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No, it's an event handler. Handle Form1.KeyPress
K, thanks
@HansRudel, yes, I drink Factory pattern mornings
I feel like drinking... a lot right now... Gah, why is it whenever I decide to take a holiday everything comes crashing down.
i was speaking to Baboon and he suggested the factory pattern may be applicable to my application.
his comment was as follows
@HansRudel in your case, they'd share an interface with a DoStuff() method
there would be 3 implementations of that interface, each doing one of the 3 variations you have
and there would be a factory

that takes your parameters that help decide which implementation to return, and return it
is the following correct??
so if i have understood correctly. I could keep the helper class called SProcResultsEventArgs : EventArgs. I could also keep the RetrieveSProcResults() , ResultsASync() and the OnVerificationCompleted() methods from SProcResults class (they are the first 3 methods in the class).
I would then write a factory class which accepted the SProcResults class level parameters . An interface for carrying out the work. and 3 classes which implemented that interface. Id create a new instance of the factory class from within the try block and then call its equivalent of the createCar method, passin in a number/name. the returned class would then be what i wanted and its class level variables would already be referencing the SProcResults ones.
Id run its implementation of the interface and then i would just execute the method which raises the event. Event handler would need to check which implementation had executed so it could write out the data (one will use a datatable to store the info).
if that makes any sense?
Makes sense to me, and I'm dense so you're probably on the right path
@TonyHarmon its the first time ive used it + havent used interfaces before either so just wanted to check i wasnt mis-using the concept before i started.
hi btw
It's not really related but this MVC tutorial I'm using creates a DI factory and it looks like you're going the right direction
Oh and HI! :P
thanks for replying bro
what up @TonyHarmon
hows ur day been?
Wish Spencer was here so I could irritate him that I'm getting a new DI book in the mail tommorow 8]
@HansRudel It sounds like your implementation of the Factory will be alright. I dunno if the application makes sense cause I don't know the context and I can't read pastbin atm
Pretty shitty. Vendor we are working with doesn't get the concept of how the government works in a particular subject so we basically have to design a DB schema to show them what they are doing wrong... so basically doing their job :-/
@walkingTarget I have 3 scenarios, 1) SProc has parameters, 2) SProc has parameters and returns results for 24hrs, 3) SProc doesnt have any parameters. Its all about executing SProcs and writting the results to a txt file.
@TonyHarmon that sounds pretty shit
It is, especially since I have my own work to do... lol
@TonyHarmon how much extra work will it involve?
@walkingTarget i need to capture the f1 key, no matter was is selected on form1. I want it to open form9, for some reason i can not get it to work?
Somehow I have to have it out the door by COB today
sh-t... best of luck bro
Can anyone answer my question?
@TonyHarmon That sounds very familiar to my industry haha
@EliteGamer Are you handling KeyPress?
Yes, but that did not work, so i went to keydown,and it did not work
It never worked? Not even part of the time?
Nope, it did nothing
What did your event handler look like?
@KendallFrey "Not even part of the time?" lol
nothing, guess i got an odd sense of humor
    private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (e.KeyData == Keys.F1)
            Form9 frm9 = new Form9();
Maybe, just maybe it's getting swallowed by a control. Try setting KeyPreview to true, and try again.
ok, wait a sec
still did not work
that looks good to me @Elite, are you sure the executing code is proper? if you take it out of the conditional does it show
Plan B: Use WPF. (Should've been Plan A from the start)
@TravisJ what do you mean?
remove the if
why wpf
@EliteGamer - I mean, take it out of the if statement to see if it works on its own.
WPF is the answer to all GUI questions.
I do my GUI in js :)
what is the difference wpf winforms
WPF > Winforms
WPF is content-based, much like HTML. WinForms in control-based.
what is it with GUI programming, the WPF vs Winforms is more like a gang war than APIs
ok, when i take it out of the statement, it puts text in my textbox1
I don't make applications that aren't online anymore, so all my GUI is web based. And I am never going back lol
That's not what it was supposed to do, right?
no, well, even if i have a textbox focused, i want F1 to open a form...like help form
but my form9
hey guys I am more proficient in winforms
What is the definition of Form9?
which is why WPF is the worst thing since Osama Bin Hitler
@Hans That's good. Wait... that's bad!
@TravisJ what do you mean, it is just a form
i've been using chrome since it's been out
which is why firefox is a flaming meatsack of suck from hell
Form9 frm9 implies that you are constructing something of type Form9
did you mean Form frm9?
yes, that is used to open it. in the F1 key press thing, i want form9 frm9 = new form9();
