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Real eyes realize real lies. :D
@Wietlol what do you mean "allocated"? Afaik local variables are part of the stack...when a function begins, it increases stack pointer by some amount and uses the space between (old - new stack pointer), and restore stack pointer at end of function. I suppose you could call that allocated. (?)
Err..stack probably grows down, so by "increase", I meant decrease. *
Dim con As String = "DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver;SERVER=" & dbserver & ";UID=root;PWD=c0k3float;DATABASE=SPC_LATHE20152;PORT=3306"
Const ConnectionString = con
why does the con variable became error when stored in a Const Variable?
it says: Constant Expression Required.
What I'm achieving is to have a dynamic choice of db server.
Is that VB
Oh no
oh sorry
at least can you explain the error if i'm not allowed to post vb codes
No idea, since I dont do VB, sorry.
You can't make a constant of a non-constant declaration.
Constants are emitted at compile time, meaning all the run time data is not available. Thus, errors.
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
@Proxy bad shop, shadow is missin gof the black cat
@KamilSolecki vb is like c# in early puberty. Full of akne and ugly like shit but underneeth still the same.
good day guys :)
good morning
guys i am struck in saving data in sql column. please help me
I have string of length '1551688' characters and its not saving my string in Nvarchar(max) column it cuts the string and saves only '43679' characters
cmd.Parameters.Add("@param10", SqlDbType.NVarChar, -1).Value = obj.RequestJson;
hello @ntohl :)
I tried to use the groupby
can someone give me moral support?
(ps, not my code)
Hi all
i would like to create andriod apps , i would like to know from you guys whether is it better to learn andriod studio or xamarin
please guide me
i am dotnet devloper i know c# only
i think you can better write apps in html+css+js
then they can work on all devices
without andriod studio can we create in pure html css or js ??
If you want to take your .net knowledge to create android, ios and uwp app, I'd suggest you use Xamarin @DotNetLover but if you have passion in using javascript and front end web development, you can use hybrid mobile development as suggested by @Wietlol :)
thank you
I personally dislike js
but for application development, I dont think there are much alternatives that work equally as nice on all devices
basically because of how popular html is
if i create using html and js how to host in play store..
and js is intuitively "the scripting language" for html
do we have any third party tools
hosting in play store is step 2
first make an app
then deploy it
dont do them in any other order
How do you add a webpage to an app store
@DotNetLover in xamarin, there's an option there if you want to deploy it either adhoc or directly in google play store. I'm not sure if you use cordova if there's such option in vs. But maybe there is
its not a web page
xamarin is free source..
@DotNetLover yup it is free source
under microsoft
@Wietlol then what is it. ...that was their question.
thank you so much ..
@ABuckau he wants to develop a smartphone application (for android atm)
i kinda am forces to suggest using html/css/js
I'd suggest @DotNetLover download vs 2017 community and include Mobile .Net Development there :) Once you're done installing, you can now proceed in studying the basic of Xamarin Forms (If you are targetting cross platform) Xamarin.Android if you focusing in Android Platform only. Xamarin.iOS if you focusing in ios :) xamarin.com/university\
There's a 30-day free trial there in Xamarin University :)
trial version on community software
+1 for microsoft logic
@Wietlol I understood that. But if using HTML/js, how do you go from that, to an "app" :| pretty basic question..and we've already wasted too much time on it. Nevermind.
hey all
@Wietlol haha honestly, they are aiming the developers to use Azure. Because that's the time they get payments from developers using their community software. If you notice, all of their products can be migrated or connected to Azure :D
Hello @NeilNorris Good day :)
anyone free for a quick question?
@mark333...333...333 i dont use ms software for development any more
i have no reason to use visual studio
nor any reason to try out any other application
apart from that I am going to use C# less and less
Oh I understand why? :)
mostly because of Rider
it has its downsides that it falls behind in special code files
such as entity framework files
which in visual studio have a gui and stuff
but for actual code files and writing c# code, it is much more comfortable
its also much faster than visual studio
i recently had to test something that worked for a co-worker, who used visual studio
so, I had to test on visual studio to see if it was rider that broke it
i will never forget how long I had to wait until vs finished loading symbols
i never used rider, but after using other jetbrains ide-s (phpstorm, android studio) i still think vs is the better one
i have never used php storm before, nor android studio (but I have used IntelliJ a lot)
im not quite sure what vs offers more than jetbrains ides
I have quick question regarding Date Time. can any one help me out ?
whats your question?
Aug 28 at 15:53, by mikeTheLiar
Don't ask if you can ask, it creates an infinite recursive loop. Just ask your question. If someone is around who can help, they will.
