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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

yet another try does someone know how to make custom error pages on wcf rest services?
I haven't been able to get an answer today either. Slow day I guess ^^
@rekire can't you do that in IIS?
@developer your problem is that you didn't ask a question. What? you want us to ASSURE you that we're gonna solve the problem?
Again, just ask your questions people
i'm just wondering what the best way to insert a new record into the database is. I'm using TryUpdateModel to update records using a FormCollection, I'd like to do the same but have a new record be added.
Yeah but what is TryUpdateModel
Is it some shitty framework-method?
do we have to guess the framework
Oh sorry, its in asp.net MVC2
Anybody, Cant we block url access[or destroy packets] using c#??
@developer to answer your question why nh is not good -> stackoverflow.com/search?q=user:270531+[nhibernate-projections]
@DavidDV hahahahahaha
@Duk ah ok, sorry but I never used MVC2
Well thanks anyways
I asked on that chat as well but its just dead XD
not Duk im sorry, but rekire*
@gdube that example does not work there is too much code missing
I'm working with this examples since hours
I just had a 10 hour energy and a 20 oz can of red bull
it's coding time, baby
@Baboon my service is self hosted without iis
No answer to me??
what do you mean by "destroy packets"?
@ErBnAcharya maybe i missed some parts but I don't get your problem
you can refuse a socket connection or drop it at any time
but you can't "refuse packets"
well you can let it sit and just not read them
@Hans I mean . When the packet tries to be sent by using my computer then destroy it.. like by accessing some website [dont display]
@Hans well a firewall could refuse a package...
@rekire yaa like a firewall
mmm kk
@ErBnAcharya use a firewall :)
Lol.. I have to create a firewall for a project..
i'm sure there are some api to add rules to the windows firewall
okay guys
I need some ideas for "easter eggs" to leave in my code
@rekire then i don't know
well me too
I am developing software to be used by other developers and I wanna troll them
about the windows firewall this page (msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/…) on the msdn maybe helpful
do a splash screen that never opens until you click it
call your exceptions "up". Then you can do
throw up;
isn't there a function in c# called coffeebreak of something like in C++ ?
coffee break is java...
`call your exceptions "em". Then you can do`
`catch (em All)`
How can we relate c++ functions with c#??
rekire are you still on that trying to find an answer?
@Baboon Or throw fit;
Hey guys
IM at Scotty.hi talk today, on my phone.
hi kyle
Thought you might like to know
Azure.com has free asp.net hosting available
10 free websites.
Also chat on phone rocks.
well i'll put this here for rekire, maybe that'd be a solution: robbagby.com/rest/effective-error-handling-with-wcf-rest
ok is it possible to sum negative values in projection queries
.Add(Projections.Sum("Ab.Gross"), "GrossCash"));
in my above query, Ab.Gross is negative in database
the above query doesnt work for me so I wasnt sure it it didnt work because of the negative value in the database
I have a question about c# and asp. If I dynamically create a HTML img tag, is it possible to set the src of the image as a handler call? Will the src call the handler ?
I want to post a photo from my phone. This chat needs mobile photo upload.
Anyone? :(
@KyleTrauberman m.imgur.com
oh i guess they don't have a mobile site at m
That works.
Is it possible to a dynamic <img> tag to call a IHttpHandler ?
Yes, it is.
Unfortunately, I'm on my phone, so I can't help you more that that right now.
Well, that's enough. It actually helped me. Now I know I'm screwing up on the handler side instead of the client side.
Glad I could help.
The new azure dashboard is really nice.
wait wait wait wait
where is the start button?
How great.. I hate this kind of error.
At first I was doing :
strImagem = "~/Imagem/Imagem.ashx?id=" + Base64.decode(arrPost[4]);
And it wasnt working
strImagem = "Imagem/Imagem.ashx?id=" + Base64.decode(arrPost[4]);
Now I'm doing
And it is working
It's windows 8.
On the keyboard.
what do you devs think about win8?
I have a feeling it's going to be the next vista.
well vista was good imho win7 is for me vista in the second edition but windows 8 is only great for tablets. while i personally prefer android...
hey @KyleTrauberman what's up with the first pic?
what's the actual app that's being shown?
What about it?
Azure. This was during the break.
what's the program that we see?
is that the control panel?
I see storage/networks
Yes. Chinook panel.
Azure has BMW, sons, SQL, websites, services, caches,
IsaAc by definition.
Damn auto correct.
Azure supports Linux, php
What's BMW?
is azure PaaS?
Yes. And IaaS.
and I can IWA into it?
What's iwa
integrated windows authentication
Yeah, you can join the.vms to your domain, use your existing AS server for author.
ahh they're making a sql azure
hai peoples.
hi spencer
Hows errboday?
Good movie.
In general, I'd like to think I am pretty patient with learning new technologies - but setting up an MVC3 App on IIS7 makes me want to end the world.
but MVC3 is so useful!!!
turn on iis 7, set up app pool, win?
in fact if you want to end the world MVC probably has a built in method to do that

