And if i have more that 1 thing to store, like say 2 DataTables and 1 String and 4 Ints? Will i have to create seperate FlatFiles for each or can i just have one?
i have a list of stored procedures. One of these will return the avg rainfall between a specific time period ie 4.00 to 4.15. But i also want to allow the user to select that he wants the avg rainfall, at the specified time interval (15mins), for 24hrs.
function onSelect(e) { debugger; var tv = $('#HierarchyView').data('tTreeView'); var file = tv.getItemValue(e.item); // Here I am getting the last node name as "Policy", I want to get it as Modules-> Organization -> Policy var nodeElement = e.item; }
not really what im asking for (i obv did a shit job at explaining, sorry.) below is a link to what the form looks like. Note there is a 24hr Results label and a combo box next to it. I only want this to appear for certain stored procedures. Atm i have hard coded in the list. Im assuming this isnt acceptable esp since i will be adding new SProcs to the server
@Baboon funny u mentioned calling methods in properties, i use it to log whenever a property is changed. How would you do that instead?
Logfilepaths = value;
txtStatusLogFilePath.Text = value;
UpdateLog("The status log file has been specified: " + value);
its only a couple ones, the form above has a logger txtbox at the bottom. It just writes in there whats happened so far, ie filt selected, data verified, data uploaded, error occured, view the error log for more info. those are the typical messages
@Baboon so does that mean all the logging would be in a DLL, each time i was going to write to the log, i had an ifstatement before which just checked if the app.config boolean was true or false?
@Baboon, yeah i originally used appSetting to store the connection string as i couldnt get it to work properly. Thats an interesting set up regarding the app.config.
Hmm... How about having a top-level Action<string> LogDelegate delegate that does nothing, then for any pluggable component (DLL) that has a specific attribute, you get the method using reflection and LogDelegate += <method>?
@David that link is pretty cool. @KendallFrey im not storing passwords in plain text, im just using trusted connection atm. @Baboon & @SPFiredrake most of the stuff you guys just mentioned for loggin is a little over my head
yea, it's still just not going to work to get a response in JSON where there could be 1 million entries, each one about 500 characters , that is a string 500 mil characters long, I don't see any other option then XML
i want to set all row of the current cells(Update Inscription set (inscription, validee, affecteeSESR ) of the inscription table to the values (1,1,0) (all the cells have bit as type)
so i do the current query
Update Inscription set (inscription = 1 and validee= 1 and affecteeSESR = 0)
@Baboon @KendallFrey ok im still a little puzzeled over this. Why would i want to store a bool in my app.config file, to later read it and store it in a class level variable, when i could just have a radio button or something similar which the user could click and that would change the class level variable. Im assuming im missing something?
why would u not want the user to do it? Myself and possibly one other person are the only ones who will be using this, but in the event others do, would it not be useful to allow them to turn it on and then send the error log if something unpredictable occurs?
when i dispaly my page in the design view with visual studio it show me the following error" Error Creating Control - contentSession state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration>\<system.web>\<httpModules> section in the application configuration."
even if i have in my web.config the following line
This seems like a simple question but I can't find a good Razor resource that explains how to do this.
I have a simple text box with a value. Let say
<input id="firstname" name="firstname" type="text" value="RE" />
How can I create a textbox like this one in Razor with a default value?
@KendallFrey also i set the default document to index.aspx if i enter the url it redirects correct, no issues then i logged in and refresh application kicks me to index.aspx?
menuPageSession state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration>\<system.web>\<httpModules> section in the application configuration.
@major @major that's not an issue... see i have a UserControl test.XAML, it is being by called in index.aspx via xap file right? and after user logged in it is redirected to home.XAML if i refresh app redirects to index.aspx
@HansRudel Or you can do what other XML serializers do: use XmlIgnore attribute.
That way you have a backing List<string> that's ignored, and a public string property that returns back the delimited string on get, and sets the List<string> by splitting the string.
@jcolebrand I have a SProc which returns the average rainfall in a specified time interval ie 15mins. But it may be useful to return that for 24hrs ie 00:00 - 00:15, 00:15 - 00:30 etc. I want to store a string array of the specific names of these stored procedures in the app.config
@HansRudel why not just call the sprocs: "Rainfall15minute, Rainfall24hour" and concat the parts you need together from the UI? You've not really explained your given problem.
I think you need <add key="sprocs" value="name,name,name,name"> and then
@SPFiredrake ok out of curiosity, where would
public List<string> Values { get; private set; }
public string StringValues
get { return string.Join("|", Values.ToArray()); }
set { Values = value.Split('|').ToList(); }