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I got my first real PC
Bought it at the RadioShack
Played it till my fingers bled
Was the summer when I became a nerd

Me and some guys from school
Played D&D and we tried real hard
Jimmy found everquest, Jody started Pearl
Shoulda known, we'd never get far

Oh when I look back now
The nights seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
I'd rather have started learning Java instead
Those were the best days of my life

Ain't no use in complainin'
When you got a job to do
Spent my evenings coding in the basement
@sbi Oh boy.. so is Spain going to play against you guys?
@LewsTherin That depends on whether Germany will beat Italy tonight. (That would be a first, I heard they haven't won an important match against Italy in 14 years.)
@RyanTernier Surely you are single? Make me feel better! :D
Married for 7 years, now single
WEll, now dating
@RyanTernier Is that Summer of '69?
@RyanTernier What happened? Too much stackoverflow?
@sbi yes
Oh great. Nice one. lol
@RyanTernier Aw, I'd hand you a beer, if I could. Been there twice, got a lot of kids to support. (But they are all totally worth it!)
@sbi old school BA rocks.
@LewsTherin Nah, She was a bit crazy. Too judgemental, every thing out of her mouth was vile, hurting the kids so I left
@sbi Ah well. I hope Italy gets their arses kicked after kicking our arses lol
Keeping kids safe > being in a toxic relationship
@RyanTernier British Airways?
@RyanTernier Hopefully you took the kids with you.
@sbi I hear ya. I love my kids, would go through hell for them. BUt I wouldn't want them there with me.
@sbi Brian Adams haha
@RyanTernier Ah. That should have been obvious. Sorry for being so dense. I should go to bed.
@Lews The Kids' mother is a good mom, we were just bad together. WIth her they hvae a full time mom, with me they'd be in day care. So we split them so they have a stable life
@sbi hahaha
I'm off to bed. Later lads.
@RyanTernier I spend a lot of time with my kids. Half of their time, actually, for most of them. It's pretty harsh to be a single father to so many kids for most of the month. But I still love it.
@sbi Yea it's not easy. Tugs at the heart a lot. My kids are 2 and 4.
@RyanTernier My oldest went to visit her boyfriend for the summer. My youngest just stopped wetting the bed at night. That covers a lot of ground. Sometimes I feel like they would need half a dozen fathers. :)
@sbi takes a village to rear a child. Takes a man to be a father :)
Your kids are still alive - you're doing something right haha
@RyanTernier That is a good one!
@RyanTernier That one PC felt good in his hands, didn't take long to understand... :P Thanks now I've got that running through my head
@RyanTernier Actually I aim a tinsy bit higher than that. :)
Ok i'm going home. Need a drink. Night chaps
Yeah, I'll prolly have another beer and then go to bed, too. I need to be up and about in 6hrs.
See you!
SourceForge makes it freaking hard to get what you want. >:(
No documentation on features, so I had to create a test project to play around with it.
7 hours later…
Hello guys... I need a help with a webbrowser class
How I can get the current webbrowser url?
After I use this
foreach (HtmlElement item in webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input"))
if (item.OuterHtml.Contains("input_submit"))
The browser is navigating elsewhere... I need that url
Hello guys, i need help with crystal reports..
Morning All
I got a question :D hehe
whats the question?
I got two accounts with different email addresses
I want to merge them :D
like i got this one and another account which is for sharepoint
@user1419919 you still have a point
@Baboon you trying to say , i dont have any point :(
@Ali no
I'm trying to say: you don't have a question
delete you sharepoint account -> problem solved
Hey y'all
I have a question about deploying code onto client servers...
for instance, I have created a WPF desktop application
that consumes a web service
the web service will be on the clients servers,
is there a way to dynamically update the web reference of the application when it is run to the clients servers credentials?
@Jambo as long as you don't change the signature of the server methods, you don't have to update the clients
if you modify the signatures, you'll have to rebuild your client with the updated web reference
@DavidDV why would i delete my account with precious 189+ reputation :/
and i got 70 reputation on this one
i want to combine them
omfg i just got it
lol, me too
dude you need to ask your questions in a understandable way
you ask a SO moderator
thanks for the input @Baboon but how do you mean the signatures of the server methods? Currently the end point of the application is looking at localhost. What if the clients server does not allow localhost?
