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So, say p' = (probability of (actual probability of failure > 10^-20) given the test results)
p' is also the probability that our product does not meet requirements.
Assuming no failures, p' will decrease with every test.
When p' < 0.1, there is a 90% chance that the product passes the test.
something like that
but p' will never reach 0
not unless if you do infinite tests
the idea is as # tests approaches infinity
so you can't prove that the product meets the spec, only that it probably does.
p' approaches p
var p = 0;
I tried to force c# to divide true by false but it didn't work
after some googling, the actual type of test i was referrring to is called the binomial test
@EliteGamer You're in over your head man
@TravisJ What did you expect?
My advice to you, besides that, is to delete form2
@KendallFrey - I expected it not to work, but I half hoped to get something out of it
enter 2/2
or 3/3
it'll add 2 to success and 4 to failure and give you a p
CopyFromScreen on form1 into an image, then in your PrintPage handler, draw the screen-cap and add the Title and Notes and URL stuff using Graphics.Draw* calls
@KendallFrey - I even tried to cast the bool to string and then to int but still no dice
@Hans I entered 100, 100, and 0.01. I think that thing is bullsh*tting me.
do you get .001 if you enter 1000,1000?
Ah, never mind. I was bullsh*tting it.
Does someone in here uses HtmlAgilityPack ?
Is it for mvc3?
@kendall that's the probability given 100 successes out of 100 that the probability of an individual trial is 0.01
I wanted 0.99
But I still don't get what you are saying about adding 2 and 4.
@Kendall like if you picked a random number (0 -99) 100 times and got 17 a hundred times
so I think it's not the binomial test but the binomial-t-test or something
@Hans - that is like saying that if you try successfully x times then your probability of failure is 1/x.
if you set it at 0.5, then that's what the binomial t-test assumes is p for standard deviation purposes
It doesn't seem very mathematical
@TravisJ well you can determine how likely it is that you got that answer, i'm sure when kendall put those values in he got some absurdly low number
0, to be precise.
rounded to 0 anyway
@TravisJ because if it was a purely random number generator, the probabiliyt that you get 17 100 times is not zero
it's (1/100)^100
100,100,0.99 gives 0.36603 chance of getting 100.
man I don't remember what anything is called in stats anymore
oh, try 100, 100, 1
see how it's saying the chances of it being true is 100%?
well that's wrong
try 2, 2, 1
No it's not.
@Hans - Unfortunately, it would take longer than the universe has existed for you to hit 17 100 times in a row. Therefore, the probability is 0.
@TravisJ the probability is not 0 it is 10^-200
if probability of success is 1, then you will get a success every time, with 100% chance.
right but if you have 2 trials and 2 successes that's not any good indication that the actual probability is 1
but 1000 trials 1000 success is a better guarantee
No. That's not what that calculator does.
and 1 billion trials and 1 billion success is an even better guarantee
i know
I'm trying to figure out what I'm talking about is called
expected error?
or something similar
Well after only 2 trials you can't say much about variance
well expected probability
after 1000 if they are all sucessful, then you can say the variance is much smaller
the max variance for any sort p trial is 0.25
which is a lot
(any 1 p trial)
for 1000 trials, your p goes to 0.25 / (1000^2)
@Hans - A probability is a measure of confidence and when events take longer than there have been seconds in the universe they are considered to be impossible and thus having the probability of 0. You should read "The Philosophical Scientists".
@TravisJ we're not talking about actual products here, we're talking about math
I just made up the numbers 100, 100, and .01
p = 10 ^ -200 does not equal zero, not even close
Sure it's close :P
nope, things that are close to zero are things like
lim n->infinity, probability that I roll n fair dice that every dice comes up 6
that's close to zero
well that's "exactly zero"
but it's not impossible
Impossible means if this happens laws of physics no longer apply
@Hans right, so as your number of trials approach infinity, the variance approaches 0(if all your trials produce the same results). Or in plain english, your results are consistent even over a large sample and thus you can be more confident in your results. I don't know if there is a word for this though.
