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5:30 AM
Goood morning Proxy!
5:51 AM
good morning :)
Hey all
Good morning
6:29 AM
He wants a shoehorn, the kind with teeth
People should get beat up for stating their beliefs
He wants a shoehorn, the kind with teeth
Because he knows there's no such thing
!!tell Neil zoidberg poem
@Squirrelkiller The poem is bad and you should feel bad
@Neil The poem is bad and you should feel bad
It's a song actually
!!tell Neil zoidberg song
@Neil The song is bad and you should feel bad
I sincerely doubt anyone under the age of 30 would have heard of it though
6:31 AM
Then there's a chance the sound makes it better XD
Can confirm, am 27, haven't heard of it.
A lot of the songs I grew up with I came to know through my older brother (he's 10 years older than me)
So I found out that a lot of the songs I enjoyed people my age can't relate to, like the doors or pink floyd
Though they might be giants are somewhat more recent admittedly
6:48 AM
I have SSAS cube. I need to write a c# code to generate a pivot table in excel file. Since there are around 52 columns in sql table, I am planing to create blank pivot table. By this way, user can select any column from choose field list and generate his/her pivot table data.
can anyone help me with this
string connection = @"OLEDB;Provider=MSOLAP.8;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=(local);Update Isolation Level=2;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksDW2014";
//Create a command, using this connection
AdomdCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "select {[Measures].[Internet Total Product Cost]} on columns ,topcount({[Customer].[Customer].[Customer].ALLMEMBERS},200) on rows from [Adventure Works]";
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application app;
I am trying to make sql query with dynamic column name here s my code
``string q = "SELECT @section FROM marks WHERE 1=1";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(q, con);
but instead of giving me results of section column it is just giving me 'section'
Pretty sure you can't use parameters for columns and tables
@ashish I don't know how to make a pivot table in c#, but what exactly is your problem? I don't really have an overview.
7:12 AM
@jagdish There's a reason this isn't easy to do
@neil why ?
i googled but got more example of linq
If you're dynamically loading columns/tables, you're probably not structuring something properly
now there i want to see only section two's marks
so put it in another table ?
You can query the whole dataset, and create a grid using Your custom object type
or on the view You can set which columns to be shown
7:29 AM
Or make another table "Sections" and a link table "Marks"
7:49 AM
@ashish please use gist.github.com nobody wants to read code without proper formatting and syntax highlighting
8:52 AM
> syntax highlighting
9:10 AM
> Excel.cs
9:49 AM
Hi everyone :)
Is there a collection I can use to push items in (from main thread) and loop over with a different thread to wait for incoming items? Goal is to have a kind of pipeline for small work in a background thread. This would'nt be a persistent thing. Just a single part in another bigger process that takes some seconds.
Any side-effects when using a concurrentBag in such case?
BlockingCollection imo
and using GetConsumingEnumerable
@C4u You can ObserveOn, and SubscribeOn any thread You want with an Rx IObservable.
You can make a Subject, so You control the pushing part also. Or make a cold observable if You can define how the elements are generated
10:19 AM
Oh cool. I'll have a look at it. Thank you very much!
10:31 AM
How do you guys do Logs?
I have a LOG class, that lets me put strings into a queue, and a timer ticks and takes strings out of the bag and into an ObservableCollection in the viewmodel, letting the view know about it.
I use Serilog
And spice it up with Seq if I'm feeling frisky.
Why so Serilog?
It's just very flexible and it's structured logging which is really handy.
Instead of only logging test, you also log objects.
This makes it much easier to filter your logs based on context.
If it has multiple log levels, then I'm sold
I'm technically loggin object too, but they're really jsut a text with an associated color so I can make it info/warn/error
10:36 AM
But then, I'm easy like Sunday morning
Log.Information("Processed {file}", fileName);
Log.Information("Process took {duration}", sw.ElapsedTime);
So I jsut go LOG.Log("Db is gone", LogLevel.Error) and it comes up red in the log ListBox
Lets say I'm logging the above.
Now I can filter by "where duration > 10 seconds", and see what files are taking too long.