install nuget.endOfWorld
why 9?
that's a timeout
if the world does not end due to this method in 9 seconds, it throws an exception
Caught by the avengers. Also part of the mvc3 framework
now i want to make a world class
@SpencerRuport lol
and have it be a mediator pattern for my whole project
"god code" lol
I wanna make a Create(WorldEventsEnum.HalfLife3Release) method
that does a while(true) {Thread.Sleep(50000);}
Whole = new World();
while (fatjoke(GabeN))
Only one person remembers watching Aladdin I see.
if (this.HasDollars(1000000)){
if (this.HasDollars(1000000)){
this.Buy(you, new House());
if( Work.Boring.Value > Tired.Tolerance.Value ) Chrome.StartChat();
if (this.HasDollars(1000000)){
    if (this.HasDollars(1000000)){
        this.Buy(you.House, Furniture.Chesterfield||Furniture.Ottoman);
@TravisJ Ugh, no, this whole "Every app pool has its own security account and you can't see it unless you type it in exactly because Microsoft believes in security through obfuscation" crap is nonsense. =)
That is why I use goDaddy. It is easy and I don't have to worry about redundancy insurance, downtime, memory issues, or setting up and managing IIS.
Heh, not an option for me.
Yes but GoDaddy is evil.
And the best place for evil is by my side ;)
hm, I want a windows tablet. I am going to get one when they come out.
HP Slate?
came out a year ago i think
no, the new microsoft tablet. "surface"
it will run a full version of windows 8 they say
not a micro kernel
"micro kernel" == "popcorn" ?
Eh? Eh? =D
I see what you did there
how much do you think it might be?
I will findlaly get myself a tablet :/ if my work doesnt buy me one :)
Good question, I would assume that they will take the same path they took with xbox and undercut the market at a loss. So maybe like $499 for a basic one, and lup to $999 for the fancier one.
Ill take a look at it once its closer to release.. Im interested in finally getting one
Taking over the console industry was a pretty sweet maneuver, and I think they will use the same approach for tablets.
I can pretend to code on the go!
lol nice! I would love to run IIS on a tablet
i still havent tried windows 8 :/ gotta get on that
me either, although I hear good things and I read that it has an instant boot process
from full off
I heard 7ms
don't ask where I heard this, because I don't remember
that would be beautiful.. although I use sleep mode anyways
launche time brb
does someone use .NET Reflector 6?
Nope, although from what I have read it works good enough. I prefer to just write out the fields that aren't part of my view model because it is usually only a few.
I cannot decompile the System.Runtime.Serialization.dll from .net 4.0
every function seems to be empty ahrg i need to know how they did something
What aspect did you want? I know a little about manual reflection.
I just want to know how the DataContractJsonSerializer class returns json instat of xml
for a dirty hack I want to implement XmlObjectSerializer which retuns some html without breaking my fingers to generate a html output
Sorry I am not that familiar with that
Serialization and Json is a weakspot for me.
I have used it once for a short polling live chat implementation once, but I still lack a full understanding.
don't worry
I'm just confused that the reflector stopped working
@rekire: You're decompiling the wrong DLL.
rekire why are you trying to do this?
You want the one in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\, not the one in C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\
@KendallFrey you are right. why are there two editions?
@SpencerRuport I'm trying to build some custom error pages for a selfhosted restful wcf service
I don't really know why, but the Reference Assemblies version is the one your app references, and the other one is the actual implementation.
From the outside, they look the same.
@KendallFrey NICE catch!
I found out the hard way :)
@rekire - An error page for the WCF service itself? Why?
Can someone please help me with this? stackoverflow.com/q/11092878/42024
Should I store reports composed of complex relations ( 5 tables ) in their own table similar to a views implementation in the database, or just compose them dynamically at runtime? Are there any good tradeoffs?
WCF is supposed to be data oriented. Bubbling any errors (save those you don't wish to divulge for security reasons) would be more in line with the way it's supposed to work.
@Kendall did you see my post earlier about free .net hosting from azure? I know we were talking about that the other day.
I'm playing with the idea to serve a basic ui via xml and xsl. I think it is realistic that there can be produced some kind of deathlinks which are called by users so a nice error page would be nice
@SpencerRuport do you know a way switch the Serializer on some conditions? I want to build an android client which should send something like a accept json header which sould get json instat of xml
No, to be honest I hate WCF because there's a lot of stuff that gets hidden from you with no real benefit.
what should be better?
anyone used the native web services API?
the only person I've ever seen write about it ever is Kenny Kerr
nobody else seems to know it
that name i read that somewhere...
he's a windows guru
allways the same guys^^
would like to have a go with it, normally wouldn't be interested in something that just clones functionality available somewhere else
but omfg fast
sorry i don't know
Using the MVC asp.net framework, does anyone know why this inster wont work for me?

