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2:02 AM
The last message was posted 2 hours ago.
2:44 AM
3:25 AM
3:39 AM
is there SQL function like COALESCE() but that will return all not null values?
There is no COALESCE in C#, use LinQ instead List<string> .Where(x=>x!=null) .ToList()
More example List<Employee> .Where(x=> x.Name != null) .ToList()
Moore example List<Employee> .Where(x=> x.Name != null && x.LastName != null) .ToList()
Mooore example List<Employee> .Where(x=> x.Name != null && x.LastName != null) .Select(x=>x.EmployeeID) .ToList()
4:02 AM
1 hour later…
5:28 AM
I am writing SQLite query, I decided to concatenate multiple IFNULL()... each will return empty string in case of null value so it will work
little bit tired because of not enough sleep yesterday
also weather is soooooooooo nice to getting out from workplace.
5:56 AM
anyways, it's friday.
do you have any plan on weekend Ceeesharp?
6:13 AM
@Proxy G'Morning Proxy
Gooood mooorniiing CeeeeShaaaarp! Have you built any previously unthinkable C# classes lately?
yeah class Unthinkable {}, class Unthinkable2 {}
public class Unthinkable {}, public class Unthinkable2 : Unthinkable {}
6:34 AM
@Squirrelkiller Define unthinkable
@RoelvanUden i applied for a job in japan... They rejected me :'(
Something you wouldnt have thought about before before why would even think about building something like that
@Proxy can you speak Nihonggo?
no, but it was not a requirement @mr5
@Proxy Working in Japan sounds awful to me, tbh.
6:42 AM
Why would you go there if you don't know their language?
i know i just wanted to apply and see how things are going, maybe i would have gone there next year @RoelvanUden
but at this point i think something is wrong with me
or my cv is terrible, i do not know
Maybe it wasn't you.
How many companies have you applied already?
i kind of did not expect a direct denial :(
just this 1
Well my advice is, don't get pessimistic. You can still try another one.
hehe... apply more and more. someday you'll have opportunity work on there.
there's many company that you can apply. don't be disappointed.
6:47 AM
ah dunno
I want to work in Europe or USA someday too
anyways, do you have any japanese certificate like JLPT?
But I will not expect a 100% success rate on my first application
@mr5 in my case is Australia!
I'm happy with my country.
Why do y'all want to leave?
6:49 AM
@Arphile do you want to get eaten alive? because that's how you get eaten alive
@RoelvanUden maybe your country isn't my country
eaten alive?
I don't understand..
My country still needs more time for development. I want to have a more quality life in my lifetime
@Arphile in a figurative sense, being eaten alive means being aggressively attacked
6:51 AM
@Arphile there are lots of nopes there
My country has plenty of development. I do some of that development myself in fact
What I need is peace and quiet
just I lived in Australia for one year and it was enough good even housing was really expansive.
I like my country too. I don't understand people who absolutely go work in the USA or something. USA have a terrible social system.
Also JLPT = Japanese Life Pro Tip?
nope. it's like TOPIC, TOEFL, oPIC and so on.
Language Certificate
Japanese Language Pro TOELF
7:01 AM
Actually it's 'Japanese-Language Proficiency Test'
what? Japanese to Elf?
I'd like Turkish to Ork
For the Horde!
a lot of the new and exciting work is being done in the states
that said, I don't work there
7:19 AM
100 minutes left to go home.
Why do you want to always go home Arphile?
Is the Corporate life not making you happy?
cuz I don't have anything to do on this week.
me too
all the projects are currently finished.
it's hard to pretend you are working
especially if your company has a time tracking
7:21 AM
doing nothing, just sitting front of the monitor is really boring..
@RoelvanUden well my country is not in a good shape so to say. The salary is quite low, lot of people are leaving and the debt is rising up. It is bound to break eventually if this continues
@Arphile I feel you. But I need to pretend I am doing something
May I know where are you from Proxy?
Croatia truly Asia...