For me the crucial thing is that the work of converting to a string is only done if the logging is to be done
Nice. I don't have filters or anything, just a listbox displaying the text in the desired color
10:39 AM
Serilog is the best logging framework I've ever worked with.
At it's core it's very simple.
And then you can add on various consumers, to write to a file, show in a console, send to Seq, or whatever you want yourself.
Can I put it into my viewmodel and show it in my view, color coded?
Sure thing.
Making a custom consumer is trivial.
I need some suggestions for my upcoming project
which is to visualize the data from automotive LIDAR.

So can u guys suggest me some open source visualization tools which is very light weighted and very fast... For Windows.
I have searched few visualization frameworks like VTK and Para View. looking for more suggestions and opinion to select the best.
If you want speed you're probably better off learning how DirectX or OGL works.
Depending on how much speed you need of course.
11:35 AM
@Rish I would encourage you to stick with web pages as a means to display data, as you can share it easily
d3 is a marvelous library for handling large amounts of data for display
I would encourage you to grab one from the showcase and adapt it to your needs
12:08 PM
I implemented a "State Machine" pattern. I have an abstract State Machine class and a IState interface that every state should implement. Someone said to me that it's "ugly" that my subclasses(states) know the StateMachine that it belongs to. But I think that I need that reference so a concrete state can call the State Machine and switch the state. Otherwise you end up with a State Machine that has logic on when to switch states and it's not modular anymore. What are your thoughts on this?
@ErwinOkken The State Machine should own the states and make the state changes OR, the states aren't owned by anything and they are responsible for changing their own states. Don't mix and match
@Neil At this moment I have a main class that inherits the State Machine class. (State Machine only holds a IState currentState and void SwitchState(IState newState). Every input is then delegated to the current state so it could handle input the way it wants. Could that be "wrong" for a certain reason?
If the State Machine would handle the SwitchState itself, I need to do state-specific checks like:

if(currentState == a)
if((a)currentState.getFromA() == true)
SwitchState(new StateB());
stuff like that
@ErwinOkken Well it's a state machine. It shouldn't have any idea about the logic behind the states themselves
var parsed = numbers.Split().Select(int.Parse);
what Select(int.Parse) does?
The states should do the logic, but not the switching, imho
If you're checking what state the statemachine is currently in in order to do something, you're not doing it right
unless you're dealing with cases which are part of the generic "state machine" like a terminal state and a starting state
12:25 PM
@Neil I totally agree, but let's say you have a watch with 2 buttons. If I'm in the ShowingTimeState, button 1 should go to EditTimeState. If I'm in EditTimeState, button1 increases the current time with 1 hour.

In this case the functionality of button 1 is completely dependent on the current state, and in 1 case the current state should be switched, and in the other case it should not. Is it then still "wrong" to switch a state inside a concrete state? Because I don't see a different option. But using an if statement to determine in which state you are to change states is even worse.
@ErwinOkken You should pass a string to the state machine saying "switch to state "EditTimeState""
If you're already there, the statemachine does nothing.
Or rather, the statemachine will call that particular state's activation method
The state itself doesn't do the switch
It deals with "what to do when we arrive at this state" only
No that's not what I meant. Ofcourse the StateMachine switches, but the concrete state says something like: this.stateMachine.SwitchState(newState); That's fine?
Normally I do this.stateMachine.SwitchState(new StateB()); but thanks to your tip I'm going to intialize all states on startup and just "switch" it.
I'm pretty happy with that, but now StateMachine has a relationship with StateA, but StateA also with StateMachine. That's what some people don't like
Well no
The state has to know about the statemachine that way
That basically answers my question hehe
You could do this.. make an interface for StateMachine with only methods that states can perform, then pass the interface version to States to use
12:37 PM
I was quite convinced, but I'm always open for new ideas.
That's exactly what I'm doing right now :-)
So like IStateMachine.SwitchState()
public class MyProgram extends StateMachine
public abstract class StateMachine implements IStateMachine
That's fine, because you could switch it out with something else later
Well perfect, thanks for your time!
It's coupled, but not tightly so
12:40 PM
Now I can continue my work and make a small "statemachine" library for myself :-D Sometimes getting so happy from programming "modular/generic" things
which method u prefer to convert string to int?
int.Parse() and Convert.ToInt32()
TryParse is the most commonly seen
Parse will throw an exception if it's not a valid number and Convert.ToWhatever can be a bit polarizing for reasons I don't totally understand.
