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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

I need some help with the architecture of WCF Service
Managed to finish it
4 hours later…
Good day guys
Good morning fellas
Servus sharperinos!
Hope you all had a great weekend
I'm again broke this week :(
Dude, it's another week til next month!
@RoelvanUden I need some suggestion. I'm applying repository pattern on my newly created application. And I'm not going to show to the user the id. I added another property to the class it's name is uid. So every create, update and delete even in details, no real id will be shown. Is that okay? :)
Sure, that could work. But why are you using a uuid in the first place? Only to hide the id? Why?
@RoelvanUden just to hide the id. In default asp.net, every id is shown in the list, edit etc. so I think in real enterprise application, those sensitive details shouldn't be shown to the user right? :)
How to get offline object from objects , its type starts with System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.
I'm scared attacker might use the real unique id/actual primary key @RoelvanUden
@mark333...333...333 You presume incorrectly. Showing the id is not a big deal so long as you check permissions. It would be bad if you allowed me to guess an id and access content that belongs to another user. But using a uuid is NOT a solution for that, it merely makes it harder to guess.
Permission checking is what's important :-)
so we cannot markswebsite.com?q='SELECT+*+FROM+users+WHERE+id%61123
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
Ohh I understand. I guess I need to remove this kind of implementation. :) I need to go back to the default id instead. :) @RoelvanUden
@Metallkiller crud your servus!
crud you too @Nerdintraining <3
You know, you actually get a desktop notification with the text each time somebody edits a comment mentioning you :)
And by the way @RoelvanUden I've also notice, in asp.net core 2.0, there's no method for disposing. Do I need to create or just leave it by default? Because in the previous asp.net mvc, there's dispose method created below the controller file but now in asp.net core, there's nothing.
@Metallkiller i know, spam was intentional.
Spamemd it so only you would see it/hear it / be annoyed <3
@mark333...333...333 A controller didn't need to dispose unless it used a resource that needed to be disposed. The same thing should be possible in .net core.
@Nerdintraining You should know by now, it's really hard to annoy me ;P
Although your kid is doing his best XD
Oh so it means, I don't need to add dispose even in my repository file? :) @RoelvanUden
does Cap have any plans to have a text-to-speech feature?
Where would the speech go? AFAIK SO chat doesn't have a voice chat option so...upload and post an audio file?
Isn't Audio API available in JS and Google have some library for the text-to-speech?
When I pass a string to MessageBox.Show, R# suggests I put it in a resource file so I can localize it.
When I pass a string to some Method, it doesn't suggest that.
Is there an Atttribute or something, that can tell an analyser "This methods parameters are front facing" or something like that?
if we could hear some sound when pinging someone, then I think it's quite easy to do that
I think we'd need SO chat to implement that feature. JS has a TTS Library (or probably like 10), but Cap is just another user here. Want users to be able to talk?
No. You're supposed to say "No, of course not, that could potentially be terrible!" now.
yeah. we don't want a VoIP here in chat. just for Cap only
In that case, you gotta go to meta-SO and have hte mimplement a voice chat...maybe for room owners only or osmething.
@Metallkiller don't say anything agains my kid okay?
@Metallkiller "The mimplement" mightier than any normal implement
Hell yeah. Mimplement for SO president.
bash.org/?777977 << good suff
Aswell sick but good :D
byte[] content = File.ReadAllBytes(args[0]);
string text1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(content);
string text2 = File.ReadAllText(args[0], Encoding.UTF8);
bool equals = text1 == text2; // << false
can someone explain this to me?
it seems it has a few leading bytes in text1
@mark333...333...333 I think your DBConnection needs a dispose, so your repository needs one too. Wherever you use the repository, you need to dispose it too.
@Kieran ahoi you dirty seabag
how ya doing?
not too bad
tired but piratey
what is inside the last account folder?
isnt that class and property?
those are not folders lul
oh well
it's unending hierarchy
cyclic references :D
prolly even a this reference
dunno what happened there
Its ok if i post my question link here ?
post your pics first
hi @Proxy
hi ho
would you mind look at this ?
good morning :)
Hey there, I woud like to know if you guys can tell me which is the best, way to read one xml file and add missing lines, i have one xml file with more than 5k lines, but the program that read the filetop had one update and now the old files can't be readed. How can I check one file abd add, the, missing lines?
The past of read is read. Present sounds like lea, but past sounds like lead.
Thank you for the tips sir @RoelvanUden :)
@Mario.C What do you mean "Missing lines"? Missing open or closing tags? I bet there's an app for that.
1 hour ago, by Kieran
@Kieran i was plundering the real life seas for the last two weeks but now im back, so sometimes we can go plunder together the virtual ones
I first read that as AVAST YE SECURITY SEA DOGS and thought wutnow
Cap, learn that
@Metallkiller Command plunder learned
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
He changed his message to look like Cap, :D
oh my goodness
Took me a second then
There is a problem
I need a beverage to wash down my breakfast
yet the beverage i have is scalding hot
guess what dev essentials don't do pluralsight anymore !
and my throat is also scalding hot due to the food
@Kieran and the rum is gone?
Cap, tell him!
@Kieran go to the toilett and drink tapwater
Can you teach Cap multi-word commands? Like "learn that as" instead of just learn?
@Metallkiller Please go and play in the Sandbox
Can you teach cap to accept all regular commands when prefixed with "please, could you "? !!please, could you sandbox
Oh, also, good morning.
is dynamic keyword supported in VS 2013?
It was added in .NET 4.0/C# 4.0, in VS2010.
Morning @AvnerShahar-Kashtan \o
thanks (Y)
Cap lenny
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
Cap, you implemented already?
Damnit Cap
it would be awesome if we could call Cap in various aliases if (message.starsWith(['!!', 'Cap, ', ...])
@mr5 It should be possible to add dynamically, on a per-room basis, based on the github discussion.
or analyze the message if Cap is even needed to respond
holy grammar
@mr5 There's an open issue about that I believe
Also, morning o/
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, it's in the second sticky star on the right -->
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan how?
Cap, tell mr5 echo "Yes"
@Nerdintraining Command yes does not exist. Did you mean: ye (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@Nerdintraining Command "yes" does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
mr5 "Yes"
@Nerdintraining Command mr5 does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@mr5 "Yes"
Finally ^^
please god, have mercy!
@Kieran the discription :
read it, to long to paste here
click on the video and read it's descriptio
@Nerdintraining bump
Anyone here used Azure
@Nerdintraining thats wierd
Its super weird
what azure ?
Anyone used Log4net before? I'm having this issue: stackoverflow.com/questions/46886762/…
@Mathematics I got an azure VM running 24/7. Ask me anything.
Hey everyone
I've been stuck for over 6 hours on some simple data binding on a datagrid
can someone perhaps help me out? I've already opened a question and got a answer but I don't understand how the answer would work
A: c# WPF MvvM application DataGrid not updating to the database

