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I'm back to reality
3 hours later…
I have a problem converting Java HashMap to C# Dictionary to perform value sorting then convert to a List. In Java I can sort with hashmap.entrySet().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(Map.Entry::getValue)).m‌​ap(Map.Entry::getKey).collect(Collectors.toList());. How to do same operation in C# (something like dictionary.OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList();, but I'm not sure)?
@TetsuyaYamamoto I think dictionary.OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList(); would work as long as the type of x.Value implements Comparer<T>
@mr5 That's makes sense with System.ValueType structs & string, should I create a custom comparer class implements IComparer<T> when perform sort with customized class (contains some properties) like Dictionary<string, SampleClass> (i.e. using IComparer<KeyValuePair<string, SampleClass>>)?
@TetsuyaYamamoto yes
@TetsuyaYamamoto but it's SampleClass : IComparer and NOT IComparer<KeyValuePair<string, SampleClass>>
2 hours later…
senpaiii how are you?
I'm okay. Work again, sad. Want to play more with dogs. How be you?
Q: What is a module in .NET?

PushkarWhat exactly is a Module? What is the difference between a module, a class and a function? How can I access a Module in c#.net? UPDATE: I am asking this because- without using code signing, i want to calculate a checksum of the IL code of only some particular functions (at runtime).

Is it namespace?
sad cause its monday... took a break next week because my friend is getting married. @RoelvanUden
good morning
@Proxy Naise. Party hard.
eh, hopefully i will sit at my table and talk with someone :P
The love of your life?
you are my love
hello guys
do I have a question on a table in a report viewer? Should I Optimize a Full Screen Table How Can I Do It?
I have absolutely no idea what you just asked.
What Report Viewer? What's a full screen table? What does optimizing it mean?
then it is a microsoft report rdlc to print the reports
in the rdlc report I added a table
I should make sure that you optimize for a sheet A4
Good day guys :)
It's clearer now, but also clear that I have no clue how to help you. :)
ok thank you @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
anyone has experience with calling rest services?
I want it to use models instead of just xml/json strings
@Wietlol is that related to data serialization?
Afternoon all
@mr5 sort of
in simple terms, I call a rest service, that one returns a big xml
if there's a field for build number (number of times the app to achieve a certain version), how is this suppose to increment with a team using VCS?
however, it is horrible to use the xml as xml
I want to convert it to an object
I have written a model that corresponds to the documentation of what the xml represents
currently, I am trying to manually convert the input model to xml, send that to the web service, and then convert the result xml to the output model
however, that serialization process should be able to be automated
you need data object classes (DTO's) and then serialize your XML or Json to C# class
lovely how people use words and their abbreviation... but they dont match
in the most simple terms
Data Transfer Objects?
they are basically same structure as Json, but usable as C# model in code
JSON to C# online tools can help you to generate C# models from JSON string for example
i have this input model for example
in before, the xml/json variant was just string interpolation
with input data, I dont really mind, but with output data, I really want to use a model
Well, I am using mostly just Dto's and when you read data from body, then if incoming Json (maybe even XML) are matching by structure, then it tries to parse it to your c# model
how do I use those dto's then?
for Json input string
yes, but this is for your own service
that, I am already doing
but this is about calling an external rest service
simply said, doing a HttpWebRequest
it doesn't really matter
@Wietlol who is hosting this rest service ?
if you know, how the data has to be structured, then it's same with your own or external service
@Mathematics a different company
you just make DTO to match the required model
@Taurib i have the dto
but i dont know how to use it
@Wietlol and where are you calling it ? in JS or code behind e.g. C# ?
you need to use HttpClient for that
to make new client to send your requests/posts
@Mathematics simple C#
this is the old way of doing it
@Wietlol ok, can you get json instead of xml by making a call in browser's console using ajax post ?
var response = await request.PostAsJsonAsync("moreRoute", requestDto);
why so?
if you can then you can use this to get a DTO or model or hard coded object etc..
@Mathematics i already have the dto
3rd time
I use HttpClient for making those calls, which includes basic get, post.. methods
@Wietlol what is the problem then ?
so perhaps your solution as well
"The 'await' operator can only be used in a method or lambda marked with the 'async' modifier"
@Mathematics we are calling external rest services like this: paste.ofcode.org/35kE4AmgK9uhan47nWpWqXu
however, I find it stupid to deal with the serialization and reading out the json or xml output from those servers
so, I want to send a dto/model and recieve a dto/model
instead of sending and recieving xml or json or w/e
I wrote the models according to the documentation from the servers
but I have no idea how to use them to make a web request
currently, I am trying to manually do the serialization to xml and json and from xml and json
however, the serializers are ignoring my datacontract and datamember annotations
forgot to add
var resp = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IList<YourDto>>();
i still get issues on the await though
are you using async method?
lunch :D
back in 30
@Wietlol that's the only way to do it, you must have to serialize/de... it, no way you gonna transport DTO's just like that without s/de...
on top of that... you have no control over third party rest service
@Mathematics if the third party adjusts their response, then that is their fault
if they add stuff, things shouldnt break
independent of what method you use to extract the data, the response that is currently in use is not allowed to change
also, I dont have a problem with serializing and deserializing
but I do need a way that I can serialize/deserialize without any ties to where it serializes to
because we use multiple rest services and not all support json and not all support xml
there are ways to get dynamic data from a rest service if you are having problems with them changing schema...
I can't understand what other issue u r having unless u specify
currently, I need to deserialize xml and json to dtos
that is my issue
don't think you have another choice
the issue with the serializers that I have is that they ignore the property aliases
I use the System.Runtime.Serialization DataContract and DataMember annotations
but the serializer is creating the xml using the names of the properties
you must be doing something wrong :P
show complete code
and response u get, maybe create a .net fiddle
i tried but dotnet fiddle refuses to accept annotations
@DennisLiu Unity3d Engine? Sure
1 hour later…
any idea, why this parses as 0 ?
            int? result;
            string hodor = "12345.678";

