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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

7 hours later…
Microsoft Marketing at it's finest :)
i get the current error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
guessing u havent made an instance of it then
^^ onepseudo: in what context?
in asp .net code behind page
Yeah, I get that, but what are you trying to do?
he's waving the flags why don't the planes land :(
i've resolved the error
i dont understand the following part
Take a close look at the manager class and you will find that it has a reference variable of type iUserInfo, so, if this reference is provided by a factory method or by any other means, the code of the manager class will be the same regardless what implementation is provided. This approach maximizes flexibilty if some implementations need to be altered during the process of software development, as higher level layers will not be affected at all.
I love the TumbleWeed badge. It's like "You're a loser, here's a badge for you!"
@HansRudel so you're learning to use interfaces?
@Baboon morning bro. Yeah, ive read chapters about them before but from what i remember it seemed to be used mainly to force what type of functionality ur class was to provide as a minimum. Since im only writting code by myself i hadnt bothered using them but im assuming they are important + id like to improve
@Baboon do u use them alot + in what context?
looks like i was wrong.
@Baboon blackwasp.co.uk/Interfaces_3.aspx im assuming it would have been possible to omit the interfaces all together and just pass bubbles into tabby's attack method?
Does anyone can make me clear about the WCF??
can i use dat for building live support to talk with the Customer..
@HansRudel yes I use them often
it's usually to provide a common functionality between classes that don't have much in common
for example: IDisposable
the common denominator between classes that implement it, is they all have something to do when you're done using the object
but it can be a view, a viewmodel, anything really
Public Shared Function sqlCountAjax() As Integer
Dim strConnString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("conString").ConnectionString
Dim strQuery As String = "select Count(*) As number from customers"
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strQuery)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim con As New SqlConnection(strConnString)
Dim records As Integer
Return (records = CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar))
End Function
and then you safe-cast it (using the as keyword) and if it's not null, the interface it implemented, and you call Dispose()
this is the code of a page method i use
and this the javascript which call it
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function validateLink() {
PageMethods.sqlCountAjax(onRequestComplete, onError); // call to yr AJAX function to get sql count

function onRequestComplete(result) {
var sqlCount = result;
if (sqlCount > 5) {
return true;
} else if (sqlCount >= 3 || sqlCount <= 5) {
if (confirm('yr confirmation mesaage here...') == 1) {
return true;
} else {
alert('not allowed to navigate to this page');
return false;
return false;
@Baboon i dont follow ur last post regarding safe-cast.
you have an object as parameter of a method in a higher level of your architecture
yeah ok
and you can do:
IDisposable dispo = myObj as IDisposable
if(dispo != null)
You can avoid a lot of unneeded inheritance when using interfaces
ill take ur word on it. I havent had to use inheritance/interfaces so far. Either because ive screwed up the design of the programs or they werent applicable (hopefully the later)
Well just see OOP and inheritance as a tool that sometimes can be useful
maybe people tell you that OOP is very good
but there is no value in overdoing it
u have a point
What I like is Immutability, static functions, just minimizing state in general
state = bad :p
but always trying to get better
well the best thing to learn, is using it in projects :p
lol and static properties (i got a bollocking for using them already so i had changed that)
well static functions is something else then properties :p
aye, im going to submit what ive done in a couple days once ive got a footing in t-sql. Then see what will be the next project
Yeah sql is something that you just NEED to know
yeah, i had heard its important
talking of which, are u familar with paging?
but I don't use it in winforms
why not?
because there is no reason to load 10.000 records in a form :p
well not in most cases anyways
how do u get around the problem of not returning too much data from the database all at once then?
I just go with setting a limit
what about in
the case where u have to do some computation on the values in c# first before writting them to a file?
haven't had that case yet :s
ahh ok
anyway if you don't set a limit there is alway some manager-type that is going to try to return everything
just so that they can play around in excel
another thing to add to my never ending list of things i need to cover
yeah, that was what i was worried about
making sure someone didnt select a stupid amount of data and it crashed the app
I have such a problem in my latest app
some users need to select an ID
but if the ID is incomplete, i return all the matchs
for example: 123 will return 123 1231 1232 1233...
if you enter just 1
it can return thousands of values
so i capped it in the DB request
ahh ok
max 500 values returned, problem solved
i specifically need all values thats my problem
do you need to display them?
yeah I usually get 501 records -> show 500 and mention that there are extra records
I just tell them to narrow their search
then just show all values, why would you page
is it a 486DX2?
at some point, i will need to display them but atm it will be to just run calcs on the data starting from the earliest date through to the current date
the problem is, no user can take thousands of rows of data
they're not superheroes
they just don't need that much data
managers can tho
they are uber
my point was, use data virtualization
@David, 1 months data = 15mil rows
although it's an advanced topic...
@Baboon thats WPF?
well it's a bit easier in WPF as it's kinda supported
but you can do it anywhere
i suspect it's a lot of work in winforms
advanced for u = mission impossible for me
my other point was: as nobody needs that much data really, show some info on the data
I use a 3rd party library which has a virtual grid in winforms
15 millions rows is bad though
and do the computations without showing the data
if it's 15 million rows, do the computations in DB if possible :p
directly in sprocs that is
that way you don't have to worry about outofmemoryexception
@baboon @David yeah i wasnt planning to show all the 15mill rows, i just need to be able to do a rolling calc. Yeah i was only going to plot some of the data but i was wanting a scroll bar that if it went too far one way, it would upload new data and display that.
@Baboon, some of the calcs will need to be done in c#
that's virtualization in a nutshell
but i have been told to do as much in sql
lol WPF (sounds like some sort of wrestling) here i come :(
you're gonna start WPF?
once ive got a grounding in tsql i guess so
u and kendall have been suggesting it for a while now so..
@Baboon unless u advise against it atm?
you should go for WPF
winforms is dying
maybe start with Expression Blend
that way you don't have to learn WPF syntax right away
and you can focus on understanding MVVM
although in the long run, i recommand doing WPF manually
I never really liked Blend, maybe I should give it another shot ;)
ive got illustrated wpf and wpf unleashed
so im planning to ahve a read through them
never heard of blend before
if reading works for you
I've heard of wpf unleashed
just download VS2012 and use Blend to draw forms
isnt blend built in vs2012?
To a certain extent. but i usually get to a point where i have to start doing problems
well yes the build-in blend
im still using vs2010
well if you know winforms stick with that :p
there is no reason in learning everyhthing at once :p
there is no reason for a young dev to be stuck with winforms
it's in the 10years support from Microsoft plan already
it is officially dying
sounds like im gonna need it within a couple months if everything goes to plan
so it's like silverlight :p
so if you don't wanna do legacy projects... move on to a newer technology :p
all I'm saying
If you want to learn SQL learn SQL, you don't have to learn all the new technologies in 1 project
you can leave WPF for your next project
if it's a small project
you'r current that is
Then again doing WPF in VS 2012/Blend looks also pretty easy enough
then again when you do WinForms it's like very chill
when you do WPF it's like : OMG YOU HAVE TO DO MVVM 8!!8!!
current one is nearly done, i just need to overload a method and get it to write the results to a file. Then incorp paging at some point.
lol i dont have a SCOOBY WHAT IT IS
sorry for caps
caps are allright
just look at VS 2012
"With MVVM, WPF isn’t the Windows Presentation Foundation. It’s the Workaround Proliferation Framework."
Can I increase a bounty that's already been set?
anyone know why this code gives error ?
    string mac = "22AB4270-C5AF-4D3F-9989-00243E3E5B0E1775FD67-950A-434F-957E-00398530FE11";
   // Console.WriteLine(mac.Substring(0, 36));
  //  Console.WriteLine(mac.Substring(36, 60));
    string s1 = mac.Substring(0, 36);
    string s2 = mac.Substring(36, 69);
   // int lengthss = mac.Length;
   // Console.WriteLine(lengthss);

"Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length"
the string IS 72 letters long so not sure why it wont work
because you ask for 69 characters after the 36th character
the chain isn't 105 characters long
it's not startindex/stopindex
it's startindex/length
thanks! makes sense now lol
np ;)
@David lol, that bad hey?
"With MVVM, WPF isn’t the Windows Presentation Foundation. It’s the Workaround Proliferation Framework."
well it's not my article :p
ill have a read
cheers for the link
dammit David, you're such a troll :p
moehahaha :p
MVVM is not a saint, no pattern is perfect. A true good dev knows the limit, where the hack is better than a pattern.
i will keep that in mind. No doubt i will asking u guys more specific questions when i get into it
Hi friends..
alot of that link was above my head.
@KendallFrey hi bro
sup? besides slamming my beloved GUI framework :(
@KendallFrey wasnt me ;)
The name beside it says, um, Hans Rudel.
?? which one?
The workaround proliferation one
Oh, I scrolled up :) @David...
read 2 above and one below
any germans here?
german joke time?
not german but lived there a couple of years... trains run like clockwork :P
This is the cheesiest UI I've ever seen:
Particularly the hourglass. It looks hand drawn, and there is no animation (e.g. falling sand) except discrete frame, random step rotation.
germans have to win on their next match in EK 2012
The rotation jumps say 20deg, then 15, then 45, then...
Totally weird.
@David really? Are they playing bad?
that UI has a dog
@David Another thing I don't understand...
@TonyHarmon no they have to completlely destroy those dutch players
How is a dog holding an unknown object a warning sign?
every UI with a dog is great
Not that one.
that unknown object is your arm that unplugged it
i dont know how to do animations yet so i cant slag/complain
Animations are fun in WPF.
do you make them by hand?
Unfortunately, yes.
me too, it's "fun" to some extent
The extent of no more than about 100 LOC.
I did way worse :p
not so much worse actually. That BlackHolePane is one of the biggest: baboon.eu/post/2012/03/19/Custom-control-the-BlackHolePane.aspx
What in the world is a BlackHolePane???
a control i created
it has two sides
and a togglebutton
if you press the togglebutton, the current side is sucked in by the blackholepane
that then sucks out the other side
I don't believe anyone cared about that article, maybe I should've given a demo vid
O.o UsefulnessFactor = 0?
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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