@Hans - To be fair, it would need to be closer to 10 ^-1000 but still, there is a point where you reach 0 even if you can write a 1 at the end of a long amount of zeros.
@Travis in math, only numbers that are "exactly zero" are "close to zero"
Depends on your definition.
only numbers in the neighborhood of zero are close to zero
in statistics, numbers less than .05 are close to zero
So if I am a 0, a loser, then my next door neighboor is a loser to :D?
depending on your flavor of statistics
I always thought the concent of "significance" seemed misinterpreted often
well statistical significance is kind of like an asterisk
like if I said candidate a has 30% of the approval rating *
with a confidence interval of +/-3%
If you can predict that using a chainsaw won't cut off your head with p < .05, that's still pretty risk considering we are talking about death
right, which is why chain saw manufacturers have a much higher alpha
manufcaturing these days are usually 6 sigma
Not saying you are wrong or anything. Just brought to mind instances I've seen it misused by people.
Take it from Einstein. Everything is relative.
From the standpoint of probability, which is arguably more philosophy than math, "exactly zero" and "close to zero" are zero. Given your example of an approval rating, a confidence interval of +- 1*10^-xxx may as well be zero.
Einstein was very much a philosopher
Maybe in the context of more abstract theories
So was Planck and the other group of people from Cambridge
@TravisJ "arguably more philsophy than math" do tell
@TravisJ What is your definition of math?
statistics is the science of math
the scienciest part of math
No way.
Hey here is an interesting theory I heard.
In my opinion, math explains relations in the physical world.
not really
math is 100% theoretical
Psychology is really biology.
Biology is really chemistry.
Chemistry is really physics.
Physics is really math.
Math came as a result of observations.
math is given this model of numbers, what do we get?
math is a model to model real life interactions
...and MUCH more than that.
science is using observations to create models
like for example
There would be no math without science.
Right, and there are sometimes things in the physical world that can't be completely observed and/or modeled deterministically. To me probability is math that models things the are observably indeterministic(although in reality the are deterministic, we just don't know, can't model, or computationally infeasible to model the mechanics)
we have no way to conclusively prove science is valid
@TravisJ quite true, and there could be science without math
like for example, how do we know that the sun will rise in the morning?
By observation :D
okay so you observe that today, the sun rose in the morning
yesterday, the sun rose in the morning
the day befoer that the sun rose in the morning
But tomorrow, how do you know it WILL rise
after the past observations you then have a model
so similarly, I can say, tomorrow it will be earlier than June 29th, 2012
You construct this model based on the probability that it will rise tomorrow based on apssed observations
all science (and statistics) assumes a uniformity of time
Other models might try to predict this more deterministically, using a model of the solar system
this is illustrated with the grue/bleen paradox
That doens't make the probabalistic model any less mathematical
The WHAT paradox?
grue bleen?
the grue/bleen
let's say I have a blue bouncy ball
grue or bleen?
or to rephrase for the purposes of exercise
I have a bouncy ball that I observe to be blue
grue or bleen?
so I, rational human being, give the bouncy ball the property of "blue"
WTF are grue and bleen?
meanwhile, some other guy, playing devil's advocate, gives it the property of "grue"
random property name
why not bouba and kiki?
which means, if you observe it today or any point before today, then the color is blue, and if you observe it tomorrow, then the color will be green
now tomorrow comes and grue is disproven
so he then assigns it with the property "bleen"
and what is bleen defined as?
which means if you observe it this year, or any point before the next year, it will be blue, and after that it will be green
a year passes and bleen is disproven
but he can keep coming up with properties that describe the ball's properties so far
an infinite number, in fact
This is f***ing retarded. Why am I here?
and they won't be disproven until the time described comes to pass
the ball is still going to be at the high end of the visible spectrum (blue) if it was the day before. Just point the spectrometer at it and be done with the whole thing
now, how do we know each of these properties are false?
yo, can anybody help with jquery?
JS room is worthless
maybe scott
fire away @Scott
what does the spectrometer measure?
duck scott, they are firing at you!
the wavelength of light
you're assuming the same laws of physics that apply today will apply tomorrow?
you're assuming that across every point in space/time, light behaves the same way
@TravisJ So, what if the ball is magenta?