            int.TryParse(hodor, out int parse);
            result = parse;

Hodor hodor hodor hodor. The, hodor hodor. Hodor?
no, the parse is 0 :)
12345.678 is not an int
that is what roel told you
same goes with double
C# 7 I assume
@mikeTheLiar otherwise, it doesnt compile
so he has to use C#7
            int? result;
            string hodor = "12345.678";

            double.TryParse(hodor, out double parse);
            result = (int)parse;

@Wietlol Thank you for explicitly stating my point
@Taurib that one works right?
The conversion fails
or localization?
So you get the default value of an int
            string hodor = "12345.678";
            int parse;

            var s = int.TryParse(hodor, out parse);
the problem is, that out param becomes 0 :/
@Wietlol Hodor. ;-)
@mikeTheLiar I get false
A: int.TryParse() returns false for "#.##"

Miki Wattsint.TryParse will not try to parse the string and convert it to an integer just in case. You need to use decimal.TryParse for a decimal number string.

@Taurib that works
1 min ago, by mikeTheLiar
The conversion fails
Check your current culture.
I mean, hodor hodor hodor hodor.
it doesn't accept '.' instead it wants ','
I don't get it
@Taurib localization is a bitch
or was it karma?
@Taurib Like I said, culture. The dot or comma is a culture thing.
Double.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value)
Use invariant culture if you must.
See ^^
Hodor. ^_-
I am hodor
iDunno how to do bold text :(
I am sad
With stars.
Apparently that was on Slack.
that is italic
Double stars then.
To the moon!
* Whoopdiedoo *
how do i shot web
I broke it
Mark down is like the worst thing ever
Markdown would suck less if there were fewer flavors of it. As it stands I'm always guessing which version I'm using.
I feel like im a helpless critter trying to survive when I am trying to write a question or answer on SO
What really pisses me off is that the Atlassian suite uses different flavors depending on product
When I loop over an IEnumerable<Anything> via foreach and update a property of Anything, why isn't the property updated when I analyse the list?