But you're in Europe
Croatia in East Euro
7:24 AM
we have a lot of bureaucrats and our government system is slow. Instead of reducing the number of employers in the "government" sector we are increasing them.
Not to mention that a lot of people have left for other european countries since we have joined the eu.
Your country ranked 79th out of 190 countries in International Monetary Fund
That doesn't seem bad
depends on how you look at the number :)
@Arphile I wish I had your problem. SO much time to do personal projects and learn stuff!
e.g. go do an Azure Machine Learning tutorial!
@Squirrelkiller hehe... before this job, it was really awful.
7:27 AM
Why do you want to leave this heaven
@mr5 how does it track?
@Squirrelkiller how I wish I am doing that
@Arphile learning is part of your job description, so if you have nothing else to do, improve your skillz
when I work for finance, I need to go work every day include weekends, including national holidays
But I don't like to work with any Microsoft tech on my personal projects
@ntohl we manually track ourselves
7:29 AM
than what Squirrelkiller said. Improve skillz
anyways I know my skill is increased than before with lots of projects.
@mr5 "heaven" is nice if you are a turist and come here for vacation, living is another things. But as i said it is not all black. Life tempo here is quite slow, most companies are slow as well so if you are lazy it and happy living with a debt it is quire cozy.
Thanks to this crash. I laugh today
debt as in, with the average salary you will be basically be able to buy food and pay the rent, but for any luxury items you will need to ask for a loan
@Proxy same in my country. but you can look into working remotely
they offer a much higher salaries
7:32 AM
@mr5 you from? Singapore?
is "much higher" redundant?
@Proxy Philippines
@Arphile But can you into machine learning?
@Squirrelkiller Currently studying machine learning with my personal project.
Just so you know...
7:34 AM
You...you build another appstore?
is this a black market?
No xD
Someone named the app database as AppStoarge instead of AppStorage
It's funny cuz he include the SQLite source code instead of linking into the DLL
Someone named a class FileTrasfer
I wanted to change it for years afterwards, but it was too heavily used by projects I didn't work on to be able to
I know who did it.
7:37 AM
@Proxy Sounds like you are in need of a remote job. Make big moneys, stay in own beautiful country with lots of lazy?
Someone named his account Arphile instead of ArfFile
@RoelvanUden do you also have a plan to work remotely?
and someone named his account mr5 instead of md5
I am having a hard time to work when I am in my apartment
@Arphile kek
@mr5 Currently not. Admittedly though, it does sound quite nice at times.
Work in the comfort of your own home, music blasting, pets snoring nearby.
It sounds good.
7:44 AM
I cannot focus working for someone when I am at home knowing that nobody is looking for me
You just admitted you have the discipline of a potato.
music blasting? sounds bad.
Yeah I admit it. I have a discipline deficiency
@RoelvanUden yeah that is one of the options later on, i think i need to gain more experience. If i would go work somewhere else, Netherlands is my option number 1 (or 2 :P)
Instead of writing code, I'll just browse 9gag instead cuz I can work on it later, and by later I mean, next week or next month
7:47 AM
Well, you should read this article if you think remote is bad... The Benefits of Working Remotely
nice article. I love it
@RoelvanUden snepai i have a favor to ask.
@Proxy What is it?
can you take a look at my cv? maybe i have written it terribly. I sent it to some friends, they said it is okay but then again.
but then again i do not want to bother you.
ignore it.
Yeah, sure no problem. Just send it over. Here is fine, or mail if you prefer.
7:53 AM
if you have an email that would be okay. I do not want to get spammed.
some junk mail if you have.
My e-mail is public anyway; you can find it on github.com/Deathspike
prepare your spam box roel
@mr5 Sure bruh. Try it.
while (true) SendEmail('github.com/Deathspike');
Admittedly, Outlooks spam filters are fucking incredible.
7:56 AM
@mr5 Very old project, but no, it just dumped the videos onto disk.
i have sent it so when you have time you can take a look. Thanks <3
8:10 AM
how do I insert emoticon in SMS as string?
