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There's a toilet browser?
there is
its in version 9
it must be behind the times, chrome is up to version 19.
Can i get some help?
@EliteGamer Possibly. Ask the question.
Ok i have made form1s controls public
And tried to set a textboxs text from form1 to a textbox in form2
All i get is there is no text
Alsoi am using winforms
What code are you using again?
Why i am not getting text?
Form1 frm1 = new form1();
On form2 load...

textbox1.text = frm1.textbox1.text;
OK, does Form1 create Form2 or vice versa?
Well, form2 has been made like add winform.. Then i show it with that code
On form1
Which one comes first? Form1 or Form2?
Show me the code used to display Form2, and tell me where it is. In a button click or something?
Omg i am so sorry

form2 frm2 = new form2();

i got it backwards last time
Button click on form1
OK, now the code you use to get the text from Form1. Is the above right? If so, where do you get frm1?
Wait a sec let my type it all in
Form1 button click
form2 frm2 = new form2();

on form2.load
form1 frm1 = new form1();
this.textbox1.text = frm1.textbox1.text;
The problem is that you are creating a new Form1. You want the one that called Form2.
So, create a field: Form1 frm1;
Create a constructor:
public Form2(Form1 frm) : this()
frm1 = frm;
And then to update the text: textbox1.Text = frm1.textbox1.Text;
ok, i have 25 textboxes, so do i do that to all of them?
You only need to duplicate the last line.
textbox2.Text = frm1.textbox2.Text;
Ok, thanks... Let me try it
I get an error
It says it does not contain a constuctor that takes 0 arguments
Oh, whoops. Forgot something.
First, do not change the existing constructor.
Create a new one.
Second, when you create the Form2, call it like this.
Form2 frm2 = new Form2(this);
@EliteGamer Just put it below the original.
I still get the error on
public form2(form1 frm1) : this()
On this()
hi there gang
Is the original constructor there? public Form2() { ... }
You should have two of them.
Can u give me an example?
Of... constructors?
So the first one should be origimal and the second edoted
The constructor you had before this discussion should not be changed.
You should add the constructor I gave above below the original.
hey does anyone know how I would render text from a textarea so line breaks register as paragraphs
@HelloJonnyOh Is this web?
I am using mvc3 c# textareafor<>
Do i add initialize component?
@KendallFrey - yes mvc
@EliteGamer No, the : this() part calls it.
Let me test oit
@HelloJonnyOh I think you would split it into lines and write <br/> between each line.
Or, write each line in a <p></p>
oh cool - do you have an example on web - if not that's cool
thanks bro
Sorry, I've never used ASP.NET.
I did see some code for this, but I don't remember it. :(
lol that's cool, it all translates...I'm looking it up now ( :
@kendall it still dpes not work
What now? Same error?
No, the textboxs still have np text
OK, show me what you've got, because I think it should work.
Ok, wait a sec
public partial class Form7 : Form
public Form7(Form1 frm1) : this()


public Form7()
form7 is form2
You need this.frm1 = frm1; in the constructor.
Also, I don't see the Form1 frm1; field.
i am confused...i am 16, so please dont get angry
i am learning
I'll try not to. I'm only 17 meself. :)
so, can you edit my code to make it work
public partial class Form7 : Form
Form1 frm1;
public Form7(Form1 frm1) : this()
this.frm1 = frm1;

public Form7()
let me debug it
Aggg! I still get no text
So, show me the (relevant) part of Form7_Load.
public partial class Form7 : Form
Form1 frm1;
public Form7(Form1 frm1): this()
this.frm1 = frm1;

public Form7()

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Margins margins = new Margins(25,0,0,1);
printForm1.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = margins;