var collection = new FormCollection();
collection.Add("user_id", Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString());
collection.Add("download_id", DownloadId);
collection.Add("download_date", DateTime.Now.ToString());

dbcd.AddToCustomer_Downloads(collection); //I get an invalid argument error on this line

can you paste the error
Error 4 The best overloaded method match for 'CustomerPortalMVC.Models.CustomerPortalEntities_Customer_Downloads.AddToCustome‌​r_Downloads(CustomerPortalMVC.Models.Customer_Downloads)' has some invalid arguments C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\CustomerPortalMVC\CustomerPortalMVC\Controllers\DownloadsControlle‌​r.cs 41 13 CustomerPortalMVC
I was using this tutorial: http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/older-versions/movie-database/create-a-movie-database-application-in-15-minutes-with-asp-net-mvc-cs
in the create section
So AddToCustomer is not expecting a FormCollection?
but I created my own collection since I am not using a forward facing form
I believe so, the example looks that way
Can search "Creating New Database Records" to find the section Im basing it off faster
I use the same code with a TryUpdateModel instead of the AddTo and it works fine, but inserting a fresh record is giving me this problem. : (
Well, it seems to me the issue is in your dbcd
what does the addtocustomer method look like
what version of mvc are you using anyway? is that from 2
I'm just using the auto generated Model for that. The .edmx file is created by visual studio based off my database.
Then I call it with
ABELCustomerPortalEntities_Customer_Downloads dbcd = new CustomerPortalEntities_Customer_Downloads();
Yes its from 2
sadly I cannot upgrade to 3 yet due to some other code, I wish we could.
Pretty much the FormCollection is going to have to match the exact type of your entity. So if that isn't the case then you are going to get that error. If it is built in and you have no control over AddToCustomer_Downloads then there is really no alternative. Perhaps you should look into using the EntityFramework so you can have a more generic interaction with the database.
Hmm it should be exactly the same, I'll give it another look though.

Thanks for the help
Is there a WPF/Silverlight expert in the room? I need help with ToggleButton: stackoverflow.com/q/11092878/42024.
throw new System.ExpertException("Expert Not Found");
@Hans you rang?
See? works every time.
IM on my phone, so I can only be of limited help.
@KyleTrauberman no pun intended then?
And I don't know anything about windows phone.
Sorry, I don't implement IBanishable.
and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a concise explanation of object persistance
@KyleTrauberman yeah?
The real expert.
lol bing backgrounds
He's hilarious in person
anyone here familiar with office add-ins and security certificates?
Office Add-ins, yes.
I created an outlook add-in using the template that comes with VS 2005 but now I face the problem of not being able to run the add-in on machines that have "Macro Security for add-ins" enabled.
I would like to create a certificate for the add-in on each machine running the add-in but I am not sure how to associate the add-in to the certificate.
I don't have an option to Sign the ClickOnce manifests because the add-in is installed using a Windows Installer
what can i do?
1 hour later…
hi @PeteOakey
Hi can someone please give me a idea why is this not working correctly: jsfiddle.net/Denonth/NdRx8
Its a google gauge which is loading default valus for the size
And I have put inline style in html to fit correctly
@denonth I'm pretty sure it's because you have 2 float:left's
Now I know why Jon Skeet has so much rep. He answers and everyone goes: JON SKEET! OMG OMG UPVOTE AWESOME ANSWER OMG!
Usually that is because the content he answers with is pure gold.
he literally wrote the book on c#
I never upvote a question or answer just while it was posted from a special person
In all honesty, a 100-rep user with the exact same answer would not get instant upvotes like that.
Q: Simple Threading in C#

user774359I'm working on a few simple applications of threading, but I can't seem to get this to work: class ThreadTest { static Queue<Thread> threadQueue = new Queue<Thread>(); static void Main() { //Create and enqueue threads for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) ...