It will be updated when I call .ToList() before looping over it.. But why is that so?
Jira uses a different flavor than Bitbucket uses a different flavor from Confluence.
what really pisses me off is that when I ask for an explaination of what markdown features I have on a specific website, the makers just say "It is markdown search it on google dumbass."
im like... leaving
And why will it be updated when I do it like this?
myEnumerable.Select(e => { e.MyProperty = anything; return e; });
an enumerable is simply a stream of data
the data is requested everytime you get an enumerator from it
each enumerator has its own stream of data
with its own objects
if you change the objects of one enumerator, it doesnt change anything of the objects of another
ToList generates a collection of the data
there you can change the values within the source
then, multiple enumerators share the same objects
I find it quite amazing how Microsoft is able to trick us in believing two entirely different things are exactly the same
@Wietlol So when I request data from the enumerable, a temporal copy is made?
not exactly
but what do you think it copies from?
from any enumeration that implements IEnumerable?
I think I need to do more research on that topic xD
lets for example have a function
it looks at a file in your hard disk
and reads out each line
then puts that in an IEnumerable
(using the yield return statements)
then, everytime that you get an enumerator of it, it will read the file over and over and over again
Ah yeah I understand :) thank you
I still find it a bad design to use one interface for 2 behaviors
1, stream data, 2 collection
In what order records saved in SQL table if the PK of type UNIQUEIDENTIFIER?
until You specify ordering, ordering is not certain
in the order of the PK
3 hours later…
hi all
hi all any customer error page gurus here
still trying?
I am
I read some where that my problem is that an error is happening before the error
Hi All so with the customer error pages in mvc are you calling a controller action or are you calling a page in the share view directory?
@007 create a new web project and make error pages work on that
then reconstruct your scenario
I am working in mvc wietlol
not a web project
so it seems that in mvc you have to call a controller that then sends the call to the shared pages
I think the info that I have been reading may have been for web pages and not mvc
I am just trying to clear up if I am supposed to call a error controller or an error cshtml page
Ah... I think I may have found what I was looking for: stackoverflow.com/questions/13905164/…
Is there a way to set null object's value by refelection, it seems only possible by GetProperties on the object and set each value, but since the object is null, it will throw an exception !
@MohamedAhmed null isn't an object, and doesn't have properties.
What about it?
it will create an instance of the object?
well.. OK
Kaitlin Pike on October 02, 2017

Welcome, welcome, welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast #117, recorded Thursday, September 28 in our beautiful SO NYC HQ. That’s a lot of letters.

This episode is brought to you by Oracle. Stack Overflow greatly appreciates Oracle’s support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about everything that Oracle does for open source, java, and developers like you at oracle.com/developers.

This week, we’re visited by Gitlab CEO, and former personal submarine programmer, Sid Sijbrandij. …

hi all, I just published a mvc site and I cannot see any of my stylesheets
i fixed it
...made no sense
ok...so same site different server but it comes up with a 403 forbidden
Because the other server isn't configured to allow access. Next question.
mvc makes no sense if Im honest.. its all voodoo nonsense as far as this cats concerned
glad you were able to fix it
connections strings may be?
@mikeTheLiar Network Service has full permissions
That's irrelevant if IIS isn't set up to allow access.
yeah we had the same problem month back.. turned out it was IIS application folder user issue
or something simular
Anyone know of a good data table, that takes a Json object model?
Hi all
Anyone know ho to tell if an object is of custom type (not predefined types)?
hi mohamed are are you good with custom error pages
Hello, if anyone uses Linux Mint with MonoDevelop IDE, I might need some help down here: stackoverflow.com/questions/46531263/…
@007 No, sorry!
no worries
@MohamedAhmed what do you mean by "predefined types"?
@mikeTheLiar types in the framework
like string, int, Console.. etc
I found that:
anyone ever met with t his problem Viewer Control Object is in a read only state while using reportviewer on an aspx page /

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