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02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

@M.Aroosi I am just saying that I have a question
Good morning rooms/7/c
Good morning everyone
Oh something happened?
If you mean am I here because something happened? Nope
Shh he's spying
2 hours later…
Goood morniiing CeeShaaarp!!
How is your day going so far? Had any chicken soup lately?
morning! :)
I have chicken soup and a drumstick at 30mins past.
Its my lunch.
..a drumstick?
Ohhhh ok.
TIL there's a plant called drumstick
@user3555836 Very sorry about having to deal with crystal reports. Ask your question, and maybe someone will have pity.
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' squirrelerinos!
!!tell Squirrelkiller funfriday
drumstick can be an icre cream too right?
bool method2()
string s;

return bool

bool x = method2(); //I want to use s from method2 as well
I don't understand the flow
Then put your s outside the method
breathing what
I could create a tuple as well right?
breathing. that code you posted isn't valid C#
I didn't post the actual code
just what I am trying to do
if the actual code compiles, than obviously not
@Breathing You could make s an out parameter, or return a Tuple
or return a ValueTuple
or return a specialized output type
Well an actual Tuple<T, V> or like those fancy new tuples (s, returnBool)
Could return a nullable string too
all strings are nullable
in case false == string value invalid or something
Good point.
Make even extra-nullable.
Can't have Nullable<string> because Nullable<T> requires T to be a struct
there are some libraries with a proper option/maybe type tho
Oh C#8.0 lets you use string? as a new nullable reeference type
that's not the same as Nullable<string>
string? will be the same thing as what string is now.
Plus static analysis
the static analysis comes for the string types, the string? doesn't get much except when it needs to interact with string.
I guess he's gonna use that methods results somehow so...probably gonna interact, no?
Btw I think C#8 isnt actually out yet
it's not
there's a preview for some of the features tho
Maybe because .Net code does not compile when using C#8
iDunno but my VS 2017 preview doesnt offer C#8
nonnullable types pointed to nullable types.. KABOOOM
@Squirrelkiller you gotta install the compiler extension
@nyconing So... a struct with a refeerence inside?
Will microsoft make a language that level higher than C#, like kotlin
Or they will make C# level up
they already have one, it's called F#
F# is inside C# basement
F# is a higher note than C#
@nyconing You mean like typescript?
Good morning.
@mr5 Hey! Show some respect.
No offense but your mom is ugly looking code.
> but: used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned.
@Squirrelkiller yo mama so fat, he turns into a kangaroo
It's #
Oh shit she also turned to a he before the kangaroo. It seems my mum is really fat.
Is there not a way to set the default culture once in a program, and just "leave it be"? Just realised my DateTime.Now returns 07:14:00 when it's suppose to return 10:14:00, and doing this when the app starts doesnt seem to help:
Her genitals expands onto something so it loses its gender
            var culture = new CultureInfo("sv-FI");

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;
@Xariez 3h difference...looks like a timezone problem and not culture?
So Culture doesn't set timezone as well?
Nope, just format
although you can use a whole different calendar, like telling it to use the persian calendar
strange stuff
what is culture
baby dont paint me
!!urban culture
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
I wann go to finland
Why not Sweden

I have more that 50 reports in my project hence i cannot opt to pass currency symbol to each and every report individually hence i am exploring an alternative to it, i have already set culture symbol to what i need but i am unable to set my crystal reports to accept that symbol.