I need to get difference between dates for ex. StartDate: 24/02/2010 EndDate: 24/02/2010. I am getting the difference using (EndDate - StartDate).Value.Days
I am so uncertain, 1h 30 min travel time to a job as a consultant. Work hour per day 7H, 1 Hour is paid travel time. Good or bad deal?
but it returns 0 as i am expecting it to return 1. So, currenty i have a work around i.e. i am adding +1 to what ever outcome
@JawandSingh there must be a property or method that returns the days in form of a double
@Froxer depends on the job salary etc
use that and apply a ceil on it
Salary is avarage for a junior in my city
@Wietlol ok, let me try it that way
its my first job at this consultancy
well, will be if I agree to their terms
that one should do the trick
@DotNetLover Deploying web-based applications to the store is done with Cordova. You can easily deploy to Google Play, Windows Store and Apple Store. Choose this if you favor a single, non-native looking, UI with a single code base. Look into Xamarin if you want native look-and-feel, but be prepared to make 3 UIs with a single shared code-behind. It's more effort in that regard, but it may suit your needs better than web-based.
Or, if you need absolute performance, go native. Really, only do this if you're working on AAA-grade games.
how to cast Func<**TheImplementation**, AnyOtherTyp> to Func<**TheInterface**, AnyOtherTyp> ?
bold formatting fail
Func<TheImplementation, AnyOtherType>
Func<TheInterface, AnyOtherType>
Just make a new Func that wraps it.
Func<? extends TheInterface, AnyOtherTyp>
ow wait, shitty generics
in short, you cant
but in some cases, you could introduce a new generic
where T : TheInterface
however, not in all cases, a solution this could be
I'll just leave this here!
@RoelvanUden how does that look like..
can you please lower those boxes?
im looking at it and im like "what the heck is the difference"
"ow wait, at the bottom"
@Tom new Func<Interface, OtherThing>(a => implFunc(a));
@Tom can you give a code example of how it will be used?
@RoelvanUden thx I will try that.
I have a baseclass _CopyableFile_ with a constructor that takes a _Func<IProcessableFile, OtherType>_ and stores it in the property.

_TinifyImage_ derives from _CopyableFile_. _CopyableFile_ implements _IProcessableFile_.

_TinifyImage_ takes an _Func<TinifyImage, OtherType>_ and passes it to the base-constructor of _CopyableFile_. And that doesn't work.
So the hierachy from right to left is TinifyImage <- CopyableFile <- IProcessableFile
well... yea, constructors cannot take generics iirc
a simple example of shitty generics
That's not shitty. Your lack of understanding the way generics work is the problem. It makes absolutely no sense for a constructor to have a generic, after all, it is the function that is called when initializing the class instance. The class can have generics, sure.
i dont think constructors need generics
not in this case at least
however, a function can have a generic type parameter
one that is used in the scope of the function
why cant a constructor have it?
however, in this case, (Func<Impl, Object>) func should derive from (Func<Base, Object>)
Because a constructor is not invoked directly. It's the function that is responsible for initializing a class instance. It sets up the class, so if you want 'generics on your constructor', you add them to your class.
because the parameter of func is an Impl which is a subclass of Base
so, the argument is always an instance of Base as well
so, it should be valid
also, sometimes, you dont want generics in the class scope when you want them on the constructor scope
@Wietlol Contravariance forbids this.
arguably inappropriate use of generics, but still
but why should it forbid it?
The Action and Func delegates are built with contravariance. You can make your own delegates to support covariance if needed.
(I flipped the terminology, sorry, corrected now)
To sum it up: what I'm trying to do is bad?
im still not quite sure how it forbids it
@Tom not really
it could be better
but that depends on your usage of the func
aka, maybe the in parameter must be a class level generic
@Tom No. You're using a built-in Func/Action which forbids you from replacing the exact implementation of a class. If you can, you can use your own delegate type and mark the generic as out (covariance). Then you can replace it with something else. Otherwise, if you can't use your own delegate, wrap it. It'll work.
so "class Base<T> where T : Base"
that could solve the issue
at least in this case
but this is a problem i experience quite a lot
Like so: delegate TR MyFunc<out TV, TR>(TV f)
@Metallkiller np bra
@RoelvanUden jesus xD
@Wietlol What problem? If you're telling the compiler "I want class Banana and not a derivative of Banana" it just does as you've instructed it to. If you don't want that behavior, tell the compiler exactly what it is you want.
