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hello all
happy Thursday
What's up my coders?!?!!
Ha, I like the chat room message: "If you can convince us Java is a good language, you might want to grab a lottery ticket while you're at it."
I have to say, though, Java has grown on me a bit.
@DrWilysApprentice please leave this channel before you get hurt
you can't really say that to validate a textbox or to make an autocomplete your going to do a postback every tine
that's just silly
:) Well, one thing in particular that I like about Java (and this is actually not specific to Java, as we could do this easily with C#) is that there seems to be much more prevalence (sp?) for using interfaces...giving interface references to other objects for the purposes of achieving callbacks. We generally do this in .NET with events and delegates, but doing this with interfaces feels a bit....elegant, perhaps?
which part is not supported by C#?
I didn't say that it's not supported by C#, but it's just not something that is very conventional, since we choose to use events and delegates for these purposes instead.
I use Subject<T> :s
Although, when doing this in Java, you can create an anonymous implementation of an interface, which is kind of cool. I don't think that is available in C#.
the thing is Java still doesn't have LINQ
@DrWilysApprentice You mean new IMyInterface()? C# does support that, in a very obscure way.
@KendallFrey yes, I think that's what I'm talking about
@David hey sorry for the noob question, but I'm just starting out using C# and what exactly is LINQ? It appears to be super fast database querying that can be used for just about anything.... that correct?
not really it doesn't have to be to a database
It's dirty abomination that happens to be useful
It can be used for querying many things.
@KronoS - @TonyHarmon - THATS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS
And, no, it's not super fast.
Functional / Declaritive Programming > OO Programming
its super easy to read and write and use ,
@KendallFrey Tell him your knock knock joke :)
Not superfast?? Linq??
That was Java, not LINQ. But I guess it might apply.
not really
In my experience, LINQ has a reputation for being a slow solution.
Probably because it is slow compared to handwritten code.
no it's not
If you don't use it right, it will be slow.
then again when you use LINQ you should know what you are doing
well yes, welcome to programming
@ScottSelby I can't quite agree with that. Some of these LINQ are very cryptic to a newer user
Sadly, many people don't
If you don't use it right then don't use it
@KronoS I agree.
well many people equals succes for SO :p
If you dont want to know what deferred execution is, then don't use LINQ
stick with VB6
Then again the pitfalls with LINQ are easy to learn
@KendallFrey it is slow even when you're using it right because all the actions it needs to perform in the background...
The pitfalls that you have in EF and NH and WCF and other huge leaky abstractions, not
@walther Care to explain more about these background operations?
@KendallFrey materialization of the objects, tracking the entity state, managing dbcontext... even programmers from stackoverflow had to develop Dapper and forget about Linq2sql and Linq2EF
@KendallFrey it just CAN'T be fast, handwritten code will always be faster whatever you do
they didn't have to, they just wanted something more lightweight
@walther That is a specific subset of LINQ.
@walther I don't believe that.
@walther LINQ is difftent from Linq2Sql
@walther that's not true, check EmitMapper
maps yours objects together, as fast or faster than when you hand-write the mapping
Wasn't the debate about linq to database started by Kronos?
No there wasn't really a debate
the last part got me doubting
LINQ isn't only a database query tool.
and entity tracking in Linq2Sql or EF has NOTHING to do with LINQ
LINQ to objects is how I use it the most.
with re-linq it can easily be a query tool for just about anything
"I have to say, though, Java has grown on me a bit." Memory leak?
Haha way to go.
@AmmarThebadprogrammer Infection more like it :P
Word catching eh? Ok, have your fun.. Btw I'd love to see the sentence where I said Linq = Linq2Sql.....
@walther "I said Linq = Linq2Sql" :P
> materialization of the objects, tracking the entity state, managing dbcontext...
well there
"I said Linq = Linq2Sql....."
That isn't plain LINQ
nice one :)
anyway I pity teh fool that uses Dapper
Sql in string-format, really? back to the nineties :p
Kendall, who said it is? :D You know that principle DRY, right?
Yes. What does that have to do with anything?
I hate principles, I only want guidelines
Yes, guidelines are perfect for people who haven't finished their schools yet :)
DRY should not be a principle
principles are guidelines really
David, I agree, it should be one's life motto :))
of course you shouldn't apply DRY to every single thing, same goes for every SOLID principle
true true
Baboon, you should apply it to internet trolls though.. ;)
it leads to unreadable code with no real benefit else that satisfying a manager's ego who wants 100% SOLID code
Hey. What's the best/fastest way to send a string from one C# app to another? TCP?
Remoting? I don't know. There are lots of ways.
how do I implement an extension?
A: Swap List<> elements with c# using LINQ