private void Form7_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form1 frm1 = new Form1();
textBox1.Text = frm1.textBox1.Text;
textBox2.Text = frm1.textBox2.Text;
textBox3.Text = frm1.textBox3.Text;
You don't want the first line of the Load. It creates a new Form1, and the Load is using that. You want to use the field frm1.
Sheesh, this is becoming a real quest
ha ha
let me debug it
YESSSSSSSSS!!!! Thank you it worked, believe it or not, i have been working on that for 3 days
Cheers, and happy coding.
Go from here and grow in your newfound knowledge.
May you one day be a great and mighty programmer.
@KendallFrey I got it. Surprisingly easy once I found it.
7 hours later…
Morning @DavidDV @Baboon
Node.js 0.8 is out :)
have no idea what ur talking about lol
the guy in the featured videa looks like a young boris from golden eye
PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject how to get this value.. I want to use it as an input for IoGetDeviceProperty function
another fun post on the IE blog
Really remarkable how bad IE has become
i was wondering if someone could give me some pointers on how i should actually go about planning a program
what do you mean?
there must be some plan u make before u start code right?
Sometimes I scribble some stuff on a paper
I first prototype something pretty quickly
The thing that you should get at first is some user requirements
ok so u get the core functionality working first then start padding it out?
yeah but I'm in an environment where I can do this
just listen to the user and try to understand what they "really" want
Prototype something and show it to them
If it looks like what they want expand functionality + clean up core stuff
And always try to solve the problem at in hand in the most simple way
so u dont make a plan where u detail what each class should take/return at that point/
If I'm making a closed system, why would I
It would be just a waste of time
Code is all that matters
if it wasnt closed how would u do it? True but i had started on something a couple weeks back, left it then tried to finish it yesterday and just realised i had redone some stuff i had already done = seriously pissed
which im assuming is because i hadnt planned things properly
Looks more like you need more sleep so that you can remember stuff :p
I just have my way of doing things is "not writing things down"
if you experience that you are more productive when writing things down then do
Its all about what works for you
in trying to be as productive as you can for your users
Don't look at all these best practices or things that "A Real Developer" does and all that crap, Test things out see the outcome learn from the outcome and repeat :p
aye ok
yeah the biggest prob i have is keeping track of things. Maybe its because i have a sh-t design or im not use to this yet, im not sure.
like in the vid, it's all about trade-offs
ill have a look, thanks very much
@DavidDV whats an automated build?
is that refering to the installer?
@HansRudel it's when you have a script that runs daily for example
that takes the latest code from source control
compiles it, and runs a batch of tests
against regression etc
@Baboon i dont follow. like linear regression?
Q: Check whether a driver is installed for my USB device

user1317084I used SetupDiGetClassDevs(), SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo() and SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty() to enumerate my USB device and check whether my device is available or not. How can I check whether my proper driver is installed for my device or not? Is there any APIs available to check this?

@HansRudel like you introduce new code and it breaks old code
that's regression
@Baboon still not following 100%. Do u use it alot/ at all?
if ur busy no worries, we can talk about it later
when u have time
it's useful for very large projects
where several programmers work on it at the same time
it makes sure one programmer doesn't break another's code
ahh ok. so ur introducing their code and then running a series of inputs through it that u know should work?
@HansRudel yeah, unit tests
@Baboon yeah ok. I just do manual ones at. Unit testing is something i need to look into.
you don't need unit testing for automated builds
it's not a prerequisite
@DavidDV because its already a part of it?
and as in that vid there are trade-offs for unit testing
Yes, it's not a prerequisite. you can also just test that the code from a dev, added to the main application, doesn't make it fail to compile
Well if you are developing in a big system, making changes to core libs, an automated build will tell you when something no longer builds
that's for scenarios where devs don't have the entire app, but rather are building modules
however, these days, if you work at a company that makes automated builds, there's gonna be tests
i think i should go read up on this a bit before asking anymore. Thanks for the general pointers though.
anyway the vid is about that everything has plus + negative side
Anyone on recommended method for storing resource files (.resx)
I have multiple project files and I am confused whether I should keep project's resx file in the project itself or centralize all in a separate project.
hiii..can i change the ForeColor of ComboBox's Selected Item..?
@ygssoni: In ASP.net?
@ygssoni: I did exactly that a few weeks ago. Let me paste the code for you :)
thanks man :)
foreach (ListItem li in this.dropDown.Items)
li.Attributes["title"] = li.Text; // setting text value of item as tooltip
if (li.Value != Resources.DefaultItem && dataSource != null && dataSource.Any(boardItem => boardItem.HasRecords == true
&& boardItem.StateBoardId == Convert.ToInt32(li.Value)))
li.Attributes.Add("style", "background-color:#D1FFD1");
basically just add attribute to list item
ignore rest of the code.
i have a list of locations..
so do i have to write

