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03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

A: Framing a question whose answer is an ordinal number

ermanenEnglish doesn't have a standard way of framing a question whose answer is an ordinal number. (Although, which and what can be used but they don't cover all the cases. Some familiar examples are: What grade are you in?, On which floor is your apartment?. You can try framing the question in severa...

Me and my colleagues were arguing about how do we translate Pang ilan ka sa mag kakapatid?, which is a question that's to be framed with an answer of "I'm the 3rd among our siblings" but doesn't seem to have any definite translation in English
No, I don't think there's a natural sounding way to ask this.
Hebrew is the same as English in this respect, too.
How about your language avnir? Does your language can come up with a question that would frame with that answer?
Some of the answers there are... impressively researched. :)
Hebrew is the same as English, as I said. I don't think there's a sentence structure which conveys this naturally.
You can say "what number child are you?" which would probably be understood, but sounds weird.
Or maybe "chilld number which are you?"
Neither are forms I would use in formal writing.
I think what people usually care about is "I'm the oldest", "I'm the youngest" or "I'm in the middle" and the exact number is less important.
And "how many brothers and sisters are you" to ask a question about the total number.
But a direct, specific question about your chronological order - when there's no royal line of succession to consider - isn't easy to ask about. Weird.
This question has been going around in social media and everyone goes crazy when they can't translate it to English. It makes those very fluent in English feel dumb :D
It will be some implicitly information and context loss when converting, as English does not have auxiliary word.
Thats why media is difficult in converting. Because every context is very important.
nor the converted sentences may extending into multiples sentences to matching speech context.
Auxiliary word can provides extended speech contexts which given more information in implicitly.
For short instance in my language: 是哦?. 哦 is an auxiliary word, it just make sounds "orrr"
As it, 是 is meaning of *yes*. But with combined with 哦,
是哦? is turns into meaning of "are you sure, Im doubt with it"
1 hour later…
Goooood morniiiing CeeShaarp!
MOrning! :)
Ah, the WTFPL
There's also the unlicense for this kind of stuff, which is a bit less provocative
That's basically releasing into the public domain.
@Avner that's the point of those licenses. It seems it not that easy releasing something into the public domain, so they made these licenses that practically do the same thing.
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
'sup Squirrel
Not even trying to make it sound like C# anymore, are you?
It's extremely easy to release something as Creative-Commons, which is a way to release work in a very free fashion without sounding like an asshole about it.
Good morning! :-)
I actually have a question; look it over, see if it's familiar :-P
Q: SSL/TLS handshake from .NET to APNs - remote certificate is invalid

Roel van UdenI'm connecting to Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) from the .NET Framework using a SslStream. I'm connecting using the Binary Provider API. As part of the initial handshake, the SslStream does an AuthenticateAsClient on the network stream. This is the code for that: _sslStream = new SslStr...

I upvoted, but I have no idea. :)
Is there a way to check if LocalSystem can access the certificate store? Maybe write some code that tries to enumerate known certs?
Could try to also ask ServerFault, they probably know about certificates and users validating them. Or DevOps.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan If you can write a program which can rename your certificate store, then that program can access it too
I don't think there's any "access" problems beyond what a file would have
Q: SslStream Authentication fails under LOCAL SYSTEM account

Rojan Gh.I have this code: string certificateFilePath = @"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Certificate.pfx"; string certificateFilePassword = "Some Password Here"; X509Certificate clientCertificate = new X509Certificate(certificateFilePath, certificateFilePassword); TcpClient client = new TcpClient(ho...

Hello, is it me you're looking for?
YES ^_^ :D
I have a strongly typed view

@model IEnumerable< WebTest.Models.TreeNode>
    public class TreeNode
        public int SeriesId { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }

        public TreeNode Parent { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<TreeNode> Children { get; set; }
I want to display it as tree using jstree
any recommended links
Q: Lazy-loading TreeView with JsTree in Asp.Net MVC

mstfcckI am using JsTree on my project. I want to do like that: I want to show just root nodes when tree loaded first time after I want to show sub-nodes when I clicked root node (+) or of sub-node. I mean, I want to get from database and add to the sub-nodes when I clicked every node. How can I do th...

That's an example at any rate
We can check what type an object is by doing if(value is DateTime), as an example
But how do we check if it is an array? if(value is Array) won't work?
or will it
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Hm, not sure. The ironic part is that this only happens on SOME machines
That guy in the question seems to have disabled his cert checks entirely :/
@Roel I had a similar prob. I'll write it up when I get to the office.
Anyone know how to set the ItemDisplayBinding on a DateTime-array in Xamarin.Forms, so that we can use a Converter on the items in that array?