Reed CopseyIf you just want it sorted, I'd use List.Sort(). If you want to swap, there is no built in method to do this. It'd be easy to write an extension method, though: static void Swap<T>(this List<T> list, int index1, int index2) { T temp = list[index1]; list[index1] = list[ind...

mainly that guy
@walther I prefer good trolls, you're just trying to get people to fight by throwing unflexible assessments. You're no better than a journalist.
Baboon, can you provide an example when it's actually fine to repeat your code over and over? :) Can't think of any at the moment... The basic benefit is that if your logic changes, you don't have to refactor tons of code..
@KendallFrey I've been looking at that page, but i'm not sure i understand. I have to create an entirely different class and then import that in to extend it?
Yes, it's me who said "linq isn't only for database query!!", you're right.
Some boilerplate code must be repeated.
@KronoS Yes.
Code duplication is fine for example when you wrote something that someone else wants to use in another project
Maybe a dumb question but is anyone here using Visual Studio 2012?
Also for other things, starting with a generic approach to minimize code duplication can lead to extreme crap afterwards
@KendallFrey ok thanks
There is always some crappy code in a project 100% solid code is not worth it
@ZachReed Isn't Virtual studio 11 still in beta?
There's a 2012 now?
I'm using VS Ult 2012 RC
I'm trying to figure out how to hide inherited styles in the dom explorer, it's so annoying to pull them in all the time.
Visual, Joey, not Virtual
Hi, i am using the following function from codeproject.com/Articles/11939/Evaluate-C-Code-Eval-Function
Where are you Kendall now, when you can feed yourself on the mistake of Joey?
@MMK Good for you! :)
Lol woops
@JoeyMorani Just admit it, wrong chat room, right?! :)) j/k
but this function keep giving me out of memory exception. and keep loading some weird Dlls in Memory, i dont know why any help please to stop them loading..
xD Every chat room I'm in is the wrong one. :P
BTW VS 11 = VS 2012
@MMK Create a SO question and post the relevant code there, someone will gladly help I'm sure.
@JoeyMorani :D Yea, I have that feeling sometimes too...
thanks walther
@JoeyMorani I suppose that writing socket code would be a fast way to transfer a string between two applications running on different machines. If both applications are on the same machine, you could used named pipes, which might be faster than sockets. Additionally, .NET 4 has support for memory-mapped files, which might be faster than named pipes or sockets.
Take that with a grain of salt, though...this isn't my strongest area of knowledge. Also, those approaches might be fast, but they are not necessarily "best". Are you looking for something easy to implement and maintain? A WCF solution would be pretty easy.
Yeah, anything basic enough to send just a string from one machine to another.
I'll have a look at sockets then :)
I'd consider using WCF, unless you really need minimal overhead, or if you're communicating between different platforms (i.e. .NET to Java)
Ah, I didn't know what WCF is. Just googled it.
I'll try that out
Thanks @DrWilysApprentice
If it's only for passing strings I would use something more lightweight
@David what would be a lightweight alternative for something like this? I'm curious myself
It would be good to learn about WCF at least. You can configure it to use a NetTcpBinding, which would be the faster transport mechanism (as opposed to HTTP), though messages will still be base64-encoded SOAP messages (I believe). So yes, there are faster ways to transfer a string. Will you be expanding this in the future, though, to have more complex message structures?
Does the string that you're passing already contain a complex data structure? In that case, you might consider creating a data contract class and passing it instead of having to construct the string on one side and then parse it on the other side.
Well, I want to send a base64 string of an image.
And then show the image client-side.
But need something fast for minimal latency.
You could just do .net remoting, I have a redis server at work so I just use that for pub/sub of strings
Ah...using sockets (not WCF) you could send the raw binary data of the image, rather than base64-encoding it. That will keep the size down, since base64-encoding adds maybe 30% overhead.
Setting up WCF NetTcp is great if you can take your time with it
Getting to know aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll the config settings of wcf
Doing WCF is not trivial
Learning how to configure WCF can be annoying. It's not too bad once you understand what all of the extra crap is that you don't necessarily need (but are in a lot of examples)
Anyone know a good place to find a remote colleague/programmer to develop own projects? :)
you mean where to hire a programmer?