Is there an idiomatic way to convert the Request.QueryStringcollection back into a single string?
12:55 PM
String.Join? I'm not sure I understand the question
Background information: In my MVC app, the user can filter the Widget index page by using query strings, e.g. example.com/Widget?reticulated=1&Owner=42&color=red. The user can also save a copy of the filtered index table by going to, e.g. example.com/Widget/Export?reticulated=1&Owner=42&color=red&format=csv.
I would like to add an Export link to the page. So it would be nice if I could do ViewBag.exportLinkAddress = "Widget/Export?" + somehowGetCompleteQueryString() + "&format=csv" in the index controller
I don't know if I can pass Request.QueryString to String.Join, because I don't think it's a list, or even an enumerable object
what type is a Request.QueryStringcollection?
Or, at least I couldn't enumerate over it when I tried to do linq on it. (from x in Request.QueryString select x) complained about "Select not found"
Let's see, It's a System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
mb you forgot to include System.Linq
I remembered this time :>
12:58 PM
I bet it's an ICollection and not an ICollection<T> :|
Extension Method going foreach(KeyValuePair query in QueryString) stringBuilder.Append($"&{query.Key}={query.value}") might work, just gotta put the '?' in the beginning somehow
Are you sure that the values are string? then you could slap on a .Cast<string> or .OfType<string> before the .Select
!!mdn QueryStringCollection
@Squirrelkiller That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Hmm I see there's an AllKeys attribute here. I could iterate over that.
I'm pretty sure I can piece something together myself, I was just wondering if there was a "right" way to do it that doesn't open up the possibility of me bumbling into some kind of parameter injection attack
1:01 PM
*If your application requires unparsed QueryString data, you can retrieve it by calling Request.QueryString without any parameters.*
mb just call it as is
What happens if you just pass the collection in?
@Kevin you better upvote this guy: stackoverflow.com/a/2375380/4364057 for precisely answering your exact problem
@Squirrelkiller That guy's a genius
@Default As in string s = Request.QueryString? That gives me cannot implicitly convert type '[...].NameValueCollection' to 'string'. Or as in string s = Request.QueryString();? That gives me Non-invocable member 'HttpRequestBase.QueryString' cannot be used like a method
meh.. was worth a shot :D
1:06 PM
Make that an extension method for even fancier syntax
Yeah, that's the manual approach I was 75% of the way into implementing. I just need to figure out whether/how to re-encode any special characters in the values and keys
!!>Encode(special_chars now $encoded))
@Squirrelkiller "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
@Squirrelkiller "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
1:10 PM
So something like:
string s = String.Join("&", (
    from k in Request.QueryString.AllKeys
    select String.Format(
That should work. Maybe use .Aggregate, I think you can put a '?' as first char then.
.Aggregate("?", (a, b) => Encode(a)+"=" +Encode(b))
> The QueryString collection is a parsed version of the QUERY_STRING variable in the ServerVariables collection.
Could you use the original query string instead?
I think that exact Aggregate syntax would multiple-encode earlier parts of the string, but I get what you mean
Good point, didnt think of that XD
@KendallFrey Too easy!
@KendallFrey Oh, that looks like what I want.
Today's lesson: read the effing manual, Kevin
1:23 PM
Real men dont read manuals
Presumption is the enemy of programmers everywhere.
When all of the examples in a page of documentation are in Visual Basic, my eyes just kind of slide off the screen to look at something more pleasant
1:40 PM
So my WidgetController has a method Index(bool isReticulated, long ownerId, string color, [... ten other filter criteria go here...]), which calls GetFilteredWidgets(bool isReticulated, long ownerId, string color, [... ten other filter criteria go here...]). And I'm about to write another method Export with the same signature. Is it possible for me to avoid writing out this signature multiple times like this?
is it possible to do an interpolated string inside and interpolated string?