Prateek Shrivastava private void Save(NinjaCRUD obj) { using (var context = new NinjaApp_DatabaseEntities()) { **context.<DBtable>.Add(NinjaCRUD);** context.SaveChanges(); <---- This is where it is wrong. } _ninjas.Ninjas.Add(N...

Is using Task.Run(theMethod) is all what I need to run theMethod in a separate thread?
Usually, yes.
Today I Did Not?
but to stare at my monitor
@Metallkiller Easily missunderstood.
That's good, since I still don't understand the last...like 5 messages.
Porn C#
staying on topic
Which design pattern is good for an inventory application
Plz guid me
Hi s any one aware about this pls do respond
// He said "pls" because it's shorter than "please". I said "no" because it's shorter than "yes".
@Sandeep It's the first comment in my test-projekt-solution, so fuck you have a nice day
I forgot who said that here in chat. But it was posted a while back.
@Nerdintraining wise words!
Hi please help
@mr5 noooooooo you removed the "Cap, " message from the starboard :'(
send nudes help plz
@Sandeep Also, beside MVVM always being a good design pattern, don't immediately start with that. Make a concept first. Think about layer seperation. Think about which actors there will be, and where you can split responsibilities to a different class.
Aswell, not my words read them like have a century ago here^^
Aswell muting sandeep now
When every object in the list is of type myType, then using OfType<myType>() and Cast<myType>() have the same impact, but is there a choice better than other? or no difference?
Now I need to edit the "On the C# starboard" from the github issue :(
@Metallkiller Thanks
@MohamedAhmed never even saw Cast<> bevor, what does it do?
it casts every object in the list to a specific type
Ah nice
Aswell a list should always only contain one type.
yes, it will throw exception if an object doesn't support that type, in this case using OfType will extract objects only supporting this type
.Cast<> or .OfType<> can make an IEnumerable from a kind of list that isn't enumerable. Like a DataRowCollection. Always gotta .Cast<> that shit, so I can foreeach over it :/
Or .OfType...not sure which one I use, but it works.
@Metallkiller Can you please guide me in layer design.
@Sandeep Top layer: View
How do you want the user to see and use your app? From a website? Desktop application? What do you show the user, how do you design it, how many windows or panels? Build a UI. You should definitely speak to the users here to find out what they want, even if tehre already is a concept in place.
@Metallkiller What about business logic and Data access, In our application the business rules are amended in every weeks, so how can we handle such situation this design pattern.
@Sandeep That's exactly the adavntage of layer seperation. You seperate the layers, so you can switch one of the layers without having to change everything else.
The View just shows stuff to the user and takes inputs. What the logic does with these inputs, or where the data comes from and how to process it, isn't the Views responsibility. The View just shows stuff. It doesn't care what data or where it comes from.
Then you have your Data access layer, which knows what your DB looks like and how to access it.
You also have a VewModel, hat connects your model with your view.
Get an MVVM tut from the web to see what it does.
I'm gonna eat something now, brb
@Metallkiller lol go ahead
@Metallkiller Asp.Net core identity for custom groups, users and policies
I am trying to find a premade solution or sample
@Metallkiller don't bother with him
anyone experience with swagger.io?
I have swagger
does that count?
@Kieran Can you input and/or output that swagger?
Kieran.Swagger = Console.ReadLine();
Technically yes @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
@Kieran In that case, congrats! You've got swagger.io! Now go forth and spread REST API metadata to the masses!
I shall spread my swagger rest api metadata everywhere!
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
I just found out there is a company caleld "Ha Thien Galaxy Express"
Their startslides are the best!
Except that one cant really read half of them^^