@RoelvanUden I am used to java generics
so, I can explicitly say I want exactly this class, I want this class or a superclass or I want this class or a derivative
That's covariant. You can do so too in C#:
class MyClass<out T> {}
Instead of:
class MyClass<T> {}
but that doesnt solve the issue
Why not?
in some cases, you want to switch between covariant and contravariant
for example, take a function that has 2 arguments, (2 IDictionary<K, V>)
you add one dictionary to the other
aka, all values from 1 go into the other
also, K and V are given
I'm still not sure what you're trying to say is a language problem.
they are class level generics
let me paint the picture in java
that is a simple function right?
I can provide a Map<String, Integer> and another Map<String, Integer> and it will add the values from the second to the first
but, I cannot provide a Map<Object, Object> as first argument
in Java, I can solve this by using the wildcard in generics
now, I can provide any superclass of K and any superclass of V
so, for example for String, I can provide String or Object, but also implementing interfaces such as CharSequence
for the values, I want the opposite
I want to provide children of K and V
(even though String and Integer are final classes, so I should probably have thought about a different situation)
that one now can be used in any way that you like that is valid according to the class hierarchy
just as well as you can have object obj = "str"
in C#, you can achieve something relatively similar
Wouldn't you get exactly the same thing if you just used covariance here? :-/
not really true though
the issue here is that I need both contravariance and covariance on Map or IDictionary
@milleniumbug not really the same case, but you are getting close indeed
for the first paste of Java, I now posted the equivalent in C# (ignoring the fact that I named the method the same as its enclosing class)
Please tell me how this is not the same case
now, I cannot provide it an IDictionary<Object, Object> as source, even though any object can be added to it
so, we add generics
in C#, we dont have the wildcard, so we introduce function scope generics
with this, we are able to use subclasses for the values
you can't provide it a IDictionary because I restricted it to a Dictionary. Had this example had IDictionary as the source, you could have
so, Test<Object, Object>'s function can now have IDictionary<string, int> for example as values being added
@milleniumbug still not talking about your fiddle
however, we cannot do the same with the source generics
because we want them to be superclasses of K and V which are class scoped generics
Hello @milleniumbug :)
and the where clause on functions is not allowed to have the constraint on the class scoped generics
@Wietlol Oh I understand. I haven't tried that Rider yet :)
that one throws a compiler error on the 3rd and 4th generic constraints
another downside of this is that you require 4 additional generics
which, in this case can be implicit generics
but in other cases, where another non-implicit generic is added to the function, this messes up the readability of your code
this is why, compile-time, I like java based generics more than C#
even though java based generics get really long really fast
if C# would add a wildcard with super/extends constraint on generics, this would be solved
but i dont think that is possible due to how they are implemented runtime
@RoelvanUden Alright thank you, I will have a look
@milleniumbug your fiddle did not include the class scoped generics
which reduces the issue to just annoyance instead of unprocessable
the IDictionary vs Dictionary part is irrelevant really
Indeed it doesn't. I had assumed that these weren't relevant to the case. My fault.
they arent generics so they use the simple isAssignableFrom constraint
i wrote a language which uses the java based generics (with some additional features) and I wrote out the entire design of how they should be implemented
but I havent created a compiler yet that writes to JVM or CIL
or anything else other than js
which, like Java, removes all generics after compilation
I want to get to making a cil or jvm compiler, but im afraid that I am bound to how classes/generics/polymorphism works in those
and I dont like reading articles that much, especially if I have to read for hours just to find out that I wont be using stuff
For how long have you guys been programming?
too long
1 year at work + 1 year at college
way too long
about 15 hours by now
but i did some minor c in my first and second year
@Wietlol Alltogether, not today :P
today only lasted 12 hours and 8 minutes so far
iDunno how 15 hours fits in there
prolly stackoverflowexception
@Proxy s/c/children
@KamilSolecki relevant: fingering minors
so far I'm in the middle of the "Expert F# 4.0" book by Syme
He looks bloddy gay @Wietlol
Hi Roel van
Few minutes back you told to if we want create AAA Grade Games in andriod we have to use native what do you mean by native is it xamarin visual studio ....
What must have Visual Studio extensions can you recommend?
Just installing "Multiline Search and Replace" :P
Multiline search and replace?
only thing that comes up to my mind is resharper
its the jetbrains precompiler which throws a billion warnings and hints at you
and suggestions
eg you want to replace:
public Test()


public Test() {}
resharper is so expensive :(
I remember when you could buy a lifetime license...
as in replace all "{[\n]*}" with "{}" ?
get Rider
its free
I will have a look
at least for non-commercial use
but thats the same as visual studio
@DotNetLover By native I mean native, Android=Java, iOS=Swift, etc. But honestly, I don't believe you're on a AAA-game team.