I'd want to do something like `ItemDisplayBinding="{Binding, Converter={StaticResource dateToString}}"` but it doesn't seem to like that at all.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Alright. Looking forward to that :-D
I could make a class containing literally only one property and the issue is solved, but feels overkill
good morning
@Xariez as in, for each item in list of dates, convert it using this Converter?
What control are you using?
If it's a ViewCell, the conversion should be put in that control rather than the list itself
good day everyone
in which part of this statement would 'distinct' work?
  var SLList =
                    GrandList.Where(x => x.TPR > 0 && x.EPR == EPList[i3]).OrderByDescending(x => x.SLR).ToList();
i try putting it before 'orderby', after 'orderby' and after 'tolist'
and it WONT apply 'distinct' :/
what's going on?
What do you expect to happen with Distinct?
nvm i found a solution]
<Picker ItemsSource="{Binding Dates}"
                        SelectedItem="{Binding Date, Mode=TwoWay}"
                        ItemDisplayBinding="{Binding, Converter={StaticResource dateToString}}"
                        WidthRequest="200" />
@mr5 This is what I'd want to work, alas it doesn't. Dates is of type DateTime[] and Date is of type DateTime
Right now though, I've improvised and created a class with a single property, so that I can do this:
<Picker ItemsSource="{Binding Dates}"
                        SelectedItem="{Binding Date, Mode=TwoWay}"
                        ItemDisplayBinding="{Binding Value, Converter={StaticResource dateToString}}"
                        WidthRequest="200" />
Mongring kiddies
I just came from lunch lol
Why it's not even noon yet for you
It's 12
What are you on about
It is in like 2 minutes yeah
And lunch starts 11
sup guys
What why
That's stupid
What do you mean why
> Lunch, the abbreviation for luncheon, is a meal typically eaten at midday.
Lunch at 11? That's stupid.
> Noon (also midday or noon time) is 12 o'clock in the daytime
Work starts 9, get the first coffee of the day, work two hours then head for lunch. Afternoon coffee at 2 which gives you about two hours of work after lunch, then theres about 2-3 hours left of the day
It's the perfect interval
>Having prescribed times for coffee/tea
laughs in British
You work from 9 to 5? Damn you lazy plebs.
I work "9:30"ish to somewhere after 5:15 (5:45 on mondays)
Plus when you wake up as early as 8 and eat breakfast around that time, waiting to past 12 to eat lunch makes me very hungry.
A hungry me is a bad me.
I don't even eat breakfast and can happily wake up at 7 and not have bunch until 14:30
how do you even
I usually fdon
I usually don't roll out of bed until 9:15 though
I'm leaving it now
This is why I need to have tea whenever I damn well feel like it
I dont see how people do that. If I wake up, I wake up, because if i stay in bed, i'll fall asleep and sleep like 5 hours more.
If only alarms existed
Alarms arent so useful when you wake up from them, turn them off, then go back into bed
And If i dont set an alarm, I sleep 12 hours, give or take half an hour. Doesnt matter how tired or "awake" I am when I go to sleep
Somehow if I don't set an alarm I wake up even earlier
Last late-night-out I had I got home like 5.30am, woke up just past 5 the next day because i was too tired (see: drunk) to actually set an alarm
Needless to say that is one way to reallyyy fuck your sleeping schedule
My this thing has stopped working, anyone got any ideas?
Clean+Rebuild always works.
Brb waiting 3000 hours for builds
I like waiting for builds because 1) its time the company pays me for waiting and 2) i can do private shit while waiting
I can do private shit anyway, but I don't have anything right now
Actually yes I do, I need to ring the solicitors
Can you build me an xml merger?
Thanks for reminding me
xml merger?
who knew
(imagine gif)
public string MergeXml(string xml1, string xml2)  {
         return xml1 + xml2;
You know like, I have two files with structure