2nd sliede - top left corner: A textbox with background wich isn't filled with any text.
**How to look amateurish:**
lousy formatting
you have not yet reached the ultimate level of amateurability
I love broken websites of companies
me too
especially if they are big companies.
even the small mistakes
this weekend, I had a moment of true satisfaction
there was an agenda
Ya, the best is, if something gets lost in translation
and a meeting at "11:null0 - 13:30"
@Wietlol oh shit no, not an agenda!
i mean... how the heck can you get a null in there???
Well that looks enlightening^^
the funny thing is... we are dutch
Input box:
"When do you want to go to meeting?!"

Typed input:
and in dutch, 'zero' is 'nul'
In german its "Null"
so maybe he is german?^^
everytime we have to explain the difference between zero and null, we have to explain the difference between nul and null
which is really annoying
like me
Hey, kind of a long shot here, but does anybody knows if you can add application roles to Azure AD B2C ?
@Gimly Get more specific please. As much info as possible. Especially with long shots.
I like the fact that "B2C" is neatly encapsulated inside "AD".
I think you just MS a new slogan
"We handle your B2C from A to D"
B2C: already in A-D
B2C: As easy as A-to-D
@Metallkiller As I understood, when you're using Azure AD, you can set "application roles", roles for your users that will be specific to your application. I'm writing an API using Asp.Net Core and I'd like to add authorization to it. Like limit some calls to users who are "administrators" in my app.
Thing is, I can't seem to find the same feature in B2C applications.
Simple as A-B-C
Easy as 1-2-3
like A, B, just as easy as 1, 2, 3
@Metallkiller yeah, well, that would be false advertising from my experience then
MS' gotta license J5 now
@Gimly Actually I'm neither sure how exactly your setup looks like, nor what distincts azure b2c apps from others XD
Just hoped someone else might know more and gets an idea once you post more information.
@KendallFrey I understand a bit more why you like haskell so much
Oh yeah? How so?
lol I think I've seen this
that seductive Canadian accent :D
overwhelmd by cat pictures
I think the thing I miss most about Haskell is strong type inference
Whats strong type inference, compared to...simply using typed variables?
@Metallkiller For example, Haskell can infer the parameter type(s) of a function based on what operations you do with them.
You can also infer the return type of a function based on how it's used.
@Kieran what the actual fuck xD
Which also allows return-type overloading
That might be great.
Might be chaos too though.
@KendallFrey but what does strong type inference do that haskell doesnt?
or do you mean that you miss type inference because haskell has it and you cannot use haskell?
I miss the type inference features that Haskell has while writing C#
i miss good programmers while writing code
currently fixing a bug because a variable in the session of an asp.net website is being used for everything
sorry, trying to fix a bug
Overused globals or statics can be quite frustrating after a year when nobody knows where it's used and what happens if you use it for something that seems to be its purpose...but maybe there just comes another thread and destroys everything.
I just rolled back a changeset in TFS and made some changes "before" that change...how do I merge it back in?
rollback the rollback?
haskell the rollback!
(\f -> f . f) rollback
Instrucitons unclear, got haskell stuck in changeset
Cya later bitches
He who comes later may go earlier, right?
@Metallkiller the worst thing is, the value is an xml document
and that document contains different kinds of xmls
and every page assumes that it contains the right xml
2 hours later…
Q: Logs do not get saved into Logs table

Euridice01I'm trying to save any logs I received from the application into a log table in my db and so far, nothing gets saved. I'm using Log4net and AdoNetAppender for saving the logs into my table inside SQL Server. This code sits inside a Web API project on the server side of my app. I set up the logs...