I think so, try it
I could just pass Request.QueryString around and get the criteria out of that, but I don't think it does the convenient type conversion that the MVC framework does automatically
I've got Datetimes and stuff that would be a pain to parse myself
@KendallFrey I have but it doesn't seem to like it, I might have done it wrong though
In Python i could just do def Export(**keyword_args) and I'd have a dict of all the named arguments. That probably won't fly in an explicitly typed language.
1:45 PM
@Kevin yeah. It's a good restriction for the compiler/IDE to know the parameters types
http://prntscr.com/jaugz9 here you can see I have use a ternary operator inside the outer interpolation, with the inner interpolation in the ternary, its not liking the colon as part of the ternary and the second expression of null (it thinks null is part of the string).
this is the full line
return $"Book: [{Title}, {String.Join(", ", Authors)}, £{Price} {(BookLocation != null) ? $", Bookcase Number: {BookLocation.BookcaseNumber}, ShelfNumber: {BookLocation.ShelfNumber}" : null}]";
If I define a SearchCriteria class, and create it from the parameters in Index and Export, and define GetFilteredWidgets(SearchCriteria criteria), then I can write the long-ass function signature only four times instead of six.
i fixed my issue, the ternary has to be in its own parentheses according to this stackoverflow.com/a/31844059/7147233
arxiv.org/pdf/1703.05698.pdf - Finally bad and programmers will be fired soon
AI > Human
If I define SearchCriteria as a full-fledged MVC model, then it will bind everything for me automatically when I go to example.com/Search?queryStringGoesHere. But I don't know if I like that.
2:05 PM
@J.Doe I'll take real stupidity over artificial intelligence any day.
Will see in about 20 years what you will take
@J.Doe This paper disagrees with you
stackoverflow.com/questions/1684667/writing-a-csv-file-in-net suggests using csvhelper to write data to csv files. This answer was written eight years ago. Is this library still reputable? Is there some new hotness I should prefer instead?
The project's github page is getting regular updates, that's encouraging...
I'm pretty sure we're using CSV helper....somewhere.
The documentation has a typo in the very first sentence, that's not so encouraging...
2:13 PM
It's a typo in a sentence about how documentation shouldn't be blocking releases. I'll allow it.
@MikeTheLiar And your computer hasn't, like, been enslaved into a Russian bitcoin mining botnet, or anything? I'll give it a try, then.
@MikeTheLiar It's very outdated. If you dont working/interesting with AI you can not know how how big steps AI done from 2015-16 until now
This document have the same worth what ppl saying 200 years ago "Its unable to fly by human"
@Kevin well I mean I did install those miners on the server when IT wasn't looking but that was all me
Hi all,
Please can someone give me a quick help with Xpth, Im new to it
Right, I should have clarified, unvoluntarily enslaved into a botnet
2:16 PM
It's from 8 ears ago, Bitcoin wasnt really a thing then
Im using agility pack and need to get a specific href from the a tag
@J.Doe AI still has the general problem that is part of every man vs machine story: Computers cant dream. They can't really build something completely new. They can learn and build from that, but not something completely new.
var link = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@class='a-link-normal']/").ToList(); gets the whole a tag but I want only the attribute of href
@Squirrelkiller Well if that's your argument, neither can humans
2:18 PM
I think J. Doe is right
@Squirrelkiller Many ppl dont have dreams. In your logic they are not human or are subppl?
@J.Doe are you really going to try to argue with this?
theres a difference between cant and dont
>They can't really build something completely new
You are wrong
Completly wrong
says the guy with a "Free Speech" avatar
2:20 PM
Ok, supposing you could create an artificial intelligence more intelligent than a human being. That AI could then in theory, create an AI more intelligent than itself, and that AI more intelligent than itself..
@J.Doe Telling someone they're wrong doesn't change their mind, you know
and then we die
At what point can a sentient being no longer create something smarter than itself?
@J.Doe I'll just share this final paper for you to read over. It might change your mind scigen.csail.mit.edu/scicache/181/scimakelatex.23479.none.html
Some would argue that it stops with us
But if not, you have to answer that question
2:21 PM
we can create an AI that is better than us at many things, but not in general
@Neoares but general AI isn't important
Ok, to clarify, could we create an AI better than us to create AI?
