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@J.Doe Stop lying!
After few years of smoking cigarettes i quit
Its true
It's lie!
You webcam told me so!
I quit only because i started to have voice issues
how is ur internet freedom activism going
After 2 weeks voice is again normal
For how long though?
I'll go smoke too while he's smoking.
@Failsafe Not bad, i won with W3C one battle in this month
Which one?
Calculating min-content in overflow-wrap
Oh, i forgot about Mozilla fight
@Squirrelkiller Why did you ask :<
whiskers fall in dissapointment
Cuz I wanna know
You're fighting mozilla too?!
Go fight google, they deserve it
Im fighting with Google in Skia
007 - if you believe half of what he said - might have been the most interesting man in the world
To make official supp for shared lib Skia
He frequently made reference to his advanced age, and his "carers" at the "old folks home" and various frankly fantastical things in his life
He also refused to tell us where he lived. All we know is that he would lose power for hours at a time.
!!quote get lookslike
Aug 23 '17 at 19:12, by user7480455
I look like someone ran me over with a shopping trolley and then slapped my face with a choice cut of ham... with the bone still attached !
and he was only allowed to use the computer for an hour a day while in prison
And he was missing multiple fingers
Apr 28 '17 at 17:58, by user7480455
get it right,,, 86 with 3 fingers total
Oh, and once he learned how the ignore functionality worked, he ignored basically half the room.
Feb 2 at 21:29, by user7480455
speaking of melting brains... has anyone ever had pork brains in milk gravy
007 riperino my neglecterino
Okay guys ima off for the weekend
have a nice weekend and don't do any drugs, okay?
Atleast not any I wouldn't do, okay?
I will swallow in Sardegna
Or in the very least not without sharing it with me!
Ahja, have fun on you vacation!
mmh.. good weekend to u too
*to you too*
@MikeTheLiar So do you think -anything- he told you was true?
we dont
thats the meme
Did he acctually program?
who knows
the only thing he was partially decent in was ms access
Well did he ever post any programming related questions, or answer any?
Everything else was "too hard for an old dog like him"
"You young bucks with your MVC"
Jun 19 '17 at 17:32, by user7480455
no worries young buck... you win the future... I own the past
@MikeTheLiar advanced age?
was he 42?
according to him
So he was the ten5 of the time?
im older than sqrt(83)
his age is unverified
most of 007 is legend
passed down as campfire stories
@Lemonade1947 he's more badass
we need a wiki
like SCP but entirely the weird people who join this room
make c# great again
(or rather, what SCP was like a few years ago, not what it's like now)
@Lemonade1947 who would you insert in this insert?

In my modest opinion
you've just listed the people here.
Or rather, listed the people you've come into contact with.
what the fuck
did you just mass ping people
@Lemonade1947 a bit of two
@KendallFrey yes I' m feeling powerfull
So am I
@KendallFrey lol did you kick?
how can he kick
Do not make any wiki/archive. This is bad to live in past. Future is more important, future with can be dark if ppl of good will do not anything against evil. Make plans for future, not past archive
@KendallFrey you're a bit how can i say....asshole?! Ahaha
what a nice compliment
always love hearts and assholes with you, isn't it @AtanvarCoslin
@AtanvarCoslin hey
@AtanvarCoslin you have missed me out
@AtanvarCoslin not fair
guess who finally got node and shit working in the project.
that's right, it was me
What a productive day.
now do I quietly merge the branches or ask for aproval.. hmm
ask for permission, and review
@Lemonade1947 aha, you got the point
@ntohl ♥
@KendallFrey Hey so powerfull!! :)
Don't fucking be a jerk
ok if u ask me!
@J.Doe how is this encroaching on my privacy?
Knowledge can make of you better human
Thats all
u must be pretty ignorant then :^^^^^^^^)
Documentation: SomeClass.Calculate[Thing]: Description: "Calculates [the thing]". Return value: "[The thing]". See Also: SomeClass. I look at this library's documentation and sometimes I have to remind myself "An actual real person wrote this, and thought this was helpful." Maybe the story behind this is somebody's boss said "from now on you absolutely must fill in XML comments with something".
I think I got the documentation equivalent of this
@Lemonade1947 Dont call me that way
what do you mean? that documentation is spot on /s
@jrh beautiful!
