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did you get F1 to work?
umm, i have had another problem
What's the problem now, then? =P
not with F1
F2 eh?
saving a file
@TravisJ good one
:) What about saving a file?
i have a lot of textboxes that are being saved
here is my code
int i;
string fileData = string.Empty;

for (i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++)
TextBox t = new TextBox();
System.Type textBoxType = t.GetType();
if (this.Controls[i].GetType() == textBoxType)
string boxValue = this.Controls[i].Text;
string boxName = this.Controls[i].Name;
fileData += boxName + "=" + boxValue + "|";
//fileData = "this is my test string for my file";
//string activeDir = saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory;
//string newPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir, "myFile.rjr");
this code is under the on close, so it save over the original file...or thats what i thought, how do i make it overwrite the original file?
String fn = openFileDialog1.SafeFileName;
You also have this option for a FileStream constructor
Please read these and get used to reading documentation
ok, and i do read documentation
How long have you been programming if you don't mind my asking?
well, since i was 14, and i am 16.
I've been programming thiiiis many
well, just turned
oh man good for you, elite, starting early
most of the guys here are 20+
i like it
ha ok
What was your first language?
@Hans Not me! (yet)
kendall if you read the exact words I said
I did say "most"
then Css
Hey, me too :D
then Javascript
then C#
haha silly @Hans
Welcome to the world of strict types, haha
lol html, css, aren't languages per se
@Elite: Better than I started off.
@Hans Yes they are.
Just not turing complete.
they're not programming languages
the L in html is Language
Yea, but the M is Markup
the h in html stands for I don't give a damn, html still isn't a language
Hyper text markup language
@walkingTarget Like JavaStrict?
if you can't declare variables, it's not a language
the p in php stands for poo poo I can't have an actual acronym like a proper language
@Hans May I ask what you call the language you are speaking?
interpreted kobol
@Hans No, it stands for PHP.
no that's the first p
PHP: Hypertext poo-poo-I can't-have-an-actual-acronym-like-a-proper-language
Doesn't sound quite right.
@Kendall I'm pretty sure H stands for Homepage (personal)
No, it stands for Hypertext :P
it's PHP Homepage(personal) : Poo poo I can't have an actual acroynm like a proper language
Lots of projects use recursive names - ex: GNU
Hey I was gonna say that.
You mean the PTURA?
Well, I was gonna say what the P stood for
it stands for set of Projects That Use Recrusive Acronyms
you're thinking of ATURA
OK, @walkingTarget:
A recursive acronym (synonymous with metacronym, recursive initialism, and recursive backronym) is an initialism that refers to itself in the expression for which it stands. The term was first used in print in April 1986. Computer-related examples In computing, an early tradition in the hacker community (especially at MIT) was to choose acronyms and abbreviations that referred humorously to themselves or to other abbreviations. Perhaps the earliest example in this context, from about 1977 or 1978, is TINT ("TINT Is Not TECO"), an editor for MagicSix. This inspired the two MIT Lisp Mach...
ATura Uses Recursive Acronyms
gah, the trump card... Wiki article!
Work Is Never Done On Windows Systems
XNA is Not an Acronym.
NIP stands for either "Nothing In Particular" or "NIP Interface Package"
Xbox New Architecture
Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym -INTERCAL
TINARA = This Is Not A Recursive Acronym
hey @KendallFrey I asked you about recursize functions weeks ago
public int GetHashCode() {
    return GetHashCode();
MIT creates everything
Input Number Type Expression Calculator
What was the predecessor to reverse Polish notation?
notation polish
inverse polish?
shoe Polish notation
har har
#$%^ =/ I get to add another nullable foreign key. joy. Is there an alternative to doing that? I considered using a linking table.
whats that site that tests your email validator regex against every type of email ?
that not funny
@TravisJ It's hard to answer without knowing your design restrictions
Nullable FKs have their uses
Just shooting from the hip... is it possible to replace NULLs with a reference to a blank row in the child table?
I didn't want to build that type of dependency into the database though, if the referenced row got deleted or overwritten it could have an impact which would be hard to sort out
Could have a trigger handle that, but I see where you're coming from
The selecting isn't so much the issue as dealing with the NULL in various ways. So far after implementing what I consider to be a hack I have had to go back and insert custom logic into my generic handlers
Crap like this:
    if (startingId == null)
        ReturnList = new GenericSelectList(-1, "-- Select TaskCompleted --");
        ReturnList = new GenericSelectList(startingId.Value, "-- Select TaskCompleted --");
NULL throws off the validation that I have on pages to ensure that a foreign key is an integer
Because ints can't be null
So if someone were to select NULL from a dropdown the page wouldnt submit
And then I have to handle when someone selects -1 from a dropdown...
This is only the first wave of crap from using NULLable fks and I am not enjoying it so far
Wouldn't you then keep NULL from showing up in the drop-down?
NULL represents business logic now, as in this case it means no task was completed in order to have had that record inserted
Yeah, so NULL has to be abstracted to -1 in order to make the whole wheel spin. It does not seem best practice and smells like the javascript chat channel
So what about creating a row for No Task?
Or did someone say, No Task shalt equal NULL?
The thing is, that foreign key relationship must have an id in it to avoid inserting logic all over the place to handle the NULL instead of int.
But how does that avoid logic to handle -1?
How about a default constraint?
Moreover, the task is part of an 8 table deep dependency so breaking that part means that whenever the whole chain is pulled from the top more logic has to handle the break.
@KendallFrey can you look at this code?
string fn = openFileDialog1.SafeFileName;
string path = openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory;
if (fn == "")
MessageBox.Show("Do you want to Save Changes to: Untitled ", "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
DialogResult result1 = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to Save Changes to: " + fn , "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (result1 == DialogResult.Yes)
else if (result1 == DialogResult.No)
e.Cancel = false;
It doesn't @KendallFrey, having a nullable int for a fk mandates that
for some reason even though i have the else, i get 2 messageboxes
@elite - Click on edit and then fix your text, it is the button on the right
@EliteGamer Well, you're showing it twice.
There are two MessageBox.Show calls.
yes, but one is in the else
Where? I see two in a row, up near the top.
Just remove the first one.
here let me change that
class TableA
	int AId //primary key
	string Name
	date Date
	TableB tblB;