@KendallFrey it isn't, in general
2:24 PM
@MikeTheLiar So compare your all OUTDATED papers with CURRENT achevments in AI (for example AlphaGo Zero)
Its destroying your old papers so fast as you pasted them there
@Neoares Im working about general AI like many others ppl in labs
So the age of a publication makes it irrelevant?
@J.Doe so what does your "general AI" do
Please refute the paper on its merit, not age of publication.
it feels emotions? it watches TV for fun?
When someone sad 200 years ago "People can not flight" - It was true until we discovered plains
World isnt static
2:26 PM
planes can fly
you can't
We evolving and more adopting
We discovered plains a lot earlier than 200 years ago
its planes that were the tricky bit
@Harry shh.. we're talking about plains here, not planes
>We discovered plains a lot earlier than 200 years ago
2:27 PM
In geography, a plain is a flat, sweeping landmass that generally does not change much in elevation. Plains occur as lowlands along the bottoms of valleys or on the doorsteps of mountains, as coastal plains, and as plateaus or uplands. In a valley, a plain is enclosed on two sides but in other cases a plain may be delineated by a complete or partial ring of hills, by mountains or cliffs. Where a geological region contains more than one plain, they may be connected by a pass (sometimes termed a gap). Coastal plains would mostly rise from sea level until they run into elevated features such a...
What does this article even have to do with plains?
You are rly having fun about my typo?
And I'm still waiting for you to challenge any of the points in any of the scientific papers I shared.
Yep, I am, at least.
Mike makes a valid argument. It is only outdated if it no longer applies
considering the typo meant you were talking about something completely different, yes, i am
2:29 PM
The burden of proof of why it no longer applies is on you, @J.Doe
Do Microsoft provide good articles for design patterns, I found this https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff649977.aspx
but the list is not complete and listed in the SharePoint section
Try using C. That way you don't need to worry about design.
if You do a job right, and recheck if it's a design pattern what You did there, there is big chance You did.
@MohamedElshawaf Don't use a single source. The more the merrier.
"design pattern" is not an objective category so it's impossible to make a comprehensive list of them
2:32 PM
http://www.research.ibm.com/software/IBMResearch/multimedia/AIEthics_Whitepaper.pdf (to this use waybackl mashine, i dont know why they removed it)
Did you even read any of the papers I linked above?
Nobody gives me a shoe shine quite like my mashine. She knew how to shine that shoe
It is proof of real inteligence of AI
@MikeTheLiar No, i dont read as light, will read later
@MikeTheLiar I'm leaning 80/20 in favor of professional troll here. You'd be wise not to feed him
Not all but 1st
2:34 PM
@Neil I'm curious if you looked at any of the papers I posted
@Neil I mean... It says he is right over there on the second pinned message. -->
Only looked at date sources and was outdated
@MikeTheLiar Nope, I'm behind a work proxy, sorry
Define "real intelligence"
Oh, well
Nothing new
I hope you will all be fired by AI in future
You can not hide or escape from real world, real AI, real freedom
2:45 PM
Can anybody suggest a good book about neural networks? Something that will explain their magic.
On quite a lot of SO answers and random blog posts out on the Internet, people will often post code that requires a using statement, but they don't actually show the using statement. For example, for joshclose.github.io/CsvHelper/writing, Am I supposed to just know off the top of my head where textWriter comes from? Is Visual Studio supposed to provide a namespace suggestion? Because it doesn't on my machine.
Well, it did provide a suggestion, namely System.IO.TextWriter, but that's not valid in the context
@Kevin Yes. That problem always upsets me too.
tho R# helps a lot
@Kevin It is?
On second look, var csv = new CsvWriter( System.IO.TextWriter ); isn't valid, but var csv = new CsvWriter( someInstanceOfTextWriterYouCreated ); is.
Maybe this is a bad example.
You can create one with File.CreateText
2:54 PM
Ok, im going away
Like, the other day, I was trying to figure out how to prompt the user to download a file, and the answer I found was, "you just have to do File(data, Octet, filename);" and it was a fun puzzle left to the audience to determine that Octet can be found in System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application
So cya and remember - Next week from now will be magic
VS guessed System.Net.Sockets. Not quite.