Knowledge can be used in many directions, even against your privacy
oh lmao it tried to add .jpg on the end when I used it to make stack chat write it.
@AtanvarCoslin Dude wtf it's my day off
oh sorry
@AtanvarCoslin you realise people acctually get an email when you do that?
mmh no, I don't get an e-mail...
a notify
If you don't acknowledge it withing a couple of minutes, it emails
he's lying
seriously soo
@KendallFrey ok
Wow that doesn't even look legit
you made me feel guilty
It is possible to set e-mail notifications for chat, personally I turn all e-mail notifications off
then again I almost never use e-mail notifications for anything
@AtanvarCoslin what?
Uff another time.... sorry also to u
no worries Avatar Kotlin
@jrh this is the best website I've ever seen a link to
ill go home
I'm at home
@Wietlol I lose war
Because @AtanvarCoslin fucked up
ok thank u
@LeeButler you had to put legitimate effort into that. I did not.
Can I ask an IIS-related question here?
I tried looking for a room on serverfault and the greater SE, but couldn't find anything relevant. (I know, don't ask to ask, but I don't want to ask a question that won't be well-received.)
I created a new winforms project and everything
Which explains the awful scaling on HiDpi screen
@Tiffany don't ask to ask. just ask
Don't ask if you can ask it's inifite etc
@LeeButler lol yes
I'm trying to query a log file using LogParser, and in my WHERE clause, I have NOT LIKE statements, but when I run the query, LogParser still includes values that I want it to ignore.
You're using OR
That's why
Use AND on your not likes
I feel like a dunce. Thanks.
much better
The cycle of life continues
@AtanvarCoslin i never lose
but I am going home
lol ok I'm sure
@Lemonade1947 It's a bit disgusting as scene
okay new problem. VS isn't code hinting for my JS and CSS now that I'm doing them with NPM rather than manually adding them
> okay new problem. VS
let me stop you right there
but is it possible that using javascript does not work JSON.parse ()?
I'm loser! :(
JSON.stringify work ...
JSON.parse that I need to use not!
@AtanvarCoslin what do you mean doesn't work?
where are you trying to run that function?
@Lemonade1947 Restart VS, if not, restart PC. If that's still not working, restart life. Then it should be good
So it -should- be working.
No idea, but hinting dies on me randomly all the time
@LeeButler Yeah me too, but I think this is something different.
Restarting didn't fix it.
@M.Aroosi oh sorry, problem solved, thank you all the same
@Lemonade1947 try to reproduce the problem in a new solution
well I think the issue is that my bundle is only outputting a minified thingy
@AtanvarCoslin you're sorry that the problem is fixed? that's a first.
1 hour later…
@Amy lulz
@Steve'saD what the fuck are you doing here
oh maybe you hate me and are ignoring me
@KendallFrey oh i don't hate you <3
what have you been up to
cleaning out 40 years of hoarded junk from my parents basement :(
what have you been up to
basically nothing new
coding and gaming
wuts ur steam name
lol you used to have me on steam
i know, but im an ass
no shit :P
okay well im not hanging around here
add me or tell me ur name, ttyl
lol i don't remember your name, i only remember hommiestevieg
kendfrey add me
@KendallFrey i added you mr. haven't been online in 2 days
i'm online right now
@M.Aroosi Yes, Thank you!
oh that was actually helpful
it was a google search after not touching azure for quite a very long time
glad to help tho
2 hours later…
myEnum &= ~ TheEnum.First
What are &= ~
Did you google them?
What is the term to google by? i found it difficult
~ is called a tilde
I don't see these operators often, are there obsolete?/ there better and common ways to achieve the same ?
They're not obsolete, they're just not useful in many situations
&= is pretty obvious i would say
according to how += is a = a + b
then &= would be a = a & b
@mshwf btw, the query would look something like "operators in C#"
guy i need help :(
let me explain o/
i have some web apis deployd in Azure, in a linux container
all good about that
i want to create new environments, as dev, stage and keep my "prod" one as is
i thought about doing that with specific images for each app service
but i am too dumb to tell docker to make this happen :(
can anyone give me tips?
oh.... sorry, i forgot to say hi o/ hey Millenium, hey Wietlol hey Kendall o/
When I read about binary, hexadecimal I regret not being a CS graduate :(
hi Zorkind
unfortunately, I cant help you, i dont use Azure
cloud was so damm easy in the past
they made it so damm hard these days :(
only if you want to follow the hype
or have a maintainable application structure in high performance
I don't know too much about docker, but why are you using Docker and Azure at the same time
it was a decision made by my supervisor
i asked him why, he said its easier to change the TAG in case of malfunctions
without having to rebuild and redeploy
he couls just select a previous TAG from the image container and boom
all good
How to represent negative binary in C#?
