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i hear that
anyone know if there's a way to hide a <div> when a button is clicked
i know im in the wrong room but the JS room is full of mentalists
nevermind lads
@Harry button.click(){div.hide()};
oh nice i didnt realise it was that easy i found a massive complex way haha, cheers
Hello guys, does anyone know how to calculate the g cost of a diagonal cell? I noticed in most of the tutorial videos that they are using pythagoras law for cell weights of 1. But if there is a cell weight of different values do we need to calculate the g cost using the pythagoras law??
@HelloWorld Spamming a vague question in multiple rooms isn't very helpful
@HelloWorld I asked what a g cost was. You could have replied me in that room
@KendallFrey lmfao
I also agree most of them assume everyone that has the slightest, simplest JS that should take like 5 minutes to solve and never ever go back to JS, requires the utmost, deepest knowledge of the whole framework, and at least 15 similar ones.
@Neil Sorry i am wondering how to reply to a message...and now i only got it..because i am new to chat rooms... i am extremely sorry
@HelloWorld Ok, no problem, just don't spam. If you need help, the best way to obtain it is not in the chatrooms though
You're free to ask, but nobody is obliged to help either
@Neil g cost is the cost of moving from one cell to another which is also called the moving cost in path finding algorithms
I can calculate the costs of moving up,down,left and right but when it comes to diagonal cells such as upper left,upper right,lower left and lower left i get stuck...
@HelloWorld I suppose it depends on your definition of a move
If in your program, you can move diagonally as easily as you can move up,down,left, or right, then the g cost for moving diagonally is the same
If it takes you two moves to get to a diagonal space, then it's two
I suppose if it were important to be realistic, movements would having floating point decimals, and so a diagonal move would be the square root of two
@Neil But what about the cell weight?
well I was assuming movement to an adjacent cell is 1, but if there is a weight, you apply a multiplier to the value
again, with being vague.
If you're on a "mountain" cell and takes 3 times as long to cross, then to move to it from anywhere is the normal amount from an adjacent or diagonal cell times 3
apply rules on top of what I mentioned above.. you still have to determine if a diagonal move is the same as an adjacent move or if it takes two moves
@Neil usually you calculate G by already using the cell weight
the cell weight is simply higher. I don't really know what he means
May I inject, this is what we talked about recently: As so many progamming questions, the problem isn't acutally a coding one but a maths/physics one :)
@HelloWorld Try euclidean distance
@Squirrelkiller as it is lots of times :)
@HelloWorld Or diagonal distance if you do grid-based. Look at theory.stanford.edu/~amitp/GameProgramming/Heuristics.html
I still don't get why not just go cost=pythagoras(x,y)*cellWeight
iirc, G is simply adding up all the weights on the path, F however is used to calculate the cost of movement (heuristic estimation in most cases). Both added results in the complete cost
@Squirrelkiller you could, of course. You have to deal with floating point values though
maybe he just wanted to count a diagonal move as "2" though
Of course, but isn't that always the case unless you just have 2 axis' with integer spaces?
yeah, he did mention cells
so that would tend to suggest integer spaces
But that's just for 2 axis'. When you add the third to move diagonally and don't just make it 1 or 2 steps, you got floating point.
I think the question is: What does the concept say?
And that is something someone just has to decide.
What if i use pythagoras law and multiply it by 10?
Then you get a number
@HelloWorld The main question you need to answer: What does the concept say?
If you're mapping the distance in a game of chess, distance would be determined by x + y, not floating point
If you were making a zelda-like game, then distance is a lot more "realistic" and shoudl be calculated using pythagoras' law
Only you know what a diagonal move means and how to weigh it
What type of movement are we talkin' about? What game is it?
22 mins ago, by HelloWorld
Hello guys, does anyone know how to calculate the g cost of a diagonal cell? I noticed in most of the tutorial videos that they are using pythagoras law for cell weights of 1. But if there is a cell weight of different values do we need to calculate the g cost using the pythagoras law??
You know as much as me
Or what kind of game
Indeed. We need answers @HelloWorld!
Input overload. Sending error report. Restarting system in 3..2..
We did it!
The excitement is too much to contain!
Its a grid with obstacles and the purpose is to identify the shortest path from a given x y coordinate. starting and ending point x y coordinates are entered by the user.
So i thought of solving that using a star algorithm
That tells us nothing! What type of game?! What are the rules? Why did you want diagonal movement in the first place?!
@RoelvanUden it's not a game actually its an implementation of a star algorithm
Are diagonal movements even allowed?
Duuuude you're implementing a* for fucks and giggles then? Then WHATEVER is the weight for your diagonal moves!
42 is the weight of a diagonal movement
@Squirrelkiller yes diagonal movements are allowed
!!tell HelloWorld xy
Yeah I f'ing give up.
Hmm. I can do GetValue() ?? throw ArgumentNullExcpetion() in C# these days, but I can't do GetValue() ?? return can I?
you can, without the return
I want to exit the method without having to add (if value == null) return in the next line.
Lets put it this way. the algorithm tries to minimize distance, right? If you set diagonal movement to 0, it will use diagonals whenever possible and get near 0 distance
I don't want to return if the value isn't null. I want to keep handling.
If you set it to a really high amount, diagonals are never convenient
dont think you can
unless of course GetValue throws instead of returning null, but yeah...not the point of exceptions.
Thanks guys, now i think i got the answer for my question
Good luck with yo homework bro
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan extensionmethod ThrowIfNull() ?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you can't.
@Default I don't want to throw. I want to terminate local function execution.
I have this as two lines and I want to turn it into a one liner, because I'm spoiled that way:
return GetValue()?
@Neil @Neil I think this is the best way to calculate the G cost
var incident = Incidents.GetById(notification.IncidentId);
if (incident == null) return;