And want to have a finnished product where all the databases are in one file.
Have you considered using a real database
Cant just put config files that tell the program where to find the db into the db
Why not?
Because how will hte program know how to access the db then?
And that's what %appdata% is for
Also how will I make minor tweaks with npp then?
How much data have you got stored in these XMLs
like 5-40
Actually, don't answer that because it'll have like 100 follow up questions
so some have 5 some have 40, mostly overlapping data
You have 5 datas
some have 5 <db> entries, some have 40
What is a <db> tho
An opening xml tag
Also in this case information about a database
I recommend using the xmls to store connection info, and then store any actual data in the database
thats exactly how it works
So why do you need to merge your XMLs
If you can figure out how to serialize the XML data into objects, shouldn't something like this work?
Omg the sandcastle projects takes so fucking long to build
shouldnt you then simply build a list of db connections and serialize that?
Looks good, that's like 25% of my wished for merger program right there
could Response.End() and Response.Flush() clear local storage values?
you are now doing the xml generation yourself... which is always painful
you can ofcourse basically use an xml library, select all db nodes from both xmls and build a new xml with all the nodes
like... is that so difficult?
Wait you're not expecting users to create their own connection things are you?
You don't even need an xml library
The thing is, every dev has his own xml file. Sometimes we add databases, in case we need them. Work on a bug for a customer? add that database. Nobody else is working that bug, so we dont need that db. After a year, another bug. I go "hey where's that database?" "Oh here take my xml and just copy it over!".
Fine I'll copy it over but why not merge al the XMLs and make one with everything and put it into source control?
you dont need it because it is in .net 4.x ?
or you dont need it because you can do everything manually?
XmlSerializer is already part of .Net
^ That was what it was called
i still consider that a library though
Guys you're thinking way too far here
just one which is always added to your project
because... ms tells you you need it
I just wanna take the files that grew over the years and consolidate them
If you've got duplicate data, why not just have seperate xml for each customer?
Because our local machine only reads the one xml?
Also I dont wanna change it every ticket. ALso I need several general databases if I cant find a specific test case right now
Jun 29 at 13:32, by Lemonade1947
god this chatroom is about as useful as a chocolate tea-pot <3
Sounds like you should add that functionality then? Having duplicated creds is silly, and having one huge file with all of the connections in is a pain to work with ( and possibly a security thing but I'll leave that up to you)
So the easiest way is have a seperate one with the connection details for each customer's databases in an individual XML file, and possibly have them all shared in a network folder or something
Yay sandcastle finished
not really a security issue, unless you have a systems administrator you can't trust or one too stupid to not know to send it in an e-mail with 20 people in cc
Oh its jsut a pain to manually merge. Once inside hte application, it's nice and tidy.
though admittedly, it would make sense to partition creds just the same
Everything is a security issue, just how major is the variable
Lol dont ask me about security issues in our application, I dont even wanna know.
If somebody steals the contents of the loaded XML from memory thanks to a dev going on a spectre vulnerable site or something, then if they have all of the creds then RIP all of the custoemrs
But if there's only one, then RIP only one customer
@LeeButler you remind me of this one guy with a major adversity towards javascript
nope, just local creds in there
with that sentence
customer creds get reseted to our dev creds on import
shhh it's a hypothetical
@M.Aroosi Did you just compare him to J.Doe?
I fucking hope not
it's putting all your eggs in one basket, but that's a legit strategy for security
no, I said he reminded me of J.Doe with that sentence.
if you spread out into files across all your servers, it's difficult to keep track of them all
@Neil Putting all eggs in one basket is safe and good until you drop that basket though
Then you're fucked
Increased convienience is often 1 to one with decreased security
I don't think there are many people who can be compared with J.Doe
Lee isn't one of them
True, but there are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches
that's my point
Oh yeah of course, there always is
There's no perfect solution
There is always a compromise somewhere, it's all about weighing up the risks vs the time and effort to do the job
In this case, I really just want everything in one file. We're trying to do that manually when possible, but its a pain.
Are you dding stuff to it regularly?
Nope, just use it all the time. New DBs come maybe every few weeks or months lately.
So it's actually a good time to consolidate.
Also, why not just open one, cut the </database> off the end, open the next, cut the <database> tag off both ends and copy it onto the end of the first, rinse and repeat for all files
Ok, doctor's appointment, then got to the office directly to a design review meeting, then lunch, and now I'm finally down at my desk - @RoelvanUden - I haven't forgotten.
Hey, look who's here!
@Lee because then many databases are double in there
We had a problem where a .NET client would, on specific machines, not connect to a specific linux-based service via SSL, with a similar "could not validate certificate" error.
Then when you're done, save it as a CSV, open it in Excel, do "Remove duplicates", save it again, and rename back to XML
Boom, done
you could also just automate that whole process with a console application or of the sorts, but thats none of my business
Turned out, the problem was a mismatch in the specific combination of TLS version + ciphers/kdf/etc.
