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02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

Anyone on that can answer a quick question regarding an xml and serialization?
Not if you don't ask it
Jul 3 at 19:41, by Kendall Frey
Don't ask if you're allowed to ask a question. Don't ask if anyone's available or knows how to use what you're using. Don't say you're going to post a question. Just ask your question.
<string xmlns=\"http://tempuri.org/\">
<Row CampaignID=\"4232\" CampaignName=\"Template_Campaign\" Type=\"Outbound\" DialingRule=\"Global Preview Dial\" Status=\"OFF\" Ratio=\"13.0\" />
<Row CampaignID=\"2344\" CampaignName=\"TestCap1\" Type=\"Outbound\" DialingRule=\"Predictive with Filters\" Status=\"OFF\" Ratio=\"3.0\" />
<Row CampaignID=\"4432\" CampaignName=\"Inbound Main\" Type=\"Inbound\" DialingRule=\"None\" Status=\"ON\" Ratio=\"None\" />
i have this xml
I am trying to serialize but its giving me unexpected <string xmlns=\"http://tempuri.org/\">
here is my classes
public class Stringcls
private string xmlns;
public string Xmlns
get { return xmlns; }
set { xmlns = value; }
public Campaigns Campaigns { get; set; }
public class Campaigns
public List<Row> Row { get; set; }
public class Row
private int campaignID;
private string campaignName;
private string type;
private string dialingRule;
private string status;
private string ratio;

public int CampaignID
Hwow, use gist.github.com for code pasting. Or youre spam the whole page with your codes.
And then instead of pasting code, where is your question/ problem
When youre generating XML, it is already in form of string.
Which serialize you do? JSON or binary
That does not serialize correctly, when pasted from a class. \ causes the problem
And just for recommend, you may do auto property.
meh that's just the way the IDE sets it up
kind of like when you refactor an Interface, it give you backing/full properties
Is XML serialization still a thing?
Which IDE youre using, my VS generating auto property.
Yeah, my colleague suggest another serialization than Newtonsoft.JSON because it is not free for company
@mr5 VB6 is still a thing, I don't think XML is going anywhere
But me:"whatever"
Sooo many expensive managing/ accounting software wrote in VB6 and still actively development..
XML should not be used for data transfer anymore. It should be an embedded resource only. XML serialization is a thing of the past as well as VB6
I don't quite get the distinction between rational and irrational numbers
According to figure above, irrational numbers are a fractional numbers and the decimal digits are > 2 and has a pattern?
@mr5 you fool
XML has a lot of useful tech that JSON is still reinventing
like typed schemas and entities
its only sin is bad .NET API for serialization
...this is something that a third party library could do better
@milleniumbug can you expand more on this?
All I know is, there's only 6 data types in JSON:
- string
- Numeric types
- object
- array
- boolean
- null
as defined in this draft
yes, that's my point. Apparently there's JSON Schema which is supposed to address this
still, XML Schema is a thing that is fairly helpful for XML
you define what kind of elements and attributes should your document contain, and place restrictions on them. Since it's declarative, this means third-party tools can operate on it (like: XAML editor can read schema and autocomplete the tags for you)
Type schema in JSON is implied and that's why its better
wait what
@milleniumbug I said XML should not be used in data transfer across networks
and I say you're wrong
verbosity isn't really a problem because you can just gzip that
also, questionable claim in the first place
also, XML does markup, and JSON, well, doesn't
oh well, I don't know where else you use JSON that you need typed schemas, attributes, and other verbosities which isn't really needed on object model mapping
XML and JSON compare research on data interchange
typed schemas allow you to save rewriting validation code across different languages, which is a desired feature there
JSON is overall better than XML.
But XML can be used as a data exchange format in the following scenarios:
• Performance of the application is not the primary concern
• Memory footprint of an application can be allowed to be large
• There needs to be strict adherence to a standard protocol for communication
is it me or that research compared one JSON response with one XML response
I am neutral.
MS actually using XML serialize on everything
For common one is application settings.
They saves settings as XML, and serialize objects using XML,. stores file with same name of exe
And the events in NT are alllll XML
@nyconing Hi, Neutral. I'm dad.
I still prefer yaml whenever I can get it
it's the only format which can be parsed even before receiving the full message
But my dad already dxxd.
