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Hello everyone
List<SelectListItem> obj = new List<SelectListItem>(oo.Select(ch => new SelectListItem { Text = ch, Value = ch }));

Html.DropDownList("salil", obj);
how can I get value in dropdownlist ?
2 hours later…
Anybody familiar with Xamarin.iOS.UIView.Draw(CGRect)?
Wietlol's got me looking around C# 8 to see why it makes him sad. Haven't found it yet
C#8.0 is good
Cant wait for they release
But me actually waiting for more than 1 year already
1 hour later…
Good morning.
Good day sir @RoelvanUden
can I ask a question regarding web structure?
sir Senpai
fact of the day: sir mean cheese on croatian
guys, question - I'm trying to print txt file with ProcessStartInfo, but it adds filename on top of the page and page number on the bottom, any ideas how to get rid of it?
@jsonGPPD Sure.
@Proxy Hahaha fun stuff
@Proxy Waiter: "Would you like some sir on that bagel?" Customer: "Sir?" Waiter: "Yes."
@jsonGPPD we can only answer one question today, and you just wasted it. pff
some old lady just called the internal office phone asking for someone who wasn't here :P
I couldn't seem to explain that she had punched the wrong number, so I just forwarded her to customer service
first of many no doubt
@Proxy Only to 100? Amateurs
I could write a program that could go as far as 200
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
@nyconing watwat
@Neil :O make a pull request
good morning
List<Label> lbls = this.Controls.OfType<Label>().ToList();
            foreach (var lbl in lbls)
                if (lbl.Name.StartsWith("label"))
                    lbl.Visible = true;

            foreach (var control in this.Controls)
                var textbox = control as TextBox;
                if (var != null) textbox.Visible = true;
is it possible to use var in two different foreach
it gives me The name 'var' does not exist in the current context
what I want is visible all label and textbox
it's on the last line. you probably meant if (textbox != null)
now on its give me Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Do you have labels which don't start with "label"?
there is no problem with label and yes my textbox name is different textbox 1,textbox 2...
@DarthSucuk I can't guess which line you mean. You have to be more specific
I have labels and textboxs
List<Label> lbls = this.Controls.OfType<Label>().ToList();
            foreach (var lbl in lbls)
                if (lbl.Name.StartsWith("label"))
                    lbl.Visible = true;
this works fine
but when I add  foreach (var control in this.Controls)
                var textbox = control as TextBox;
                if (var != null) textbox.Visible = true;
and I told you why that was wrong
var != null lol
@DarthSucuk var is a C# keyword
you probably mean textbox not var
Default already pointed that out
you also need to check for nullability because you just casted a type
Acronyms ftw if (lbl.Name.StartsWith("label"))
yeah, that's not really an ideal solution
You should group labels you want to treat differently from others
no need to cycle through them all
Hi guys,
I've a EF queryable, and I'd like to ask you if there is a way to improve it.
This is the code: https://pastebin.com/0g4CBr7M

Hope you can give me some suggestion... Thank you

@Teo \o
I just want to show all textbox visible
@Teo you can add the check inside so you don't have to break the chain
nothing more
label works fine with my code
x => showInactive || x.IsActive == true
same for statusId
@Neil Thank you Neil.... And have you any suggestion about the Include? I use it to join with others tables
Example Include Partner, Include Status (to retrieve partner name, status description, etc.
hmm, I think if you make the include optional, you can chain that too without having to perform a null check first
But I'm not 100% sure on that
@Neil With your suggestions I can improve the code... but I'd like to improve the SQL performance too
@Teo So do some tests.. I think you'd find that doing it that way doesn't diminish performance much when showInactive is true
It is practically a non-problem
if (object == null)
    return new class;
    return double object;
I fixed it
List<Label> lbls = this.Controls.OfType<Label>().ToList();

            foreach (var lbl in lbls)
                if (lbl.Name.StartsWith("label"))
                    lbl.Visible = true;
            List<TextBox> txts = this.Controls.OfType<TextBox>().ToList();

            foreach (var txt in txts)
                if (txt.Name.StartsWith("textBox"))
                    txt.Visible = true;
if someone need its the way
that is odd
@DarthSucuk you just had to switch var for control
yeah. the OfType fixed the conversion for you
This approach is not ideal.
admittedly, I didn't know that yet
I once used the .Cast which needs to be check first. I learned from that too
@nyconing So show him the ways of the jedi
If you just wanted the all of controls in that control being visible. Then
@Neil I've some doubts about the Include instruction... I'd like to "convert" it into a Join instruction
foreach (Control control in this.Controls) control.Visible = true;
^ In keyword way
And How about WPF
And I did interested on Electron, many good app wrote by Electron. See VS Code and Discord.
Back to work
> controls.foreach(::visible::set::(true))
(not C#)
@nyconing wat
@nyconing discord sucks ballas
No Discord is super fine.
No discord is cancrous
Discord does not route its voip through the correct interface when a VPN is opened
I have been used more than 8months, no down time, no bug I have faced, markup, bot supports, copy and paste instant permalink, smooth audio and live videos, managed channels, responsive GUI, even no any lags when I switch multiple active server, this is crazy.
@nyconing Well I found bugs and experienced down times. Maybe im unlucky
Why youre using Discord over VPN, and I have no facing any downtime, yet.
Im using Socks5 which totally fine with Discord. Discord are connected over VPN.
openvpn + discord: Can connect to servers and type, voip does not work.
Morning kids
Can we ban @nyconing for promoting Electron
And I did interested on Electron Does it mean Im promoting Electron in English on your context?
Are you telling me the software actually is preforming as intended?


