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Re-performance copyrighted medias content such as music, is it legal?
what do you mean is it legal?
Re-production, copying and modifying is illegal.
Re-performance ing might being captured by camera and it maybe live or uploaded to internet.
I think if you only monetize it that's where it became illegal
If uploader gain monetary profit? Like they receive ads reward on Youtube.
There are millions of music that being remixed in YT but not get to point of legal actions
They just didnt taking action.
Dint take action isnt equal it was legal. So muuuch of them is illegal re-production by direct audio track.
Still depends on the license I think
But why does it bother you?
So I ask, if Im Re-performance, I sing it by myself, but using almost same lyrics
I'm not sure. I think it's okay to use as long as you don't monetize or claim that you're the original of it
Would you go for dynamic model response or generic response with dynamic content when creating web services for an app?
api/notifications: [{"a:0,"b":1,"c":2,...},...]
api/users: {"n":"hey", ...}


api/notifications: {"success":1,"data":[{"a":0,"b":1,"c":2}]}
api/users/: {"success":0,"data":{"errorType":4,"message":"User not authorized"}}
I would create a class, let json handle it
So that class act like a model
so you would go for the latter?
this one:
api/notifications: {"success":1,"data":[{"a":0,"b":1,"c":2}]}
api/users/: {"success":0,"data":{"errorType":4,"message":"User not authorized"}}
Yep, this looks good than the first one.
First one will have pain when something wrong and needs debug. lol
that's what's in my mind as well.
but our project is heavily implemented using the other one and when we encountered an error, there are lots of possible reason we can imagine
Goood morniing CeeeeSharrrp! Have you had any previously unknown breakfast foods lately?
but afternoon here already
I have water as my breakfast
Looks like youre combine breakfast and lunch together
I have 5 pieces of biscuit and coffee for breakfast.
Hmmm... I ll going lunch soon.
I think .Net should consider fetch Newtonsoft.Json as a part of .Net
posted on August 08, 2018 by Scott Hanselman

I was talking to my friend Rob Caron today. He produces Azure Friday with me - it's our weekly video podcast on Azure and the Cloud. We were talking about the magic for a successful episode, but then realized the ingredients that Rob came up with were generic enough that they were the essential for anyone who is teaching or advocating for a technology. Personally I don't believe in "evangeli

GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
Why would you post a link that automatically downloads something?
Shady af
Yeah why not simply
lol Its a picture
I dont know why is downloading
Mouth or beard
!!giphy questions, questions
The googleusercontent proxy makes the browser download it. When you remove the googleusercontent stuff and just use the image uri directly, it shows directly.
good morning
@Squirrelkiller say wat
what does the fox say?
No idea I never met him
@mr5 wat wat wat wat wat wot
AI is down
@MadaraUchiha That's... a perfectly valid, logical and precise interpretation. And yet quite clearly wrong. Lovely metaphor for something, I guess.
!!giphy technically correct
@MadaraUchiha That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Also, see what happens when you ask it for "10 random numbers", which you would think would be easier to parse, right?
star this if you think wolframalpha is a bunch of if else software
That's basically all AI is, isn't it?
Everything technically NAND
What if it's a quantum computer by now
Then it should be called IE instead of AI because IE stands for If Else
if(website)then showCrappily();
else showCrappyXmlEditor
FFS my pc is 4min back so every message I write is instantly 4m old and I cant edit
is there a JS function for DateTime.Now?
@Squirrelkiller !!>new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
well thanks
!!>new Date().ToLocaleTimeString()
@Squirrelkiller "TypeError: (new Date(...)).ToLocaleTimeString is not a function"
Hey Lee
oh come on Cap you're fucking with me
!!>new Date().ToLocalTimeString()
!!>new Date().toLocaleTimeString("he-IL")
@Squirrelkiller "TypeError: (new Date(...)).ToLocalTimeString is not a function"
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan "4:43:05 AM"
Ah shit small camelCase
!!>new Date().toLocalTimeString()
@Squirrelkiller "TypeError: (new Date(...)).toLocalTimeString is not a function"
!!>new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
@Squirrelkiller "4:43:55 AM"
Just give me like a week and I got this
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan "4:44:25"
What are you trying to do
Wanted to see the current time, in Cap's opinion
Cap is wrong tho
because any message I sent was instantly 4 minutes old for me, not letting me edit anything
Stupid americans
rlemon's computer time
Maybe your system time is wonky. For me, it's currently 09:47:40
just wanted the minutes, which should be in sync all over the world, right?
not quite
Some timezones are not full hours offset
@nyconing Hahahaha I should save this
who the fuck does below-hour timezones?
Iran, for instance, is UTC + 0330
Arfghanistan is +0430
Damnit Avner what did you do
India, second largest (by pop) country in the world is +0530
India as well.
There's a bunch of them
China, on the other hand, has just one timezone, on an area that's the equivalent of 3-4 in adjacent countries.
Fucking nepal though
Helps to remind you that time is also a social construct.
That was good lunch. I liked that lunch.
Now, back to something i like less: Debugging in XF
Hmm. It's 11:51. If we get to our favorite asian-fusion place by 12:06, we won't have to wait for seats. And one guy is in a meeting. Will we make it? Stay tuned.
The fuck is asian fusion
Why not go anyway and wait for him there
hello guys. if I may ask for some assitance
6 mins ago, by Lee Butler
Arfghanistan is +0430
A: How to Deserialize XML document