class TableB
	int BId //primary key
	string Name
	string Description
	TableC tblC;

class TableC
	int CId
	string HowTo
cool, thanks
That's how I've defined my data models recently, not the best, but usually adequate
TableA won't have an int BId, but a reference to TableB, so NULLs are a-ok. If you need the id, use TableA.tblB.BId, and be sure to test tblB != null
Dunno if that's any help, but there you have it
That is easy to define in c# when you can use virtual members, but in the MySQL database, I cannot set a type of "TableB".
And the relation has to be recorded for legitimate foreign keys linking to Table B From Table A. In fact, it is only an edge case where table A will have a null BId
Is this for a stored-procedure?
So... you're writing the insertion code for TableA?
so guys how do you say stored procedure when talking out loud?
"Store - Pro"?
"Stow - Pro"?
"Stored Prock"?
lol I usually keep stored procedures to myself when talking :)
Stored Procedures =P
What did you mean by insertion code?
I am using EF 4.1, so that uses a datacontext, a dbset, and a connection string to connect. The whole deal is wrapped in a generic repository
Ooookay, now I get you
So you have no access to the database layer
Oh, I do that too. I connect to a MySQL instance through phpMyAdmin
If I need to edit the schema
But the data retrieval/manipulation, transformation into objects, that all happens within EF, yea?
It is mapped inside of a class, and then a DbSet class takes the previous class as a generic arguement
Do you set which properties are read from/written to the database?
Querying isn't a problem, the query's come back just fine. It is all the other stuff that gets to be a pain in the UI with nullable foreign keys and the expectation that I got back a legitimate id to query another relation with
Yes, those can be explicitly set.
The database is built with a lot of logic in it to minimize the amount of conditional processing that needs to be done server side. Extra loop iterations can cause the queries to become slow. So, all this change means is a slowing down of the application in areas because of extra logic to manage the NULL assumption that is in the database.
Well, if an object is shown in the UI, and it can have a NULL fk, I think you have to deal with it there
Indeed, but I try to keep logic out of the UI as a separation of concerns approach
So now my UI needs logic and I keep trying to figure out where I went wrong
This is **ugly**:

                @if (m.TaskCompletedId != null)
                    <text>task id: @(m.TaskCompleted.TaskCompletedId), quantity made: @(m.TaskCompleted.QuantityMade)</text>
Then I think you need something along the way to represent a NULL fk in the UI
Showing the foreign key isn't the problem, if you look closely you can see that the true condition of that statement actually pulls data from the relation. That is where the issue is. There will be an exception thrown if an attempt is made at accessing the relation when it doesn't exist.
Sorry, let me restate that - You need a way to represent a null record in the UI
Yeah, that would be nice, any ideas? lol
I have a login page that checks for a logout=true in the URL and logs them out. But the LoginView control still pulls the logged in template. I'm running the logout method at Page_Init. How can I get it to logout before it renders the control??
I would presume you'd have to move the logic into the initialization of an object, inspect its foreign key, and if it's null, attach some dummy object to it
Hmm, dummy object attachment. Not a bad idea.
But then, how would it be obvious that the data wasn't legitimate if, in the above snippet, the Id still had to be an int
I mean, this isn't a large issue yet, but I feel like it is one step off from becoming something I have to rollback.
The Id really really shouldn't be meaningful data
Like, I wouldn't use a product's UPC as it's primary key
It isn't that meaningful, but if it were still a number it would be hard to tell which FK was null.
I suppose they could both be -1, but then that seems sloppy
I guess if you're showing the Id to the user, and they care what that number is, it needs to be some magic number
Oh well lol, I am not sure how to get away from these NULL fks and I guess I am just stuck with them
Yea, it's tough, since you're trying to represent something that doesn't exist with a number
I mean, if it's got to be a number, and it doesn't have a number, what option really do you have other than assigning it one out of thin air?
Pretty much. That is how the dropdown ended up with -1 in it
Otherwise when viewing the edit page for the record a user could never submit because the dropdown would not have a number.
logout before render?
@RyanJMcGowan Is redesign a possibility?
@TravisJ It seems like this case should really be an actual row in the db... sometimes nothing should be represented
I can't log out from the source though. It's a logout link in the master page and I can't use a form tag.
@RyanJMcGowan I suggest you log out from another page, then load the desired page.
like an intermediate?
Something like that.
Just a suggestion. I don't know if that idea holds a lot of water, but it's worth a thought.
Yeah that might make more sense anyway. Say thanks, come again...
Or... can I run codebehind from a popup? I'm kinda new to ASP.Net
Sort of like making that the intermediate page.
later guys
Sounds like a goofy UX
Like "Are you sure you want to log out?" and onclick logout and redirect
TBH, I'm completely new to ASP.NET, so I can't provide help there.
Let me ask this way: Can you make an aspx look like a popup? New window, no title bar, etc.?
no, that wouldn't work. Never mind. It wouldn't return to the same window
Hello guys one question... If a webbrowser redirect somewhere else. Can i store the redirected page source? Are some of this way correct? 1.webBrowser1.DocumentText 2.webBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText?
The entire page?
like on mozilla if you click right click then view page source... this informaion
Can you store the url and just load the url?
Why would you want to do that?
Oh, like the client side?
I just want to read the redirected page source to check if the user have logged in
a redirection changes the page in the browser, causing any script to cease running
you could call that page using a webrequest though
and continue running the script
so, basically, no you can't get the source of the page that you are redirected to
but you can send a query to it
Use something like
User.Identity.Name == null
to check if the user is logged on
A guy wrote that you can check if the user logged in by using http request and response... But the site need auth_key and refer (except of username and password)... I can get my auth_key and refer but it would be the same for any user? if not can i somehow get them programmatically?
All you want to do is check if they are logged on, right?
What you are talking about doing is determining that by reading data that was sent out to the computer. That's complicated. You should determine that from the server side.
What happens if they are logged in? and what happens if they are logged off?
When they logged there is a message that say "you have successfully logged in" and then user redirect to homepage ... and when logout "you have successfully logged off" and then user redirect to index
You don't want that to be determined from the browser because that means someone could hack it and make it think it's logged in.
You're thinking like Javascript
It doesn't work the same. Loging in means saving users to a database
and checking that database against the input
Yeah... I think I will let user to see if he logged in by a preview of webbrowser
You are talking about using ASP.Net, right? Are you trying to make an ASP site?
no I not talking about asp.net... I using winforms
Oh, so you're not making a website? You're trying to make an app that looks at another website?
Yes... On this site people writing review on movies and they must all the time write some information again and again, then bold them, change color etc. and I wanted to make a layout to make it easir
For example if he write title... it automatically put size, bold it and change color :)
I've never done that, but I would make an html layout, have two frames, and in one frame have your controls, and in the other frame link to the site that you are controlling.
and do it all in javascript
I know web better than I do WinForms
Other than that, I can't help much

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