Wow, a question I had answered (answer was correck, accepted) regarding c#has been edited and now my answer makes no sense. stackoverflow.com/posts/49464344/revisions
Should I delete my answer? Submit an edit to rollback it and suggest the OP to create a new answer?
@bradbury9 Roll back the edit.
I think it's a user that misunderstood how SO works and accidentally edited the old question instead of creating a new one.
got no enough rep, will submit an edit
I rolled it back.
Stackoverflow is hard
Yet useful
I don't understand the side-by-side diff of that edited answer
How that edit be accepted? He is modified the answer over 80%
good morning
how can i change color of a graphic drawn during runtime
pens[lbShapes.SelectedIndex].PenColor = color.Red;
@nyconing According to the comments, he got a question ban, which told him "to edit his questions", and he understood that to mean that he now had to edit new questions into old ones.
@nyconing Self-edits don't need approval, IIRC.
@raw_hitt We have absolutely no idea what pens is, what PenColor is, what framework you're running this in or what the actual problem you're seeing is.
Hello. It's me.
Hello. It's you.
Hello. Is it me you're looking for?
is it me you're looking for
ohh. Too late >D
Hello. It's Roel
He was wondering if after all these years ...
if you'd like to meet. To go over everything
and watch anime girls together
That sounds good.
watch anime, girls together
watch anime girls, together
...and now it's getting uncomfortably creepy.
I'd like to meat. Especially tatárbifsztek (tvpaprika.hu/~/media/Images/Receptek/HU/T/…)
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan is that still part of the lyric chain? xD
anyone ever dealt with credit card processing?
@ntohl looks like uncooked ground beef
@TravisJ I work for a bank, so try me
@TravisJ I hooked up a payment processor to a website, if that's what you mean.
Cool :) I was curious how much data is required nowadays for fidelity (making sure you can prove the customer actually used the card)
@mr5 I'm guessing that's what it is. Tartar steak.
a lot of that stuff is done directly by Mastercard and Visa
they'll send a request for payment with a suggestion on whether or not to deny or accept it
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan is that edible already in your country?
bank can override that decision, but it's probably not a good idea to do so in most cases
my guess is mastercard/visa's suggestion is fairly on point in most cases
Hm, so you can optionally send only the card number, but the odds of it being accepted drop significantly?
you can only add money to an account using only the card number
My impression is that you can't, really, for online transactions. Since there's no physical validation, only numbers, a customer can claim they never used the card, revoke the charge, and the CC company takes the hit for the amount. That's why online CC charges have higher rates - for transaction revocation insurance.
to remove money, you require an additional pin code
@mr5 I know of some restaurants that serve it. It's not a common dish.
Okay, so I should look at visa's suggestion for minimal data inclusion with the card number, date, cvv then?
that'd be my guess
will check
Take a hint from visa/mastercard (don't try to determine this yourself imho)
Of course, the hint is sent with the request in my case
@mr5 it is uncooked steak. With lots of pepper, and onion, and taste
@TravisJ If you give us your credit card credentials, we can definitely help you with your problem\
I don't know how you could get that information yourself exactly
@mr5 hunter2
My CC was scratched and battered and didn't always swipe properly (we don't really have chip/contactless here for some reason yet), and some places would then type the # manually, but some didn't, citing higher transaction fees.
that's weird
I don't see why punching in the number manually should change anything
they were probably just making that up to be lazy :)
@Neil Because there's no physical validation step. Stealing my CC # is easier than stealing my CC's magnetic stripe.
well it used to be that you could steal money with only one's cc #
any bank worth half its salt doesn't work like that any longer
@mr5 Sure, its 4111 1111 1111 1111, CVV 123, expir 12/20
Easier to steal -> easier for me to revoke the charge saying it isn't me. Since CC companies insure the transactions, they want to minimize it.
the golden standard now is a double validation, where pin is sent to the issuer
and the issuer takes that pin and gives the bank another
so the actual bank can't know the pin
Most places in Europe have you type the PIN in the CC terminal yourself for another validation. None of that here, either.
I think the issuer is the same one that assigns a pin to your credit card
and even that is done in such a way that the issuer can't link the credit card number with the pin assigned
and on top of all that, all transactions are encrypted heavily
it's all really quite secure
insurance companies have seen to that :P
Since they are the ones who pay otherwise
not the banks
Luckily asking for a pin online isn't required. That doesn't seem very secure.
