelkiller Thanks for your answer. I've finally managed to solve it. The problem was with the copaymentSpeciality variable. It was null when copaymentEnabled was false, and EF was evaluating the whole expression and it wasn't being able to traduce to SQL.
I've just initialized that variable to an empty list so EF is able to traduce my code to sql
I usually use Vue since I like the framework better than React, but I wanted to try web assembly, but Blazor is too experimental. Glimmer supposedly implements a portion of it, but not sure it is worth it with the low adoption.
Actually, I automated with Powershell in my Visual Studio solution so it is not too bad.
I have PowerShell handle production vs development, which will use the proper package.json, then I have webpack executed from there based on the type to compile. Plus I have some nice errors configured if it does fail to compile.
Hi again guys, my Visual Studio Community vers. 15.9.6 takes a lot of my CPU usage at deploying local project in Chrome for example (like 70-90% of my CPU). I have a MSI ge63vr 7re laptop which is more than able to handle this workload but my fan goes crazy for 5-10 seconds while VS its deploying my project.
hey guys, I want to call a console application from a process, this console application does some expensive initialization of objects so I only want to do that once, while I utilize a method in the console app to get output over and over again....is there a way to do this?
I want to call python script, I need to access the machine learning stuff from python so I want to bundle my code using py2exe...then call that from my c# app
but the result form py2exe is a console app executable
I cannot help but question this approach, let me think about it. I say that because the inefficiencies of retrieving an output from the executing process.
well no I'd be calling it from a.net library...we are improving our c# library with some machine learning from python...basically the input we pass is a string or text...the python script will load a model and analyze the text and output its results back as a string...or array of strings...however I like
no, basically the desktop app or whatever is consuming the library...only interacts with the api passing in strings and getting results back..but the api method internally would be doing the interprocess communication with the python console app
I wouldn't try to wrap that up in a single library if I were designing it
It's trying to satisfy two different application architectures, the web app and the desktop app, the way they are deployed and run is fundamentally different
Hey room... I'm struggling with this: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/…. It seems that the try update method takes in an id, a model and a comparison model. I simply want to update a model given it's id. I'm not sure why a comparison model is needed? Any ideas?
I've been using ILMerge and various hacks to merge/squish executables together for well over 12 years. The .NET community has long toyed with the idea of a single self-contained EXE that would "just work." No need to copy a folder, no need to install anything. Just a single EXE. While work and thought continues on a CoreCLR Single File EXE solution, there's a nice Rust tool called Warp that cr…
well what im currently working on is personal project so no nda, but when i was working in vb6 it was basically nda xD (much more difficult when 90% of the code is linked, you know cause its vb6)
I've got a method like this, which throws an exception if c is not found, i.e. if charIndex is -1. What do you think is the more intuitive behavior, for it to throw if the character isn't found, or for it to return the entire string in that case?
@Sinjai I'm just saying if I saw that method as an extension built into the .net library I would guess that it throws an error if char not found (similiar to how Substring(0,-1) or Substring(0,len(string)+1) would throw an error).
All ORMs do. EF's change tracking can cause slowdowns sometimes. EF's performance has only gotten better, so some old posts are not really valid anymore.
@JasonBrown So, this already exists as Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.AjaxMinExtensions.SubstringUpToFirst(this string, char) in WebGrease. Like I figured, they don't throw if the character isn't found, they just return the whole string.
I can almost guarantee VS can do more C# things, more easily, with less configuration. I mean, shit, you need to install a plugin just to use VS Code for C#.
@grace Sounds good, thanks for input. It appears there are various azure extensions in vs code.... Now the problem is figuring out which i'd need/want. where as visual studio it's built in.
vs code starting to seem not so good. A lot of these extensions require manually doing extra stuff to get them to work and such. No no no... VS so integrated with asp.net framework its designed for it, better use it! Plus im pretty sure everyone else will be using visual studio, so, better stick with the team. Thank you we're in business.