cause you can always try craigslist
I'd say "a partner" would be a better term... Employees can be found everywhere, but I'm not looking for a mindless coding machine...
what's the scope of this project?
manhour wise
Web projects, windows apps... depends on the colleague as well, I'm open to ideas. C# is quite versatile.
well you can always pitch your idea here and see what response you get :)
Well, I was just curious if someone doesn't know a good place for it :) In my country there are several places like that, but it's mainly php-oriented and that's just ridiculous...
if you don't mind my asking, what country might that be?
Need help with the map Kendall or what's funny about it? :)
Well you can always email university cs student groups and see if any college kids wanna help you out
I seem to be the only one that isn't too lazy to check out other people's profiles.
I can assure you you're not the only one ;)
I'm not to lazy, just don't care :P
Hans, that may be a good idea.
kendall is just saying that cause he put a lot of work into his own profile XP
Not that much :P
oh yeah offering "partnership" in a joint "software development venture" sounds suspiciously close to "job" during a recession
Well, I like to share the ideas etc, cause programming can be quite lonely sometimes :)
Especially if everyone around you is using php... :D
+ maintaining larger projects alone is quite... well, how to put it..
everything you ever dreamed of?
Walter, maybe look into open source projects? I am working with my irl friend every sat to make a charity website so we can learn MVC and help people
Lol :D
hey anyone ever experience VS not finding namespace System.Web.Scripts in certain projects
There are questions on SO about it, but they all say it is in 3.0
What is the best way to handle removing the time and the PM/ AM from a string date
e.g. "6/1/2009 1:03:05 AM"
always in that format?
can it be parsed to a DateTime?
I would do .remove ( location, end) but it wouldn't cover all cases
I was trying to do it without parsing I guess
You could do .Split(" ")[0]
alright I will look into split
the best way to do it would be to parse it to a DateTime
Yeah I will do that
I was trying to do it without converting to datetime because I am storing the value of the date in a string. But I guess more refactoring now will be a good idea
.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
@ScottSelby You need to add a reference for System.Web.Extensions.dll
@lkaradashkov needs to be a DateTime first for that to work.
@JoeyMorani thanks
or .... I think it's frowned upon to say thanks?
@Kyle yes, correct, it was an extension to your answer ;)
gotcha :)
.ToShortDateString() works as well, if you just want the default format for your culture
(y) nice one!
Does anyone know a good tutorial for sockets? Can't get it to work...
@lkaradashkov yeah I will do that after I do my string -> datetime ->string conversion :D
Cool, thanks.
@ScottSelby Did you add System.Web as a reference in your project? That bites me from time to time.
wow .. just wow
This app is an "MP3 downloader"
I was gonna install it and I looked at the permissions needed
for some reason VS just couldn't find web.scripts.serialization
location, browser history and bookmarks, phone calls, SD card
The exact same come - including all the namespaces at the top wouldn't work in a project that was from VS2011 , the 4.5 project was set at target 4.0 , but I think there is a bug
Um, there is no VS 2011 :)
(well technically there exists the "LightSwitch" edition ;] microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/lightswitch)
@lkaradashkov lol what is dd MMM yyyy. Why 3 Ms :P
Jan Feb Mar ...
dd MMM yyyy -> 07 Jun 2012
@AmmarThebadprogrammer 07 Jun 2012
oh .. "hides in shame"
(i thought u were just testing me/us ;)
thanks again then :)
yeah for a second I thought you typo'd it
(btw - as @KyleTrauberman suggested ".ToShortDateString() works as well, if you just want the default format for your culture")
The Type or Namespace Script does not exist in the namespace System.Web
what the hell
I added System.Web.Extensions as a reference
A deep chortle stabbed into Scott's mind. The VS demanded, "Show me your anger."
can anyone help me?
Where is the error?
A using?
the little red squigly things under Scripts
in the using
paste the whole line here
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
Restart VS?
clean project >_>
only in fwk 4 and not in the client profile
Wait, did you forget the daily sacrifice to MS? VS doesn't work without it. :P
@AndreaCi Ah, that sounds likely.
So set the framework target to the full framework.
I set target framework to 4.0
it was 4.5
4.0 Full or 4.0 CP?
is there an option when selecting target framework?
Yes. It's two separate dropdown options.
i dont see it
which one do you have now?
I got it
there was no target framework in the webconfig compilation line , even though it was specified when saving
quick SQL question,