Form9 is the help form.
Ahh, guess I am out of touch with winforms
well, no that is the form i want to open
@EliteGamer Sidenote: get in the habit of naming your stuff with good names, instead of the default of incrementing the number at the end.
It will make your life easier.
And ours as well.
ok, i am in the habbit of using the default
break that habit
i will try
Maybe your form is underneath another one, try frm9.TopMost = true;
Thank you. :)
If I were to start maintaining your code after you quit/leave/die
after .show
I shouldn't have to dig through your code to figure out what Form9 is
@KyleTrauberman You would also quit/leave/die.
It should be easy to see what it is.
yes, I would
I make all of my variable names Pokemon names, you never forget that way
ok, no offence, can we get back to my question
@Elite - Did you see my suggestion? frm9.TopMost = true;
i need to get it done
hmmmm, let me try that
That has about a 0.1% chance of working. :(
Down to the basics. Make a button, and see if the button can pull it off.
@KendallFrey your right, but change to 0.0%
hey guys, if I wanna flag a question as "asker doesn't know what they are talking about and/or are full of shit"
what moderator flag is that?
@Hans lmao. u might need to rephrase
@Hans you could flag for moderator, but please rephrase that.
alternatively, leave a comment
and downvote
@Hans you can make your own
that's probably what they would tell you anyways
err "very low quality" it is
incorrect information != low quality
well damn I already flagged it
but sometimes it does
so use your judgement
incorrect information implies low quality
I hope my flag doesn't get flagged for improper flagging
@KendallFrey the button click worked
if someone flags your flag for improper flagging I will flag their flag of your flag
@Hans worst that will happen is you will get a declined flag
@TravisJ Yo dawg, i heard u like flags
or a 10k+ user will file a disagreement
@ScruffMcGruff - 6 flags - for shur
@KendallFrey but i need the f1 thing to work
I live 30 mins from a 6 flags and I still have yet to go :|
Yeah, I actually haven't been to 6 flags in a long time. But my gf drags me to f'ing disneyland all the time
@HansRudel Ya, a factory sounds good
@EliteGamer I'm stumped. I have a feeling there's something we're missing.
ok, i tried keyData, KeyChar
and all that
@EliteGamer Unless your form has focus, the key may get captured by another control
like textbox1???
Yea, if the cursor is in there, the KeyPressed event doesn't get raised by the form
At least I think not
no it won't
well, i did keyDown
Same diff.
that'll only work if you are actively clicking on the form part of the form
But you said KeyPreview didn't solve it?
i.e. the blank parts between stuff
hmmm, so key pressed?
brb, gotta disconnect from the internet to debug
oh joy!
that is what i have now
private void Form1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyChar == Keys.F1)
        Form9 frm9 = new Form9();
but i get an error here
e.KeyChar == Keys.F1
Try overriding IsInputKey for the form
        protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData)
            if (keyData == Keys.F1)
                return true;
                return base.IsInputKey(keyData);
Question: Why is the only way to get this by pressing F1?
Shouldn't there be a menu option or something as well?
well, i need a help form
so i use my form9
And then handle the Form's KeyPressed event
Use Breakpoints to be sure the event gets raised
Why is this not working?
if (e.KeyChar == Keys.F1)
i get an error
You have to be able to figure that one out, sorry
I think you want KeyDown and e.KeyCode
Or Kendall could tell you the answer =P
I have a nullable foreign key. When displaying a dropdown to choose which record the user wants, if the foreign key is null issues arise since null isnt really a value. How should I change the dropdown to accommodate that?
what should it do if the fkey is null?
What does the dropdown contain?
not display that row?
My code just worked. I almost shat myself.
@KendallFrey if my textbox1 is focused and has the blinking cursor, is that why it will not wo0rk!
@KendallFrey I do that on an hourly basis
@walking - dropdown contains strings which are prepared based on values from the db.
@Hans - It should just say "Imported".
@KendallFrey the keydown event is not being raised at all
@TravisJ Sounds nasty.
@Travis hmm can you give us a bit of sample code to work with?
@EliteGamer Could we clarify "will not work" with more concrete problems like, Compiler error, or runtime error please?
@EliteGamer Even with KeyPreview set to true? Confused.
@walkingTarget nothing happens, the key down is not even being raised
yes i am using this
@Hans -            @Html.DropDownListFor(
          model => model.TaskCompletedId,
                new SelectList(
        KeyPreview = true;
        if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F1)
            Form9 frm9 = new Form9();
Sounds like you're in over your head Gamer
set it in the designer.
@TravisJ what's the nullable column, "DisplayFields"?
Always show us the code, the full code, and nothing but ... wait ... never mind.
@KendallFrey what if I show you my love?
@KendallFrey setting it in the Form designer worked, thanks!!!!
@Hans - That is from a generic method,