He answered a question I had that stackoverflow.com/users/29407/darin-dimitrov thought there was no solution to.
To be fair, he did get 5 votes before I posted my answer.
well that yellow dot could be a small eyecacher
@Travis J what do I need to change so its working
@rekire So jealous...
@TravisJ Link?
well I worked hard for my first yellow dot^^
@denonth - Uhm, the canvas thing? I am not sure looks like the element is hidden and expands the page but it isn't obvious until it renders into view with the jQuery slider.
@KendallFrey you sound jelly of the skeet.
what I mean is just that something stupid like badges could manipulate for which person you vote. but is this case it is really ridiculous that you got less upvotes
don't worry Kendall, You will always be the Jon Skeet of this chat
@rekire Well, the 5 extra he got were from hit-and-run upvoters, who ran before my answer showed up.
@TravisJ I've been playing with this for some time and I cant find solution. i think it is refreshed when its showed.. But can't figure it out how to make it my default size. If Jon Skeet was here :)
@AmmarThebadprogrammer Jelly of the Skeet sounds like the name of terrible terrible porn
@KendallFrey but didn't you answer a minute before that other guy?
@Hans - Skeet Jelly |}{| ..... $9.99 [ Add To Cart ]
@rekire No, 1:11 after.
@KendallFrey - Not to stoke the flames, but in that link I sent you I did bounty Jon's answer with 250 rep =/
oh indeet
New favourite sport . . . Skeet shooting! :P
i mixed up the timestamps
lol @ "that other guy"
I cannot remember names^^
he is not a .net class :P
Jon Skeet is who I hope to get answers from if I post c# questions. Not to be biased, but he always knows the really tough answers.
@import System.JonSkeet;
@rekire He is, he's just internal. You need to use reflection to use him.
He is at the base of all .net programs. Somewhere far far into the code is


and that does all the work.
Everything else is just a facade to make you think you did some work
that line must be implemented in System.Object
@TravisJ Actually, that's the public one. There is a private (reflection again) method called AnswerSOQuestion(QuestionID), and that's what he actually uses.
@KendallFrey -

                    dynamic GodCode;
                    PropertyInfo[] pi = GodCode.GetType().GetProperties();
                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in pi)
                        if (p.Name.Contains("JonSkeet"))
                            return ImplementSolution(this) || AnswerSOQuestion(id);
And lo, Jon Skeet did come down from the heavens and he spake, let there be proper usage of lambda expressions, and it was good
hey @KendallFrey I'm trying to use LINQ to get a list of unique value pairs from a list of custom objects
is there a way to GroupBy multiple variables?
ill bet if you asked that jonskeet would show up :P
psshhh google is unhelpful
well this will be a problem for tomorrow
goodnight guys
goodnight @Hans
great i blow up a wcf connection just with a custom attribute without producing any error messages
@Hans lol yep
night all
so everyting works i go to bed too
so nothing works i quit and go home
I am in the middle of making 37 changes from a checklist. If I ran this thing right now bad things would happen
Bad things happening = Job security.
Assuming you know how to fix them.
lets fire it up then! lol
I wish I knew enough to answer questions :(
Just learn it, and then answer.
Go check out the MSDN, fire up an SDK, test your solution, post your findings.
or wherever is a good source for the question
Trying... just bad at it
I hear hopscotch is good this time of year :P
I'm probably bad at that too... doesn't help that I have to write all this TSQL for work and have very little time to mess with MVC (what I'm trying to learn)
@TonyHarmon - This is a cool set of advanced tutorials for mvc3 - asp.net/mvc/tutorials/getting-started-with-ef-using-mvc/…
They are on my list. Right now I'm working through amazon.com/Pro-ASP-NET-MVC-3-Framework/dp/1430234040
Yeah I have that one. I took issue with a couple of their approaches, but overall it is a good book. I really don't use it much anymore though because it doesn't cover topics in depth enough to apply to more advanced situations.
I really like the design approach
Reminds me a lot of the design approaches we took when I was programming on the mainframe
@TonyHarmon - You mean MVC? Yeah it's been around for a while. It just happens to mesh really well with web apps.
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