Yeah but he's only doing it one time I think
!!giphy nervous cat
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Gotta love those incredibly useful error messages though, right?
.NET uses the core Windows security stack, and a Windows security update disallowed a certain combination of ciphers from working - and it turns out some bug on the server, or a combination of bugs in server+client, prevented a fallback to a mutually compatible set.
Some servers had the patch, some didn't.
@Avner didn't something similar happen recently with mstsc Remote Desktop Connection connections too? Where there had been advisories out for months saying "stop using cipher X" and everyone ignored it, then kicked off when it was removed
I considered writing a whole HttpClient implementation that was based around OpenSSL instead of SChannel, but was daunted.
I think it turned out there was a registry key we could add that re-allowed that cipher combination.
Now, I don't know if it's the same problem, or why it would be different for LocalSystem vs. a real account.
But it's a direction.
@Neil There was a more detailed error, actually, deep in hte Windows event log.
I don't remember if it was in the Security, System or Application logs, but I think the event source was "SChannel".
@LeeButler I pushed a large and complicated pull request recently where I went over our entire client project and removed all warnings, then set "treat warnings as errors" in the build props.
Some warnings were easy to fix. Some... not so much.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Thank god for that
I mean for all the good it does, a "could not validate certificate" error might as well be replaced with Nelson laugh "Ha! Ha!"
It's more useful than this
 Something Happened
Something Happened
 [ OK ]
@Xariez Didn't work
@Xariez I had to nuke my temp folder while VS was closed for it to work again
Well then.
@LeeButler wow ... i've seen some pretty bad codebases but that's ugly
slightly more informative @LeeButler than an old system that I worked on which would chug on data for days and go "Error" and terminate
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan half tempted to do that in our codebase ... there's only a few warnings but they are in code we don't even use so it's probably best to force a decision on what we are going to do with that code than let it fester
@War It's good practice. Forces you to notice all warnings and not have them get lost in the noise.
It's just sandcastle complaining because hardly anything has xmldocs on it
Last project, a full build had about 600 warnings.
yeh that's not good either
i don't mind 2 or 3 but when it starts getting in to double digits i'm ocd with that stuff
I literally just stop working there and then and fix it
pisses the management off usually but then i'm like "this is technical debt caused by bad dev process that isn't enforcing basic coding standards"
the bottom line is that it can break the product quality which has a direct influence on the money the company makes with said product
That's why we now enforce warnings as errors as part of the CI build. Can't push a PR in without fixing it.
@War It can, but it can be hard to draw a clear line between the two, which is where good managers need to know where to trust their R&D.
is there an easy way to force warnings to be treated as errors globally across a tfs repo ?
Sure. Just put a "directory.props" file in your repo root folder with a directive.
msbuild picks up on it.
oh neat
i'll have to look in to that ... not something i'm familiar with
Sorry, directory.build.props.
It will affect all builds for projects in that directory and below.
(So you can have different rules for different projects)
oh that's handy ... i was just trying to figure out how to do something like tha per branch
I also need to figure out how to force aci build on check in to certain branches
This is what we have on the client-side:
The LangVersion property tells the compiler to use C# 7.3 ("latest minor version") instead of defaulting to C# 7.0 ("latest major version")
oh that's cool
my builds are doing VS builds on the build server ... I guess the build server honours the settings too
Yup. MSBuild is MSBuild.
any idea how i get rid of this warning from vsts ...
The 'Restore NuGet Packages' option is deprecated. To restore NuGet packages in your build, add a NuGet Installer task to your build definition.
> <TreatWarningsAsErrors>True</TreatWarningsAsErrors>
the combination of those two would probably make me cry
@War I didn't build the Builds, but I see we have this step in:
lol @Wietlol way to ruin a dev leads week huh!!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yeh i have that too ... but the next step is what triggers the warning ... it's like i have to turn off some option in that step
but right now i can't get the new UI to edit my CI build
I haven't worked much in C++, but I still have nightmares of changing a single line and getting 50 build errors. Then it turns out it was a missing ) somewhere that cascaded.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yesterday night, I was busy "completing" my pattern matching engine
then, I tried doing /a*/ on an input of "" (which should give me 1 result)
but it didnt work
but I was certain that all the logic was right
turned out that I hardcoded a minimal matches of 1
aka, /a+/
12 hours ago, by Wietlol
my fix results in 0 matches....
Well, that's what tests are for.
also, I said "im an idiot" without it being starred :D
That's a classic unit test - "how does my method behave on empty input".
@Wietlol Must have been the wrong time of day.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you cant build tests when you havent built anything to test yet
at least...
@Wietlol That's actually exactly what TDD says you should do.
those tests wont prevent you from getting such an error
Write the contract, write a test, the test fails, write the code to get the test to pass.
@Wietlol fixed that for you
i now have 25 unit tests, so I should be fine
still thinking of some cases I can test
03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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