how to create a ras dial phone book with Port parameters? like COM#
@Jambo it's their problem, they just have to modify the web.config
can some one help me in this?
i see. which part of the web.config @Baboon? Does this mean that I do not need to recompile everytime I get a new client with different server credentials?
@Baboon where can i find a moderator -_- :D hehe
@Ali maybe on meta-chat?
@Jambo we're talking WCF right?
Its SOA bud
the server is gonna host on himself, so it's gonna stay localhost
but then the clients will need to update their reference to point to the right IP, the one of the server
@DavidDV where can i find meta chat, sorry i sound like a noob now
go to SO main site on top next to chat is meta, click on meta
then from meta site go to chat
morning guys
i have a combobox and an event-handler which is raised each time something is selected from the combobox.
the event handler populates a string[,] which is declared at class level.
me too
this string[,] is then used later on to retrieve info from the DB. While thats performing (on another thread) could i not make another selection from the combo box and thus screw up the operation thats executing on the other thread?
sure you can
what you need is some rx-luving
then again you should learn Linq first
Reactive Extensions
Primarily developen by a Belgian dude so you know its quality ;)
is this related to extension methods?
of course
no doesn't have anything todo with extension methods
so general low down, what do they do>
there are other ways to do this more old fashioned ways
well i was thinking of just disabling the combo box
do u use rx extensions alot, ie is it a core skill?
this is a hands on lab about it
from the old version
It's a core skill for me
if you want non-blocking fluid async UI you do Rx
is it also used in wpf?
I have 3.5 so I can only use version 1.1
(i know ur a winforms4life man
You can use it in wpf
for example -> reactiveui.net
I use parts of that code for my winforms project
anyway this is all a more declaritive functional way of programming, so it's better to start using Linq first
so for the short time it's maybe be better to disable it
just keep in mind for future stuff
and you have to use this for WPF? Ie there is no inbuilt function in WPF which does this as well?
offcourse you don't have to use this
it's just an mvvm-framework for WPF based on Rx
as always you can do whatever you want
the choice is yours
?? im a little lost. WPF is on the cards. So i was just wondering if this was something that was only really applicable to winforms or is it 100% necessary for wpf as well? ie i dont want to spend a reasonable amount of time learning something and then realise once i get around to wpf, that i should have just waited as there was something better, specifically for wpf.
(i hope that doesnt come across the wrong way as i do really appreciate ur help!)
@HansRudel reactiveui is not something you should be bothered about right now, WPF has a big learning curve, focus on the simple stuff.
when you're at a point where you built an app that needs reactive ui, hopefully you'll have better insight on how and where to apply it
@Baboon aye ok so ill just blank out the combobox then atm.
regarding the comment about not passing in a massive amount of parameters into a method. I have managed to slim things down to 5 - 6 parameters i need. Should i just be passing some in as the class constructor instead?
as i dont understand how else i can do this.
how can i slide a panel on click in windows c#...
...almost all apps can benefit from reactive extensions
But its fun how to see that something great as Rx is hardly used, while stupid crap like EF and WCF is used all the time
@DavidDV lol.
how long did it take u to get to grips with RX?
out of curiosity
it took some time because I learned it together with TPL
rough figure?
I learned it while developing an application so it's hard to say
For me it was harder since you have to worry when updating the UI thread
that you have to get back on the UI thread
Nowadays in 4.5 with the async keyword it's a lot easier
aye ok
i only have a general working knowledge of the tpl atm. i can run things on a separate thread and get the UI thread to execute things.
thats all ive covered atm
that is a start :)
aye i guess so
btw rx introduction from the Reactive UI guy -> vimeo.com/43659034#at=4
@DavidDV thanks bro
@DavidDV I'm a Dude-veloper :/
30 points
I'm a standard nerd :( ( ___ Don't star this, I deny everything ___ )
list = list.AsQueryable().OrderBy( sortBy + " " + sortDirection );
i got error message as below
the type arguments for OrderBy method cannot be inferred from usage
i got this code from
A: Sorting a list using Lambda/Linq to objects

