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@jcolebrand I am just used to everything working logically in C#. I can't look at an HTML and know what the output is without reloading the page many times. I rather code a recursion over trying to align <div>s anyday
tldr it is hard because I don't enjoy it
@AmmarAhmed I don't honestly know how to respond to that. the box model is so simple.
Anyways, I'm gone. Cheers
everything is simple once you know how to do it. I don't .. yet
and later! have a good weekend
@SPFiredrake so the first block of code could be stored in a .dll? Do/would i ever have to modify that?
It's entirely up to you. It could even be stored in your current assembly.
It's just saying "This is the type that will be used to deserialize this config section, and it's located in THIS assembly".
@SPFiredrake where does it state where its located?
class XmlSerializerSectionHandler : IConfigurationSectionHandler

object Create(object p_oParent, object p_oConfigContext, System.Xml.XmlNode
p_oSection) {
            XPathNavigator oNav =
p_oSection.CreateNavigator ();
            string sTypeName =
            Type oType =
            XmlSerializer oSer = new XmlSerializer(oType);
            XmlNodeReader oReader = new XmlNodeReader(p_oSection);
            object oRetValue =
p_oSection is the configuration node.
You create an XPathNavigator to go through it.
You get the @type first, which is defined by the <MyConfig type="..."> section.
From that type, you get the Type so that you can deserialize the section as a specific type by the XmlSerializer.
@SPFiredrake so p_oSection is something i need to specify myself, ie it will be different for me and u?
No, that was in the config file.
`<section name=”MyConfig” type = ”Dell.Titans.Framework.Configuration.XmlSerializerSectionHandler,
Dell.Titans.Framework”/>` states which section will handle the `MyConfig` node.
@SPFiredrake i feel like im wasting ur time, i obviously need to go learn some more about xml and config before i try this again.
thanks very much for ur help thus far though, il be copying this into a txt file so i can reread it at a later date
So the entire <MyConfig type="...">...</MyConfig> node gets passed to the XmlSerializerSectionHandler object, that calls Create passing in the full node.
So break it down.
First, you specify the <section ...> in the <configSections> node of the config file.
The name attribute just says the section will just have a root by that name.
So the section itself will be called whatever you specify in name.
You also pass it a type, saying you want this specific type to handle the serialization/deserialization of this particular section.
the , tell it where to look
That just means the XmlSerializerSectionHandler object will be the one to call Create on it, passing in the full XmlNode, that has a root called whatever you specified for name.
hey I got LINQ to XML question
The "," just says which assembly the serializer (config handler) resides in.
The config section itself specifies a type that it will actually serialize from/deserialize to.
XElement elm ......... then elm.Descendents("..") will that look through everything in elm , or is descendents just one DOM layer down - meaning I would need .Descendents().Descendents() ?
At this point, it's purely meta-data needed to build the object.
" XmlSerializerSectionHandler object will be the one to call Create on it" ill take ur word on that.
@HansRudel That's because it implements IConfigurationSectionHandler, which is some .NET framework type.
It does some framework magic during runtime.
lol aye ok
@ScottSelby .. selects the parent node.
but what about all the text in the class XmlSerializerSectionHandler, i cant make heads or tails of any of it
That's what gets called.
hence my earlier question, would i ever need to change it
First thing it does is XPathNavigator oNav = p_oSection.CreateNavigator ();, creates a navigator for the XmlNode that was passed in (which is the full <MyConfig>...</MyConfig> node)
Next, it gets the type that you specified in the root node (<MyConfig type="...">)
In XPath speak, "@value" refers to an attribute on a node.
So in this case, it's looking for the attribute type under the root node.
Difference between attributes and elements is that attributes are WITHIN the node itself, elements are between opening/closing nodes.
So as I was saying, it gets the type that you specified, gets the Type from the string so that we can pass it to the XmlSerializer.
That's going to tell the XmlSerializer HOW to serialize/deserialize the object.
serialize goes from object -> XML, deserialize goes the other way (XML -> object)