@Hans Yes I am.
while this might be a safe assumption
@Kendall - Then it is probably closer to 400nm
Of cources.
you can't prove it
Occam's razor (also written as Ockham's razor, Latin lex parsimoniae) is the law of parsimony, economy or succinctness. It is a principle urging one to select from among competing hypotheses that which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation of the effect. Overview The principle is often incorrectly summarized as "other things being equal, a simpler explanation is better than a more complex one." In practice, the application of the principle often shifts the burden of proof in a discussion. The razor asserts that one should proceed to simpler theories ...
prove occam's razor, kendall
I have a form containing a bunch of div's and it works fine on my login page, but I want it to be displayed in a pop up on my main page , right now I have jQuery modal dialog with all the div's in it , and it displays , but looks bad in the default modal dialog box, and also any of my jquery / javascript that is supposed to control the form does not work when the form is in modal dialog
so occam's razor because occam's razor?
@Hans It isn't a hypothesis.
it's a principal
you can't prove a principle
When you vary the system none of the parameters have any more value. So, if you are saying that there is a probability the system would change which contains the ball, then the probability of the ball no longer being grue or bleen would be the same probability that the system would change
so stop telling me to.
so you can't use it in scientific proofs
I'm tired.
I can't say and this ball will be blue forever scientifically by saying occam's razor
@Scott Have you used soemthing like firebug to look at the elements in the model dialog
the only reason why we think time is continuous is because so far time has been continuous, and so obviously the future must be continuous as well
given the same system, then the ball will be blue, or fade naturally with time given that it is tested "forever"
I'll check
I don't know much about model dialogs, but knowing jquery things, sometimes it will muck up your tag structure or id's
which is only true if time is continuous
so if you have some jquery that interacted with form elements, they might not be called the same thing anymore
I was wondering if there is a way to display the div in the center of the screen and disable the rest of the page without jquery modal dialog, just on my own
@TravisJ so until we reach all of time, then we can't prove that the fact that the ball is green is absolute physical fact
@Scott - that is possible
I have never disabled an entire page but I imagine there's jquery for it. As far as displaying your div, you could just use an absolute positioned one right in the center
just make sure it has a backgorund color
@Hans - Boundaries are important. Given bounds of the system, in that system, it can be stated as fact that the ball will produce the same results in the same system. When the system changes, all fact becomes theory.
yea, I looked, I didn't see a way to disable entire page with jQuery, i was thinking it might have to be done with javascript
so that system isn't reality then
it's a model
@Scott - Here is what you do. Place a div starting at left: 0, top: 0, position: absolute, and make it cover the entire page 100% both ways. Give it a z-index above anything else. Make another div, of whatever size you feel is your good size, centered, and make it have a z-index above that of the div on the whole page.
when the top div goes away, remove the other one too. this will lock your page
ahhhh , that's why I come to c# room for my jQuery questions , because you actually get hel[
do note: a malicious user can remove the divs and unlock the ui
Up arrow to edit.
@Scott just keep in mind that solution allows you to still tab to other elements
I saw someone suggest this plugin to avoid that problem malsup.com/jquery/block
oh , I dont care , if a user tries to cllick on something that requires logging in , I want the login div to be displayed, that won't comprimise any security, if they want to move around the login form , that won't help the fact that their still not logged it
@AaronLS - Hmm, I never noticed the tab bypass. That is easy to disable with a keypress handler.
@ScottSelby - This is a snippet I use to do the UI lock -
    //lock and unlock UI while details are shown
    var el = document.createElement("div");
    el.id = "detailsUILock";
    el.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:3;background-color:black;width:100%;height:" + $(document).height() + "px;");
    var jQel = $(el);
    jQel.css({ 'opacity': 0.7 });

    function unLock() {
        var el = document.getElementById("detailsUILock");
WorkListDisplay was the id of the div that was the popup
@KendallFrey I apply Occam's razor to everything
WOOHOO. Its party time!
I just hit 10K rep.
I just hit 320!
congrats @KyleTrauberman

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