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1:59 AM
Hi, does anyone know where to find some good documentation on using system.IO.Pipelines? I am trying to understand how to use the types in this namespace to simplify some development of reading packets over TCP, Serial, or USB.
2:53 AM
4 hours later…
7:10 AM
Anyone know of a Raspberry Pi chat room?
I know this is the correct room, but I'm thinking of building a cluster of Raspberry PI to do SETI work, but I can't find good info... any ideas?
I was thinking of a four board system to start, and if that works, turning it into a 16-20 board system
20 board system is really my goal, that would be 80 cores crunching the numbers...
7:26 AM
I really have no idea what you're talking about ^^
Raspberry Pi using C#?
Is there .NET framework?
dotnet core might work, depending on what OS is installed
Well, there is a windows build but normally it's a unix/linux build. I've been thinking of trying the windows build to try out C#. Going to get a board today and see what I can make it do
There's also windows IOT
I just came here because I use to hang out here to antagonize Kendall....
7:30 AM
.NET Core runs fine on Pi.
Always a good reason
Morning all o/
I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop
And any database questions; I'm glad to help... know SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2
A Raspberry Pi capable of running c# code?
Or it will get converted to low level code?
I don't know that, yet; I know it can run a hot Windows 10, so maybe
Technically it'd be running the IL, not C# ;)
7:34 AM
I'm old enough... C is better :) (Get off my lawn!) :)
But.. you can compile C# to native code: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/net-native
What's the wink for?
I'm triggered
no dad jokes plz
Not a joke, I'd rather touch the hardware than some interface I don't know the internals of... Just me...
.Net core runs on Pi
I think I need one for toy
Cool beans... hopefully my build will be a success.
I've been reading a ton and watching a lot of videos; don't think they are toys...
7:40 AM
I bought one, then realized I'd completely forgotten everything from my electronics courses a decade ago... and now it's collecting dust until I can force myself to learn it again
I think ya'll are thinking to lcosely to the hardware here
core runs on linux
core runs on windows
Pi can run both linux and windows
For me, havent used that before, and using it by no reason. Then called toy.
ez pz
@mr5 Almost any device can run C#/IL. Look at .NET Core, it's cross-platform, and runs on ARM (like a Pi). A Pi can run Debian, just plemp .NET Core onto it according to the instructions and you'll be ready to go.
Oh you can do great things with a Pi...like playing around and getting nothing done :D
7:41 AM
I haven't figured out how to connect it to one of my Surface without having to connect keyboard and mouse.... yet
Who know, I can make it control my lamp or aircon
Oh so... programming
Or make a door lock to prank my friend
@Grixxly SSH? ;-)
Secure Shell
Or in the movie theater when people are talking
7:44 AM
@Grixxly Which way? You want the surface to use the pi, but by using hte surface's touchscreen?
@Squirrelkiller kekk
Raspberry Pi devs: triggered
Want the Surface to interact, don't want to have to pull out a monitor/keyboard/mouse
I would use it to build a Tetris using led matrix
@Grixxly Bit more precision please. Just interact?
Webserver on pi -> website on pi -> scheduled task on surface that calls website
Boom automatic interaction.
7:47 AM
Since I've had my Surface(s) I haven't used a 'BIG' box since; I can run anything on these
Except serious video games
Just setup the OS then let it go... check in once in a while with it since I want it to do SETI work
You want the surface to be the controller?
Once it's setup, as far as I understand, it goes,it doesn't need a KVM
For you youngsters; KVM means keyboard/video/mouse... Just in case...
No. KVM means Key Value Mair
7:52 AM
And Kendall is a nice person...
virtualization infrastructure for the Linux kernel that turns it into a hypervisor. It was merged into the Linux kernel....
I was going to build the debian, then try ubuntu, then windows... maybe I'll go straight to windows...
I'm really curious about that know... If I can get a .NET environment running on it...
I looked at guest support on website
But right now I want it to run background work.
Windows 2012 R2 is the latest Windows version
8:01 AM
When are they pushing that?
KVM = Kendall Virtual Machine
You mean you don't want the pi with KVM?
It's only answer is you're wrong... :)
Not this build. I want it to run the BIONC SET software, that shouldn't require interaction
Run the Milkyway project and SETI... no interaction needed
So...you want no KVM on the pi or no KVM on the surface?
No KVM once the PI is set up and running
Just check in once in a while
Wish I had a 25U... I'd build more... going to have to build my own rack
I don't understand the obsession of having many computers in your home when you're not using them for a specific purpose.