Damian DrygielYou have two possibilities. Method 1. XSD tool Suppose that you have your XML file in this location C:\path\to\xml\file.xml Open Developer Command Prompt You can find it in Start Menu > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 > Visual Studio Tools Or if you have Windows 8 can just start ty...

Dont ask if you can ask, go ahead @cybera
Jul 3 at 19:41, by Kendall Frey
Don't ask if you're allowed to ask a question. Don't ask if anyone's available or knows how to use what you're using. Don't say you're going to post a question. Just ask your question.
For future reference @Xariez
in this response the comments at the bottom talk about a catalog class that is mentioned
Thank you
I didnt remember the command keyword, lol
does anyone have an idea of where this catalog class is from?
@LeeButler Restaurant with various dishes from different east-asian and south-asian cuisines.
specifically what does this comment mean "'catalog' would be top (header) class from file generated in 'Paste Special'"
Why not just use the accepted answer?
Alternatively, read the answer properly and you'll see where it came from
@LeeButler Because my xml is quite a bit more complicated than the example and there would be way too many places for me to mess up using that answer. I try to avoid those.

On the second question, there is not that much to read I've read it a bunch of times and I'm just not clear on it, thats why I'm asking if someone who understands it can explain it a bit further.
It's literally method 2
catalog is created from folling the steps in method 2
It is not, I've followed the steps and I'm missing it
This is interesting. I got a Xamarin.Forms.ListView, that contains 5 nested Xamarin.Forms.ListView's, and whenever I scroll up so that the first nested listview would come into the viewport, it crashes (but only then) with: Unable to activate instance of type Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.ListViewAdapter from native handle
@cybera Well I've just done it and it worked fine. Bear in mind it won't be called catalog, it'll be whatever your root node is called
@LeeButler maybe thats what I was missing let me check
2873 messages over the course of 5 days?
That's tame chatroom
Gotta step it up
Yeah it's been quiet
!!giphy zzz
that was.. not at all what I ment with zzz, but alright?
What the fuck is that gif
Xariez obtained item [Legendary] Hypnotic Tortoise
!!giphy hypnotoad
all glory
!!giphy monkaS
ahem Sorry
that is monkas
    public class ConfigBase {
        public int Version;
        public DateTimeOffset TimeCreated;
        public DateTimeOffset TimeModified;