for your better understanding i have a field in my db that accepts currency symbol and i have set current culture currency symbol to that value but i am unaware of how to set all my crystal reports to accept that value as my default currency symbol, also i would like to request a detailed step by step solu
sweden sounds weird
finland is cool
Not so fun fact: The Swedish police killed someone tonight
death is fun idk what ur talking bout
Which, at the end of the day, is quite rare for Sweden
@Squirrelkiller Alright, changed the timezone on our android emulator and that fixed it
gnight ppl
@user3555836 We're using CR with a framework in between too, and for us it's just "This is the name of the var inside the report" and "this is the name of the var in this class", both as string, variable gets shoved into reprot variable.
gnight? I just got to work dammit xD
12 30 am here lol
12 3 time for some lunch
im eat some chips
and pass out
i dont even do C# why am i here
@Squirrelkiller i am new to cr, so can you please guide me with the solution?
Because this chat is fun!
never clicking that link again
@user3555836 I don't know what your framework an architecture looks like. We just pass two strings to our framework: names of report vars, names of c# vars to shove into the respective report vars.
4 mins ago, by Xariez
Which, at the end of the day, is quite rare for Sweden
Why did this get starred
@Squirrelkiller that is exactly what i want to find an alternative solution... dont want to go and pass the value to all the reports individually! i googled and found out that if if set a field as currency then symbol is taken from the culture, so i changed the symbol in culture, but the same is not being reflected in cr.
I have a simulation model built in cpp. The whole code base follows little structure and since taken over the code base I've had a nightmare with it. So i'm planning on refactoring the code to abide by some OO structure which will hopefully make it easier for future programmers to pick up. I'm having a bit of dificulty trying to abstract the system into components.
9 mins ago, by Xariez
Why did this get starred
@Sam Its a night mare i tell you! dealing with the same problem, not an easy job!
Who, and why was this done.
Because your mum is a nice person.
{"message":"accurate","cod":"200","count":1,"list":[{"id":2643743,"name":"London","coord":{"lat":51.5085,"lon":-0.1258},"main":{"temp":7,"pressure":1012,"humidity":81,"temp_min":5,"temp_max":8},"dt":1485791400,"wind":{"speed":4.6,"deg":90},"sys":{"country":"GB"},"rain":null,"snow":null,"clouds":{"all":90},"weather":[{"id":701,"main":"Mist","description":"mist","icon":"50d"},{"id":300,"main":"Drizzle","description":"light intensity drizzle","icon":"09d"}]}]}
this is output how can i do in console Application Help me sir
Specify "do"
that is json
please any idea
you can deseriaize it to c# objects
or visualize in browser
tell me some idea
what exactly do you want to do with it?
can u add some code
above json value need to print
Message msg = JavascriptSerializer.Deserialize<Message>(yourJsonString);
Write a C# based console application to hit this Web Service and Print the response.
Wiat, need to print? to console?
So you want help with a webrequest?
what if you google "get json from web endpoint" ?
help me sir
!!googleme get json from web endpoint
Adapt this
delete some stuff from it, maybe make not async, done. Simple web request.
ok sir thanks
More namely, I'm confused on how I should encapsulate functionality which is related to simulation settings and encapsulate functionality which is specific to the simulation itself
Luunch :D
@Squirrelkiller please help me
i need this type output in console application
@IvinRaj What have you tried so far?
Do you have the web request?
What does your code look like?
 static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] arr = {"accurate", "200" };
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
                string value = arr[i];

            foreach (string list in arr)

            Console.Write("{0} ", list);

I recommend to ALWAYS go top-down
Think about what the goal is first, and why you do it.
please help me am in interivew
this is interview question