For example smiling face: 0x16F03
8:25 AM
Keybroad usually provided it. If it is not, download a modern keyboard.
8:44 AM
@Taurib depends on the Font used
object val = null;
m.GetValue(val, null); // crash because val is null
considering m is not null and of type PropertyInfo
was there a version of C# where this code would not throw?
hmm... what is m?
static properties are accessed by m.GetValue(null, null)
non-static properties need that first value to be non-null
9:24 AM
Fuck you, Roel. Just saying.
You changed your pattern to trick me :P
I totally forgot it's friday
and the winner is: Roel
9:40 AM
@Squirrelkiller Huehuehuehehehe
@mr5 damn... i' ve open it :(
happy friday ...
^ iOS & Android Black Market
10:16 AM
Can a .NET 4.6 assembly Assembly.Load a .NET 4.7 assembly?
@mr5 wait WHAT?!
it is not supposed to... why does that even... I mean the thing that... @mr5 what did you do?
It likely may be able to do so, if the .NET 4.6 assembly is running on .NET 4.7.
I mean
If the assembly says it's running on .NET 4.7 or up, it's likely to get rejected outright by .NET 4.6
@Wietlol I recompiled its compiler to achieve my goal ;)
@mr5 ...meh
10:30 AM
@milleniumbug stop typing milleniumbug
I dare you
C++ used to have better obfuscation tricks coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/f2b73b532dc475a7
(fixed now, also most implementations didn't implement this anyway, for obvious reasons)
Java also has a thing...
// \u000d System.out.println("Hello World!");
prints "Hello World!"
(yes, that is a comment)
unicode characters in source code are a thing :D
unfortunately, many IDEs dont support it, so the syntax highlighting would be off
11:24 AM
@RoelvanUden Oh you're using url shorteners now
11:34 AM
how does URL shortening works? Is the full URL coded into the short form, or there is a jump table?
Can someone explain me, why it is bad practice when I do try/catch in a MVC app and catch the exception, and write throw new Exception(string, ex) and handle all exceptions in the Application_Error in the Global.asax?
the URL shortener essentially stores mapping from short to long urls and redirects you by looking it up
You can just make your website.com/a redirect to youtu.be
In the Application_Error I get it with Server.GetLastError() and in the end I have all exceptions there and can route them?
Website redirector
11:37 AM
@milleniumbug so it stores mapping... Not converting without lookup
So why should I catch a specific Exception (which still can be in some other methods) in the catch clause, when I have Application_Error?
so for example to support goo.gl shortener Google need a massive huge database available anywhere for all the possible searches?
Because when you whole application has 57 possible exceptions, do youreally want to handle all of those in Application_Error?
No, you can tell URL longener, if you redirect to shorter URL
11:38 AM
so someone send a goo.gl url to someone else, everybody must see the same site
I don't think shortened URLs are visible in Google searches
Also when you handle the exception as near to its origin as possible, you have more info that you might need that you haven't got in the global handler.
Note that it's way easier to store redirects than images (imgur) or videos (YouTube)
it's way less information
But for logging for example I give all to the Application_Error and then i have
string logmsg = ex.GetType().Name + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace;
Isn't that easier and less code insteand in each catch clause?
@SpedoDeLaRossa For logging, a central point to capture the exceptions and log them, is just fine. But when you can anticipate errors, recover from them and/or give meaningful feedback to the client, you should do so.
11:42 AM
It's way easier than storing site mirror/caches all the website in world.
12:23 PM
@SpedoDeLaRossa you could definitely make one generic behavior for uncaught exceptions, (I would recommend using ex.ToString() to get the full message)
but when you can catch an exception and give a meaningful message to the user, you should definitely do so
and those could be in each call
because each call knows of its own exceptions
12:38 PM
hello wonderful fellow coding humans :)
it has been a while @SebastianL
i've been working hard in last few weeks ^^"
so less chatting and more coding
on a side note... can anyone still see hidden files?
somehow I cannot see hidden files any more
I suppose this is the reason
but that checkbox automatically unchecks itself
The magic of windows updates
and neither of these options are selected...