// continue working with incident.
@RoelvanUden :)
@Neil I don't want to return if GetValue returns a value. Only if it doesn't.
@HelloWorld 2 means grants no benefit to diagonal moves (same as moving to the left and then moving up)
Yeah, I don't think that's possible without using an if
or throwing an exception and catching it at the end of the method, but that's really horrid
doesn't C#7 allow inlined variables? so something like if ((var incident = Inc..) == null) return;
mb not.
I'll have to settle for my two-liner.
I think so yes
*Is-expressions with patterns* - this is what I was thinking about
I have a client/server based program where a client has a continuous read worker that calls an event whenever a message is received, that is then processed by a messagerouter to route it to the appropriate class for processing. What is the best way for a subscriber to wait until a particular message from a particular client is received?
@Default I use those a lot. They're nice.
@cubesnyc Rework everything using System.Reactive.
Well, you can wrap it with Reactive, anyway.
Wait, what do you mean by "wait"?
You mean a subscriber's thread is blocked until a message (on a different thread) is processed?
the subscriber wont necessarily be on a different thread
ie a game server
a turn based game
Well, it's hard to say without knowing your implementation, but it looks like you need some sort of blockingcollection. A ConcurrentQueue, for instance.
you have a method that runs the game logic
Still not sure what your architecture is here. Who's the "subscriber"? The class that the messageRouter routes to? Or the whole process?
then you get to a point where a client action is needed
Client has an event MessageReceived
MessageRouter subscribes to MessageReceived, and has an event called PlayerActionReceived
GameLogic subscribes to MessageRouter.PlayerActionRecieved
The simplest way is to simply have some sort of WaitHandle that you wait on, and which the message handler sets. This means that your main logic blocks the thread until the message arrives, and it means the message handler is on a different thread (which makes sense)
GameLogic runs the game logic, and reaches a point where a player action is required, it cannot proceed without it
@cubesnyc So GameLogic.DoTheThing() calls await GetPlayerActionAsync(). This relinquishes its thread and suspends its operation. When GetPlayerActionAsync completes (because the MessageRouter supplied the message) it returns the PlayerAction payload.
i get that
but how do you structure GetPlayerActionAsync
It sits on top of a BlockingCollection<T>.
Which the MessageRouter writes to.
not following
Dead Lock <3
GetPlayerActionAsync first sends a request
How do I get GameLogic.OnPlayerActionReceived to complete the GetPlayerActionAsync Task
You don't. Don't use events here.
BlockingCollection<T> is a pub/sub collection based on a ConcurrentQueue<T>. When you call TryTake() on it, it will return the contents of the queue, or block, waiting. On another thread, your Router pushes a new message into it, triggering the Take operation to complete, returning the message.
If I dont use events how do i add to the blockingcollection?
how do i add to the blockingcollection? with.. .Add perhaps?
thank you for your very useful advice, but i was obviously asking about the structure
happy to help
I know
Ah yes, snark, a time tested way to receive help for free that no one is obligated to give you whatsoever.
Always one of you in the crowd
"one of you" as in someone who knows how to add to a blockingcollection? well, that's lucky!
ignore feature is quite nice
You have a MessageRouter, right? Instead of raising an event, it writes to the collection.
SO have all the collections in the messagerouter class instead?
@Default That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@cubesnyc I suppose. Have them somewhere where both the consumer and the provider can access them. Yeah, the router is a good place.
i suppose the event equivalent, would be to have the messagerouter subscriber just add to the blockingcollection whenever event is called
Yeah, but that's a dummy step.
You can use it if you want to leave teh existing code alone and simply add an intermediate queue.
easier maintenance when i inevitably fuck up and change things lol
i am looking at the msdn listing for blocking collection and it says that if there is nothign to take it immediately returns false?
that's trytake. trytake != take
I think he's got you ignored.
shiitake mushrooms
@MikeTheLiar yup, probably
@cubesnyc Try using Take()
5 mins ago, by Default
that's trytake. trytake != take
...can you see that?
yes lol
thank you
is there a task equivalent version?
do || !do; try() method cannot be found
good guy @Squirrelkiller
@cubesnyc you mean a version where you can await an item to be available?
I've found two - either use GetConsumerEnumerable() (and use in a foreach) or wrap it in Task.Run, i.e. Task.Run(() => bc.Take()); - the latter is however frowned upon, but it's the way I've found which works for just getting one item.
or check out Stephens library: stackoverflow.com/questions/21225361/…
@Default Not better make custom repostytory with semaphore (one job) for this case?
If you want something you can await, you can use stackoverflow.com/questions/21225361/…
@Default Heh. Got to the same place at the same time.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan great minds you know :)
@J.Doe maybe. More work though, isn't it?
@Default More work but can more fit to your "game"
Semaphoe is great thing (in c++ and C#)
For yor case use semaphoreslim
If you will follow that
@J.Doe I actually think that is exactly what Stephen has done. Or perhaps instead of semaphore (that's so 2000) he uses a TaskAwaiter
now that I think about it, you might be able to do it pretty well with a TaskCompletionSource
@J.Doe do you mean a lock_guard?
Aren't semaphores for cross process waiting?
Yes. They're used to control access to a pool of resources.
that's why SemaphoreSlim exists as local-only
rather than system-wide
it's still overkill if we're just talking about tasks rather than processes
no border-radius in .net
so you're safe
Dammit squigs
oh no
But can it even spy?
One of these days I'm gonna get tired of you beating me to the finish line
to the finish line? sure.
s/to the finish line//
Hi guys
i am facing the below warning message:-
Resolved file has a bad image, no metadata, or is otherwise inaccessible in 2017
can anyone help
We're gonna need a lot more information than that.
ok please check below link :