SELECT UniqueColID From CollisionBegin WHERE LocalIncidentNum=@localIncidentNum AND max( [version])
I'm not hearing a question...
that seems to fail, what I am trying to do is return record UniqueColID with LocalIncident equal to the one passed and the record with highest "version"
the AND max fails
I have a working copy of code that returns the highest version number given a local incident but how can I use the max function in this case to return a column with those specified constriants
SELECT TOP 1 UniqueColID From CollisionBegin WHERE LocalIncidentNum = @localIncidentNum ORDER BY [version] DESC
OMG you are aWeSomE!
or SELECT MAX(UniqueColID) ........
I think that second one works, but is less efficient
I dont think that 2nd suggestion works
that second one would return colid that is max
ur right
how uniquecolid is determined is not numerically based
its random
but first one works!
silly me
thanks a ton!
np, man
also, you're in the wrong chatroom yadda yadda yadda (I don't actually care)
(I know :P whoops, actually the thing I am working on is ASP.NET stored procedures etc, the dummy that coded the ASP.NET app hard coded SQL code into the ASP.NET code and created 50+ stored procedures. I am trying to cleanup stored procedures and cut it down to as little as I can.)
out of curiosity, what function can I use to fetch the UniqueColID with 2nd highest version?
select top 2 UniqueColId ... order by [version] DESC

when parsing, the first one is the highest, the 2nd is the 2nd highest hah
omg im sooo stupid.....i wish i could shoot myself :P
(shake) nah don't worry...it's just getting late in the PM ;)
mm stored procs are icky to use
the databases I'm working with are so bulky and complex we just make everything go dynamic all the time
@Hans Careful. @Tony might show up. :)
hahha, I am just a student on coop term trying to get done what I am given....I was initially given 26k lines of ASP.NET (C#) code with no commenting, documentation and 50 stored procedures, 20 tables with 450 columns or so...
@KendallFrey whos tony?
So now thankfully I have some of it cleaned up, just about done my part
also, forgot to mention, all of it is spaghetti code
oh hi @TonyHarmon
call me a man with steel balls or what? :P
hey don't knock spaghetti code
spaghetti code is delicious
Too many carbs
must be why i lost my 6 pack :P
I turned my 6pack into a keg :)
if my solution doesn't reference at least 3 dlls I don't have access to it just means it needs more work
okay guys we need to talk about something serious
I never had a 6 pack :/
which is how to win with code commenting
win? what do u mean?
like if I need to quickly toggle if an entire section of code is commented out or not
If I just delete the first slash in the first comment it becomes
which is commented out
I discovered that trick a while ago. DO NOT USE IT! It's just stupid.
highlight code ctrl+k ctrl+c
That too.
I can't tell you how many times
I've ctrl+k ctrl+c a code block that already has comments in it
which is why there are things that look like
/////// <summary>
then ctrl+k ctrl+u
but that means I end up with code that looks like
It should only remove one set of comments
well if I need to comment out an entire region
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U turns //// into //. It only removes one comment level.
and i have some methods in that region already commented out
Why not ctrl+k ctrl+u then ctrl+k ctrl+c
well if I have a /// xml comment block
Wouldn't that comment out all without the //
then ctrl+k ctrl+u would turn that into a // block
which means if I want to reuse that method
Oh right
I need to go back and add slashes
in eclipse, it parses the lines to make sure they're not already commented
when adding comment layers
I prefer VS's way of keeping double comments.
in C#, how do I get 2 records (1 column) that are retrieved by SQL? something like this?
string[] Records= new string();

while (reader.Read())
Records = reader.ToString().Trim();

Why not use a datatable? Or the EF?
If you can't use EF, getting datatables are a lot easier to deal with.
Entity Framework
Makes things pretty nice.
Q: Entity Framework vs LINQ to SQL

Chris RobertsNow that .NET v3.5 SP1 has been released (along with VS2008 SP1), we now have access to the .NET entity framework. My question is this. When trying to decide between using the Entity Framework and LINQ to SQL as an ORM, what's the difference? The way I understand it, the Entity Framework (when...

Datatable though, you can do this.
DataTable GetDataTable(SqlCommand myCommand, CommandType cmdType = CommandType.StoredProcedure) {
SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr);

myCommand.CommandTimeout = 720;
myCommand.Connection = sqlConnection;
myCommand.CommandType = cmdType;

SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(myCommand);

DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
return dataTable;
Then, you can bind the DT to grids, etc.
But, if you can, learn the entity framework.
thats a big block of code for such a simple task
i will given EF a try just for curiosity
It is, but it's better than using a SQL reader.
I promise.
Because then, you can go
grid.DataSource = dataTable.
That's oldschool though
okay, another thing I could do is take the returned string, use C#'s string search to get each of the records since they are both fixed char length

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