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Hi all
so hey guys I asked this a bit earlier
any one here have any experices with custom error pages in mvc
are there any rooms for entity framework questions?
people ask then here
there are some pretty smart folks here that can answer them
I'm goddamn stuck and question might be too big to ask in here
anyone good with entity framework/fluent api willing to help someone whos about to be fired? lol
there is no such thing as too big to ask
what is going on (I am nt good with EF as I am not a programmer but I will try to help)
yves I ask the people in the java room if they could help
I would say go there an ask by they are not the friendleist ?
why in java room?
to new people some times
EF is asp.net right?
@Wietlol Because he doesn't know the difference between the java room and the JS room
but EF is neither Java nor JS
well the guys said he may get sacked
so that argument makes no sense
so there was no one here at the time he asked
Of course there was
But he didn't ask
in the mean time, im stuck with a program that I cannot download
he may have left already
he didnt appear in java or js, so i think he is still waiting
for... something... I suppose
what is super user for really?
compared to stack overflow
@Wietlol rtfm
well he may have found a solution
Error 404, "superuser manual" not found
speaking of 404 are you good with custom error pages?
im good with summoning error pages
we have been looking for a solution 3 days have run out of options
yeah I think we will just let it go... and just tell the users to hit the back button
it works just a well
I will have them add an onscreen messaging on how to deal with it
yea, I'm still hanging in here, while I try to fix my own stuff
I thought no one wanted to help :(
ahh ok
or could help...
the people in this room are nice
they will try to help if they can
its just hard to know when they are in the room as there is no way of know if they are here
well, I'm just trying to entity split 3 "different" entities into one table
We can't answer a question you haven't asked.
when there ois no one chatting
@mikeTheLiar Id need to post a big snippet so you guys could get into it. its not like I want to know how much is 1 + 1
MCVEs are your friend.
I'm asking if someone can help because Id then start a priv convo, share my snippet so we could start
can you save it in each table 3 times
what is MCVE?
!!tell yves mcve
@yves If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
not sure what that is
is pastebin the best place to have a MCVE?
Model Controller View Environment
stuff like that
Ill have to look that up
@YvesHenri dotnetfiddle
Or right in chat.
fiddles are nice because they run :D
but Im not the one with the question so I will bow out of this one good lucks yves.. mike is a smart guy
yea, thanks. Im extremely desperate about this. head will blow up soon
Too desperate to ask for help
Born too late to understand EF, too early to ask a question in SO chat.
here are the entities I want to get EF mapped: pastebin.com/rpBMQXV5
....beans? As in, Java?
> Objective questions are questions that can have multiple answers
huh, TIL
> where each of them should be no bigger than 1 character
V, F, A, B, C etc.
I assume that's 'A', 'B', 'C', ...
@mikeTheLiar He means multiple choice
Inheritance is one of those things that can really trip up EF
basically, this is a custom google forms impl: docs.google.com/forms/u/0
not many entity libraries can handle inheritance
same with serialization
(same reason)
You still haven't, you know, actually asked a question yet.
> what is MCVE?
@mikeTheLiar pay attention
What is the answer to an unasked question?
@Wietlol I answered that one
the question can be "how to map the above entities"
Or at least, I told the bot to answer it.
@YvesHenri do you have an attempt to map these entities that you'd like to share with us?
perhaps thatll be much faster than presenting my problem and getting you to understand
> is pastebin the best place to have a MCVE?
still unanswered
yes, one second
What do you mean by 'how'?
what you want to map them to?
You have code, what else do you need?
@Wietlol buried treasure, obviously.
meh, how do you quote a message? lol
Oh god, explicit mapping. Uhhh...pass
Use the permalink
19 secs ago, by Yves Henri
meh, how do you quote a message? lol
> Or put a > in front of it
Well, it looks like you know how to do it. You have code that appears to do it. So what's the problem?
@TomW its called "fluent api"
haha @TomW get rekt fgt
I think.. lol
here is a question should the webconfiguration file need the full path to an error page?
@007 no
I've got the mission to work with C# and everything is kinda "new" to me
Relative paths are preferred, actually
is that the dot dot or the atilde right?
I am seeing discussion point to the shared view folders other have just the a tilde
i don;t know which one to use sadly
may be microsoft needs to take this technology' and rework-it and release it when is standardized and working
pastebin.com/71Dy3pbw produces a "The entity types 'DiscursiveQuestion' and 'VisualQuestion' cannot share table 'TB_QUESTION' because they are not in the same type hierarchy or do not have a valid one to one foreign key relationship with matching primary keys between them.", because of the ObjectiveQuestionConfig, VisualQuestionConfig and DiscursiveQuestionConfig's Map call. why is this happening?!
^this is a question
Q: Entity Framework Table Splitting: not in the same type hierarchy / do not have a valid one to one foreign key relationship

AndrewI'm using Entity Framework 6 with a Code-First approach, and I want two entities to be put in the same table. What am I doing wrong? [Table("Review")] public class Review { public int Id { get; set; } public PictureInfo PictureInfo { get; set; } public int PictureInfoId { get; set; }...

is it that mvc does not support custom errors?
Q: How to have multiple entities mapped against one table?

StianI'm trying to use two different entities against the same table. The purpose of having two entities is to limit the amount of attributes in one of them, because on one of the edit forms it should only be possible to change a few of the attributes. So in order to avoid having to have the non-ed...