No more tumbleweed
The user that is being used for log4net
can it get to the databasE?
the user?
that you use to connect to your db
what do you mean?
Sorry lol
Everything that wants to do something on a DB needs to log in.
yeah it can log in
Well, I'm using a local instance of the sql server db
a copy of the db for now
I used the proper connection string and it should be fine
Which doesn't guarantee that you can log in
why not?
also "should be fine" is definitely the part of your program that doesnt work :P
Test the connection string, make sure it works. No "should-be"s, those dont work very well.
ok I will elaborate, I'm using Dapper to save some info in the db and the info does get saved in the db
the connection string works
as I'm able to save other data
except the logging
ok, thats good.
Does Log4Net know to use that connection string?
Good question!
I think it does but I'm not sure
Like I'm not sure how to test that
Well how do you tell Log4Net which DB to connect to?
Does the connectiontype publickeytoken have to be unique though?
No idea
But also doesn't seem relevant to me right now
ok cool
I tell it to connect here
<connectionString value="data source=DESKTOP-BLAH;Initial Catalog=Database_Name;Trusted_Connection=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
The database name is part of initial catalogue
That's a connection string entry from your app.config
and dataSource is the local copy of the db I have in SSMS
Well, I have that in two places... One in my config under connectionstrings
and the same connectionstring in the <log4net> section
I saw an example that set it up that way and I think that's fine
Ok, guess that part should work then
Is there code somewhere that initializes l4n?
Do you think the connectiontype could trip me up though? stackoverflow.com/questions/13304234/…
Yeah it's in the SO post. I initialize it in global.asax.cs
In the "Main" of my web api proj
ok just changed it to Not sure if that made a difference. I will test it
Nope didn't help
Here's another idea: Just build your own little class, initialize its connection in the beinning, and write your own little log method. It's pretty much just inserting another row into a DB, right?
Honestly, there have been so mny damn problems with log4net, and thats just those that came ot this chat. If I ever need a db-logger, I'll just build the stuff myself.
Wow xkcd sounds like me
Okay, I can look into writing my own class or finding a different logging library to use.
Or find a tutorial and follow step-by-step and try to see where your implementatio ndiffers
So I'm merging a branch into another one. They don't have a common base (at least VS thinks that), but they're mostly the same.
Why does VS show me code blocks in the manual merge tool for me to choose one, but these block are exactly the same in both files?!
Ok I'm off, cya tomorrow!
Cya ya later @Metallkiller. Have a good night
Is .Net Framework 4.7 technically .Net Core?
Er, no? I don't think so
Just checking
random question: how do you feel when checking your bank account balance the week before payday?
But honestly, that's kind of a trick question.
I feel poor when checking my bank account balance regardless of other variables.
Feel like my personal projects are not racking in the money like I thought they would when I was coding them
Let the bodies hit the floor!
@mr5 ^^
I have a question for you,
Why are you online when i go come to work and aswell when i resume work from home ?
like 12h+ later
He is never gone, always in the computer
Maybe mr5 is the real bot?
Not like nyconning where ever he is goen to
@nyanconning where are ye?
not even sure if i typed that name correctly
Does anyone actually use UML?
Yeap ofc.
In school e.g.
Or when presenting stuff
I'm mostly self taught as a programmer, and I find I don't actually know that much about organized software design. I tend to let classes unfold organically as I need them, and I'm wondering if that's really the best way to do it.
ya I have a book of UML, that I do drawings in
Even if you never use UML, does understanding it help you think about code more clearly?
I think so.
Well not really come to think of it.
It just helps allot with the planing phase in my eyes
Aswell with inheritance if you are dealing with a crud language liek lotus script
@Hypersapien + i tought almost evrything about programming myself. i was ahead in school so it was mainly reptition^^
And ofcourse allot trhought eh help of friendly stack overflow (chat) ^^
Anyways seeing oyu guys tommorow bye byes
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

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