So we just create a stream (in this case, XmlNodeReader) that we'll give to the XmlSerializer to deserialize.
So it deserializes the XmlNode into an object (in this case, the type that you specified in the config section). And it can now be cast to the type in question.
@SPFiredrake - you mean child , Descendant() I thought is child
@ScottSelby .. is parent.
If you want all descendents (all leaf nodes), then you want //
@SPFiredrake ok give me a couple mins to get my head around this, my head is hurting
@ScottSelby //* will select all child nodes. // is just a navigation directive.
I can never get my grqavatar to work
@SPFiredrake ok, ive copied it into a text file, included ur comments into it and i think i nearly understand it. One thing i dont get is the 3rd code block
Which one?
public class MyConfig { ... }?
im assuming it has to have the same name as the MyConfig part of the xml file
select * from Inscription where datePreInscription > 2012-05-31
otherwise it doesnt know where to create the object?
That's the type that is specified in <MyConfig type="...">
WHY THIS request render under sql server all stored "Inscription"
even if they have to render 2 rows
so that could have a dif name? ie <MyConfig type = "ConsoleTestHarness.Frazer, Console.TestHarness">
@SPFiredrake + how does this whole process start?
@HansRudel .NET Framework magic.
Gotta read up on the IConfigurationSectionHandler
You'd use it in code by calling ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("MyConfig") (where MyConfig is the name of the configSection you specified in the config file)
This is an object, but you cast it to the type you want.
@HansRudel Yes, it can have a different name. In this case, it would be public class Frazer {...}
With the above type, you'd do var config = ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("MyConfig") as TestHarness.Frazer;
@SPFiredrake ahh ok. so i could declare both of these classes in my form1.cs file
If you want.
When you call ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig, it uses the IConfigSectionHandler you specified to give you back an object.
Well, you specified a custom handler, that deserializes to a custom type, so that you have a strongly typed config section.
Do u use this approach much? ie creating a seperate config section
i saw JcoleBrand wasnt so keen on it
@HansRudel I want to. Right now we just have a whole bunch of random sections in our config file, that don't really have a rhyme or reason.
Sent this technique over to my boss (senior dev) to take a look.
If he likes it, I'll throw it in.
Either way, an updated version is available codinghorror.com/blog/2006/08/…
Although, this IS the 1.1 way of doing, I just found out.
That makes it even easier.
@SPFiredrake aye thats the same as this
howd u declare an array with that though
that article is waaaaaay too long for lazy people
@david lmao
@SPFiredrake thats what ive been looking for
thanks, ill have a read
@SPFiredrake lol so the 1.1 way is IConfigurationSectionHandler, the 2.0 way is ConfigurationElement and now there is ConfigurationSection
ConfigurationSection defines the custom section, ConfigurationElement defines the elements within the section
@SPFiredrake have u read this book or is there a better one?
Only books I've ever really delved into were textbooks when I went to college.
Haven't had time to do much reading.
no worries, ill have a search around and see if i can find something good as im assuming it will be useful at some point
@HansRudel What I'm doing for another project is just serializing my configuration objects using a BinaryFormatter, and saving the bytes to a file of my choosing.
@SPFiredrake which is better?
in ur oppinion
I find the BinaryFormatter easier. I just have a POCO that stores all the settings.
This way, you don't have to worry about modifying the config section.
@SPFiredrake howd u modify the binary file? is that done in the same application?
Load the binary file back into memory.
so if i was going to use a similar method, i could create a class with a string array in, populate it. serialize it and save the txt file. then just reference that file in my new app and read the array into a global array n use that for checking against?
read the array into a read-only property in the class constructor
    public static void SerializeSettings(object settingsObject, string fileName)
        using (Stream fileStreamObj = File.Create(fileName))
            BinaryFormatter serializer = new BinaryFormatter();
            serializer.AssemblyFormat = FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple;
            serializer.Serialize(fileStreamObj, settingsObject);
public static object DeserializeSettings(string fileName)
    object returnObj = null;