I read that we use an extra bit on the leftmost side to represent the negative sign
but how we tell C# that?!
What are you trying to do here?
@mshwf What do you mean? You just said the answer.
you tell it by declaring a int variable
(and not an uint one)
that said, signed integers in C# are not using sign-magnitude, it's using two complement's representation, which is superior
Yeah, setting the high bit only works with floating point numbers.
It won't work with integers.
if 5(10) = 00101(2) *with size of four bits and the extra 0 is the positive sign
then how to represent -5
with the notation of an extra bit representing negative then it would be 11010
but c# doesn't get that
var b = ob11010
Two's complement is a mathematical operation on binary numbers, best known for its role in computing as a method of signed number representation. For this reason, it is the most important example of a radix complement. The two's complement of an N-bit number is defined as its complement with respect to 2N. For instance, for the three-bit number 010, the two's complement is 110, because 010 + 110 = 1000. Two's complement is the most common method of representing signed integers on computers. In this scheme, if the binary number 0102 encodes the signed integer 210, then its two's complement, 1102...
C#'s integers don't work like you think they work.
@milleniumbug I want to use literal 0b
@Grace this!
It works. I don't know if it's what you want.
@mshwf Why?
@Grace actually it is, i thought with binary we can't use minus sign
for learning purpose
to understand how (!, &, |, ~) operators work
I'd have thought using negative numbers would make that more confusing, not less.
@KendallFrey do you mean binary numbers ?
numbers are numbers
Yeah, they're all the same to the machine
the representation of a number might be different, but it's the same numbers
Expressing the number in binary or decimal or hex is a convenience for the human
Two's Complement is basically the property of having the representation 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 126, 127, -128, -127, ... ?
If you're trying to learn about bitwise operators, I'd look more at this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mask_(computing)
Since this is where you'll use them most of the time
Not that most C# programmers ever have to use a bit mask
But I'd be more likely to do bitmasks with ~, ^, |, and & than to try and do arithmetic with them.
why it's called "two's complement" (it sounds far from converting to just negative to a newbie)
@milleniumbug but there are binary numbers ?
"binary", "decimal", "hexadecimal" is a property of the representation
@mshwf Is 5 a binary number?
@KendallFrey 5 is decimal number, 0101 is binary number
You're talking about the string representations of the number
I'm talking about the actual number
Seems like I'm talking about something I don't know about!
string representation of 5 is "5" :D
But I think I got the idea: from the CPU perspective it's 0101, from humans perspective it's 5
@Grace even though you ussually dont use operators like ~, you do want to use flag enums now and then
(or flag integers, but i dont know why you would want that over enums)
and in that case, you do sometimes want to do operations like "value.with(MyEnum.Stuff)" or "value.without(MyEnum.Stuff)"
or swapping the value
@mshwf but in reality it's just the fifth number
then suddenly, you need to do super low level bit stuff
also, does C# have octal numbers?
(I know I can easily google, but im too lazy)
@Wietlol No, I searched and it's no
and it seems a good thing for some reason
its rarely used, but meh
in Java they use 00 literal and it results to unexpected behaviors (I hope I remember the comment)
Q: Octal equivalent in C#

Javed AkramIn C language Octal number can be written by placing 00 before number e.g. int i=0012; //equals to 10 in decimal I found the equivalent of Hexadecimal in C# by placing 0x before number e.g. int i=0xA; //equals to 10 in decimal Now my question is: Is there any equivalent of Octal Number i...

What is the size of a binary number in C#, is it 4, 8 ..?
int is 4 bytes, there are a bunch of other types
When I write: var bin = 0b0101;
does it end to the same size or 00000101
By default that's an int
OK, thanks

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