8:11 AM
I am. some are for research, some for nothing and others for learning
I only have 8 computers... seems normal
I have a problem but I don't know if this is off topic at SO as it's not about the code, it's about how to execute tests!

I have a UI test, which runs selenium on our test environment. As a sanity check, we want to run a subset of the same tests but on our live site (after deployment).

This feels like it's likely to be a known situation, and I was wondering how others approach this challenge?
We actually don't run UI tests, or any tests, on the production environment. Since production and staging are exactly the same, problems should be caught in staging. That's our rationale, at least.
TEST FIRST... bad answer, I know... test book I have you imbed the test code while developing then; go... assuming all things pass. also allows you to make changes and make sure it does break things
^balls... break things...
Create a test scenario where you know the input and output of everything. Whenever you make a change, if it doesn't pass; it isn't good.
Speaking out terms, since I'm actually a DBA... Should be a CATCH for EVERY single chance of error... Or I guess try then catch...
Every conditional question requires verification... and a response. Extra coding, yes, more solid coding? YES
8:34 AM
now you sound like JDoe
Oh, a brand new hat on my profile picture.
how did you get it?
A program should do one thing and do it well, nothing else; when you add crap you get crap...
Testing on production seems like a really bad idea
just clicked snowflake on SO
8:35 AM
You can't even test the critical parts, because then you're creating junk in production just for the test
And if the test fails.. then.. welp.. now you're stuck with rubbish in the system
is there anyone who knows the meaning of 2009 453145?
Test code can be commented out...
That wasn't the question though.. they're wanting to run selenium tests on production
Should be clean before it leaves development
No.... bring back to AT. Never run tests on production
However you call you integration environment, should look exactly like your production; and you should have set tests. It passes that chances are, no problems, it it doesn't kick it back to the development and tell them what you found
If you have testers make sure they don't know that they are doing.. they will find the crap you didn't think about... been there, done that...
@Grixxly That sounds dangerous. What if you comment out half the code, rest not? Working on the prod db, and mocked classes?
8:44 AM
@Arphile it's 05.01.2009
Only ever comment out test code not REAL code
wow. That is wise
what if you are not machine?
if you have that intention just build 2 differen dlls. No error prone comment out needed
You're always a machine as far as management is concerned... More time testing = less time fixing... always add 25% to estimates
@mr5 Wrong answer.
Always leave the comments in, either you're going to make a change or someone else...
8:47 AM
yeah. And add the estimation of 2% of the times you do wrong comment out and possibly 2 month of afterwork for removing junk from DB
I'm a DBA; I deliver junk...
really... new JDoe. No joke...
btw. Don't litter code with random code comments...
That was a joke.... I don't deliver junk; tell me what you want and I deliver
Worst advice ever...
write the code. Push it to some branch, and undo it
there is source control for this kind of job
best advice ever
8:50 AM
just 10 minute to finish this week's work hours!
best. Programmers read code much more than write code. If you have to read junk ( a ton of junk ) you shorten the lifetime of the programmer
It's Friday!
remember what you wrote 3 months ago and how it works? wouldn't be easier if you left a note?
write. a. test. Document by testing. Put that test in the other dll
So have to dig into a different file? makes sense... more work. Have any idea what COBOL is?
8:53 AM
aw... COBOL....
I'm guessing google right now?
I heard this from my mother before..
!welcome-c# Grixxly
I heard of cobol
yeah... I'd bet money there is more COBOL code than any other language... easy...
my mother used COBOL in 1980s
8:55 AM
And the 90's, 00's and today.
she worked with that.
What do you think your bank uses? What do you think ATM's uses?
when I heard that, I was surprised cuz she doesn't seems how to code programs with languages. it was just 6 months ago.
Currently my country's bank uses Oracle.
btw if you don't know what a 3 month ago class hierarchy does, you should first check out an overview documentation, not the small classes. Hence reading tests first, which documents how does the few public method behaves.
I know that cuz I worked for them.
8:56 AM
hats off to your mom. she know how to code @arpfil
forgot the 's' and 'k' xD
anyways.. it's friday.
do you guys have a plan for weekends?
8:57 AM
isn't that new to you?
you're always here when you are about to go home
which one? my hat?
I haven't done making my hat yet
I'm always here even weekends.
how do I use my knitted hat @arfpile
@ntohl the client must be a she?
8:59 AM
Yeah...I know who's thick.. and not in the right places
cuz she thicc af
you can wear your hat on here
Oh, Time's over!
