that's what's in my mind as well. but our project is heavily implemented using the other one and when we encountered an error, there are lots of possible reason we can imagine
I was talking to my friend Rob Caron today. He produces Azure Friday with me - it's our weekly video podcast on Azure and the Cloud. We were talking about the magic for a successful episode, but then realized the ingredients that Rob came up with were generic enough that they were the essential for anyone who is teaching or advocating for a technology. Personally I don't believe in "evangeli…
The googleusercontent proxy makes the browser download it. When you remove the googleusercontent stuff and just use the image uri directly, it shows directly.
Hmm. It's 11:51. If we get to our favorite asian-fusion place by 12:06, we won't have to wait for seats. And one guy is in a meeting. Will we make it? Stay tuned.
You have two possibilities.
Method 1. XSD tool
Suppose that you have your XML file in this location C:\path\to\xml\file.xml
Open Developer Command Prompt
You can find it in Start Menu > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 > Visual Studio Tools
Or if you have Windows 8 can just start ty...
Don't ask if you're allowed to ask a question. Don't ask if anyone's available or knows how to use what you're using. Don't say you're going to post a question. Just ask your question.
@LeeButler Because my xml is quite a bit more complicated than the example and there would be way too many places for me to mess up using that answer. I try to avoid those.
On the second question, there is not that much to read I've read it a bunch of times and I'm just not clear on it, thats why I'm asking if someone who understands it can explain it a bit further.
This is interesting. I got a Xamarin.Forms.ListView, that contains 5 nested Xamarin.Forms.ListView's, and whenever I scroll up so that the first nested listview would come into the viewport, it crashes (but only then) with: Unable to activate instance of type Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.ListViewAdapter from native handle
public class ConfigBase {
public int Version;
public DateTimeOffset TimeCreated;
public DateTimeOffset TimeModified;
public override string ToString() => Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this);
public static TA FromString<TA>(string str) where TA : ConfigBase => Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TA>(str);
@nyconing Why not call the serializing method Serialize ? I was under the ipmression ToString should produce something human readable, remotely useful for debugging.
Seperation of Concerns The object shouldnt care about it is serialized, that's the job of the serializer or the object trying to send your configbase somewhere.
So I jsut read some old messages. Many people say time is a social construct. I don't agree with that. Our units of time may be a construct, but not a social one. The calendar is a social construct. The definition of points in time, the convention of naming them, is a social construct. Time itself is a physical thing that just exists.
THe only people I read and hear of supporting trump seem to be stupid people who instnatly get offensive. Where are the somewhat intelligent people who voted for trump, who have actual arguments that speak *for* trump?
I never actually heard a real argument that speaks for trump
I jsut notice that any time there is a discussion about trump on reddit, it's either negative arguments or people going "but hillary does illegal stuff and trump showed her!!!!" and "trump is untouchable shut up he's also right n never lies and knows everything!!!11!!"
If you're using Visual studio you can go into a class, do CTRL + M + O, then above each function insert 3 slashes ("/") and it'll create a comment block for you
As for "external" documentation, i'm a bit in the same boat
I see your logic, but i usually try to look at it like this: Your comments are there as a "support beam", if the name of a method changes name to "ASIJASDOIJ" your comment block is there to explain what it does still
the problem is when you start modifying the colors but forget to update the comments. Note that comments is "code" that also has be updated, however there are no compiler helping you with it.
I tried vsts but felt it was very slow and I never really felt comfortable with it. Started using youtrack instead (which I guess is very similar to jira) - the customization I can do there is what made me choose it
“You could Google this in 5 seconds.”
“This is called Invariance and Covariance. If you Google it, you’ll find tutorials that can explain it much better than we can in an answer here.”