Do not make any wiki/archive. This is bad to live in past. Future is more important, future with can be dark if ppl of good will do not anything against evil. Make plans for future, not past archive
Documentation: SomeClass.Calculate[Thing]: Description: "Calculates [the thing]". Return value: "[The thing]". See Also: SomeClass. I look at this library's documentation and sometimes I have to remind myself "An actual real person wrote this, and thought this was helpful." Maybe the story behind this is somebody's boss said "from now on you absolutely must fill in XML comments with something".
I think I got the documentation equivalent of this
Can I ask an IIS-related question here? I tried looking for a room on serverfault and the greater SE, but couldn't find anything relevant. (I know, don't ask to ask, but I don't want to ask a question that won't be well-received.)
Fine. I'm trying to query a log file using LogParser, and in my WHERE clause, I have NOT LIKE statements, but when I run the query, LogParser still includes values that I want it to ignore.
if 5(10) = 00101(2) *with size of four bits and the extra 0 is the positive sign then how to represent -5 with the notation of an extra bit representing negative then it would be 11010 but c# doesn't get that
Two's complement is a mathematical operation on binary numbers, best known for its role in computing as a method of signed number representation. For this reason, it is the most important example of a radix complement.
The two's complement of an N-bit number is defined as its complement with respect to 2N. For instance, for the three-bit number 010, the two's complement is 110, because 010 + 110 = 1000.
Two's complement is the most common method of representing signed integers on computers. In this scheme, if the binary number 0102 encodes the signed integer 210, then its two's complement, 1102...
C#'s integers don't work like you think they work.
In C language Octal number can be written by placing 00 before number e.g.
int i=0012; //equals to 10 in decimal
I found the equivalent of Hexadecimal in C# by placing 0x before number e.g.
int i=0xA; //equals to 10 in decimal
Now my question is:
Is there any equivalent of Octal Number i...