I don;t see in that write up where they are pointing to the shared views
let me close these 35 tabs first
> be me
> be debugging weird exception
> doesn't make sense
> ef can't find row that's in the database
> spend two hours
> realize I changed the wrong parameter in the DAO method
> mfw
does this mean anything to anyone? Server Error in '/' Application.
the '/' part
@mikeTheLiar meanwhile, could you explain the uses of WithRequiredDependent and WithRequiredPrincipal? I struggle really hard to understand all this role thing, dependent and principals in EF-speaking
@007 I'm pretty sure that's the application root
so that means it can find these bloody error pages??? or is there something that needs to be turned on in iis frame works may be?
there are just no details about this thing
any regexpert here ?
@007 the '/' application error is a pretty general error
@Sakthivel ask
What...exactly is that supposed to mean?
I think we may have exceeded what the mvc is capable of
are they replacing special characters ?
so then what's the question?
what are they replacing with empty string ?
as even the microsoft help is no detailed lol
everything except a-zA-Z0-9
Which part of the regex don't you understand?
i dont understand regex at all
Then read a tutorial or something
also... isnt that Java?
lol ikr. I am converting a java service to C#. already brain fucked
i can smell java from a mile away
ah, go hide
Java comes for all of us
not in a bad way really
I am java blind
I understand they want to replace any unknown characters but not sure how the "+" works though
regex is the same, regardless the language its used in
except js, as far as I remember
and Visual Studio find/replace
I need a brief study on regex
guess I'll try this another day. head is really blowing up soon
@YvesHenri regex is different for mostly every language
they all use different regex engines on the background
but the general syntax is the same
why are there two web configuration files in mvc?
only feature wise, one is more powerful than the other
ahh ok
@Wietlol by regex I mean syntax
and by regex, I mean regex
@Wietlol Not for something so bleeding simple
@KendallFrey still different
40 secs ago, by Kendall Frey
@Wietlol Not for something so bleeding simple
Saying so is just confusing at best and deceptive at worst
s/Saying so/Kendall/
@007 he means regex, not MVC config files
@007 each folder can have its own config file
ahh I see thanks
may be I am working with the wrong one
Debug is for Debug, and Release is for Release
also that
ok everyone thanks for the help until next time. Stay safe... and don;t die without saying good bye.
Is it possible that I restrict an extension method working on object from being invoked by lists?
for example, I have this method:
public static void ChargeFrom(this object target, object source){//}
@MohamedAhmed If you want "everything except ..." then you'll need to make an Exception
but I have another dedicted for lists, but they both appear under lists, if one called the object version by mistake it would fire a runtime exception
Why not just have it call the list version if it's called with a list?
you mean do something like: if (obj is IList) //call the list version ?
A better question would be why are you creating an extension method for objects?
sometimes I need to set values of an object to another object type where the property names and types are the same
@KendallFrey I'm stuck in what the type parameter should be for : if (target is ICollection<?>)!
Just target is ICollection, I'd have thought
although really (target is ICollection collection) so you don't need to cast it again
error: Using the generic type 'ICollection<T>' requires 1 type arguments
Well don't use that, use ICollection
it's in a different namespace
I didn't know that, thanks!
just found THE most useful closed question: stackoverflow.com/q/9033/1739000
I wish that question was reopened just so I could downvote this abomination stackoverflow.com/a/699973/1015495
are you seriously using garbage (that is, the non-generic ones) collections
@mikeTheLiar closing doesn't prevent voting
Fine, unlocked then
The point remains that whoever wrote that answer should be hung, drawn, and quartered.
Q: llvm llc command is not recognized

WietlolI am trying to compile the following llvm ir code: define i32 @main() #0 { ret i32 42 } The above code is stored in a file called main.ll Then, I run "llc main.ll" in a command prompt, but I get the error message "'llc' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable progra...

anyone wants to give a try on that question?
imho, its like saying "ok, we stop using C# now"
"but we dont give you anything in return"
in the case everything else fails, you can compile the LLVM yourself
get MSYS2, install g++, CMake, ninja through MSYS2's pacman (pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-{gcc,cmake,ninja}), download LLVM sources, unpack them, create a build directory, cd to that one, issue cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .., and then ninja
@mikeTheLiar just like anyone who uses the ??! nonsense in C
just out of selfish pride
like NOONE has one of those old pipeless terminals anymore, which is why no modern languages have any equivalent workarounds.
@Wietlol compiled LLVM just now that way, llc main.ll seems to work
provides the following output ideone.com/dg6K4f
@milleniumbug can you send those files to me?
im dont like compiling those things myself
@NH. is that because modern languages do not have nulls?
sure I can, it's just you need trust <--- this guy with his executables
in a minute
oh, scratch that, it can also be installed from MSYS2's pacman directly
never heard of pacman
is it a pizza?
hmmm, can't make it work outside of MSYS2 for some reason, weird
anyway, ill take a look at it in about 30 minutes
nope, I can't get it to work after all
ill try to compile it myself
no need to compile apparently:
get MSYS2, install llvm through MSYS2's pacman: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-llvm
@Wietlol, that is slightly different than the null-coercion operator ??
here's some Information about these trigraphs, but basically it is a really archaically geeky way to type certain characters. You can use ??!??! to mean logical or (||).
why would anyone use that?
ancient pre-ASCII history
C++17 removes that feature
good riddance

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