@Wietlol ah that extension actually used the find and replace dialog and inserted ((\r\n)|\n|\r) \{((\r\n)|\n|\r) \} in find.
@milleniumbug here's what I have
public ICollection<Element> GetElements(ICollection<Element> elements)
            return elements.Where(x => x.age > 20).GroupBy(x => x.num).Select(y => y.First()).ToList();
Why do you always .ToList() every shitty thing
@Tom VsVim. Best. Ever.
@RoelvanUden Cargo cult
LogAndThrow is sooo Cargo cult
@KendallFrey TIL: Cargo cult is a thing.
@ntohl hi :)
@mark333...333...333 hi
I fixed it now :)
"please implement method taking Collection<Element> as an argument and returning Collection<Element> where all elements are unique by "num" and age>20. In case of ambiguity, put in target collection any of input elements" :)
done a five minute job
Thank you for the hints. And also I have some tasks in sql let me show you. I already answered them. I just want to validate from you if I miss something
We do have 2 tables in a relational database:
∙ Clients (client_id(PK), client_name)
∙ Orders (order_id(PK), client_id, order_sum, order_date)
Please write the following SQL queries:
a- list of clients, which have an order with order_sum > 50
b- clients, whose total sum of orders exceeds 100
my answers: "SELECT Clients.client_name FROM Clients INNER JOIN Orders ON Clients.client_id = Orders.client_id WHERE Orders.order_sum > 50"
"SELECT Clients.client_name FROM Clients INNER JOIN Orders ON Clients.client_id = Orders.client_id GROUP BY Clients.client_name HAVING SUM(Orders.order_sum) > 100"
@ntohl :) would you validate if I missed something? :)
@mark333...333...333 ok
Is it correct? :) They didn't provide any values for tables. So, I wrote my own.
these are good
Thank you so much for the help @ntohl :) I'll pay it forward
@ntohl :D
Have a great day :)
Hey! That's benedict cumberstitch
Yeah @RoelvanUden :) But I'm not sure what film is that :)
what the regex to use to find any text (in visual studio) that matches: txt_Size[anyNumber]_Enter
not working :(
wietlol had assumed the square brackets were part of the input
(because you didn't say otherwise)
Who summoned Madara
inb4 i got flagged
@Kieran As if I require summoning to appear wherever I please.
I meant not to offend you almighty madara
I'm just everywhere, you see
He's like the devil. You may try to summon him, but he can appear anywhere anyway.
Idol @MadaraUchiha wow!
@MadaraUchiha perfect
Oh I see. I was wondering if that was from Sherlock. :) Now it's clear it's from Sherlock series :D
I Love Lotus Script so much!
The documentation is really good!
Just read this doc to a parameter:
Boolean. The method ignores this parameter. Specify either True or False.
Hurra \o/ a parameter that isn't used :D
Raising an issue about "this attribute does not behave as expected" will result in a RTFM and the issue being closed
yay stacktraces
last 3 nodes are useful
other 52 nodes are purely waste of data
You never know.
I have a serializer that serializes to Json
but it throws a stackoverflow exception
Cyclic references?
however, I catch all exceptions
@Wietlol I remember @Kevin and I had issues, when we had to load nuget+M$ modules to have debug info from dll. This kind of "waste data" will point You to the right dll to include debug info from
@RoelvanUden probably
You can't catch StackOverflow exceptions AFAIK.
i wonder
normal stackoverflows would be easy
but this one is the clr
I did put a wrapper over the serializer, but there is a class with a property that clones the object, thus it doesnt have the same reference
I suppose I could check with the equals method
but that would slow it down quite fast
hmm, i guess ill just use Equals
Anyone happen to know of an attribute or some way to make OData ignore a specific property?
That's what I'm looking into now
What is this called in english?
public void Hello() { }
public void Hello(string s) { }
(2 methods same name diffrent signatur)
ohh. If that is the topic. What a thing is called in English which have 2 jack output, and You can manually switch which would be the output. When I search for audio switch, it just gives me splitter results.
@KendallFrey I require your expertise
Does InternalsVisibleTo affect reflection, such as type.GetMethod("Foo") where Foo is internal?
guess not :(
Is there a good way to refactor/clean this up?: stackoverflow.com/questions/46454120/…
Did you mean to post that on Code Review?
I'm in interface-, generics-, delegate, casting-hell right now. Tried 3 different approaches now to fix the problem and the code won't become more clean. When to decide to throw everything away?
Kendall, I will after I confirm the code in the else statement is correct
I don't think it is
in short: Never gona
Fuck having 40 tabs open at once
^ that's your whole life in a nutshell
21 here
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