57 secs ago, by MikeTheLiar
We're gonna need a lot more information than that.
@PargatSingh did you even google? stackoverflow.com/questions/2655763/…
yes i have checked it. but not getting relevant information
Have you checked whether that file exists?
And opened it with something like npp
When does this warning occur? What are you doing when it happens and what do you expect to happen instead?
Also wait longer ebfore spamming the question in a chat
When does this warning occur? What are you doing when it happens and what do you expect to happen instead?

when i am trying to build, then these warning is showing
@MikeTheLiar Are you saying that a url with the exact same text is not more information? Preposterous
@PargatSingh does this warning still show if you fix all the other build errors?
And have you double checked the .Net runtime version of your project and the dependencies it has?
Try deleting /bin and /obj because why not
And confirm that the ruleset file does exist
And if it doesn't figure out why your project is looking for it
Also, including VB style comments inside an XML comment, lol
@PargatSingh BTW your question is getting downvoted because you don't explain the steps you took to reproduce your problem, nor do you explain what you have already tried to do to fix it.
Also, make sure you speak with Oliver after changing the starting path.
@Squiggle, yes i have checked .net run time version too. and also fixed the all error then this message is still showing
this question does not show any research effort is in the tooltip for the downvote button.
> In our case, this appears to be related to projects created in older versions of Visual Studio and then opened in VS2017. These projects do not have the <DependsOnNETStandard> element in the .csproj file.
@MikeTheLiar nice find
Update the version of VS on your VM?
@Default I had to click on the top Google result and then click on another link like some sort of depraved savage
@MikeTheLiar sick moves
thanks for findind. let me check

i haved checked it already, still not found.
anyways thanks all for yours input.
I bloody love stenciljs.com
@Squiggle It love that it absolutely doesn't say what it is.
I bloody love that the "learn more" button takes you to a page that doesn't do anything.
It's a framework similar to ReactJS, but it compiles to vanilla web components.
You never struck me as particularly vanilla
I pass as vanilla in public, which is exactly what StencilJS does.

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