string json = new HttpRequest(url = "samples.openweathermap.org/...).GetResponse.Body.ToString();
Morning WIetlol.
@IvinRaj You have internet, so use it. There's a million examples out there of how to do a web request.
@IvinRaj You are in an interview out here?
@Sam yes
help me
Right now?
ALso what exactly is your goal: Make a web request? Format json? send stufff to console?
I'm not sure if this is worth posting a question: is there a quick and easy way for figuring out (during debug) when an item is added to a list? I'm looking at a "collection modified during foreach" exception but I don't see any code that changes the list. I tried to add the list to the watch window but it goes out of scope in underlying methods (even though some code is still adding an item to it anyway). I'm struggling with Google due to many topics existing with the same keywords.
@IvinRaj This is an interview question. You don't know how to make a HTTP request and materialize some JSON? Well, did you consider you're not qualified for the job?
Add a conditional breakpoint @Flater
Good luck. Spend your time figuring it out.
thanks @RoelvanUden please help me my question
@Flater Could you temporarily change it to observablecollection and monitor the event?
@IvinRaj No. You're being interviewed. They want to see YOUR CAPABILITIES. Not ours.
Don't cheat bro.
@Sam: on what? The list is a nav prop of an EF entity. I'm debugging a unit test. I see no place to put a relevant breakpoint, I can't break on a property without an explicit setter, no?
@Flater I'm not entirely sure, was merely a suggestion. Can you watch the memory allocation?
@Sam The Watch window is all I know for debugging :) If this question is bigger than I initially thought it was (which I get the feeling it is...) I'll post a proper question then.
@Flater As far as I know you can add watches to mem addresses in the watch window
Also, if this is just for a unit test, can you not add some conditional statement in the code which executes once the size of the list changes?
How are you doing my fellow pro gamers?
Wait, wrong chat. VB6 sucks!
fuck visual basic
visual basic fuck
@Sam: My issue is in finding the hook to do so. I could rewrite myFoo.ThisList to a wrapped property where I can set breakpoints on the get/set, but that still wouldn't cover cases where someone else stores a reference to the same list and uses that to add an item to it.
@Flater what is your issue?
you want to have an immutable list property in your class?
or private-mutable?
@RoelvanUden Waaaait, I just scrolled up. Did some guy seriously come here during his interview asking for help? I was at lunch so.
That is a first
@Xariez Yeah, he did.
No, I've seen it before.
Well, for me anyways
That is.. But how did he.. Did he request a bathroom break or something?
I'm so confused.
he prolly said "I know where you can get things done easily"
"look, all you have to do is go here and ask the question and someone else will give me the code i need"
Well that backfired didnt it
i havent read the conversation
That code is fucking horrible imho as well lol
can you link where it started?
1 hour ago, by Ivin Raj
{"message":"accurate","cod":"200","count":1,"list":[{"id":2643743,"name":"London","coord":{"lat":51.5085,"lon":-0.1258},"main":{"temp":7,"pressure":1012,"humidity":81,"temp_min":5,"temp_max":8},"dt":1485791400,"wind":{"speed":4.6,"deg":90},"sys":{"country":"GB"},"rain":null,"snow":null,"clouds":{"all":90},"weather":[{"id":701,"main":"Mist","description":"mist","icon":"50d"},{"id":300,"main":"Drizzle","description":"light intensity drizzle","icon":"09d"}]}]}
I believe this is where it started?
> can u add some code
above json value need to print
say no more
Technically correct.
The best kind of correct.
unit tests?
You know, somehow i have my doubts the guy got the job
Interviewer probably still said "Thank you for your time. We will contact you regarding our decision later next week" though
that is what every interviewer says
... when they reject someone
Interesting ... going to SE in the middle of an interview :P
well... googling is one of the most important parts of our job
the other most important part is how to paste the code in your program
@Wietlol: I have a list of items (3). I iterate over the list of items and do some processing. At no point should the original list be appended to (it's not allowed). Yet, after the first iteration, there are somehow 4 items in the list now. Someone is adding to this list. When I use the debug watch, I add ThisList to the watch.
I would totally warn you before to be prepared because I'm going to ask you about my interview questions in an hour.
@Wietlol: However, this isn't helping me, since (1) ThisList does not exist in underlying processing methods, so the watch doesn't update and (2) this only observes ThisList, and not any other variable which might also contain a reference to that same list object.
@Wietlol: Clarification: when I said At no point should the original list be appended to (it's not allowed) I didn't mean that I want an immutable list. The list can be appendedto in other situations, just not this particular situation. I'm only trying to find out which line of code is adding something to that list, I'm not trying to ensure the lists's immutability.
override the setter, set the backing field to a new list with the values of the passed list
see if the issue still pops up
also... encapsulation should be your friend here
God I'm tired today ...
@Wietlol There is no setter to override (the list is an ICollection nav prop of an EF entity). While creating a new list with the same items will prevent adding to the list, that doesn't help me with figuring out where the unwanted addition is happening.
And the humidity is insane ...
@Wietlol More likely than not, the 4th item is being added to the wrong list. Which means that I don't just need to block the addition to the wrong list, I also need to fix it so it gets added to the right list.
I hope you get a "stahp" infection Wietlol ...
le pings are ruining le music
@Flater if the list is managed by EF, then your database has a new record
or you have unsaved local changes
in the second case, find the getter usages of the collection and see if any of them leak the collection reference or if they add an item to it
i usually prevent such things at the entity class level, but such encapsulation often requires a lot of refactoring if you didnt make it so from the beginning
@Wietlol: It's a unit test, so there is no database being used. Secondly, EF can't just update an already enumerated list out of nowhere, without me asking it to do so. It's effectively foreach(var listItem in myObj.ThisList) { DoSomething(liteItem); } yet somehow the myObj.ThisListis being modified even though the DoSomething() method does not get a direct reference to the list. I'm trying to figure out how DoSomething() is accessing the list anyway.
maybe it isnt
Or you copy the list and say fuck it it works now
do myObj.ThisList.ToList()
then you put that in a variable
@Wietlol: Just to be clear, I'm not asking you how the list is being accessed, I'm asking how I can have a debug watch to an object rather than a variable
then you iterate over that
also... STAHP
stahp ze pings
@Wietlol: "More likely than not, the 4th item is being added to the wrong list. Which means that I don't just need to block the addition to the wrong list, I also need to fix it so it gets added to the right list."
im crying
@Wietlol Don't cry baby, it's friday not cryday.
im not sure debug watchers can be put on objects
it feels like mondae
> new List<string[]>()
@Xariez I remember some crowd speaker mentioning something about a job interview an a question with only one correct answer
im trying to find it
@Wietlol Dude you're everywhere
no, I am Wietlol
Are you.... a diety?
no, I am Wietlol!
!!giphy FRIDAY
!!giphy rebecka black fridaty
oh no
okay it worked
!!tell Xariez funfriday
2 hours ago, by Ivin Raj
please help me am in interivew
Jesus christ what is this monstrosity @LeeButler
22 hours ago, by Lee Butler
user image
"separation of concerns": manually creating a method for every combination of formats to convert from/to. It totally reduces dependencies.
FlipDateTime() would be much better though
Because its literally what it does
	Just imagine, you know how to programm - somewhat - and you are forced to use a Programm to parse an XML wich is desined for non-programmers.
	This means it's not programming but "configuring" stuff. It's a very weird an inefficient combination of Mouse and Keyboard that you have to use, leading to allot of frustration.
	Aswell you have to click 3 times before something is saved and it doesn't even warn you if some work get's lost.