foreach(Location loc in cboLocation.Item)
and then you can color them selectively by condition
or as whole without using any condition
and it would be ListItem not Location
listitem could not be found..do i have to add any namespace?
its in system.web
specifically system.web.ui
am on windows form
Folks, is there a web.config way of telling asp.net to have all cookies transmitted as non-persistent (or RAM cookies). What I mean is not setting the Expires property on the cookie?
@ygssoni: then why did you say that you wanted it for asp.net
in windows form you would need to ovveride paint for combobox
^^ Sheesh, it ain't St. Patty's day.
vimeo.com/43672296 also a great talk
@Rahul can we do this via web.config?
warning, unrelated material up ahead
I notice many people in here have their own website....Ive been wanting to make a website for a company id like to start as a student but although ive programmed and made websites for companies i dont actually know how to get started to make one for myself...I was told to choose canadian webhoster to prevent confidential info of me or my users to be compromised....im lost so all suggestions help
hello guys, is it allowed to link to my question here?
if it is c# related yeah
somebody here who has experience with ioc ninject ?
Q: NInject Extension Factory

furierAfter reading the new documentation on NInject v3 and how to use the factory extension, apparently I still don't get it fully since my code throws exceptions all over the place... I get this exception, i could paste the whole thing if people would like that but ill try and keep it short for now....

Im a little lost atm, dont know where to go from now
give it a few hours
usually someone will know
if that doesnt work
try to give some rep for it
like 50 rep or something
thanxs :)
if you dont get an answer in 2 days
then that might be a goner
hope not :/
@furier im no expert but have a look at my comment in your question
what a load of crap :p
@DavidDV do people start useless discussions for some purpose or just for the sake of being "social"
what is useless?
good morning sharps
often times i see people saying no this is better becuz it is this and that, then the other one says no thats much better and they end up with a discussion that goes on for ages only adding more people into the arguments
yeah the best thing is to not give arguments
just say : this sucks
it becomes a method that is recursive with a void return
Best thing is to just say nothing
The problem with these questions like furiers for example
@Nadal I think they call that "The internet"
it's not "why is this ninject extension stuff not working"
it's "why are you using ninject to begin with"
ninject is hot.
so ninject extension must be uber-hot
Don't you need something like?
it's extending the hotness
public NinjectControllerFactor() { ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
pfff why use a NinjectControllerFactory when you can have an AbstractNinjectControllerFactoryControllerFactory
If's all about being down with Ioc, Ioc is HOT, SoC you know
@DavidDV you're brilliant. You could also have an ImplementedAbastractNinjectControllerFactoryControllerFactory : ISexyness
Then sprinkle some fancy DDD patterns on that shit and we good to go
public NinjectControllerFactory() {
ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
is what I meant
very constructive help here, thanx :)
Sorry I have like tourettes but I don't curse, I just scream YAGNI and KISS
Don't you need something like the above in your namespace?
it's a condition that I'm not proud of :'(
I like DI, don't understand it yet, but I like it
Injection = Sexy so
DI is awesome ^^ much easier to maintain a big project, cuz you dont need to keep the object structure in your head all the time, you just intject what the class needs and nothing more, and the IoC will take care of building the whole structure for you
Is there is a quick way to handle setting a default value on the view in Razor?
This is the best I came up with
@foreach (var x in Model.ListOfDocs)
if (x.DocumentSetId == Model.DocumentSetID)
<option value= "@x.DocumentSetId " selected="selected" >@x.DocumentSetName</option>
<option value= "@x.DocumentSetId " >@x.DocumentSetName</option>
I need to write my own razor templates now that it is open source
@furier yes those are the promised positives of DI, so what are the negatives?
have yet to experience those, but i guess some may be understanding how it all works
and ahving trouble with bindings extensions etc. :P
@furier to me it looks like you need to add AddBindings(); to your class
AddBindings, this is the first time i see that ever, never seen it before... The rest of my project works fine, have bound alot of interfaces and implementations up but its the Ninject.extension.factory im struggeling with :/
@DavidDV btw, DI also makes it ALOT easier to do UnitTesting, TDD
Yeah because you can inject your mocks
I know the DI-commercial
All the benefits that you get
Then again, never used it, never needed it
I know this is C#, but does anyone here have experience with SQL?
what is SQL??? is it C#?
I wish :(
@ScruffMcGruff Sure.


Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
at least its not Java amirite?
@KendallFrey Thanks
cant you just use LINQ? :P
I wish, but I'm writing stored procedures right now
and working on/with a database
LINQ Server 2015 is still in alpha. :(
Recently iv taken on the notion that as long as there is no particular reason for using SP you should keep the businesslogic in one place, in the code
using SP leaves you with logic in two different palces
SP for database logic.
In the example I have it's using the default controler and the AddBindings is a method that is to bind on IEnumberable object so maybe not any good for what you are doing
@furier its for a POS application, its for a button the customer wants to press
Why does everyone call it IEnumberable? Enumberable isn't even a word.
You guys are trying to goade me into MOAR RAGE! aren't you? :P
Because I like making typos
But no one calls it IEnumbable
or IEnumertable
haha ^^
In my implementation, I called it 'Query'.
and by POS i mean Point of Sale, though my code is a POS
lol I thought Piece Of Shit :p
@furier Are you using a dependency resolver? Customer controller activator?
you should use a dependency locator, resolver is so 2 weeks ago
I'm working on a dependecy Triangulator framework right now
@TonyHarmon nope
Wish I could help; the topic very much interests me... I'll go back to my corner now :-/
haha lol :P i appreciated the help and enthusiasm :)
Incase you haven't seen it, someone commented on your question: stackoverflow.com/questions/4074848/…
yeah Nadal did, looking into it atm :)
stackoverflow! :D
I guess your extension works?
It's not my extension? remo gloo the creator of ninject made it if thats what you meant? so i guess it's a working extension
brb :)
images on SO chat scare me
that do is so cute
nobody can resist so much cuteness ;)
nope :P
anyone know how to insert localized text values inside html elements found in the aspx file? For example, to add a localized value inside a label: <label></label>
And if I was... a fuzzy wuzzy bear, I'd that the lord for giving me claws to rip out the heart of the idiot who wrote this stupid code that causes a memory leak in .NET which leads to Java VM crashingggggggggggg. <breath>
And if I was a big bad shark I'd eat.........
I hate regular expressions.. You ask why? Because I don't know how to use it :(
Haha the basics is easy. The problem when it starts to grow. :(
Like a string may or may not contain a substring, but I still want to get it. Example :
I need to verify if my string has an URL. So google.com | www.google.com | google.com | google.com | google.com | They should all be valid.
what about google.com:2500?
i go to regexlib and find one that works :P
I was there but mostly need to be adapted to work on c#
Kendall has probably forgotten more than I'll ever care to know about regex.
They shouldn't really need any changes, and if they do it's how they're surrounded
@RyanTernier Yeah, I keep forgetting how to use possessive quantifiers and atomic groups, so probably.
@Andredseixas If your Regex starts to grow, you're doing it wrong.
always keep the regex simple, split it into several Regex and a bit of logic
@KendallFrey haha. I am man enough to admit that I am ignorant in some things :)
The only one I found that it passed on all my tests on the regexlib was this one
this is a regex for RFC822 mail addresses:
Doing it wrong.
(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
)+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:
\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(
?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[
\t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\0
31]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\
](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+
For a mail address? Probably quicker to do a geocode check against google than run that behemoth
we knew about that
@Baboon Yeah...
copy paste the regex I pasted
any regex that the chat thinks is an attempt to parse html triggers it
whistle blowers -.-
haha awesome
I so need to test it.
this is what inspired it:
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

Wonder what would be better, a regex to parse HTML on this site or an xslt to do it.
A non-regular language.
So anyone have a regex to replace a url and create an anchor using that url ?
:( No one?
SO you just want to find a URL, and wrap it in an anchor?

Lets say I have a string "Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem www.google.com ipsum dolor" and I want to replace it with "Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem <a href='www.google.com'>www.google.com.br</a> ipsum dolor"
Use a regex to find the url, and add the match values into an anchor.
there's come code to do that there
@RyanTernier I was using this link regexlib.com/RETester.aspx?regexp_id=1121. That website is useful at times.
@KyleTrauberman I'm going to test it on my website, your link gave me this "http://([\\w+?\\.\\w+])+([a-zA-Z0-9\\~\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&amp;\*\(\)_\\-\\=\\+\\\\\\/\\?\\.\\:\\;\\'\\,]*)?" I had to change to (http://)?the rest is equal

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