Like every year - Golden Week, magic time
Dont waste it
@J.Doe I can't wait
2:58 PM
And this one I couldn't figure out just by looking at the function signature, since Octet is just a string
oh I mean System.IO.File.CreateText. Sorry
I think I need to use a StreamWriter, actually. TextWriters are for when you want to write to a file on the hard drive, right? I want to serve a file from my web server straight from memory.
@Kevin A StreamWriter is a TextWriter
it writes text to a stream
Ok, so TextWriter isn't a concrete implementation of some abstract Writer class that I imagined existed.
In any case, I'm using MemoryStream and it's serving the data I want, so I'm happy
Well, partially happy. csv.WriteRecords(myWidgets) is writing every property of every widget to the file, and I want to exclude certain ones that the user isn't interested in seeing.
So much for the effortless one line solution. I think I'm supposed to write a ClassMapping now.
3:20 PM
@Kevin That's not difficult though - just AutoMap
3:30 PM
Is GroupPrinicpal's implementation on Windows Server 2008 change on 2016? I tried the same application on 2016 but it causes an "access is denied" problem but not on 2008.
It occurs on GroupPrinicpal.Save()
damn now I want a spiral pizza
3:53 PM
4:17 PM
when its payday but your bank cant take your payment
Because your boss insists on paying you with giant novelty checks and you can't fit them through the door. We've all been there.
i wish it was that funny
i dont think id be as angry if it was that hahaha
I must be doing something wrong with this ClassMap definition, because if I call AutoMap(), it ignores all of the changes I make (even though the documentation explicitly says that you can do this and it should work), and if I don't call AutoMap() and just define every field manually, then the csv is completely blank.
Time to make an MVCE I reckon
Should always have 5 banks 👍
4:41 PM
I have an OWIN question. And I might not even be asking it right since I don't know much about it yet. I have a situation where I want a self-hosted web API. I am worried about how concurrent requests are handled. e.g. if multiple requests are made before the first of those requests returns a response. Anyone know how this is handled in OWIN for a web API?
@BrandenBoucher I'd just assume concurrency, since anything else would be incredibly backwards.
Ok, I think my csvs were turning up blank because I wasn't flushing my streams. The reason the csvs weren't blank when I was automapping was because it was writing slightly more data to the stream, which just happened to be over the limit to trigger an automatic flush.
I'm getting data now, although it's still ignoring my Ignore calls. Probably because "If this member has already been mapped as a reference member, either by a class map, or by auto mapping, calling this method will not ignore all the child members down the tree that have already been mapped."
5:04 PM
I mean the example is literally to automap then ignore :/
My code is a little more complicated because the record I'm writing has a property that's a custom type
Here is my first draft at an MCVE. I want it to output the lines Owner,IsReticulated,Color followed by Kevin,False,Red, but instead it outputs Owner,Id,Name,IsReticulated,Color followed by Kevin,23,Kevin,False,Red
I tried three different ways to tell it not to serialize the complete User class, but none of them seem to take
I would expect Map(m => m.Owner).ConvertUsing(m => m.Owner.Name); to make it not try to serialize m.Owner in any other way, and yet it does; If I can't make it skip serializing the User, I'd expect Map(m => m.Id).Ignore(); to skip serializing Id, but it serializes it anyway; and I'd expect leaving AutoMap out of the UserMap class entirely would make it serialize only the fields I explicitly mention (i.e. only Name), but it serializes the others too
Possibly I'm supposed to use TypeConverter here but I wanted to exhaust all of my options that don't require me to write yet another class
Oh, charming, there's a typo at joshclose.github.io/CsvHelper/type-conversion, the second function signature is wrong
Ah, it's just as well I didn't try TypeConverter before, because that doesn't work either. pastebin.com/K0wFx0Qt produces the same output as before.
Blow this for a lark, I'm just going to manually convert all my widgets to lists of strings or something
6:07 PM
Just as well, I probably would need to do that eventually anyway since I also want to export to xls and pdf. May as well convert my data into a grid of strings rather than try to wrestle with the formatting peculiarities of every third party library I'll be using
6:20 PM
Hitting ctrl-. for fun and profit
3 hours later…
9:17 PM

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