	Welp anyway you are working with that programm for like 2 hours with no major result.
Had to get that out of my system
@Flater how is that related to separation of concerns?
@Xariez i found it!
@Xariez FlipDateTime() is also bad
the only right way is to parse to a datetime and then format it
Well, it is. But atleast it's better.
@Wietlol wrong room
rite room
you only have to listen to it for like 10 seconds
because I meant to link the part where he mentions the job interview question
it's like if you understand Rx code, than you are fired. Very wise choice...
@Wietlol: Should've added an /s I guess :)
i understand that removing the deps is probably sarcastic, but it is not even related to separation of concerns
like... "Car: pencils should be banned because you can stab people with it"
it has nothing to do with a car though
apart from that you can draw a car with a pencil
and that cars can also kill people
and that cars also should be banned
and ... whatever
can I have methods inside methods
i think you can
private void Foo()
    void Bar()

Hey breathing, have you already seen this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
It helped me allot with that very same problem.
wow I was unignored? :)
Maybe he wrote it just in case you're here
!!votekick Wietlol
@Squirrelkiller voted to kick @Wietlol
much better
@Squirrelkiller y u do dis to me?
Cuz Ima dick yo
Also wtf is that code? And why can you define a class inside a function?
!!votekick Wietlol
@Squirrelintraining voted to kick @Wietlol
!!afk lunch
@Squirrelkiller why can you define a function inside a function?
@Wietlol Squirrelkiller is afk: lunch
I am happy boy
your what went through me?
I. Fucking knew. Somebody would see and seize the opportunity.
!!giphy fuck
Not really what i intended, but sure, it works
i thought it would be an asian grill saying fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcku
what kind of canon you want?
@Wietlol The shooty kind for me
but you dont get to choose for Camilo
I'm sure also Camilo wants the shooty kind, don't you?
The farther it shoots, the better
Good man (or woman)
or transgender
Not going down that road
@CamiloTerevinto That's a silly question. You want to add all values to a total then repeat the value for n time?!
Enumerable.Repeat(list.Sum(), list.Count)?
@CamiloTerevinto you mean canonical source why copy constructor needed? Or why there is difference between shallow/deep copy?
Maybe I didn't express too well, sorry about that. I was looking for a duplicate, I've seen that question in different forms a hundred times already
@M.Aroosi in haskell, how would you merge two functions?
i know you are really fond of currying
so you would prolly know
Has anyone here ever had issues with git bash on Windows being stupidly slow?
in C#:
Func<Int32, Int32> increment = i => i + 1;
Func<Int32, Int32> doubleIt = i => i * 2;
var incrementAndThenDoubleIt = ... ;
Like, takes 4-5 seconds to just start up
git status takes 5-10 seconds
@WilliamMariager stop downloading porn?
How would that affect the startup time of bash?
checking for updates?
@WilliamMariager Ok fine.. you can continue..
02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

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