        public override string ToString() => Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this);
        public static TA FromString<TA>(string str) where TA : ConfigBase => Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TA>(str);
uhm I think you need SoC
@nyconing Why not call the serializing method Serialize ? I was under the ipmression ToString should produce something human readable, remotely useful for debugging.
Soc? What is it.
Serialized string is readable though
@Squirrelkiller Yeah that's exactly what ToString is for, a rough textual representation of the object
Seperation of Concerns
The object shouldnt care about it is serialized, that's the job of the serializer or the object trying to send your configbase somewhere.
Scope always matters though
So if i use Grouped Listviews in XF, nothing works
If i use nested listviews in XF, it stops working when i scroll down, and then back up
I heard XF sucks and you should use Xamarin.ANdroid and Xamarin.Ios for anything that is not a standard I/O app
XF is a huge pain in the ass to use
I can see that native android is the better option
I don't like native android
But i've heard it takes quite a bit to get into
I don't understand all the intents and stupid shit. Although at the same time, I haven't really looked at it in like 5 years
So I jsut read some old messages.
Many people say time is a social construct. I don't agree with that.
Our units of time may be a construct, but not a social one.
The calendar is a social construct. The definition of points in time, the convention of naming them, is a social construct.
Time itself is a physical thing that just exists.
THe only people I read and hear of supporting trump seem to be stupid people who instnatly get offensive.
Where are the somewhat intelligent people who voted for trump, who have actual arguments that speak *for* trump?
I never actually heard a real argument that speaks for trump
Still better than Hillary, that's all i'm going to say
Also Bernie wasn't bad but he was unrealistic
Don't get me wrong though, Trump is.. well, special.
IMO there were no good choices
So vote for a dog then
But not american so I don't care a huge amount
Agreed x2
Some city did it and they're happy
Ome city?
I jsut notice that any time there is a discussion about trump on reddit, it's either negative arguments or people going "but hillary does illegal stuff and trump showed her!!!!" and "trump is untouchable shut up he's also right n never lies and knows everything!!!11!!"
!!googleme Ome City
TIL that's a place
Oh shit my typo is a real city in japan
!!giphy fuck this fuck that fuck everything
The really fat walrus looking dude that just fucks everything
Well shit, she actually got it right
The giphy command is some black magic shit
Anyone knwo how to stop this shit every time I build?
Turn it off and get a real AV?
It is a real av
If you use a third party AV you're a fool
Last time i checked Windows Defender is like a paper wall though. A wall indeed, but an extremely weak one
As such i've used AVG the last few years
When bundled with Common Sense™ 2018, it works really well
Fair enough
rmdir C:\Windows\system32 -r -f
AHhahah AVG
I mean, still better than Avast which a lot of people still seem to use?
Same goes for Norton, but i feel like that has.. disappeared?
Since when did Windows Defender become good though?
Since windows 8
Because I explicitly remember people said to stay the fuck away from it at the start
Since windows 7 when it was called Microsoft Security Essentials
Windows defender is the name for 3 completely different products
MSE was renamed Defender in Windows 8 and it's decent
Oh yeah, F-Secure's a thing as well
The only issue really is that the definition updates come through Windows Update
If i had a penny for every time a pc has gone to shit because of a bad Windows Update
I would have 2p
Yeah, same tbh
And they were both insider builds on my old PC.
One was on a old customer laptop running Win8
Actually no, only 1, the other one sorted itself out eventually
One was on my current rig during Win8, forced me to use a restore point
WU screwed a driver for me once, for a day
The only driver issues I have is when it can't work out what it is so I have to get drivers myself
Then again, Windows 8 also shut down my USB joystick drivers when i was mid-flight in a few games, so i weren't able to land.
TL;DR: Win8 was a fucking mess
Windows 8 was fine apart from the UI on desktop
I kinda liked the UI myself
It just had a lot of device-related issues i felt like
Although on a first gen surface, the UI was actually spectacular
Your typos are spectacular today if anything
My typos are always spectacular
Already had exclusions
@Xariez LOL, Windows defender causing planes to crash!
Was wondering if somebody could answer a quick question. If I have an interface and a class, which one should be documented?
Thats not at all what I said - but sure! @bradbury9
@VoiDHD Interfaces are usually just implementations of the found declaration in the class, so probably both
Or neither, and let future you deal with it
Which is exactly what I did 2 years ago and now I hate past me
I too hate past you
Because i didnt know you back then
But seeing how i know the present you
That has changed
I've spent the last week or so refactoring and/or documenting old code
That's fun until you find that "create and forget" region fo the code
With like 35 million nested statements with nothing making sense
I've just started documenting code, but I feel like I suck at it.
Is there any sources for guidelines?
I'm guessing you document everything, as in methods, properties and fields. No matter if their private?
If you're using Visual studio you can go into a class, do CTRL + M + O, then above each function insert 3 slashes ("/") and it'll create a comment block for you
As for "external" documentation, i'm a bit in the same boat
System.NotSupportedException: <Timeout exceeded getting exception details>
That.. can't be good
For example, I really don't see the benefit in this. i.imgur.com/fKaSJ4G.png
When you've made your xmldocs, you can use a tool like sandcastle to make real docs out of it
Although it would be very bad of me to only document methods.