I don't think I would give out my pin to a website other than my bank
most will just forward to a secure site for the card itself for you to enter your credentials and pin
and then return to the site of origin
so that the payment site doesn't need to know details about pin and whatnot
I think the PIN should never be used online or separately from the card - it's validated on the chip locally
any site asking for pin information directly on the same website should be a red flag
I agree Avner
Things would be a lot less complicated if there was both a centralized site you could trust
I am using Paypal's Braintree payments for the actual party processing the card. It just seems like all that is truly required is the card number. So I am trying to figure out how much fidelity to generate.
like google or something
there are trusted sites of course, but there are many different types
everyone has their own validation system
If it was just google, I could say, make a payment online, then approve it using my designated smartphone
ibm had this idea where you'd scan your finger to prove you're you
that was a nice idea, and I would have liked to see that gain momentum
Paypal accepts google pay
and apple pay, venmo, master card, visa, diners club, that one gift card from "Santa", etc.
paypal was the first site to even attempt to unify payment
Paypal is expensive
You get what you pay for
Then I rather use my master card directly
paypal shouldn't be expensive
It is very competitive for what this should be doing.
I mean, admittedly they're doing you a service, but the real money comes from having money
That's true too
If you have money, you can invest and multiply that money
PayPal is expensive because they are taking advantage of monopoly. Nobody's regulating them. There should be a universal government
paypal does follow regulations, but barely
I do think they only follow local laws only if they're forced to do so or risk having their site censored in that country
Getting a little into the weeds at this point :P
I'm not familiar with that expression
Is comparing dateTimeVar to DateTime.Today with == enough?
@Neil It basically means off topic
@mr5 It will only match if both the date and time match, meaning the time is 00:00
(and same timezone)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan so how do I compare regardless of time?
compare UTC milliseconds
oh cool
nope. I don't like hacks
Hacks? That's how Jon Skeet's library does it
But whatev, just my advice :P
@mr5 dateTimeVar.Day == DateTime.Today
And he's the god of programming
@TravisJ it's considered hack if your code becomes unreadable
That's not my definition of hacky code
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan but Day is int
For me hacky code is code which works under very specific circumstances and is incredibly fragile
unreadable code for me is sloppy code
@mr5 Oh, I meant dateTimeVar.Date.
That returns only the Date part of it.
Well, DateTime provides all the abstraction methods we might all need so using the component that it is trying to abstract away is kind of hack
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes. that's it. thanks!
It provides a lot of abstractions, but it can't do everything. There are all sorts of places where the UTC timestamp should be used.
Storage, for one thing. UTC timestamps are portable, sortable and comparable between platforms (JSON/C#/SQL)
...and that's only it. You shouldn't use the timestamp to manipulate the DateTime itself
Time to manipulate spacetime itself
good morning :)
someone fluent in gradient boosting?
I can boost to nova 4 easily
I'm fluent in sarcasm and dark humor, does that count?
boosting gradient colors?
or using boost library to implement gradient?
From Google:
> Gradient boosting is a machine learning technique for regression and classification problems, which produces a prediction model in the form of an ensemble of weak prediction models, typically decision trees.
Yeah, I know some of these words
how do you 'distinct()' one part of an object
in a linq statement?
Google DistinctBy
damn i have to download a lib
Or you could look at the code for DistinctBy.
how do i include in my code?
eh no thanks
you don't want extensions?
i dont have time to learn them
Then don't ask.
Look, if you aren't prepared to learn something to do your developer job, quit, and go fry some burgers or something.
Hell, you'd even have to take the time to learn to make a wicked burger, so learning seems to some kind of recurring thing.
i'l get my cake and eat it
I was about to say "someone beat this guy". Thanks Roel for being a real adult
that's not nice
being friendly isnt for everyone
At least I didn't say it
@RoelvanUden Well said sensai
everyone knows the best way to make a wicked burger is by throwing random contents in your refrigerator together and cooking the hell out of it until it comes out looking black
public static AdanBurgerExtension
    public static bool IsItFried(this AdanObject @this) { throw new Exception("LOL"); }
You know what, I will mark that conversation for ever @RoelvanUden, congratulations
That's enough acting like an adult for this week. Y'all are warned. :-P
lol. Why am I so triggered with this behavior. lol
@mr5 lulz
i like that extension
I cant eddit the room info to contain: Learning isn't for him
one cant learn when he knows all
I especially like how @RoelvanUden told him what to google, then told him where he could find it, then went the extra mile and pasted the URL that the guy needed before getting annoyed by him.