12:53 PM
@Seb who said I'm a human
You're only human
wait what do you mean 'only'
> You’re only human, human like me
You’re not so special after all
(its a song)
But...but...mommy always said I was special...
don't worry you'll always be a special snowflake
1:10 PM
Thanks Seb, that's reassuring
!!urban Special Snowflake
@SebastianL [Special Snowflake](http://special-snowflake.urbanup.com/11083825) A Nazi-era terminology; referring to the human ashes falling in the Third Reich when people were incinerated en masse. Its acronym, SS, is also a deliberate nod to the [\[Schutzstaffel\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Schutzstaffel) (also called SS), the paramilitary death squad of Nazi Germany.

In the 21st Century, the [\[Alt-Reich\]](http://urbandictionary.com/defi(snip)
well that escalated quickly
1:50 PM
is there something wrong with 'WITH' clause in SQLite? when I try to do multiple WITH I get error "no such column" when using t2 but t1 works
I do: WITH t1 AS (SELECT...), t2 AS (SELECT...)
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
4:46 PM
2 hours later…
6:25 PM
@Wietlol you around?
6:45 PM
What are the more recent versions of MVC Web API known as, version-wise?

I created a new project that I have been fiddling with. I am getting 405 errors saying "Method not allowed" on OPTIONS requests. A number of places have info on enabling CORS but they do not seem to be for THIS version of WebAPI.
FWIW, the project is targetting .NET 4.5.2, I am using VS 2017, and did not install any kind of extra ASP.NET stuff (for instance from the web platform installer).
2 hours later…
8:38 PM
@cubesnyc am now...
8:48 PM
OK so, it appears that everything since .NET 4.5.2 has been named WebAPI 2 without further real differentiation. This despite the fact that newer version apparently do not have a setting in the HttpConfiguration for EnableCors?
@CodeWarrior Since .NET Core, the open-source cross-platform successor to .NET Framework, ASP.NET has been renamed to ASP.NET Core. What was originally ASP.NET MVC5 and WebAPI 2 have been merged and named, ambiguously, MVC 6. So there is no difference between WebAPI and MVC since .NET Core.
@CodeWarrior So you really need to search for whatever is applicable. Most like WebAPI 2.
I have a long-running application that scrapes various websites across the internet. The interface to the application is done through a GUI written in WPF, where certain site parameters can be manipulated during in realtime, as well as the display of certain status/output that is gathered during its operation. I would like to transition out of that framework, and adopt a web-based approach, where I am able to mimic the current functionality, but just do it through a web based portal.
I am trying to research what methodologies are available to me. Displaying status/output is relatively straight forward, since that can just be logged in a repository of some sort, and displayed when queried, but when it comes to changing parameters in the application, or calling methods during run time, I am not sure how to accomplish that.
The way I originally thought to do it would be by creating a websocket server within the application, listening for connections and commands, and responding accordingly, but of course I wonder if there is a better way.
@Wietlol you mentioned that this was relatively simple to set up? i wanted to hear you expand on tha tmore
9:09 PM
@RoelvanUden Thanks for the links. The WebAPI 2 flavored link that you have there appears to be what I should be looking for. BNow having enabled CORS, I am seeing OPTIONS requests return with a 200, but no follow-on POST request is issued. Does that mean that the OPTION request does not have the correct return values?
@cubesnyc I said updating a web service is pretty easy
what your webservice does is up to you
i am not sure what that means exactly, as I do not have a web service currently, i dont think
9:23 PM
@RoelvanUden Disregard previous message. Problem was I had CORS settings in webapi.config as well as in code.
Q: How to transition from WPF to Web based interface

cubesnycI have a long-running application that scrapes various websites across the internet. Every site depends on certain parameters that can be changed during run-time to customize its exact operation. The external interface to the application is written in WPF, where those parameters can be manipulate...


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