See ya guys!
and R.I.P to Heroes of the storm...
I have no hats yet :(
bye arfli
9:16 AM
now i have a hat
i am happy
@Grixxly thiccc
SimulatorDataList.Where(x => x.FORMATION == "SB").ToList().LastOrDefault().SBID
this statement threw an exception of null list
SimulatorDataList is null
how do i set a default value (0) instead of returning exception?
in a single statement, i rather set a default value if null
SimulatorDataList?.Where(x => x.FORMATION == "SB")?.LastOrDefault()?.SBID ?? defValue
tho this will converge 3 cases into 1
9:29 AM
@ntohl the subsequent ? are insignificant until LastOrDefault()
where SimulatorDataList is null, where there is no item with "SB" and where SBID is null
interesting how you can add '?' to do this
i rarely ever have to use '?' but im glad it's within it's statement
@Adan press keyboard on the right spot
@ntohl haha, nice one
doesn't LastOrDefault take a predicate?
it sure does. your statement can be reduced to SimulatorDataList.LastOrDefault(x => x.FORMATION == "SB")?.SBID ?? default(T)
thanks : )
9:34 AM
if SimulatorDataList is null, it won't work.
i know, i dont have to worry about that because i already add a value to it
when i run the code i add 1 value, then the rest of the code adds/searches
10:00 AM
for those who want another "not-funny" task...
^ in this one however, its quite easy to understand what you need to do
what did i click on T_T
i.imgur.com/UW45hYR.png < and here is an amazing translation
@Adan a link perhaps?
10:44 AM
guys i want dynamically add and remove key and its value from section
how can i do that
open up a tab in your favorite browser
go to google.com
search for "dynamically add and remove key and its value from section"
open the first link suggested
read said article
if not working, repeat from start but replace "first" with "next"
10:59 AM
don't lmgtfy. I had problems with rewriting config sections this week
and some of the classes in there are internal and I had to set them with reflection
it's not easy
basic case you open up a WebConfigManager, and set the appSettings. But that's too easy
^ that's an example when I added a destination for the section...
        <destinations >
11:16 AM
@Harry What is that supposed to mean?
1 hour later…
12:19 PM
Hi guys. Is it good to return -1 on an int Method when a function doesn't return a number?
Is this common:
int period = GetLastPeriod();
            if (period == -1)
                throw new Exception("error");
Exceptions for flow control is generally discouraged. So, no, don't throw an exception if it's a common occurrence. Returning -1 is perfectly fine, that's how array functions work (e.g. FindIndex etc).
Okay thank you, but how should I deal with it then?
Return -1?
When that occurs.
@SpedoDeLaRossa show error message and shutdown gracefully if that is the only option.
12:35 PM
Change to F# and return discriminated union like
type Result =
| Success // no string needed for success state
| ErrorMessage of string // error message needed
later you can match on ErrorMessage errorMessage -> ...
thank you ;)
12:56 PM
If F# will be faster than C# i will use it, but its slower
C is faster than C#, why not use that?
@ntohl what? Change to C++17 and use std::optional<T>
1:13 PM
@RoelvanUden When MS will bring .Net for C i will come
(CoreRT is not that thing)
But still sometimes using C. Not for creating new projects, but last year many times to create public functions for P/Invoke in C#
Sitting only in one environment all time can be cancerous for devs
C#, F#, Go, Limbo, C - There is many nice languages in IT, do not ban them only cuz u have one favorite
Want to try Rust but dont have time for that
You are all over the place with your thoughts.
Hey all, a quick question I am stuck. Not sure if I need to use LINQ for this...
I have a List<string> with about 200 elements and I am looking to get a unique count
it is not a special object or anything just a string list
example: {apple, apple, banana, coconut, apple, banana, strawberry}
Use Distinct()
output needed: apple-3, banana-2, coconut-1, strawberry-1
damn... i was trying to complicate it with Linq then...
saw this answer and was trying to replicate: stackoverflow.com/questions/2010556/…
You can done this by loops but why want escape from LINQ?
no no I have no issues with Linq
was learning Linq and thought it was complicated
for this simple siutation
1:40 PM
Damn. I have never feel so failure at life right now after stalking someone's lifestyle.
Having a low social skills is really damn depressing
Linq born because something is complicated.
You want your day easy, stick with Linq.
@nyconing Wrong. Linq born to unify queries along languages
@mr5 Try do not hurt anyone if they dont hurted you and remember - rape is a crime
@J.Doe wtf is wrong with you???