tvanfossonYou could use Reflection to get the value of the property. list = list.OrderBy( x => TypeHelper.GetPropertyValue( x, sortBy ) ) .ToList(); Where TypeHelper has a static method like: public static class TypeHelper { public static object GetPropertyValue( object obj, string na...

Is it possible to have a windows application, that allows the user to add a service reference,

then on button click, have the application update the service reference to the users specified URL?
list.AsQueryable().OrderBy(x=> x.sortBy + " " + x.sortDirection );
then the application is bound to the web service
@DavidDV but sortby is not the proerty
it is a string which holds property name
OrderBy() + OrderByDescending() ?
sorting direction and sorting expression is dynamically given
as string
protected void GridView1_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e){
String sortBy = e.SortExpression;
List<Employee> list = getemployees();
list = list.AsQueryable().OrderBy(sortBy + " " + GetSortDirection(sortBy));
GridView1.datasource = list;
@DavidDV this is what i want
never done that
any way to sort dynamically ?
any idea about c2dm messaging using google oauth 2.0 ??
@Sankaran there is I think you can do it with expression trees, maybe in net 4.0 with the new dynamic stuff, if I had the code I would give it too you, but I don't have it
@Sankaran As a work around u cud use if to return the sorts according to the return value of GetSortDirection()
hi i have a column in database which has "date" type
So ?
but when i diplay it with a gridview
it add the hour to that date so
the column of gridview show for example "2000-01-01 00:00:000"
see search for date formats in the relative database u have , and accordingly modify the select query of your gridview.
@bhuvin what
i.e exactly wt u need is that a select query to return the date into a particular format.
how to modify my select query
depends on your implementation
how did u connect the gridview to the database ??
using sqldatasource directly ??
or some custom databind method ?
@onepseudoxy - der ?
i connect gridview to the database using a datasourceid attribute
which reference an object datasource in my asp .net
the object datasource has the following attribute
TypeName="OFPPT.Data.DataMapper_Cls_Inscription" SelectMethod="getInscriptions2TreatByEFP"
Now in that case u need to make changes in select method to just to get the date part
coz when an object is of type datetime then even if u jst give the date part to it , it will display whole datetime object
so if your want only date part of it
like this :Select Convert(VARCHAR,dateCreationInscription,103) from SESR
Select Convert(VARCHAR,dateCreationInscription,103) from Inscription
i mean that will depend on the implementation
u gotta look into syntax
but dats wt u need to do
i ll do it but i think that the problem is with
the type ??
wts the problem ?? \
because its property "dateCreationInscription" is dateTime
i think
but i ll test and then
hmm ...
hope this helps u
--' Why does everything happens to me? Without a simple calculation I'm having arithmetic overflow error.
What calculation?
i dont get shit of the bbv.common.eventbroker
an the tutorials are so partial, never complete, they assume you know too much
which i clearly don't!
so you are doing an app with fluent nhibernate / ninject / codeproject-framework ?
and i want to use the ninject extension for eventbroking
So glad I'm not you :D
It all sounds very Clever
i think those are great tools as long as you are good at them :P
but first time iv ever touched ORM og IoC was in this project
so yeah...
yeah it will not save you any time
just be sure you realize that :)
well it will in the future
does anybody here play tf2?
"in the future"
are you sure?
but it was also a request from the customer
the customer wanted nHibernate?
im an consultant
me too btw
Norway here :)
I'll just tell the customer that that is a stupid idea :p
He hires me too be the expert so, he will get expert advice :)
from belgium btw.
well they are very focused on TDD and TDD is much easier with IoC, i think IoC is great, dont see any problems with it
tho have had more hassel with FNH
IoC is great if you really do TDD
if you don't do TDD then its probably wasted time
need 95% code coverage -.-
then again I see consultants that do unit-tests, but don't assert anything
its actually pretty sad :p
doing unittest 95% code coverage mocking + IoC takes time :s
this whole thing is a new experience to me, but whata hell im getting payed :)
as long as it is not a fixed price project ... :p
working for a big OilCompany :) they have the money...
no its not
hour rate
ah ok
good morning everyone
sup scruff
not much, I get to take down the sex shop's databases today
that'll be fun
words I had hoped never to hear in my life
it was even more fun calling in to speak to their "I.T. Slave" (not kidding)
Scruff: "hi I'm calling for Kyle please"
Receptionist: "Master Skywolf, phone call!"
that is....actually kind of how it happened
actually I know a master skywolf
great guy
with a name like Master Skywolf, it has to be good
so what are we all working on today/
I'm debugging the UI this shitty dev committed last night with tons of logical errors
that shitty dev was me
nothing worse than debugging your own code, and you can't understand what the hell you were thinking
even worse if it was written during work hours

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