Ping intended
On a nother notes, one can use either * to format messages or _ to format them, they both work the same.
valar dohaeris
what happens when you mix *and match*?
weird shit, that's what
test1 * * test 2
Any XAML guys here?
How can I set the CommandParameter to that of property of map named Center?
CommandParameter="{Binding Center, ElementName=map}" should work IIRC
Stack chat's implementation of Markdown is... weird
err I think XF have different namings of XAML
Well, map.Center existn't
I got confused with this doc
Of you didn't say XF
I also don't know what properties map has because I don't know what it is
the 18th number in the busy beaver function has been proven to be bigger than graham's number.. wow
to give you an idea on the hugeness of graham's number, to write it down, you could not do so assuming all the empty space in the observable universe were paper.. and that's just to write down the number
is it bigger than UInt64.MaxValue though?
can you list all the digits here?
can the numbers be represented using scientific notation?
If I'm not mistaken, written in scientific notation changes nothing
the number is big
well use power notation
to my knowledge, the only way to write graham's number is through Knuth's up-arrow notation
or use scientific notation within scientific notation
Not sure about that, but I would be hesitant to try just the same
Why can't I comprehend what you are saying
Is it Donald Knuth?
you mean like 10^10^10^10...
I mean like this
that's knuth up-arrow notation
Graham's number is an enormous number that arises as an upper bound on the answer of a problem in the mathematical field of Ramsey theory. It is named after mathematician Ronald Graham, who used the number as a simplified explanation of the upper bounds of the problem he was working on in conversations with popular science writer Martin Gardner. Gardner later described the number in Scientific American in 1977, introducing it to the general public. At the time of its introduction, it was the largest specific positive integer ever to have been used in a published mathematical proof. The number...
Makes for an interesting read
who's hungry?
Graham sounds delicious
Graham cracker's number
I want a graham
me no understand those cyrillic characters
greetings everyone
anyone follow the vsts issues yesterday?
I almost know what that is
I guess it is technically still on-going blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vsoservice/?p=17405
essentially, an azure datacenter in South Central US went down, and vsts around the world was unusable
I figured they'd have had mirrors by now
based on the times of the news updates yesterday, there was probably at least one really overworked programmer working last night
@BrettCaswell Yeah, it's wreaking havoc with our Azure services.
My understanding is that lightning struck near the datacenter, causing voltage peaks, causing the air conditioning to crash, causing the datacenter to shut down for safety.
yeah, I read about that as well, @AvnerShahar-Kashtan .. @Neil I'm not sure about programmers, but definitely the Engineers and DevOps personnel were scrambling on this. looking forward to reading the "postmortem" on this one.
this did prompt me to look for risk assessment and then eventually their SOC compliance and audit documentations. microsoft.com/en-us/trustcenter/compliance/soc
heavily monitored servers don't typically die like that
So whatever the reason, it'd probably make for a good story
At my old job, I worked in a software house, and it was a four-story dedicated building
One day the power went out, and after some checking, they turned it back on
My friend was put to the task of finding out why
this incident did expose some issues in my companies production environment as well.. which is going to lead a few internal discussions
don't ask me why, he was just a programmer like me, but somehow they thought he could find out why
So he decides he'd go around asking if someone knew something or did something when the power went out
apparently someone was leveraging resources in the wrong subscription .. affected our Help and Support link and documentations
He stumbles across this intern, and says, "Hey, about the power outtage, did you notice anything strange?"
The intern says, "Well, now that you mention it, when the power went out, I had just inserted this surge protector.." and the genius plugged it back in.. causing yet another power outtage XD
For science, you have to prove reproducability.
for science!
haha.. indeed.. yall remember the discussion about 10 years back where apparently scientist were debating on turning on a device that could theoretically destroy our solar system, or something like that
That was a PR disaster
I'll bet anything it all started from one scientist saying that jokingly, because it was theoretically possible and he overestimated the intelligence of the journalist getting the story
or rather, I suppose, he assumed a scientific-based story would never get a spin like that
yea. I can't find material on it with a google search at the moment.. but I remember it being covered that way. that there was a 'theoretical' possibility of such an event occurring, and there was now a moral dilemma to activating some device
I think some people are incapable of understanding statistics on a fundamental level
THe problem with LHC was, or is, it creates a "minor blackhole" upon collision, this BH lifespan is so tiny, that it has no ill effect on us whats so ever.