if you don't feel that it benefits you, why do it? I don't add summary sections for methods. I try to name the methods appropriately instead
@VoiDHD i'd focus on the public members though
I thought that not documenting your code was a really bad thing to do, maybe not.
I see your logic, but i usually try to look at it like this: Your comments are there as a "support beam", if the name of a method changes name to "ASIJASDOIJ" your comment block is there to explain what it does still
public members are supposed to do a very specific thing
It was in my "coders will hate you for this" list.
the thing they should do should be documented
Thanks for the advice guys.
@Xariez if the name of a method gets changed to "ASIJASDOIJ", I remove that method
Yes, well ,it was just an example
why would you change your method name to ASIJASDOIJ
the name of a method in an interface should describe what it is supposed to do
@milleniumbug because I want to remove the method and need a reason for it
39 secs ago, by Xariez
Yes, well ,it was just an example
bad example
Not necessarely
Proved the point
That's what counts
Yeah, I just thought there was like a general rule, I think I'll just stick to documenting all public members of a class.
you assume that people who can't come up with decent function names will write decent comments
or that comments are even accurate
That's not what I said at all, but sure, go ahead
I mean, you assume that the name may not reflect what the function does. Why would you assume differently of the comment
naming conventions exist to prevent people from naming methods "ASIJASDOIJ"
Is that too hard of a concept to grasp?
and people that think it is important to document everything, should care about method names
2 mins ago, by milleniumbug
bad example
Proved the point
Documentation makes my code sexy, so I'm glad I picked it up. i.imgur.com/ANMHnbP.png
You are awarded no points.
@VoiDHD careful though
comments can obfuscate your code if used poorly
Point made^
next to which, your documentation is not particularly accurate
I'm open to constructive criticism.
That was my first attempt at documenting something.
Logs a basic message to the console, using white text
could there potentially be an implementation of the logger that doesnt log to the console?
for example, to a file, a database, a web service, a mailbox, etc?
not to my knowledge, I wrote the interface for one purpose, a console logger.
that is not what we use interfaces for though
But I get where your coming from, code for expansion in the future?
interfaces describe the desired behavior "I want this message to be logged with this loglevel"
where it is logged, how it is logged, when it is logged, etc doesnt matter
I feel like using white text is quite unnecessary as well because its purely cosmetic but might just be me?
all I care about is that I can log messages
I'm guessing the rest of the documentation, except the first method is okay?
an implementation of that interface could be a ConsoleLogger, which writes to the console, and has colours if you manage to make that work
As it doesn't specifically mention console.
Logs a message when something succeeded, using green text
this comment describes where this method is used... which is not always true
Would "something being completed" be an improvement?
I see.
you could say that this method or log level should only be used when something went correctly
but you cant say that this method or log level is only used then
"This method should only be used when something has executed correctly." sounds good.
I'm going to fix the param comments too.
the problem is when you start modifying the colors but forget to update the comments. Note that comments is "code" that also has be updated, however there are no compiler helping you with it.
"Logs a message with the level 'debug'. Should be used for x, y and z."
i think this is roughly how I would do it
logging isnt really that special though
calling a log method should never throw an exception (except for invalid arguments)
if you pass a simple message or exception to it, you dont have any input validation (maybe except for null checks)
the behavior is not something special either, it doesnt have any return value, it is just some fire-and-forget action that you do
so, for logging, I am not sure I'd write any documentation for it
at least for the interfaces
the implementations however are a different story
yeah, I get what you're saying.
I only implemented a method that allows exception as a parameter as I was writing my own version of NLog at the time lol
Anyone knows if there is an advantage of Jira over VSTS for managing stuff like backlog etc?
I tried vsts but felt it was very slow and I never really felt comfortable with it. Started using youtrack instead (which I guess is very similar to jira) - the customization I can do there is what made me choose it
Has anyone tried out Rider?
here we go
I used Rider since day1
I just don't feel at home with it, although it does bring some major benefits.
I wonder if you can use YouTrack inside Rider side by side somehow.
I'm quite interested in the whole integration of my code, my backlog and my releases.
Yeah it's new as of Tuesday night I believe
    “You could Google this in 5 seconds.”
    “This is called Invariance and Covariance. If you Google it, you’ll find tutorials that can explain it much better than we can in an answer here.”
Welp that explains it
Still don't get what they want from me
They want you to avoid being an ass.
does it apply to chat though
If it did, I'd be long out of here yo.
Omg why is the windows kernel listening on port 50596
I need that to debug my api fuck you windicks
I dont have power for anything
Its too hot
You obviously have power to use this thogh
@LeeButler obviously to get windows updates :L
@RoelvanUden Thanks for explaining
@LeeButler NSA
@J.Doe Go to Eduwardino Snowdawn
He'll help your cool.
Nah it turns out IISExpress crashed but then continued to run for some reason
Now intellisense is ganging up on me too
Resharper 2018.1 latest, is good, it is now loading fast.
Hahaha loading fast
@Squirrelintraining You're welcome.
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

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