I don't know if you're trying to crack a lame joke or you're serious. I'm not as insane as you are! Gtfo!!
1:49 PM
explicit write access
@J.Doe this worked for me like a charm... List<string> DistinctNames = originalList.Distinct().ToList();
thanks mate
@mr5 "I'm not as insane" 5 min ago "I have never feel so failure at life right now after stalking someone"
@VivianLobo Your life can be easy further a bit more if you using var
@VivianLobo No problem
1:50 PM
@nyconing will try that too
@nyconing Its based of codestyle, its like spaces vs tabs
Dont start that battle
wanted to now... also have a count of how many times the distinct value is repeated
You're infuriatingly pathetic. Trying to cut off some of my words huh just to justify your statement?
I just tell how it looks. Are you scared cuz someone tells true? If you dont want be judged then dont tell everyone "hey, im stalking ppl like a creep, im cool now?"
You put it in another context just the way how you do it. A normal person with a sane mind wouldn't think of that as creepy.
And why would I be afraid of sharing my thoughts? Wouldn't it be more scarier to have someone around who doesn't share anything of their personal thoughts?
Do you really think "stalking" on in internet is something new? Are you in isolation of current world?
2:00 PM
So why are you so angry when someone reminds you about rape is a crime? Are you stalked a woman? If yes, then that remind can stop crime
Any way to get the number of times the distinct values has been repeated?
perhaps a better way? You think Dictionary ?
Stalking isnt new but is it good? When you not hurting anyone without any reason it can be neutral, but it can be evil like NSA spying
@J.Doe why would you assume a rape when someone says stalking? Is that a normal thing where you are? I'm guessing you're American?
@VivianLobo If you want to find duplicated count, use .Groupfrom original List.
Okay. I'm really out of global news here. There are tons of statements in Google that "stalking" is accompanied by harassment
I just want to clarify what I mean by "stalking" here from my perspective. It's the way I say that I just browse someone's profile on a social sites just to know their lifestyle. It's not necessarily means I am following them like the American way
2:08 PM
I know a country there mens do not need to stalk for rape.
At there, gender inequality is very severe.
@nyconing thanks again
And JDoe here is clearly changing the way what I really mean that aggravates me. He removed the word "lifestyle" just to suit his perspective as being a creep as he is
Oh good, we're discussing gender issues again. And J. Doe is involved? This has never ended poorly, ever.
@VivianLobo Almost everything in linq you can do by where/select + lambda
You lot are officially on watch.
2:14 PM
I havent made any targeted remarks
Dont look at me lol
@mr5 I just know how stalinkg can end, thats all. If you dont make anything bad then why are you so angry about that remind? Thats strange, and US or Canada - It doesnt matter
I rarely meets Mike, because of time zone.
Aren't you going to get mad when someone is trying to twist off what you have said, put it on another context and call you a criminal? That's just what JDoe is trying to do. This is my first encounter on a people like that. I have never thought about these kind of people exists in this room
I met Zulu, because of UTC timezone.
@mr5 see the pinned message
2:20 PM
If this was just on person to person talk. I would have jumped and punch this JDoe's ucking face the soonest possible
@VivianLobo .Select .Where .First .FirstOrDefault .Sum .Aggregate These Linq method used a lot on me. If youre new to Linq, should take a look.
@mr5 Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience
@MikeTheLiar it's very provoking
Argue with smart people, they will drag you up to their level and then throw you with experience
If should tell you a lot about what's going on here.
2:24 PM
@mr5 And saying about stalking someone is better than remind about what is a crime? Im a bad person now? Look at yourself first.
>Why do you look at the splinter in your brother's eye but don't notice the beam of wood in your own eye?
Think about it
This room was placed in timeout for 30 seconds; First warning. Behave.
@Neil I wish I realize sooner. Now my depression transformed into hate. Kinda relaxing because your body is now on heat. Even though this is just an Internet but I do care about my image.
Can any member made that named conversation?
Or only RO?
@nyconing looks like anyone. There's bookmarked conversations in this room from non-ROs.
So JDoe is paranoid of being spied on that's why he hates someone who shares personal thoughts?
2:29 PM
Interesting. I used chat over a year I think, never know this feature.
@nyconing Everyone can do it, created first for test chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/7/conversation/rape-after-stalking
@mr5 he's paranoid of being spied on but he's also a nutter.
@mr5 @MikeTheLiar Its not paranoid, i just see how wold real looks
@J.Doe why can't you rename your account as Paranoid so a normal people would be aware of what's coming from your keyboard?