The last part was probebly overrheard.
(Disclaimer: theeese are vagues memories of mine and I hope I am on point)
Well no one really knows
same, that's what I recall of the discussion as well
There is another theory to suggest that a tiny black hole wouldn't evaporate, but it wouldn't even combine with other particles either
It would take a long long time but it would eventually start bringing in other particles
and an unquantifiable amount of time afterwards, the black hole would destroy the world
sort of a macabre idea, but it was never statistically probable
I don't think people like to hear that there is a chance of being destroyed in a black hole, even when that chance is infinitessimaly small
Aye, though I don't mind.
Atleast I know i'll go out with a "bang" enter drumroll here
ba dum tss
there are those who say that we live in a false vacuum
since even a vacuum seems to contain energy
if we generated enough energy, we'd all be killed at energies moving at the speed of light
there are some theories which suggest that this is the reason no life exists in the universe.. because they've reached this high energy point sooner than they've reached the point where they could communicate with us or achieve space travel
which would imply we're next in line
Bullcrap I Call
Anyways define vacuum please.
In quantum field theory, a false vacuum is a hypothetical vacuum that is somewhat, but not entirely, stable. It may last for a very long time in that state, and might eventually move to a more stable state. The most common suggestion of how such a change might happen is called bubble nucleation - if a small region of the universe by chance reached a more stable vacuum, this 'bubble' would spread. A false vacuum may only exist at a local minimum of energy and is therefore not stable, in contrast to a true vacuum, which exists at a global minimum and is stable. A false vacuum may be very long-lived...
Just no air --> no O2 and other stuff wich flies around in our atmosphere
or sth else
Ain't noobody got time to read wikipedia
well it's as close to a "absence of everything" as we can get
whatever you call that
@Neil Yeah, that's... not how it works
why not?
it travels at the speed of light, and as it turns out, isn't so fast in the larger scheme of things
If the rest of the universe had decayed into a true vacuum, we'd have noticed, and by noticed, I mean we'd have decayed too and been destroyed
it travels at the speed of light.. the moment we see it is the moment we're dead
so we couldn't have noticed by now
Until then, we're seeing the "past" universe
I still fail to see how this could be false
So if there is life that was destroyed by the true vacuum, we'd still see it
not if it couldn't muster up enough energy to send a signal
and maybe that type of energy necessary is enough to cause the phenomenon
I fail to see anything this hypothesis explains
If they weren't able to send signals, then of course we don't see them
true vacuum bubbles are no different in that respect
in the same way that some theorize that we'd nuke ourselves before we'd develop to the point where we could arrive at space travel, this is just another way we could blow ourselves up
not really more complicated than this
It doesn't explain anything though
then neither does the nuke explosion idea for you
It still requires assuming life is rare in the universe, in fact it requires that life be more rare
why would it have to be rare?
sure it does, 99% of intelligent species in the galaxy could nuke themselves to extinction within our past light cone
99% of species cannot true vacuum themselves in our past light cone
I think if any alien lifeform directed all its effort towards determining if the Sol system 100 million light years away had any life, they'd find nothing
we weren't even around 100 million years ago
The hypothesis that 99% of space-faring species will destroy themselves with nukes does explain why we don't see any.
But assuming we were, we'd still have to do a lot better than radio signals and tv broadcasts
It implies that intelligent life can be plentiful
you couldn't hear that from pluto, much less a planet 100 million light-years away
false vacuum decay implies the opposite
the type of energy you'd need would have to be extraordinary, and directed towards the planet holding life
@KendallFrey why would we ?!
If the vacuum decay is intended to explain the absence of life that we observe, it can only explain the absence of life outside our past light cone, which we do not observe
Aye okay i can agree onm that
and therefore we would never see it coming
That means it isn't proof for or against
It simply means we won't know until we're dead
So it's a terrible explanation
that doesn't make it a terrible explanation
i.e. a non-explanation
otherwise why even look at stars too far to ever reach?
huh? I don't follow
you mean to say it's terrible because it cannot be applied in any tangible way
It explains nothing
> there are some theories which suggest that this is the reason no life exists in the universe
So how does this differ from any other theory for Fermi?
The only observation is the absence of communicating life in our past light cone
the vacuum decay hypothesis does not explain this
02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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