Just wOw

I mean who would have guessed it does what it supposed to do :P
@LeeButler what is electron?
@Wietlol sound liek more ior lesse hte same
No, more than intended.
@Squirrelintraining sorry, I dont read jibberish
If you say Im promoting Discord, I did. But Electron, No.
@Wietlol +1
Discord in a browser is decent ish
on a side note...
2 days ago, by Wietlol
runtime.exec("shutdown -s -t 0");
we actually missed something there
+1 nothing is more java than this line - Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); — BRampersad Oct 23 '11 at 23:40
This is fine on me, because I will always stay on var or use it on single statement. I did hate FooBarFactory.createFactory() more.
you forgot it's definition:
package com.runtime;

class Runtime {
    private static Runtime _runtime = new Runtime();
    private Runtime() {}
    public static Runtime getRuntime() { return _runtime; }
Stupid Java shit
Don't worry, it's safe
I'm gonna reference your chat there @LeeButler
as an excuse why I went there
Hmmm, maybe someone forward your transcript permalink there.
    private static Runtime currentRuntime = new Runtime();

	public static Runtime getRuntime() {
		return currentRuntime;
It is not safe
private static Runtime currentRuntime = RuntimeFactory.create();
@nyconing no
interface Factory<T>
	fun create(): T

interface Builder<T>
	fun build(): T

interface Supplier<T>
	fun get(): T

interface Provider<T>
	fun load(): T
val factory: Factory<Builder<Provider<Supplier<Runtime>>>>
Sucks to be chinese - China blocks Twitch game-streaming service, not that Twitch has any decent content anyway
@LeeButler ,Those poor bastards!
Anyways suprised it took them so long
Declaration: Im not from China.
Im Malaysian
I know
Sorry for your president brah.
China did blocks everything. And offer the field to own China companies.
Is good idead
We should do that aswell!
So China eventually build everything by themselves, and export thing that cheap than international market.
Shit when did Vladimir Putin come in here?!
Chinese did more selfish by compared. It might be disadvantages or an advantages, but get hated.
More funny thing is they have 3 of provincial level SAR that independent from government. They insult each other, Facebook VS Weibo.
I don't have anything against China. They're playing the game like every other country
I just think that the big difference between China and the rest of the global market is that they don't guarantee maternity leave, sick days, health care, unions, or in general proper treatment by the companies which drive them
Naturally cost of making anything drops tremendously, because the people doing the work are getting paid next to nothing
I don't think you fix the problem by putting taxes on Chinese goods. You fix the problem by having a bare-bones minimum bill for the worker which all nations must abide by to have global trade
and at first, it would be very easy to meet that bill, but the idea is you gradually improve the lives of workers everywhere until China can no longer afford to be so cheap
so, anyone can tell me why when im using ProcessStartInfo to print txt file, there are added filename on top of printed file and in footer page number?
@Neil no they not
@Squirrelintraining In which way, sorry?
They more serious
Oh wait
You are not talking about gaming
my friday bad
> They're playing the game like every other country
To be fair, you said play and game.
> i: 10 :: Unexpected result (103,26) expected (206,53)
shit, I declared the result float and the expected result double
Fuuuuuck brah
Aswell why the fuck isn't the ui being updated?!
The fuck, I'm tripping over an ActionLink.
Fucking actionlink works, moving on
ITS windy
Yes it is
Freds DayOff??
I haz.. (typing)
    <!-- some stuff in grid-->
And the <Grid/> is always in the center of the buttoninstead of filling it fully.
How to make it fill the entire Buttonß
FYI already tried HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" and Margin="0"
there anything acting on the button?
Not that I am aware of
No nothing
No I just tested and this is the default view
Resetting the display elements didn't change it
Mhm how to make grid span the enire width of the buttonß
Width="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType=Button}, Path=Width}"
Okay so I am just going to do it the hackery way, can't find another solution
wow binding dodgy
what data structure should you most often think about when using C
is everything an array
if you are talking about collection
data structure, class
When throwing a FaultException in a WCF Client, is there any reason that the Detail variable inside the Exception only exists at runtime?
Because i feel like im losing my mind.
throw new FaultException<GeneralFault>(new GeneralFault()
    Result = false,
    Message = "AmazonS3Exception Thrown",
    Description = "some message here"
I throw that for reference
adding a catch for my FaultException seems to solve the issue
oh well
this article had some insight
is anybody there?
Have a nice weekend guys
seeing you

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