    if (File.Exists(fileName))
        using (Stream fileStreamObj = File.OpenRead(fileName))
            if (fileStreamObj.Length > 0)
                BinaryFormatter deSerializer = new BinaryFormatter();
                deSerializer.AssemblyFormat = FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple;

                returnObj = new object();
                returnObj = deSerializer.Deserialize(fileStreamObj);
@Hans I Don't have that book but I've been impressed with Apress publishing
@Tony: There's a book you don't own? :O
1 or 2, they're on back order ;P
@TonyHarmon yeah i liked the illustrated c# books.
@KendallFrey lol.
@SPFiredrake Thanks very much indeed!
Simple enough, right?
If you don't want to delete it, then git rid of the File.Delete call.
@SPFiredrake yeah im not familar with the class lib but i can see what ur doing so its cool
aye no worries
one question though, why do u explicitly call close() when ur within using blocks? i havent done that with my code as i was under the impression using disposed of it
or am i mistaken?
@SPFiredrake /is it just good practice to do that?
Someone elses code, being used in production.
ahh ok
ill experiment with it tomorrow and see how i get on. gf is getting pissed so i need to go make dinner lol (sure its suppose to be the other way around ;) )
anyway thank u very much for all ur help today, i really appreciate it!!
did anyone work with razor validation before? it looks like "magic" to me
Everything in a computer is magic
Magic smoke (also called factory smoke or blue smoke) is smoke produced by malfunctioning electronic circuits. The origins of the magic smoke have become a running in-joke that started among electrical engineers and technicians before it was more recently adopted by computer programmers. The actual origin of blue smoke is the black plastic epoxy material that is used to package most common semiconductor devices such as transistors and integrated circuits, which produces a bluish coloured smoke during combustion. Smoke from other components that do not use this epoxy may vary in colour,...
I am following this tutorial. Something got to be missing
im off, catch u dudes later on + hope u all have a good weekend!
have weekend be good
Ammar Ahmed, what should be missing?
I am not sure. It is not working for me so I want to blame it on something/someone
Remember to pass back the model in case of validation errors:
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
return Redirect("/");
hmm I am probably missing that too.
I downloaded a sample project from codeplex. I will learn from it a bit
Its not in the tutorial you mentioned, thats why I wanted to point it out.
So, you downloaded an example that works now?
you also have the MVC music store sample from microsoft
it comes with a 160 page walkthrough
I am following this now
Disclaimer that said I'm not supporting/advising MVC 3 / EF usage :p
I just need to read about it more I guess
I guess "I'm starting to believe some of the newest members think this chat is a "get a response faster than google here"" applies to me now
btw I that attribute-validation
has issues
once you have diffrent validation for diffrent states or complex validation or translations
It's good for simple things though..
But I always want my validation in 1 place
I'd rather use something like this -> fluentvalidation.codeplex.com
Hey, fluentvalidation looks very cool!
Thank you for sharing that link
nothing more amusing then reading the comments on the Internet Explorer blog
so much nerdrage :p
Nothing? Nothing at all?
I Feed on the tears and cries of silverlight-fanboys
"No Silverlight and Java!?! Win 7 please."
My favorite: "what? IE is 258 TIMES slower than Safari when dealing with basic JS functions ?? unbelievable !! And they still are into software business?? Why they hell they havent improved this dumbasss browser over 18 years!"
Yeah but as you read on
"These particular set of tests are written by Ian Hixie, a Google employee,"
But then they start their video with a test written by themselves, that chalkboard
@David I can't use that. but it is really cool
"Look how great our browser is in our specially developed benchmark"
They must've developed a hook to turn off the various Thread.Sleeps
this guy used "daft punk" on his html tutorial. I love it already
Why can't I name SQL row "source" or source_id"
I mean column
I guess it's a reserved word. Use something else.
I really like that word though
Well, SQL does too.
I get events from a few different sources, so I want to keep track of the "SOURCE"
and that SOURCE"S ID
Well, isn't src good enough?
just not the same
I used "api" and "old_id"
not happy about it though for the record...
yo @KendallFrey
go to www.scottselby.net/Music.aspx if you gots a minute , just search any band
let me know how to make that look better
Mm, the transparent box around the search should be a little more opaque. The background is a bit glaring. Not a big deal.
anybody knows how to use NativeMethods
does it have special namespace?
In the results list, there should be more contrast between it and the background, or some other clear edge.
hmmm, I could do another clear edge
That's all I can think of.
@aliboy38: Do you mean WinAPI?
And you don't show bands that are not on tour when typing
oh yea, thanks, right now , autocomplete is just top 1000 artists
@aliboy38: Is this Win32 API?
well if you want a more bland-startup-UI you can use twitter bootstrap :p
i want use it for NativeMethods.SetParent
You need to use P/Invoke. Google will help you find more info.
Anyway for sites I'm more interested in things like this http://coenraets.org/blog/2012/05/single-page-crud-application-with-backbone-js-and-twitter-bootstrap/
and then socket.io + node.js in the back or you could do signalR I guess
Single-Page-Applications FTW
Anyone here familiar with DevExpress?
@Vijay let's see if i can help
@major I expected this to put the chart control on a single page PDF and fit it to the size of the page, but it doesn't. The chart is still bigger than the page... Within the opened PDF I can click "scale to page" and then it's right, but I'd rather not have to do that! :)

PrintableComponentLink link = new PrintableComponentLink(new PrintingSystem());
link.Component = clickedChartControl;

link.PrintingSystem.Document.AutoFitToPagesWidth = 1;
link.PrintingSystem.Document.ScaleFactor = 1;
@Vijay I wish I could help you, but i haven't dealt with something similar to this, i guess if you post question you'll get help.
It's OK... I have their support package and I've already asked them. Since they tend to work bank holidays I should be good to go before I'm back at work ;)
@Vijay good luck in that :)
@major, thanks! :)

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