guys, question - I'm trying to print txt file with ProcessStartInfo, but it adds filename on top of the page and page number on the bottom, any ideas how to get rid of it?
List<Label> lbls = this.Controls.OfType<Label>().ToList();
foreach (var lbl in lbls)
if (lbl.Name.StartsWith("label"))
lbl.Visible = true;
foreach (var control in this.Controls)
var textbox = control as TextBox;
if (var != null) textbox.Visible = true;
is it possible to use var in two different foreach
it gives me The name 'var' does not exist in the current context
I have labels and textboxs
List<Label> lbls = this.Controls.OfType<Label>().ToList();
foreach (var lbl in lbls)
if (lbl.Name.StartsWith("label"))
lbl.Visible = true;
this works fine
but when I add foreach (var control in this.Controls)
var textbox = control as TextBox;
if (var != null) textbox.Visible = true;
I have been used more than 8months, no down time, no bug I have faced, markup, bot supports, copy and paste instant permalink, smooth audio and live videos, managed channels, responsive GUI, even no any lags when I switch multiple active server, this is crazy.
interface Factory<T>
fun create(): T
interface Builder<T>
fun build(): T
interface Supplier<T>
fun get(): T
interface Provider<T>
fun load(): T
val factory: Factory<Builder<Provider<Supplier<Runtime>>>>
I don't have anything against China. They're playing the game like every other country
I just think that the big difference between China and the rest of the global market is that they don't guarantee maternity leave, sick days, health care, unions, or in general proper treatment by the companies which drive them
Naturally cost of making anything drops tremendously, because the people doing the work are getting paid next to nothing
I don't think you fix the problem by putting taxes on Chinese goods. You fix the problem by having a bare-bones minimum bill for the worker which all nations must abide by to have global trade
and at first, it would be very easy to meet that bill, but the idea is you gradually improve the lives of workers everywhere until China can no longer afford to be so cheap
so, anyone can tell me why when im using ProcessStartInfo to print txt file, there are added filename on top of printed file and in footer page number?