            this.Values = items.Select(f => new GenericListItem()
                Id = value(f),
                DisplayFields = text(f)
items.Where(x => x.field != null).Select...
@Hans - lol, this is kind of a rabbit hole. Nah, changing it there didn't make a difference and also that code has implications on every dropdown in my application. This is the part that fills the items:

entity => entity.TaskCompletedId,

Which is where I need to make the change. I think I got it though, thanks for helping out
stay out of the javascript room for a while
they are talking about semen. WTF
and that's why I don't go to the JS room
"degital receipt from testing api" <==== Gotta love outsourced programming
@kyle - I blame rlemon
//The UpDownSpinner (buttons) should render, but it's not, so force it here
I find myself writing "force it" a lot when it comes to this Mono stuff >,<
hello @Steve
whats going on
not much, working-ish
kiling time
before i can leave
Killing brain cells, here.
I think we're all killing something
lol yeah
No killing, just beating Mono's WinForms into submission
who has a joke
*cue laugh
Heh, you got me to laugh
that gave me a chuckle, so it works
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza place and says "Make me one with everything"
The joke works, not the subject of the joke.
Took me a few seconds.
im still trying to get it
think meditation - "I am one with everything"
ohhh ahaha
@Steve I spammed the room with jokes this morning

Lame Nerdy Jokes

5 hours ago, 12 minutes total – 48 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 4 hours ago by Kyle Trauberman

lmao at the icmp joke
hahaha funny stuff
If your bored:
>ping -t
what does the -t do
Normally, it pings 4 times. -t is unlimited.
oh, so yeah lol i think i'm okay on that
You can kill it you know.
@KyleTrauberman lol
it doesn't seem too exciting, lets talk about hookers
<kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>c</kbd>
can't do keyboard stuff here
I did notice one guy using it a lot in questions.
Pretty pointless IMO
what is it
Shows a key icon.
<kbd>F1</kbd> shows a little F1 key.
yeah i gotcha
Which brings me to another lame joke.
i agree, pointless, but kind of neat
A: <kbd> elements are way intrusive

ManishEarth wants more wafflesFelt sorry for the poor broken{*} castle, felt that it MUST be fixed as a tribute to the history of meta. Take THAT, Jin!! *Today I realised that non-breaking spaces can break stuff as well O-0                             &n...

a kbd castle!
Q: Why did the programmer drown at a busy beach?
A: Because no one understood what "F1! F1!" meant.
Why did the programmer get halloween confused with christmas?
because OCT31 == DEC25
haha nice
4 more minutesssss
Q: Can a try-catch block in C# handle enter more than one catch block?

KevinI have some code like this: try { doStuff(); } catch(SpecificException) { if(e.Message == interestingMessage) doOtherStuff(); else throw; } catch(Exception e) { doSomethingElse(); } When the first catch block rethrows its exception, will it be caught by the se...

nice comment.
ha thanks
int? sucks lol. had to put logic in like 3 places because of it
apparently if you have int? someIntand you try to do someInt.Value where someInt == null there is a runtime error "nullable object must have a value"
Sometimes it helps to let int be null
Yeah, I guess. I was kind of forced into doing it and now there have already been a couple side affects.

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