Im leaving, I miss my Nintendo Switch.
2:33 PM
You can name me whatever you want, i can not change true about spying us
11PM, take rest, mr5 you too, same timezone from me.
@J.Doe Let me be absolutely, 100%, unambiguously clear right now. I don't care at all what your motivations or justifications are, and you are participating in this chat right now solely at my discretion. This is a dictatorship and (since there are no other ROs around) I am the dictator.
Wait, lets drag the Juan in.
I'm entertained and feels a very disappointing truth that I cannot punch JDoe's face ever. I hope our timezone won't clash again. I'm out here
@mr5 threatening physical violence against another user doesn't count as behaving, I'm afraid.
2:36 PM
@nyconing cya nyc. I need to play dota so I can change by hate into depression again
@MikeTheLiar this would not happen again. I will try to avoid myself from that creep from now on
@mr5 Don't hurt anyone if they don't hurted you - even simple "face punch" can be wrong and make unforeseen consequences
No, dont play PVP game when youre in bad mood. You have incredibly higher chance to get triggered again.
@J.Doe that's why you're like that. You need your face to get punched sometimes
@nyconing no. I play very calm
Okay... this conversation needs to stop
2:39 PM
Both of you need to walk away, ideally of your own accord
@Rob I was hoping this wasn't going to escalate to involve a moderator. Sorry about this.
@nyconing Thanks @nyconing I will take a look. Trying to learn myself
@MikeTheLiar I was just lurking and had a read through. No need to apologize, you've done what you can to de-escalate :)
And as an aside, I agree with nyconing... at least in my experience, dota isn't a good avenue to calm one's anger or nerves ;)
But.. if that's what it takes to end this, go for it
We was calm, that was no need to "de-escalate" anything
There was, don't push it.
2:49 PM
Ok, i can only say for myself, i was calm, but nevermind. I hope he will not get ban or anything bad
@Rob Just for reference - Doe has already had at least one year-long ban. He's kick-on-sight in many other rooms. There's a history here.
It might be two year long bans. It was at least one full year and another multi-month one.
@J.Doe Regardless of whether or not you were calm, the conversation here was not acceptable, and you were asked multiple times by a room owner to drop it
And, this isn't up for discussion. Please don't continue with it.
@MikeTheLiar Yeah, I do recognize the name, hopefully this just ends without incident
Dec 4 at 13:38, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
@mr5 Don't let the troll get to you. View J.Doe as the village clown.
@RoelvanUden "village clown" is a typical saying from our areas
not sure if it is applicable in eg USA
2:57 PM
where can I write queries about C# chat? Like reports who are the top few contributors?
@Neil thanks. I meant something like data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/new just for chat.
3:12 PM
Hi, guys, maybe someone faced the same issue and knows the solution?
>resx in .net core
Ugh, i have bad feelings
Not better create own custom laguage service?
Can be based on database or json files
I always create own, faster than old solutions bringed from .Net Framework
@ntohl I don't think so. Someone (Wadry?) made a scraper a ways back. It was enough to give a general idea of queries but I don't think it was much more than that.
Not Wadry, JABFreeware.
@J.Doe in long term perspective I agree, to have everything in db is much more cleaner solution. rather then splitting some parts to resx and some parts to db, but currently I have only few hours left till deadline :D
Now known as Frosty Fire.
It's irrelevant though, because I don't think he made the source public.
The takeaway is no, you'll have to write your own scraper.
@Givi services.AddLocalization(options => options.ResourcesPath = "Resources");
If you need to
But language service you can create in 30 min
3:27 PM
It's not working for inner classes.
Areas/Identity/Pages/Account/Login.cshtml.cs >> LoginModel : PageModel
In such way it's working for LoginModel, but LoginModel has inner class InputModel
In which DataAnnotations is not working
@J.Doe Any example of language service?
@J.Doe Dirty workaround will be if I'll take all properties from inner classes and will use them into PageModels, with [BindProperty] Attributes, but I don't like such solution and looking for something more prettier.
3:42 PM
@MikeTheLiar thanks. I remember the queries about pannini and other words, that he/she reported
@Givi I have only language service for ASP.NET Core MVC, not Razor Pages
3 hours later…
6:17 PM
4 hours later…
10:08 PM
GoDaddy SMTP, why hast thou forsaken me?
They don't support SSL apparently...
10:50 PM
Can't get SmtpClient to send it at all, SSL or no SSL. smtper.net works though
Gmail SMTP works fine.

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